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posted on April 16, 2003 10:46:44 AM new
An email I rec'vd (one of many) from other (PROUD) SUPPORTING Americans -


The other day my 9-year-old son asked why we were at war. My husband looked at our son then at me. We were both in the Army during the Gulf war & would be honored to serve & defend our country again today. I knew that my husband would give him a good explanation.

He told our son to stand at our front living room window then said, "What do you see?"

"Oh, trees - cars - our neighbor's houses."

"Pretend that our house & our yard is the United States of America and you're President Bush."


"Now pretend that every house & yard on the block is a different country."


"Now, see that man coming out of his house with his wife, grasping her by the hair & hitting her. She's bleeding & crying but he keeps hitting her in the face, throws her on the ground & kicks her to death. Their children watch but are afraid to stop him - they're crying but do nothing because they're afraid of their father. So what do you do?"

"Call the police?"

"OK. Pretend the police are the United Nations. They take your call, listen to what you say you saw but refuse to help. Now what do you do?"

"But the police are supposed to help!"

"But they don't want to. They say it's not their place or our place to get involved, & to stay out of it."

"Even though he's killed her?"

"Yes, the police believe we should stay out of it. But wait, pretend the neighbor is Saddam, and he turns around & does the same thing to his children."

"Kills them?"

"Yes. So now what do you do?"

"I guess go and ask another neighbor to help me stop him."

"What if our next door neighbor sees what is happening & he refuses to get involved as well. What do you do when Saddam our neighbor walks across the street to the old lady's house, breaks down her door, drags her out, steals all her stuff, sets her house on fire then kills her. Then he sees you standing in the window & laughs."

Our son whispers, "I close the blinds."

My husband asks, "Why?"

"Because Daddy, if the police won't help, & our neighbors won't help me stop him, I can't do it by myself. So I'll just close the blinds so I can't see what he's doing. I'll pretend it's not happening."

I start to cry. My husband looks at our 9 year old & says, "Son, open the blinds, that man is at our front door. What will you do?"

Our son balls up his tiny fists & without hesitation says: "I'll defend my family, Dad, I won't let him hurt my mom or my sister. I'll fight him!"

"It's too late to fight him, he's too strong and he's already at our front door. You should've stopped him before he killed his wife & children. You have to do what's right even if you have to do it alone, before - it's too late."

THAT scenario is WHY we're at war with Iraq. When good men stand by & let evil happen again & again is the greatest evil of all. Our President's doing what must be done, and what should've already been done. As a free nation we need to understand that this war is a war of humanity & this evil person must be removed from power so we can continue to live in a free world & not be afraid to look out our windows, & see crimes on humanity. These evils must cease so the 9 yr olds of the world can grow up in a world of peace, & not feel they must "close" the blinds on atrocities. Never be afraid to do what's right even if you must do it alone.

Be proud to be an American!

Be proud of our President.

Be proud of our troops & support them.

Don't badmouth what's going on because you don't know the history of the search that went on tracking down the persons who started the war on September 11, 2001.

Children of the future should never have to just close the blinds…

[ edited by fashionguru on Apr 16, 2003 10:59 AM ]
posted on April 16, 2003 11:34:52 AM new

Isn't it pathetic to think that the reason for a war is a topic of email spam.

Read this poem to the kid.

Everything George Bush Needs to Know He Learned On the Playground

Let's say that from the east while you look south
An icy snowball hits you in the mouth.
You see the kid who did it run, the wretch,
But he proves quite impossible to catch.
He's gone. So you, your anger quite unsated,
Beat up another kid you've always hated.

You hit him from above and underneath.
Then smash his nose and rearrange his teeth.
Yes, pound on him until that dreadful punk'll
Have no alternative to crying uncle.
Though he is not the wretch too fast to chase,
It's hard to tell that once you've smashed his face.

Calvin Trillin

posted on April 16, 2003 03:48:04 PM new
Strange how none of little George's windows seem to face toward Africa or Asia ....

5,000 children abducted by rebels in the last year in Uganda, forced to serve as soldiers, servants or prostitutes.

Children as young as three years old are being sold into slavery to work on cocoa plantations in west Africa.

Millions of Indian children, mostly members of the Dalit (untouchable) caste, are "bonded" to the silk industry and forced to work at jobs that wreck their health.

