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posted on February 26, 2003 04:25:10 PM new
I hope you'll all watch him!

posted on February 26, 2003 05:06:35 PM new
Thanks for the update on Maher! He has a book that's relatively new..."When you ride ALONE you ride with bin Laden"

"It's not like you'll find Ayman al-Zawahiri making your change in the Plexiglas booth at the Exxon station. But he may as well be, because you can bet Al Qaeda funds their most ruthless operations with money they get from people who sell their oil to Exxon before Exxon sells it to you."

[ edited by Helenjw on Feb 26, 2003 07:44 PM ]
posted on February 26, 2003 06:17:49 PM new
Bill Maher: They (govt) tell us you need 3 things in case of a terrorist attack; some food, some water and a radio so you can listen to Rush Limbaugh blame it on Bill Clinton. LOL !!!

posted on February 26, 2003 06:48:33 PM new
Bill Maher for President, Michael Moore for VP!!!!

posted on February 26, 2003 09:11:19 PM new
Thanks, KD! I would have missed it if you hadn't posted the announcement. It was a wonderfully funny and intelligent interview.

posted on February 26, 2003 09:32:32 PM new
You're welcome Antiquary!

It's refreshing to listen to people who are able to maintain their sense of logic.

posted on February 26, 2003 10:00:38 PM new
Wasn't it Bill Mahar that said the 9/11 terrorists were brave and that our military is a bunch of cowards?

I was glad to see the whiner get canned.
posted on February 27, 2003 07:03:52 AM new
My fav Bill Maher quote of all time is still from the OJ trial.

"The LAPD is so inept they were unable to frame a guilty man."

posted on February 27, 2003 07:49:14 AM new
Word History: A coward is one who “turns tail.” The word comes from Old French couart, coart, “coward,” and is related to Italian codardo, “coward.” Couart is formed from coe, a northern French dialectal variant of cue, “tail” (from Latin cda), to which the derogatory suffix -ard was added. This suffix appears in bastard, laggard, and sluggard, to name a few. A coward may also be one with his tail between his legs. In heraldry a lion couard, “cowardly lion,” was depicted with his tail between his legs. So a coward may be one with his tail hidden between his legs or one who turns tail and runs like a rabbit, with his tail showing.

I think Mahers point was only that the word coward is not the correct word. The horrible men that flew the planes did not turn tail and run. They went through with their horrible job seemingly without fear. Frankly, I cannot come up with a word for what those disgusting men did that day, but coward does not fit.

I do not remember Maher saying our Military was a bunch of cowards.. This does not even ring a bell.. I do remember him calling Bush "That Bush Kid" and I do remember Maher pointing out some bad things about the government but I don't remember him ever whining.

As for being canned, this was the best thing that could have happened. Disney/ABC is far too PC for an honest and open political forum. Thank God HBO picked him up! Without the fear of losing sponsors and fear of the censors Maher is free to have real discussions. The hour long format will be even better than the 20 minutes we got on ABC. It will allow discussions to get deeper.

People like Maher, Michael Moore and Howard Stern have the balls to stand up and be real. While I only really agree with about half of what any of them say, they say it well and they all provide voices for those of us who feel totally voiceless.

"But that's just my opinion, I may be wrong" (Thanks Dennis Miller!)
posted on February 27, 2003 08:58:08 AM new

Mayer was referring to our military campaigns in which cruise missiles are launced from 2,000 miles away with a push of a button. He wasn't calling our brave soldiers cowards. He was calling our political wimps like George Bush and Powell cowards - the warriors who wage their battles from behind a desk.

A soldier or a terrorist who is willing to die for a cause whether his cause is considered right or not to you or me may be called courageous.

Maher has always supported the military.


posted on February 27, 2003 09:07:39 AM new
He was not refering to our leaders when he compared our military men and women to the 9-11 terrorists.

He complained that it was not the act of cowards to fly the planes into the WTC, but by comparision launching a cruise missle from 2000 miles away required no courage.

posted on February 27, 2003 09:45:40 AM new

He was not refering to our leaders when he compared our military men and women to the 9-11 terrorists.

He was not comparing our military men and women to the 9-ll terrorists.


posted on February 27, 2003 11:27:11 AM new
Well Helen, I saw the show and comparing our military men and woman to the terrorists is exactly what he did.

He said that it took courage to fly the planes into the buildings but it took no courage to push a button from 2000 miles away to lauch a cruise missle at someone.

