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posted on March 30, 2003 09:26:18 PM new
Peter Arnett, a news reporter for NBC News, MSNBC and National Geographic has shown how to slap the US troops in the face HARD! He was granted an interview by the state-controlled Iraqi TV. His interview was conducted by an man who was dressed in an Iraqi Army uniform. He indicated that President Bush is facing a "growing challenge" about the "conduct of the war" within the United States.

How CRUDE a behavior for an American Reporter to make such statements. How demoralizing to the US Troops. Along with boycotting the Dixie Chicks, maybe NBC News and their TV shows should be boycotted until he is removed from that position. He has no right to make such statements to an enemy government, especially during the time of war. If you really support the Troops, then boycott NBC.

Read the full story.



Peter Arnett

[ edited by yeager on Mar 30, 2003 09:32 PM ]
posted on March 30, 2003 10:31:53 PM new
Don't you just want to wring the necks of people like this? Well....more emails of protest to NBC and National Geographic.

After my initial shock of hearing this idiots 'interview' tonight, I thought..."Oh great another traitor to our country". Brown nosing their military interviewer. Some people are low, some people are lower than low, and some are just plain bottom suckers. Arnett falls in that catagory.

But tonight reading your second link from CNN it's really almost comical.

"The US war plan has failed"....yea....I hope he's still in Iraq when we fail.

The "growing challenge to Bush and opposition to the war"....does he only write for NBC and N.G? He obviously doesn't read newspapers about the support Bush has....it's increasing. Comments from people like him, are pushing it along even more. Raising the 'silent majority' to WAKE UP....quite hitting that 'snooze' alarm.

I especially enjoyed his statement when speaking of Baghdad: "The city is disciplined - is responsive to the government's requirements." I'd guess so...other wise you get killed.

He notes the 'degree of freedom which he is allowed in Iraq'. Bet he has more freedom than most of the residents.

Then I came across - "in the first Gulf war the pentagon and Bush administration got very angry with me and called me a traitor." Yea, I can understand why. In this war
'I tried to tell them how strong the resolve of the Iraqi people was, but they wouldn't listen. Hell no, who listens to traitors to their own country.

Then he speaks to "American policy and strategy is the weakest when it comes to the Iraqi people. Concern of killings civilians." Well...a$$hole give them some more reasons to kill their own people. More reason to hide behind their women and children. I see it as compassion for their people, coming from the US. Their leaders will listen well to a suggestion of how to stop our military....just keep those women and children in front of you.

He should live in Iraq himself......

posted on March 30, 2003 10:36:12 PM new
Saw the interview

Just wrote to National Geographic, NBC and MSNBC

its a slap in the face to parents and loved ones of the young people serving our country there right now, and to all of us in the USA

Art Bell Retired! George Noory is on late night coasttocoastam.com
posted on March 31, 2003 12:07:25 AM new
Saw the interveiw and almost puked. Then I thought maybe he's trying to spy for us. Like finding out if Saddam is alive but decided that, nah, we're supposed to be all worried about that and he'd never live to tell if he found out anything.

He went back to pond scum. I boycotted tonight except for "American Dreams."


posted on March 31, 2003 02:17:25 AM new
The only justification I can think of for the what he said is that he was saying what the Iraqi Foreign Ministry wanted to hear in order to be allowed to stay in Bagdahd. In an earlier interview the day before the war began he said that the Foreign Ministry was ejecting all journalists that were not attending their daily briefings because, according to a Reuters report:

"If you do not attend those briefings, they don't see why you should be here. They say, 'You are here to show our side of the story,"

Considering that he is one of the few major outlet reporters still left in Bagdahd he MAY be doing whatever needs to be done in order to be allowed to stay as the action nears.

IF this is the reason he did the interview and said what he said, I can accept it in exchange for the opportunity to see reports from "inside" as the acrion heats up.

If on the otherhand he did it of his own volition, I am shocked and disappointed in both him and NBC for standing behind him.

This will undoubtedly be one of the stories that will demand closer examination when everything is over.

posted on March 31, 2003 03:12:09 AM new

If you wish to take part in a boycott of NBC, then it would hold more weight if all NBC Companies were boycotted. NBC is owned by General Electric. GE bought NBC in 1985.

The consumer might consider buying brands other than GE in everything from light bulbs to major appliances, and everything in between.

If GE/NBC has enough guts to fire Arnett, then give consideration to GE products.

Also, Peter Arnett has a history of this behavior. He was FIRED by CNN 2 years before the end of his contract expiration for similar remarks.