Saddam is, or was, an evil person and his regime needed to go. But the fact is that he wasn't the only, not even the worst, bully on the block.

posted on April 16, 2003 04:33:53 PM new
As we keep knocking off the reasons for this war, it should become more and more embarrassing to the Bush administration.

Weapons of mass destruction....None found or used during this invasion

Liberation of oppressed people....They are all over the world as you pointed out.

Terrorists...Iraq was not responsible for the 9/11 terrorism.

Now, according to Bush, we're huntin' terrorists and destroying them before they can strike.

Good Lord!!!

posted on April 16, 2003 04:37:38 PM new
What if, and just humor me here...this is the beginning of the freeing of oppressed people. Since none have been helped before should we not even start?

posted on April 16, 2003 04:41:38 PM new
Nice analogy,Thanks.

Helen, msincognito,
More socialist tripe. Both of you would be the first to scream, If we went after other countries to Liberation the oppressed people.

Reverend Colin

posted on April 16, 2003 04:46:30 PM new
OK, tis is going to make me VERY unpopluar here with some people but I must voice my stance.

There are many things that go on in this country that we, the citizens don't know about and this is for many reasons. The biggest is quick honestly the public couldn't handle it. People would much prefer to go to sleep at night thinking that everything here is just dandy and happy. If all of the truth were exposed, no country would ever run. Quite honestly, nothing would.

posted on April 16, 2003 04:51:57 PM new

You missed the point. We "liberate" those countries that serve our best interests...not those with only sugar cane to offer.


posted on April 16, 2003 05:09:33 PM new

Thanks. I for one appreciate the symbolism. One thing we can depend on at RT is that the same left wingers will ALWAYS use a posting like yours to degrade any political statement they disagree with. (It is their right to do so, no matter how wrong it is).

I would like to see what would have happened to these same left wingers, voicing their anti governmental opinion while living in Iraq while under Saddams rule.
[ edited by bear1949 on Apr 16, 2003 08:06 PM ]
posted on April 16, 2003 05:13:28 PM new
Your not getting my point Helen. If it's not one thing it's another you will have to complain about. If it has anything to do with America or the American way, it's wrong in your book. (or is it Mao's little red book?)

We'll be getting to the sugar cane country shortly. I'm hoping to go on vacation there in a year or so.

Reverend Colin

posted on April 16, 2003 05:28:07 PM new
Why do I think there are some people who post here that could find fault with a sunny day in Hawaii? I wonder if they're truly that unhappy or just like to hear themselves.

posted on April 16, 2003 05:32:03 PM new

I can't find anything right about the Bush administration, colin. Fortunately, they don't represent this good country to all Americans.


posted on April 16, 2003 05:39:37 PM new

The black and white thinkers on this board
believe that,

anti-war=communist or socialist
anti-war=non support of troops

Now, you add a new thought



posted on April 16, 2003 06:19:21 PM new
A recent quote from an anti-war protester that was tearing down yellow ribbons from trees in CA.

As for the argument that the ribbons don't indicate support for the war but only for the fighting soldiers, Ragsdale considers that an intellectual shell game. If you're pro-troops and the troops are fighting a war, you're for the war, her theory goes

[ edited by REAMOND on Apr 16, 2003 06:39 PM ]
posted on April 16, 2003 06:53:52 PM new
So I'm guessing people like her would prefer we abandoned having any form of armed forces whatsoever.

And with that logic, if you are against handguns you should beat up a cop?

posted on April 16, 2003 07:36:03 PM new
That's silly Reamond. You can hope that the troops will survive and cope with what they have to do without supporting the war. You can also support the troops by paying them decent wages and by taking care of them and their families when they leave the battlefield. Bush just cut Veteran's benefits. That's not supporting our troops.


That's black and white thinking again. You are saying we either fight the war with Iraq or not have military defense.


posted on April 16, 2003 07:49:50 PM new
As the reputable Center on Budget and Policy Priorities detailed, the House bill would cut a staggering $265 billion from entitlement programs as a whole: $92 billion from Medicaid, depriving poor children and the bedridden elderly of support; $12.5 billion from food stamps; and $14 billion from veterans' benefits, including even a cut in burial benefits. Another $244 billion would be cut from domestic discretionary spending--everything from health clinics and environmental protection to education, including 28,000 kids thrown out of Head Start. Even the President's touted "No Child Left Behind" plan to fund elementary and secondary education programs will face cuts of more than 8 percent in 2004 alone. And all this at a time when the states and localities struggle with the worst fiscal crisis in fifty years.


posted on April 16, 2003 08:05:51 PM new
Helen, what I was saying was based on what that protester tearing down yellow ribbons was saying. It was her logic, not mine. I was just taking it to the next level.

