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posted on March 1, 2003 08:27:29 AM new
Well well, seems like some of Saddam's Arab brothers are not so optomistic about a war in the region as Saddam is and is asking for him to step down...

Now that would be a smart move and would prevent war, but will he do it?

[ edited by Twelvepole on Mar 1, 2003 08:30 AM ]
posted on March 1, 2003 09:03:24 AM new
I sure don't see it happening. Saddam is fully convinced that the world and most American's support him staying right where he is.

posted on March 1, 2003 09:13:54 AM new
LindaK, Look on the bright side.The wealthy Saudies are worried,they know whats fixing to happen,they will allow others to die for their beliefs,but not themselves.If the U.S is tied up in conflict with Iraq,Iran,and N.Korea,There will be no one around to protect their lazy butts.They should have stepped in sooner.

posted on March 1, 2003 12:35:05 PM new
Just out of curiosity, what is it that you feel the Saudis and "their lazy asses" should have done early? They have suggested before that Saddam should step down but they are not exactly on friendly terms with him.

The Saudis are in the unique position of being disliked by their fellow Arab nations for their relationship with the United States and have suddenly now become hated by Americans for being an Arab nation and the birthplace of Bin Laden.

I've never understood the Bin Laden link considering that they expelled him and stripped him of citizenship a decade before 9/11 or that although he was born in Saudi, he is actually Yemeni and Jordanian, or most importantly that as well as the fact that accompanied on his main enemy list right beside Americans and Jews is the Saudi Royal Family.

There are extremists in every country but to judge a nation by its most extreme group is a great injustice. Just think what would happen if the whole of theUnited States was based on the actions of the KKK.

posted on March 1, 2003 12:54:19 PM new
asking for him to step down.

Problem is just where is he going to step down to? Who will want this loose cannon living inside their borders? Exile? Will never work as this guy will rather drag down his entire nation with him than ever accept exile. He knows exile will mean his death sooner or later.
In Saddams mind only he is Irag and nothing else will matter! His own survival is the only thing that matters to him.

posted on March 1, 2003 01:17:59 PM new
Trai - I'm not argueing the point. My question is what exactly is it that Junque feels that Saudi Arabia should have done earlier? What should they have gotten off their "lazy butts" and done?

posted on March 1, 2003 01:32:07 PM new
Saudi Arabia? What can they do as they are living on the edge of a cliff.Other states around them do not fully trust them at the best of times.
If they where to do anything it would have to be very slowly and not in the open.

They are walking on eggshells and one slip and the place would tear itself apart via all the ethnic lines.

I feel that the biggest problem in that part of the world is that there are no nations as we understand the term, its all tribal lines with hatreds running back for thousand years.

posted on March 1, 2003 01:35:16 PM new

Just out of curiosity, what is it that you feel the Saudis and "their lazy asses" should have done early? They have suggested before that Saddam should step down but they are not exactly on friendly terms with him.

Not all Saudies are wealthy,the ones that are and have all the power are totally spoiled.They have no regard for the people who serve them,they treat woman as lowly as cattle.More then one little horny Prince has been caught with abducted females from other Countrys.When they are here,they have no regard for our customs or the people.
The last Prince to visit the Crawford compound,sent orders ahead,that none of our women flight controlers or any other female in a working postion,Not to be seen or heard while he was in this Country.
Money for people suspected of 9/11 has been tracked back to the Royal family more then once.
Life has no meaning if you are one of the slaves,you wouldnt want to be on someones bad side there.
People with money play games,when bored,Thats why they have a 2 mile cement highway in Saudie,that leads no where.Dont try to drive while visiting,thats another law a woman would break.
We have females in the Army , and they are expected to be covered,& chaperoned.,They cannot be seen driving anything.
We, male and female are still considered infidels,a lessor Saudie would be appointed to speak to you.
On the bright side,they like our money and we gave them their own Air Force .
I dont like their ways.Thats why I am here and not there.
[ edited by junquemama on Mar 1, 2003 01:39 PM ]
posted on March 1, 2003 01:45:25 PM new
Oh yeah,I love to travel,I scratched that place, off my to do list.LOL

posted on March 1, 2003 02:31:23 PM new
Junque - with all of your knowledge I'm surprised that you don't know that SA does not allow tourists anyway.

While your post was steeped in cultural hatred, it failed to answer the question at hand....

What exactly is it that you feel the Saudis should have done regarding Saddam before now?

