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posted on March 22, 2003 12:06:20 AM new

"Many antiwar groups are funded by foes of the U.S. government. Not in Our Name is financed by a group that not only supports Cuban dictator Fidel Castro, but, as Fox News also reported, once sponsored a group headed by Sami Al-Arian, the Florida professor recently charged with terrorist activities. A.N.S.W.E.R., another prominent coordinating anti-war organization, is a front group for the Workers World Party, a Marxist booster of North Korea's mad dictatorship. Suddenly, reports of protesters' plans to disrupt U.S. military installations, for example, fall into sinister, political place."


posted on March 22, 2003 12:35:44 AM new
In a few weeks, I'll be going to an art exhibition at Atlanta's museum. Thousands of other people will also. The collection is borrowed from a Moscow museum.

This doesn't mean that I or any of the other thousands of museum goers like Moscow. The exhibit is partially funded by something called NDCHealth. I doubt any of the thousands of other museum goers will know, or care, what NDCHealth is. I and thousands of others will gather for a period of time at a certain place because of one shared interest; viewing this art. When that one shared interest is fulfilled, we will go our separate ways.

[ edited by donny on Mar 22, 2003 12:37 AM ]
posted on March 22, 2003 12:39:18 AM new
"Of course the people don't want war. But after all, it's the leaders of the country who determine the policy, and it's always a simple matter to drag the people along whether it's a democracy, a fascist dictatorship, or a parliament, or a communist dictatorship. Voice or no voice, the people can always be brought to the bidding of the leaders. That is easy. All you have to do is tell them they are being attacked, and denounce the pacifists for lack of patriotism, and exposing the country to greater danger."

-- Herman Goering at the Nuremberg trials

posted on March 22, 2003 03:35:43 AM new
The American ‘Diplomatic’ Ambassador to Australia, reckons that Simon Creen, leader of the main opposition party in Australia’s 2 party political system (like America) is “un-American” in his opposition to the war.
Simon Creen responded by saying, “ The only people who think those opposed to the war are un-American are idiots and America’s Ambassador to Australia”

Un-American???? What did this ‘diplomat’ expect an Australian Prime Ministerial candidate to be ?? American??

It seem some Americans still think that McCarthy rules!, but the poor fool was in the wrong country.

posted on March 22, 2003 04:02:39 AM new
Austy, He should have said (probably did) anti American.

"Australian officials challenge key plank of Simon Crean's antiwar argument"

US ambassador to Australia discusses Labor's Iraq policy

In going over the news reports from Australia I can see there is an embedded group of communists. I'll have to start emailing the bikers of Oz and see if they can squash that.
Have a good day Comrade,
Reverend Colin

posted on March 22, 2003 04:13:06 AM new
Your aggression is coming out colin, those are SS tactics.
Have you been snorting coke, because yesterday I noted that you stated you had tears in your eyes, it occurred to me then.

posted on March 22, 2003 04:26:07 AM new
Many of the "Peace" groups are directly affiliated with the Communists and Socialists of the world. There is not even an attempt to hide it. I'm sure this "Anti-War" movement is a great recruiting tool for them. I'm sure though that if it had been Russia taking over Iraq that you wouldn't have heard a peep out of them.

A leader from Moveon.org was interviewed by Peter Jennings last night regarding the anti-war protests. Neither he nor Jennings though mentioned the Communist affiliation.

See this link to the Communist Party USA:


This is not just about the war in Iraq, but for the hearts and minds of the world. We are in for a struggle over the next few years.

[ edited by bones21 on Mar 22, 2003 04:43 AM ]
posted on March 22, 2003 04:30:52 AM new
Bones21, Even though they don't admit it, are all FBI, cross dressers because JE HOOVER was and there is no doubt on that or that fact that he was 'the founding father'??

posted on March 22, 2003 04:40:43 AM new
Well gosh, Austie, are all lefties flaming because they're affiliated with the gay movement? That's more likely.

Your question is not pertinent to the conversation.

posted on March 22, 2003 05:01:35 AM new
I'll have to start emailing the bikers of Oz and see if they can squash that. YES, Colin, would you please get busy doing just that? It would be greatly appreciated....after all...I'm wearing out those on my email list.

bones - You are sooooo right. We watched a part of Jennings show too, last night. My husband said, "Turn that off or to another channel....I can't stand listing to his slanted crap." The two guys he was interviewing presented themselves as 'college organizers' but when Jennings ask them what college they attended....their answer was they had already graduated. Sure...they go around supporting the anti-American view points and they are supported by anti-American groups. But Jennings never did ask who are the financial backers of their 'organizers'....no....might turn too many American off to their cause if they were made aware.

posted on March 22, 2003 05:09:56 AM new
donny - This doesn't mean that I or any of the other thousands of museum goers like Moscow. Well you may not like them, but if all or any part of your invitation fee/entrance fee to view the art is contributing to group that supports the destruction of your form of government, then you are 'financing' them, to a small degree, and encouraging their continued success.

