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posted on February 28, 2003 10:17:58 AM new
Unlike Britain, France and Germany are afraid to stand up to their muslim immigrant population.


posted on February 28, 2003 12:53:22 PM new

"Pupils involved in racist behaviour could face expulsion or even legal action, Mr Ferry warned.

Yes, racisim is unacceptable behavior and should NEVER be tolerated by any society - especially in educational institutions.

And yes, the French DO have a lot of Balls! They have the Balls to stand up to this racism by those of Arab descent as well as any others and they also have the Balls to stand up to America and Bush when they are wrong!

posted on February 28, 2003 01:31:30 PM new

posted on February 28, 2003 02:21:05 PM new
I'm speechless austbounty. I always knew what you were, but you've outdone yourself posting that little piece of hatred. I suppose that's the kind of thing that has meaning in your worthless life even 50+ years after it was written. Disgusting.


posted on February 28, 2003 02:26:52 PM new
Maybe they feel bad for the zeal they showed in rounding up French jews for the Nazis.
posted on February 28, 2003 03:42:44 PM new
austbounty- When it suits your purpose you say that the term "anti-semitic" does not refer exclusively to Jews, but this pseudo-intellectual crap does make that exclusive reference. Does that render it meaningless to you? I didn't think so!
Considering that such a large number of Jews were exterminated by the Nazis, is it contemptible for those remaining to prefer their offspring to mate with other Jews? If it is a situation where one's parent(s) would excommunicate one if they married outside the religion, then that would be wrong.
posted on February 28, 2003 05:06:01 PM new
What the hells the matter with you. I can't believe you posted that crap.

I believe you can dislike anyone you want. But that is pure and straight HATERED. That's the same crap Hitler and his henchmen used to rile the German people.

Austy...You surprised me,
Reverend Colin

posted on February 28, 2003 05:29:51 PM new
You people are being dense. Austbounty only brought up a reminder of historical bigotry. Austbounty never stated that it was or was not her/his position. Considering the topic of this thread, bringing in a historical document might have some relevence -- we're all waiting to hear what that is, however . . .

posted on February 28, 2003 05:52:54 PM new
Borillar- "a reminder of historical bigotry"? You must be kidding! This is obviously another of the posters back-handed anti-semitic rantings. A retort to the French PC stance recently taken.
posted on February 28, 2003 06:31:08 PM new
I suppose you could be right, Borillar. However, in light of the numerous anti-semitic statement austbounty has made here, I highly doubt that he posted that link as a reminder of historical bigotry. More than likely that little "essay" reflects his own sentiments about Jews.

The more things change, the more things stay the same.


posted on February 28, 2003 09:13:29 PM new
I saw hatred last night.
Jewish comedian Ali Gee, supported by the NBC ‘Today’ show.
He interviewed Butros-Butros , with a turban wrapped around his head and asking Butros which people he felt had the most ridiculous accent, while he gave an example of an unnamed language that had a distinct Arabic sound.
Another line was, to the effect of, Iran-Iraq, what’s the difference bomb them all.
Then interviewing a high ranking US official, suggested a woman might be too ‘soft’ to be President, & resist bombing Saddam because she fell in love.
Points at a UN observers chair marked ‘Jordan’ and stated that it was a bit extreme to award an athlete their own seat in the UN.
Asks anti-war supporters, how they would feel if a terrorist nation manufactured and sent ‘tampax’ in an envelope to their loved ones.

Contributing at every opportunity to playing up the negative image of Arabs that exists, rampant, in the US today already. Thanks largely to a media, which is hugely disproportionately dominated by Jews in the higher echelons.
Perpetuating of –ve Muslim and Arab stereotypes is rampant in US media, and has been for years.
THIS is why Americans have grown up with contempt for Arabs, long before Sept 11.
Just as US citizens have grown up with a fear of communists thanks to McCarthy and even a fear of being a commie sympathiser.
And now, as we have seen in another thread, Americans wish to continue bringing up your children without being informed of the ills of war, but feel it fair to advise children against interracial marriage.

To pursue the acquisition of a land after more than 2000 years, is at best extreme.
Judaism is a an ‘exclusive’ religion, only for a ‘chosen’ few.
All others are ‘lesser’ humans.

Now Israelis are doing to Palestinians, exactly what Hitler did to Jews leading up to WW II.
But Hitler was too brash in doing his dirty deed and came undone, Israel has more patience, it’s goals are the same, but it seems they will achieve theirs, with the help of their closest ally, USA.

Clinton had the 2 sides talking at one stage, now look.
Sharon is on a turkey shoot.
And face it America doesn’t even care.

Any statements I have made which ‘may’ be viewed as ‘anti-Semitic’ are left for dead when you look at the number of ant-other-Semites comments rampant here and USA in general.
But no, you don’t see those, do you?

posted on March 1, 2003 07:13:26 AM new
austbounty- You take a comedian's routine as somehow representative of the Jewish religion to supposedly justify your anti-semitism? Your anti-semitic rantings are to be ignored because we here are not responding to other such hate-filled comments? You are a coward for using semantics, others' writings, a comedian's routine and misdirection to justify, while not admitting to, your own bigoted hatred.
posted on March 1, 2003 08:47:04 AM new
Ahhh...so you agree with the premises of that lovely little piece of hate propaganda you linked to. I thought so.
Absolutely disgusting.


posted on March 1, 2003 08:53:52 AM new
I guess without the Crocodile Hunter or Crocodile Dundee Austrailians have very little offer the world... if this is how they see things.