BTW - My father & step mother spent 10 years there. I know their customs and their laws, I also know that enjoyed the country very much and made great friends while there. Hardly the horror story that your picture would assume for an American couple.

Trai- I agree completely, however most are blind to the fact that ours may not be the only side of the story.
[ edited by neonmania on Mar 1, 2003 02:36 PM ]
posted on March 1, 2003 03:30:39 PM new
Neonmania, if your parents spent 10 years there, then of course you know that they were pretty much segregated from the general population, and lived in a compound with other Westerners. It's not the same thing as being a Saudi woman. And of course no doubt, your parents witnessed beheadings in the execution square. Westerners aren't supposed to be there on those days, but any who spent any significant amount of time would have seen it.

My aunt spent 11 years there. She worked for the oil companies in the medical profession. Everything was pretty much segregated for Westerners and Saudi citizens as far as interaction. She liked the people well enough too, but found Saudi customs extremely restrictive. Of course she was a "feminist" before the term was ever coined.


posted on March 1, 2003 04:27:29 PM new
Katy - yes, the did live in a complex that was inhabited mainly by employees of the hospital but since one was an employee of a public hospital, home was the only place they really were "segregated"

They did also visit "ChopChop Street" for the Friday afternoon beheadings. (As a proponent of the death penalty I'm not appalled by the concept and as a result of the very public administration of their justice, SA has an extremely low crime rate.)

It did annoy my stepmother that she was not supposed to drive but she did anyway because my father was not physically able to. She rode at a local stable and while there fell in love with one of the horses there that was never ridden and was given permission to work the horse because she felt bad for it being in the stables so much. Eventually turned out that the horse belonged to one of the Princes who was so impressed with her care for it that he gave her the horse as a gift. She also competed at racquetball with other Saudi women and even the occasional man.

While they did meet with some interference their overall experience was positive, positive enough that I was supposed to move there to join them at one point until custodial mom changed her mind. An experience I have always regretted missing out on. Although their culture is vastly different than ours it is one that has lasted and worked successfully for them for many centuries.

posted on March 1, 2003 04:55:35 PM new
Will Saddam abdicate and run away? Absolutely! WHEN will he do it? That's a matter for speculation. So long as he stands a chance of holding onto his power, he won't budge. If it comes down to a hasty exit or death, he will flee. I doubt that he will willingly give up power to spare his own people an agonizing, horrifying death at the hands of Americans in.

posted on March 1, 2003 05:23:13 PM new
neonmania,You said:

While your post was steeped in cultural hatred, it failed to answer the question at hand....

Yes,I guess it did sound like it was steeped in cultural hatred.Could be, because of the stories of rape and murder over the the years,done by Saudies and their dignitaries here in the U.S.

This is nothing new,it has gone on for many years.
A Princess left Washington in a hurry after finding to her horror,Americans dont kill their hired help on whims.
Her maid-slaves body was found in the town home where she stayed,And when any of them commit crimes in our Country,Do you know what is done?..NADA..and I dont like arseholes.

What exactly is it that you feel the Saudis should have done regarding Saddam before now?

Buy him off...He believes they stole some of his properity.Have our Peacekeepers do,what peacekeepers are suppose to do,keep peace.NBC talked to Saddam,why havent the peacekeepers.

posted on March 1, 2003 06:53:20 PM new
NBC talked to Saddam,why havent the peacekeepers

Because saddam thinks there is an advantage talking to a news outlet but there is none for him talking to the u.n. or anyone else.

Like everything else in life its about scoreing points on tv. Welcome to the new class of warfare.

[ edited by trai on Mar 1, 2003 06:54 PM ]
posted on March 1, 2003 07:15:47 PM new
trai,Do we even know, if our Peacekeepers have even atempted to talk to Saddam? Or to anyone of his staff?.I think there was a contract put out on Saddam,by the US.

posted on March 1, 2003 08:10:03 PM new
As much as im not too crazy about war in general, I do think its too far gone at this stage for more talk. To have a talk one needs to have two parties willing to listen to each other.
Im afraid that pride, ego on both sides makes this next to impossible for anyone to back down now, the die is cast, right or wrong.

posted on March 1, 2003 08:22:29 PM new
trai,Im afraid you are right....

posted on March 1, 2003 09:19:28 PM new
::Buy him off...::

How much money do you think it takes to appease the ego of a madman? The Saudis could never have bought him off, he hates them. They were next in line in his plan after Kuwait and this is a man driven by power and ego, not money. He's not Turkey

Also, there are ove 6000 members of the Saudi Royal family, not all are currupt, not all are evil and to paint a culture with the sme brush as the worst of their members is unfair. You say you like to travel, I'm sure you have witnessed some rather rude and embarassing behavior by Americans during your travels (No, not saying they killed their maids), would you want to be be painted as just another of the "Ugly Americans"? Remember the problems in Japan with our servicemen kidnapping and or raping young girls in Okinawa and Osaka Japan? Should all American servicemen be painted with that brush?