You can't put lipstick on this pig and try to sell at a jab at our "leaders" or Bush because it clearly was not.

posted on February 27, 2003 11:59:08 AM new
reamond you are wrong.

Bill marvelled at the balls it would take to fly a plane into a building.

He never claimed the terrorists were heroes. He never said US forces were not. He did share that it was easier to press a button from 200 miles away, but that was not a slam.

He said something that I think 99.9 people would agree on, that to fly a #*!@ airplane into a building while stone cold sober takes a lot of balls!

Misguided or not I can't imagine myself believing enough in any cause to do that.

And for some of you hypocritical self-righteous zealots I don't think any of you would have the balls to do so for any cause either.

And for this the man was witchunted off of television.

No matter that he was a shining beacon against countries that would never allow open conversation and debate.

Can you see Iraq, Iran, Russia, China, and so many countries allowing a show like Bill's?


What ABC and nincompoops like some of you did was twist a very innocent remark into something that shat all over the flag and what the USA is meant to stand for.

Freedom of Speech. Freedom of thought.

I saw his show when it started on Comedy Central. Where else could you see Charlton Heston argue Gun Control with Scott Thompson?

Think about that one.

posted on February 27, 2003 12:02:14 PM new

I saw the show also, Reamond. Your statement is simply your opinion which to me generally means diddly squat.


posted on February 27, 2003 12:13:08 PM new
You guys are as bad as the Clinton "what do you mean by is ?".

What Maher did was a slap in the face of our military. I know it, the rest of the country knows it, the company he used to work for knows it. he even knows it.

He is now a has been for it, as he should be.

Freedom of speech doesn't guarantee a soap box or acceptance of what you say.

posted on February 27, 2003 12:23:54 PM new


In response to guest Dinesh D'Souza's assertion that people who are willing to die in service to their cause, whatever else they may be, are not "cowards," Maher said: "We have been the cowards lobbing cruise missiles from 2,000 miles away. That's cowardly."

I was sitting next to Bill when he said this. And not only did I not object, I wholeheartedly agreed. In fact, in the past, I've made much the same criticism of a foreign policy that obliges our military to fight at great remove from the theater of battle. It was a mistake when we bombed a pharmaceutical factory in the Sudan, and it was a mistake when we killed the very Albanian refugees we were trying to protect with our indiscriminate carpet-bombing of Kosovo.

President Bush, himself, has been making much the same point that Bill Maher did: "It will not look like the air war above Kosovo two years ago, where no ground troops were used and not a single American was lost in combat."

Presumably, if Maher had made those same comments on Sept. 10, nobody would have batted an eyelid. But by uttering the same opinion seven days later, he put the very existence of his show at risk.

posted on February 27, 2003 12:31:05 PM new
So we have quoted- Maher called or military people cowards. It is beyond even a strong inference, it is plain language that our military are cowards.

By inference the terrorists were brave.

They were not brave, not any braver than a mentally person that leaps from a bridge or tall building.

Our military people are not cowards for using weapons that allow them some protection by working at a distance.

Maher was wrong. The statement would not have been said prior to 9-11 because there was no terrorist act to prompt the exchange.

However, Clinton used smart weapons in Kosovo and Maher never said our military was cowardly then.

posted on February 27, 2003 12:48:03 PM new
Mahar - hummmmm..canned for no reason according to some. But according to others, including his advertisers who took the heat, what he said was an insult to our military and our nation....and I agree.

Thanks Dennis Miller! Donahue interviewed him not to long ago....he was hysterical. Had a comic reaction to most every political thing Phil said.

posted on February 27, 2003 12:57:22 PM new
Oh BS lindak

He didn't insult the military or the nation.

But Ari Fleischer did when he said,

"It's a terrible thing to say, and it's unfortunate," Fleischer said. "There are reminders to all Americans that they need to watch what they say, watch what they do, and this is not a time for remarks like that; there never is."


[ edited by Helenjw on Feb 27, 2003 12:58 PM ]
posted on February 27, 2003 02:34:25 PM new
I think it comes down to having to decide whether you really want free speech in America or not.

And if not isn't it a bit hypocritical to act in the way and manor that the US is?

Bill should not have lost his show over his statement. He was not on a family sitcom. He was host of a show called POLITICALLY INCORRECT that was on after 11PM!!

In WWI+ WWII America was in the moral right to wage war.

I think the key is to fight when you have to, but to always be or at least really believe that you are morally in the right. I don't think Bill or anyone has ever suggested that Americans are afraid to fight, especially for what's right.