LOL expresing anti-semitism and trying to say it was not diredcted at the Jews... well that myth has been destroyed...

So austbounty, got that white sheet and hood all cleaned?

posted on March 1, 2003 09:13:50 AM new

I'm curious how you can take the postings of one person and conclude that they may be representative of the opinions of an entire nation. How many Australians have you actually interacted with?

The white sheet and hood is an American based symbol. If I were to hear the opinions of someone who wears that white sheet and hood, should I conclude that all Americans might be bigots?

posted on March 1, 2003 12:30:02 PM new
Irene this POS has been posting anti-jewish sentiment the whole time, and now posts a link to an anti-jewish site.

I thought the white sheet and hood was quite natural considering that austbounty seems to know everything that goes on in the US and my government.

No Irene, I don't think all Aussies are bigoted like austbounty...

edited for Stusi...

AIN'T LIFE GRAND... [ edited by Twelvepole on Mar 1, 2003 12:45 PM ]
posted on March 1, 2003 12:42:00 PM new
stockticker/Twelvepole- Let's not get away from the point at hand that austbounty continues to spew hatred and should be banned from AW as per guidelines. His cowardice at dancing around the issue is all the more exasperating. Certainly not all Aussies, Canucks or any one country's citizens are bigoted. Some perhaps more than others, but not all.
posted on March 1, 2003 02:12:05 PM new

If we got rid of everyone who had some disagreement either justified or not against some country, religion or leader, we would have a board of zombies and the topic of discussion would be fluffy cats.


posted on March 1, 2003 03:23:46 PM new
It used to be against the community guidelines to post links or hate propaganda, Helen. I remember numerous instances in the "old days" when some white supremacist or KKK sympathizer would happen across AW and spew their hatred. They were always dispatched with short shrift and their post deleted.

Looks like that stuff is tolerated here now. And it's not simple "disagreement" over politics. It's about disseminating hate.


posted on March 1, 2003 04:36:00 PM new
stusi., I take a comedian's routine as somehow representative of the support by the NBC ‘Today’ show and dominant American Media.

The racist & separatist practises of Israel, are reflected in America.

Many of you here were recently supporting the teaching of the ‘ills’ of interracial marriages to children.
Heaven forbid the gene pool ‘be corrupted’ because or ‘ignorance’.
Poor me, I married a white woman, now my kids are Dalmatians.
Oh No. What have I done to the human gene pool.???

Is tis guy an anti-Semite too.

[ edited by austbounty on Mar 1, 2003 04:40 PM ]
posted on March 1, 2003 04:51:19 PM new
>However, in light of the numerous anti-semitic statement austbounty has made here, I highly doubt that he posted that link as a reminder of historical bigotry.

I think from reading all of that (yes, I followed it, but did not join in) I think that austbounty is trying to tackle anti-Semitic behavior; or, that anyone can get the label so very easily. Just to suggest that Israelis may have perpetrated atrocities to Palestinians has gotten people to come mighty close to labeling ME that way! Clearly, if anyone wishes to plow through this matter, they have a hellva lot of Balls and will have to be very, VERY careful how each and every word is written, lest they get into REAL trouble with B'nigh B'rinith [sp?] or the Simon Wiesenthal Center (remember when KRS tried to tackle this and how HE got turned ito there? What a bunch of sh1t that was!) If anyone wants to tackle this, "If you aren't FOR Israel and Jews, THEN you MUST be anti-Semitic!", then they will have to wear that label and watch what words they use with the care of a crime scene detective. If that is the case, good luck to austbounty!

posted on March 1, 2003 05:21:32 PM new
From austbounty's link, for those fools (like Borillar) who don't know hate propaganda when they see it..

Now what about this hateful diatribe do any of you not see as simple hate propaganda aimed at Jews? It's sickening. Austbounty knows EXACTLY what he's saying.

I'm going out in an hour or so, and will be removing the cut and paste before I go, because I won't be responsible for this disgusting message being posted. However, since I doubt those who defend austbounty, have read the essay, I want them to see the true hate message.

The bolding is mine.
Edited to remove as promised...