I'm not nor will I ever say that all Saudis are good, but they are not all bad either.

posted on March 1, 2003 09:23:39 PM new
Trai - I also think you are correct. Saddam would not walk away for any amount of money or any promise. No point tryig to apply logic to a madman.

posted on March 1, 2003 09:52:20 PM new
neonmania,Im pretty sure Saddam is a turkey,LOL...Ive been to, and have seen some primative cultures,and they didnt hate us per say,just didnt trust us,And all Americans are rich.By their living standards we are.

If you say there are some nice wealthy Saudies,I'll have to take your word for it,Ive only seen the bad press on some of the Royal family, that come across as jerks.
Something just isnt right,with their view of us and how our people are treated.I wouldnt last long there.LOL..

posted on March 2, 2003 05:42:04 AM new
Saddam step down?…“Now that would be a smart move and would prevent war, but will he do it?”
Yeah like US would then leave. Remember we’re past osama now, we seek ‘regime change’.

Re: Saudis “lazy butts.”

Re : Rich Saudis
“They have no regard for the people who serve them,they treat woman as lowly as cattle.More then one little horny Prince has been caught with abducted females from other Countrys.When they are here,they have no regard for our customs or the people. “
“We have females in the Army , and they are expected to be covered,& chaperoned.,”

Do Ameriacns have high regard/exploit underpaid Hispanic “illegal” imigrants
Oh yes American Hispanics are well represented in the US Army.

“On the bright side,they like our money and we gave them their own Air Force .
I dont like their ways.”
Does any other local ‘state’ have your weapons or WOMD formulae, not excluding Nukes.

“It's not the same thing as being a Saudi woman. And of course no doubt, your parents witnessed beheadings in the execution square.”
Well I think I can cast a stone here, we are not so barbaric in Australia as to EXECUTE criminals or any one.

“As much as im not too crazy about war in general, I do think its too far gone at this stage for more talk.”
Sorry to hear it was such a tough personal ‘taste’ choice for you because your not ‘TOO’ crazy about war.. It took you a whole sentence, to declare it.

Junquy also said
“Something just isnt right,with their view of us and how our people are treated.”
Well, she’s left herself wide open there. Sound like anyone we know???

posted on March 2, 2003 06:45:51 AM new
austbounty - Linda_K Re: Saudis "lazy butts."

If you're trying to make a point with that statement, I have no clue to what in the world you are talking about.

posted on March 2, 2003 07:08:20 AM new
Nazibounty... I am asking you to please no longer address me... I don't want any of that slime coming off on me and your anti-jewish views are not welcome.

posted on March 2, 2003 07:08:21 AM new
Linda - I don't know, but "free association" comes to mind.

[ edited by Helenjw on Mar 2, 2003 07:09 AM ]
posted on March 2, 2003 07:16:06 AM new
Helen - Aren't you cute, again, this morning. If you've got a point you're trying to make.....make it. Don't chicken out and hint at what you're saying. Free association?

posted on March 2, 2003 07:52:36 AM new


But then it wouldn't be "cute". LOL!


posted on March 2, 2003 07:58:55 AM new
Figures.....just more sarcasm coming from you.

posted on March 2, 2003 08:55:27 AM new
Are you two sisiters?

posted on March 2, 2003 08:59:32 AM new
austbounty, Give it a rest.I called the wealthy Saudies lazy,and pampered,Thats a far cry from any hate issues.If I dont want to deal with them,I dont have to go around any of them.
This is a observation,only,said once in a chat room,challanged for content, by another poster.No blood was shed in the posting.

Since the first day you posted,you seemed to have your own agenda,and that agenda is brought out at every chance.This is just a chat room,We are expected to talk,have fun,and make friends,thats the whole premise of its existance.
Most of the people here are refugeres from other chat rooms, and have been here since the late 90s.The people you insult or make uncomfortable,in this chat room,are people who have been here a long time and altho there are many dis-agreements,we get along fine.
If you decide to keep up your little campaign,I will be forced to use a AW feature,I have never used before,"The ignore button." So now its up to you, how you are treated by people in here.

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