Even Israel suggested that it was Iran and not Iraq that has supported Terrorism more. That any laying down of the law should be against Iran.

Isn't this more about taking out Iraq to destabalize the Muslim fundamentalist countries and secure some sort of peace in the Middle East, thus allowing the Oil companies to be run in a stable and friendly fashion?

This is all very very scary to watch. In my opinion there is zero room for rhetoric and chest beating anymore.

The times are a changing.

posted on February 27, 2003 02:50:06 PM new
Sure, we'd prefer to take out the enemy from 2,000 miles away. But our military is not afraid to fight up close and personal if it comes down to that. I recommend viewing the movie Blackhawk Down.

posted on February 27, 2003 02:59:07 PM new
And how about our pilots who will fly their planes into night skies lit up with anti-aircraft fire? They have families at home and they have lots to live for. It doesn't get much more courageous than that.

When you're suicidal and you don't have much to live for (like the 9/11 terrorists) it doesn't take much courage to kill yourself and take a few with you.

posted on February 27, 2003 03:04:28 PM new
Reamond, have you been paying attention. Or you just sit there and eat bars of lead all day. All through you boards you spout off unsupported and unitelligent garbage and when presented with irrefutable proof you don't even read it and deny its exsistance when slaps you in the face repeatedly. We all should just put you on ignore and watch the IQ of these boards pop up a 100 points.

One thing I just can't stand is stupid people. I'm outta here.....

I became a Nudist not because of the Sun, Fresh Air and Freedom, but because I got tired of people making fun of the way I dressed
posted on February 27, 2003 03:48:07 PM new
The IQ of the boards just went up 200 points !!!

Free speech does NOT mean anyone has to provide you with a TV show to spout your views nor does it mean that anyone has to agree with your views.

Liberals are going to have to learn that free speech works just as well for the right as the left.

Rush Limbaugh is still on the air because people agree with what he is saying. Bill Maher is off the air because the vast majority of his viewing audience did not agree with what he said.

posted on February 27, 2003 03:49:29 PM new
Chill out mlecher! Reamond's I.Q. is probably higher than yours and mine combined!

posted on February 27, 2003 03:54:12 PM new

It's always somewhat sad to see these chatboard meltdowns and not be able to do anything to help.

posted on February 27, 2003 03:56:17 PM new
Reamond, don't you think people listen to Rush because he says things people "want to hear"? I listen to him for the comic value, just like the old Star Trek episodes.

Bill Maher is ahead of the times, that's why some people don't get his message. Although he might not say the right thing, his heart is in changing the BS in the world. I don't want to hear how corrupt the government is either, but if it's fact, I'd like to know the truth and go from there.

posted on February 27, 2003 04:17:37 PM new
I think people of even common intellegence can grasp what Maher says. Not agreeing is not equivilent to not understanding.

The reason the right is on the rise in the media and elected office is because they are offering better ideas than the left.

The left has grown so lazy, complacent, and detached from working Americans that they are getting trounced in the elections and in major media outlets.

Bill Clinton was to the right of most of the Democratic elected "leaders" and that's why he had two terms. He took many of the rights agenda, moved towards the center and won.

Middle America is also sick and tired of the double standards of the left and its elite.

Actors will tell you not to drive a SUV,but they have multiple homes, travel in jets, and for what- to make movies ? Perhaps to really save energy we should make movies illegal.

They do the same with the "environment". They'll have their private 200 acre retreat, and complain about oil drilling on public lands. Why don't they give up their 200 acre compound and turn it into a nature preserve ?

Then they do it with schools too. The elite left insist that your children go to failing public schools and but their children either go to private schools or elite public schools in elite neighborhoods.

They also protest when a city tries to control or arrest the homeless. But what you don't hear is how fast the left elite will call the police if a bum showed up in their neighborhood.

This does not mean that the right doen't have hypocrits, because they do. But for the time being people are fed up with decades of the liberal kind.

posted on February 27, 2003 04:59:27 PM new
"Rush Limbaugh is still on the air because people agree with what he is saying. Bill Maher is off the air because the vast majority of his viewing audience did not agree with what he said."

Bill Maher is on the air. HBO Fridays. Live.

The people that *itched about PI were not his viewers. They were the same losers that call the FCC on Howard Stern all the time.

Many who protest Stern and Bill Maher have never listened to or viewed a full show. They hear a sound bite and base their opinion on that. They do not look deeper, they just "know" their opinion is right".

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