[ edited by KatyD on Mar 1, 2003 05:23 PM ]
[ edited by KatyD on Mar 1, 2003 05:26 PM ]
[ edited by KatyD on Mar 1, 2003 06:22 PM ]
posted on March 1, 2003 05:30:59 PM new
Hate speech can't be allowed at AW, not even under the pretext of "historical relevance" or any other such nonsense. This has happened before, and the thread was WOMDed. Sorry, but AW won't be used as a platform for Nazi politics.

posted on March 1, 2003 06:23:53 PM new
Yes, Steve. I totally agree. This place has gone to hell.


posted on March 1, 2003 06:26:49 PM new
While meandering, I see that the quotes as such have no relevant value to the discussion at hand. To suggest that immigrants be absorbed into the local population in order to assimilate themselves might indeed be contrived as being anti-Semitic if the group in question is Jewish. I think that this comment fails to take into recognition just how well the Jewish population has assimilated into American society. Of course, Australia and the United States may speak a common language but be separate in their needs as a society. Certainly there have been many such restrictive societies in the past. Do not many Americans feel that Mexicans ought to learn English? Do not many Americans demand that English be recognized as the official language of the state and that bi-lingual education be abolished in public schools? Of course they do!

Once again, I see it melted down to a question of being labeled. Until you can quote something a bit more offensive than a suggestion that Jews immerse themselves in the local culture which is their new home, I can't agree that austbounty is being a racist in his/her comments.

posted on March 1, 2003 06:31:26 PM new
"Hate speech can't be allowed at AW, not even under the pretext of "historical relevance" or any other such nonsense. This has happened before, and the thread was WOMDed. Sorry, but AW won't be used as a platform for Nazi politics."

I'm not now nor have I ever been a nazi.
I have been to anti nazi-political-group protests in Australia and there weren’t many of us there.
I have criticised antique dealers for dealing in Nazi memorabilia, ironically even one that identified himself as being of Jewish descent.

I am concerned more for current 'issues' than history. ie. I feel sorry for my Australian Muslim BROTHERS because THEY are NOW the persecuted ones.

I remember singing with the whole class in primary school, 'Joseph fought the battle of Jericho', more that once, God knows why they felt it so important to teach us that in Australia.

HATE SPEACES??? are what I hear on neo-Right wing dominated TV every day.
Calling this a war on terror against the axis of evil which is understood by all to mean ‘Muslim Nation’.

People all around us admit to having certain beliefs but won’t express them for fear of being persecuted, and THAT they have stated in GOOD FAITH.

REAMOND/Reamond should be banned from AW for a clear breach of AW policy, ‘dual registration’ by his own recent admission, not me moderator.
posted on February 28, 2003 11:21:59 AM
"We" are the same. Different computers. One ID was cap locked and the other wasn't
I am simply pointing out Hypocrisy.
Perhaps I should get another ID too, to give some strength in numbers.

When war against Muslim States is OFFICIALY declared, rightly or wrongly, then I will shut up.
But until then it is not treason.

posted on March 1, 2003 06:48:57 PM new
Borillar, I really can't believe you are that ignorant...

To defend that POS austbounty just because it is from Austrailia is one poor a$$ excuse...

If someone wants to post from another country, they should at least be intelligent enough to know what is correct and what is not...

Trying to use an expression that is now in the 21st century to mean one thing; to mean the antiquated version is not very intelligent at all.

posted on March 1, 2003 09:48:54 PM new
The implication of the Jewish practice of Racialism is unmistakably Themselves First--Themselves versus the Rest. Once understood, that constitutes a challenge to the Rest of Us which cannot conscientiously be disregarded.

Antisemitism claims validity as a measure of defence, among non-Jews, against a Jewish aggression.

That Answer is militant Antisemitism, the only possible answer to Semitism militant.

You are a nazi and a liar.

I remember singing with the whole class in primary school, 'Joseph fought the battle of Jericho', more that once, God knows why they felt it so important to teach us that in Australia.

Obviously you don't remember it too well. Joseph didn't fight the battle of Jericho. You are an ignorant Jew-baiter. Stop wasting my time.

Borillar, either you are stupid, or you favor genocide. Which is it?

posted on March 1, 2003 10:05:26 PM new
excuse me, if you take out the stephensen part of the url and go to the 'home' page, its not HISTORICAL... its anti semitism stuff from 99, 2000 well, that was only a couple years ago but if you want to call that historical.... ok...


this is getting way too weird

also Reamond wouldn't get kicked off, I believe you can capitilize your name or lower case it, so what? its not dual registration

yep this is way too frikking weird

Art Bell Retired! George Noory is on late night coasttocoastam.com
posted on March 1, 2003 11:14:28 PM new
So far as I know the AW guidelines are the same, it is the enforcement that has changed. FYI- the Mods are still accessible.
Helen- your liberalism now allows the acceptance of racial and religious hatred? You have crossed the line of common sense once again.
austbounty- Yes, a Jew by birth can be anti-semitic or at least anti-Israel. Your continued pointing to other issues and a supposed collective failure here to be sensitive to them is tantamount to a child who hits or verbally attacks another, only to tell their parent or teacher "well the other kids did it too". You are a dangerous ignorant person,why don't you move to the Middle East and fight the Jews?
Borillar- "If you aren't for Israel and Jews then you must be anti-semitic"..... One can certainly be against Israel's political policies and not be anti-semitic. And one certainly need not be pro-Jew to avoid an anti-semitic label. But one who is anti-Jewish based on religious beliefs is indeed an anti-semite. You can't possibly believe that austbounty's only hate-filled post had to do with "Jews immersing themselves in local culture" etc. Have you read ALL his posts?
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