Arnett still in Baghdad

Another slap in the face: CNN was booted out of Baghdad while Peter Arnett, who used to work for CNN before being ignominiously fired during the Tailwind scandal, is still in town. Except now he's filing reports for NBC and MSNBC, which has attracted 2.6 million viewers and is up in viewership 503% in the first quarter over previous quarters, while CNN is up 325% and Fox 233%.


[ edited by yeager on Mar 31, 2003 03:23 AM ]
posted on March 31, 2003 04:08:49 AM new
I once told you that one thing I truly admire about Americans in general, is their patriotism, but recently I have discovered that this can be and is used as a tool by leaders to do ‘wrong’ and that is most certainly not admirable.
And expressing support the war because you think supporting you nation’s involvement in was is patriotic, is not admirable either.

Ask yourself,
If you had no troops near Iraq, like before the ships went & hung around there, would you say war with Iraq was ‘right’???????
IF you accept that your answer to that would have been ‘NO’, then how on earth can you accept that the presence of US troops in Iraq makes it right. It simply doesn’t.
Tell me that you support the war because troops are there already, but also acknowledge that it’s not because it’s right to have this war. But ONLY because you wish to bee seen by the troops to support their sacrifices. Don't kid yourself and try to say that it justifies the war.

This ‘support your troops’ business is nothing more than a cloud, a lie, about the real issue, and that is the war, is it right or wrong. Is it evil or not.

I kid you not, rightly or wrongly, many people from many nations are increasingly viewing the US psyche (not ALL) as having a certain naivety on many issues. My belief is that it somehow stems from your high level of patriotism reinforced by the knowledge that your nation has achieved more economic power than any others.

I’m not saying this to offend anyone, but I really believe that this ‘patriotism’ you demonstrate (‘you’ meaning USA in general) has either gone to far or is misdirected. It’s no ‘good’ for me, it’s no ‘good’ for the rest of the world, and it’s 'no good' for you either.

Having said that, somehow I still wish Australians demonstrated a ‘higher’ level of ‘patriotism’.

posted on March 31, 2003 05:07:16 AM new
I just heard on the radio that Arnett will not be reporting for NBC or MSNBC any longer.

I've watched Peter Arnett for many years. Always thought he was fair, concise and an excellent reporter.

I have to believe there's other reasoning to his interview and commentary. I won't pass judgment as of yet.

Reverend Colin

posted on March 31, 2003 04:10:01 PM new
NBC canned Arnett due to the public relations backlash. They reported receiving over 8,000 emails on this issue alone. They felt it wasn't worth the hassle to keep such a controversial person in their organization. He apoligized for his statement. Too little, too late.

He should have kept his mouth shut. He should have gathered news information, instead of giving an editorial on the situation.

edited to say.....


your ramblings are sooooo booooing that I don't even read them any more. You have several paragraphs above this, and I don't even know what you said. Your input is large in content, but says very little.

[ edited by yeager on Mar 31, 2003 04:14 PM ]
posted on March 31, 2003 04:22:22 PM new

I agree with colin.

Peter Arnett, a pulitizer prize winning journalist during the Vietnam war, may have had a mission that is unknown to us.


posted on March 31, 2003 04:25:20 PM new
Well NBC isn't the only one 'under fire' for his interview
My husband just forwarded an email he received from National Geographic, of which he wrote them, because he enjoys the mag and their TV programs, I xx'ed my husbands email and last name :

Got this today from National Geographic. guess I wasn't the only one.

---------------------- Forwarded Message: ---------------------
From: "Cindy Beidel" <[email protected]>
To: "Mike XXXXX" <[email protected]>
Subject: RE: Peter Arnett
Date: Mon, 31 Mar 2003 17:43:22 -0500

National Geographic has received voluminous e-mail correspondence today
regarding Peter Arnett, which will require some time to process. We appreciate
your patience as we work our way through it. In the meantime, we did want to
make sure you were aware of the decision to fire Mr. Arnett. Here is the
statement we released this morning.