Most people attending might not be aware that by supporting the backers of this art show, they are support those who oppose our government. But if they are made aware, then they might decided not to attend. BUT at least they'd be aware of WHO is sponsering this show. That's why those who are speaking out about who these groups are, are doing so....to inform. Let people make an informed decision to support, or not, those who would love to see the destruction of our way of life.

[I know nothing about your Moscow group...using it because you gave it as your example.]

posted on March 22, 2003 05:15:40 AM new
Exactly Linda.

You watched the same program we did. There was another guy on there too (I forgot his name, but he's a well-known organizer). These guys try to come across as innocent student-types but take money from the Commies for any cause that will draw a crowd.
If they did actually graduate from a college their favorite class was probably Karl Marx 101.

It seemed to catch Jennings by surprise that the one guy was from Moveon.org. It was like
"Oooooh, I didn't realize that you were with Moveon.org....". It seemed a little strange or maybe unprofessional that he didn't know that the guy he was interviewing was affiliated with Moveon. At any rate, he sure threw them some softballs. I wish we had at least a balanced media that would expose these traitors.

posted on March 22, 2003 06:03:33 AM new
Yes, Jennings was [ipretending[/i] he wasn't aware...sure...but the show had the MoveOn.org name posted under their live pictures.

Jennings's agenda was VERY clear. When my husband said 'change the channel' was when Jennings had that Iraqi caller on the phone and he started telling of all the deaths of innocent civilians that had just occurred because of our bombings. Here we were bombing government buildings in the middle of their night....what in the world would 'innocents' been doing in complexes they normally would not be allowed in, especially in the middle of the night? Sometimes the agends of people like Jennings are just too much to listen to.

posted on March 22, 2003 06:14:24 AM new
We live in some "interesting" times for sure.
Our media and government had gone so far to the left that they had almost won by default.
I do believe the "right-thinking" Americans are waking up (or will be forced to). It's almost funny on any reversal of fortune that the left perceives. You would think Saddam Hussein was pulling out their fingernails or running them through the meat grinder.

We can't be too complacent about these Protesters. They have the right to peacefully protest, but not to disrupt our society and especially not violently.

Thank God that Al Gore is not our President.

posted on March 22, 2003 06:20:47 AM new
We can't be too complacent about these Protesters. They have the right to peacefully protest, but not to disrupt our society and especially not violently.

I agree with you Bones...

posted on March 22, 2003 07:58:15 AM new
Well this thread is what I meant when I said the protesters were either commies, socilaists, or stupid.

The stupid ones are the ones blindly following these commies and socialists into the streets, or are there protesting with them and don't even know it.

posted on March 22, 2003 08:05:16 AM new
What is even more sad is that the majority of the protestors really have no idea of what they are prostesting for...

I bet they can't even tell you anything about Saddam Hussein, like when did he come to power?, why did he fight the Iranians?, How many people has he tortured and killed?
What is Sunni or Shite...etc

Things like that, they just know that the US is for getting him out of there, so they are not...

Sheep, nothing but sheep being led around by their noses...
Mob mentality at its worst

posted on March 22, 2003 08:13:37 AM new
How true, just protesting to be part of the "in crowd" or just to protest against America.

posted on March 22, 2003 08:32:25 AM new
Linda and Donny - you are debating apples and oranges (although I agree with the spirit of Donny's arguement

Sponsor: Nice name for "These people are paid big bucks for advertising"

Organizer: These people paid big bucks to present.

Now as for the actual arguement. 99% of these peace protesters have no clue who the "organizers" are. They talk to friends, see a flyer, hear of a planned protest on the news and show up.

I live in downtown San Diego, I have had protestors marching past my building almost every night for the past week. I have seen groups portraying the Iraqi victims that throw fake blood on the sidewalks and buildings as they pass, I have seen one group that was completely silent except for the beating of drums (eerily a stronger message than any of the screaming) I have seen groups that sat down on the trolly tracks (very stupid - they don't tend to stop quickly), every time I think I have seen it all I see something new but the one thing I have yet to see is organizers passing the hat among protestors looking for financial support.

What you need to understand Linda is that walking beside someone does not make you a supporter. Agreeing on a single issue does not mean that you agree with all. Once again,people here need to widen their scope just a little.

posted on March 22, 2003 08:44:15 AM new

Well this thread is what I meant when I said the protesters were either commies, socilaists, or stupid.

The stupid ones are the ones blindly following these commies and socialists into the streets, or are there protesting with them and don't even know it.

Good Lord,

I may go to the library and read a book written by a socialist or a commie. How dumb! LOL!

Or I may go to the theater and sit beside a commie to watch a play written by a socialist.


posted on March 22, 2003 08:46:04 AM new
What is obvious to anyone that is not easily manipulated is that both sides are absolute foaming at the mouth crazies.