National Geographic fires Peter Arnett
National Geographic has terminated the service of Peter Arnett. The Society did
not authorize or have any prior knowledge of Arnett's television interview with
Iraqi television, and had we been consulted, would not have allowed it. His
decision to grant an interview and express his personal views on
state-controlled Iraqi television, especially during a time of war, was a
serious error in judgment and wrong

Art Bell Retired! George Noory is on late night coasttocoastam.com
posted on March 31, 2003 04:30:51 PM new
I just wanted to say that we should all support our troops no matter how we feel about whoever is in the white house and that we should boycott Arnett and the dixie chicks and what ever and who ever they have to do with.And to think I was enjoyed the chicks music.Also Does anyone think it totally strange that hollywood stars who have played military personal such as Martin sheen who is out protesting the war with duct tape on his mouth would not have a role to play if it where not for a war??? fell free to let me know what you think after all it is AMERICA!!

posted on April 1, 2003 02:42:34 AM new
Good to see a new view.
This is not AMERICA; it is the World Wide Web.
I just wanted to say that you should all support our troops but not Hitler if he were in the White House.

posted on April 1, 2003 06:05:17 AM new
Actually Austbounty if you look at where the servers are for this WEB site... it is AMERICA, but Austrailia is nice too, just has lots of poisonous snakes and some that crawl on their belly too...
posted on April 1, 2003 06:10:42 AM new
Just listen to the morning news...

Apparently, Rummy turned down so many war plans that included more troops and equipment because he wanted to do this war "on the cheap". That is why our troops are dying, lack of rear security and insuffucient equipment. It was estimated BY THE EXPERTS we needed 4 divisions to do this right. Rummy, without a lick of combat experience, only sent one. And all these new troops we are sending to the front? They will have no eqipment. He only sent enough to equip one. If we lose any equipment due to the coming battle? No replacements. He didn't authorize any reserves.

All because this administration wanted to cut costs to increase their post-war profits.

Though I do not support the premise behind this whole war(has anyone heard anything about WOMD lately? Apparently Saddam didn't have any.) I do wholeheartly support the troops. Their sole purpose is to WIN WARS, and they do it better than anyone else in the world. The actions of this present administration, sending troops in ill-equipped and unsupported like they have, should be a court-marshal offense. Yes Rummy boy should be tried for treason...

"Beware the leader who bangs the drums of war in order to whip the citizenry into a patriotic fervor, for patriotism is indeed a double-edged sword. It both boldens the blood, just as it narrows the mind. And when the drums of war have reached a fever pitch and the blood boils with hate and the mind has closed, the leader will have no need in seizing the rights of the citizenry. Rather, the citizenry, infused with fear and blinded by patriotism, will offer up all of their rights unto the leader and gladly so. How do I know? For this is what I have done. And I am Caesar."
- Julius Caesar
posted on April 1, 2003 06:34:44 PM new
12pole “Austrailia is nice too, just has lots of poisonous snakes and some that crawl on their belly too..”.??????????

12, I thought all snakes crawled on their belly, even the ones that shake their asses in the air and make a lot of noise. Snakes are snakes.
‘All’ life is grand.

posted on April 2, 2003 05:17:15 AM new
I caught the release of the missing News reporters last night. I had a feeling that is why Arnett made the statements he made.

I hope that's the reason, anyway.
Reverend Colin

posted on April 2, 2003 06:43:18 AM new
I just heard that American troops raided a Hospital and got back one of their MIA troops.
A Female Private, engineer, I believe.
Staged a mok battle outside and Special forces went in through the other side.

posted on April 2, 2003 07:28:29 AM new
Aust, yes, and looks like we can thank an Iraqi doctor for being the opportunity to rescue her. Doesn't sound like they were very secretive in keeping her since not only did a doctor from the hospital tip off the military as to her location, but another person went to the NBC reporter that was with the division and told him. He told the reporter she was being tortured and to please make sure to tell someone that could rescue her. Very lucky young lady.

posted on April 2, 2003 06:50:07 PM new
I am confused about the POW recovery...

This morning's news reported it and were talking to the soldiers who went to the Hospital and got her. Basically they said they walked right in with no resistance and talked to the doctor, joked a bit and got her and left. She apparently was well cared for at the Iraqi hospital.

Tonight's news was that it was a running firefight to get in and out. They had to rush the place under a hail of bullets as the paramilitary were using the hospital as a headquarters and the patients as shields.
And the interview with the rescuers was non-existent...

Didn't hear anything about the torture....

[ edited by mlecher on Apr 2, 2003 06:53 PM ]
posted on April 2, 2003 08:12:42 PM new
Where did you hear that report? The reports I heard last night and today all said that while they were told by a doc where she was, it was not in the hospital. All reports I have heard was that it was a military action and I have not seen any interviews with the SEALs involved.

As for the torture, yes, the only source I have heard mention it was the reporter who say was told before she was rescued that she was being tortued.

posted on April 2, 2003 08:18:02 PM new
I just heard that the Seals & Rangers staged a diversionary raid that drew the majority of the armed Iraqi's. Them the mail force of the raid rushed the hospital under minor fire, rescued her, dug up the buried remains of the 11 dead, then fought their way out without incurring any casulties.

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