There must be a dozen people somewhere in the country that don't see the issues in balck and white.

I have to say the commie thing is amusing since the Soviet Union has fallen. I suppose once they get imprinted with an enemy to fear and hate in youth it's too hard to switch labels. Or are the Russians just faking it waiting to first strike us when our guard is down? I had a boss who was a Bircher, and identified every organisation he didn't like as communist. I mean we are including Masons, Jehovah's Witnesses, Trade Unions, The Supreme Court, Consumer Reports, UL, and people who used the metric system instead of "American" measures. All pinko as can be. I'm not sure if he even trusted his wife.

Some of the WWII vets still see the yellow menace in ever Toyota sold.

posted on March 22, 2003 08:58:44 AM new
"I have to say the commie thing is amusing since the Soviet Union has fallen."

Personally I've always kinda laughed when I see the commie card played on these boards. For people that are so into polotics and current world events, it just makes them come across as outdated and caught in a paranoia timewarp.

posted on March 22, 2003 09:10:35 AM new
neonmania - My choice of words may be the wrong usage. sorry

I have yet to see is organizers passing the hat among protestors looking for financial support. Of course there is no 'hat' passed. These groups are filthy rich from support from the communist, socialist groups that are organizing/sponcering these anti-war so called peach rallys. They don't need to take 'donations'. Their affiliations and that the groups that are financing them, are anti-American government....period...they're goal is to CHANGE our way of government.

What you need to understand Linda is that walking beside someone does not make you a supporter. I don't have a problem 'understanding' anything. I just have a different opinion. I believe in the 'birds of a feather' theory. People who think alike tend to side with one another...stay with those who are like minded. While there are some who are joining in these protests only do so to protest THIS war, don't fool yourself and believe there aren't many there who would like our government changed...in many ways.

Once again,people here need to widen their scope just a little. My scope's just fine thank you. Wide open to at least be able to admit who is behind the 'staging' of these rally's.


posted on March 22, 2003 09:12:47 AM new
Well I'm going out today, but wanted to ask

Who is ANSWER?

When the protesting begins here, they showed a guy at a table, and with a roll of money in his hand, collecting it by selling these NO WAR IN IRAQ signs.

I just ask that, someone told me they were from ANSWER (whoever, whatever that is), because I was wondering where all the money was going to. Or someone is making some money off the peace protesters.

Off to get my license renewed, its that time again

Art Bell Retired! George Noory is on late night coasttocoastam.com
posted on March 22, 2003 09:44:37 AM new

Are you looking for commies under the bushes too, NearTheSea? You have posted in a couple of threads in which Linda has answered that question.

It's unfortunate that you missed the answer because now we will have to hear that rant again.

If she finds a few communists associated with the organization then ALL marchers are commies and our government as we know it may change.


posted on March 22, 2003 09:53:48 AM new
I wonder if the Muslims know they are commies?

posted on March 22, 2003 10:00:37 AM new
Georgia's High Museum of Art presents an exhibition of paintings borrowed from the State Pushkin Museum of Fine Arts, Moscow, and it's all part of a nefarious plan to change our government. Thousands of us poor dupes, innocently thinking that we're people with no other common interest than seeing this art are actually "birds of a feather," who will be exposed to the Red influence. Heck, I wouldn't be surprised if just driving by this museum will turn a large part of Georgie commie.

But it's even worse than you'd think. The exhibit is of French paintings.
posted on March 22, 2003 10:20:57 AM new
::While there are some who are joining in these protests only do so to protest THIS war, don't fool yourself and believe there aren't many there who would like our government changed...in many ways. ::

I don't disagree with that. What I disgree with and find niave and foolish is the accusations that all people involved in the protest and communists, anti-american (and probably puppy kickers too )

::My scope's just fine thank you. Wide open to at least be able to admit who is behind the 'staging' of these rally's. ::

Quite frankly - who cares? Sponsorship is an advertising avenue but if you don't advertise your sponsorship you don' advance your cause. Do you really believe that the 40 somethings out there protesting are prime targets for communist brainwashing? Do you HONESTLY believe that communism may take hold in the US?

Communism is dead, there are a few remaining followers, just like there are a few remaining Glam Rock followers, but neither is going to be making a come back.

[ edited by neonmania on Mar 22, 2003 10:27 AM ]
posted on March 22, 2003 10:26:22 AM new
::Well I'm going out today, but wanted to ask
Who is ANSWER? ::

Answer is a Socialist/Communist action group.

[ edited by neonmania on Mar 22, 2003 10:28 AM ]
posted on March 22, 2003 11:08:55 AM new
neon, obviously these are bait threads , set up with hopes of discrediting any opposing views. Their tactics aren't working because you, Donny, prof, aust, snowy, Helen, etc., are giving logical explanations to support your views and end up getting called commies, liars, stupid, etc... a resort used by children when they're not getting anywhere.

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