At what point do people like her draw the line? When it's convenient for them or when their logic finally doesn't make sense.

Where's Colin? I think I need to join his church!

posted on April 16, 2003 08:30:15 PM new
Where's Colin? I think I need to join his church!

It's easy, he takes PayPal

posted on April 16, 2003 09:01:33 PM new

He's going traveling to distant lands to cut some sugar cane so he could probably use a few bucks.


[ edited by Helenjw on Apr 17, 2003 05:20 PM ]
posted on April 16, 2003 09:16:24 PM new

posted on April 16, 2003 09:28:41 PM new

To even entertain the idea that colin might be visiting Cuba could reserve a spot for you on the infamous list.


posted on April 16, 2003 10:13:17 PM new
LOL naw, i know what he meant: Get the Fat Bearded Bastard and Company, THEN have FUN in the SUN with RUM.

[ edited by keiichem on Apr 16, 2003 10:14 PM ]
posted on April 16, 2003 10:25:33 PM new

Yeah...That sounds like colin's style...FUN IN THE SUN WITH RUM, ETC.


posted on April 16, 2003 11:06:03 PM new
Why war???
Ask the powers that be for the truth.

Do you know that Sept 11th is also the Anniversary of the Assassination of Chile’s President, Salvatore Alldiente (spell?).
US powers that be, deemed it appropriate to assist in the assassination of the first recognised democratically elected Socialist President, the world has seen.
Next thing Chile turned into a military dictatorship.

The father in the opening letter should also tell the son that if he were president and/or had rocks in his head, then the decisions he makes may be as per his will but still not right or in the best interests of the neighbourhood.
And the complex motives for action by certain nations are not as apparent or 'simple' as any one act being performed in front of your eyes at the time. Eg. soldiers delivering babies on the front line in Iraq.

posted on April 17, 2003 12:59:28 AM new
Stick to your Nazi rants you know-nothing jackas$ . Read and observe BOTH sides to the story and learn to SEE through the lies AUSTHOLE!!!!! And Remember That Allende was Whoring a democatic proccess to install an anti-democratic system. Piece of $hit Communist Idiot.


Chile. After Allende's fall in 1973, Castro promised Chilean radicals "all the aid in Cuba's power to provide." Although Cuban officials maintained regular contact with many Chilean exiles, divisions among the exiles inhibited major operations. The Moscow-line Chilean Communist Party (PCCH), holding the position that revolutionary change could be accomplished by non-violent means, was critical of "left-wing forces" like the Movement of the Revolutionary Left (MIR) with which Cuba had close relations.

Throughout the 1970s, members of the MIR received training in Cuba and in some cases instructed other Latin American revolutionaries. This training ranged from political indoctrination and instruction in small arms use to sophisticated courses in document fabrication, explosives, code writing, photography, and disguise. In addition, Cuban instruction trained MIR activists in the Mideast and Africa.

With its renewed commitment to armed struggle, Cuba increased its training of Chileans beginning in 1979. By mid-1979, the MIR had recruited several hundred Chilean exiles and sent them to Cuba for training and eventual infiltration into Chile. At the same time, members of the MIR who had been living and working in Cuba since Allende's overthrown began to receive training in urban guerrilla warfare techniques. The training in some cases lasted as long as 7 months and included organization and political strategy, small unit tactics, security, and communications.

Once training was completed, Cuba helped the terrorist return to Chile, providing false passports and false identification documents. By late 1980, at least 100 highly trained MIR terrorists had reentered Chile and the MIR had claimed responsibility for a number of bombings and bank robberies. Cuba's official newspaper, Granma, wrote in February 1981 that the "Chilean Resistance:" forces had successfully conducted more than 100 "armed actions" in Chile in 1980.

By late 1979, the PCCH was reevaluating its position in light of events in Nicaragua, where the fragmented Nicaraguan Communist Party emerged from the civil war subservient to the FSLN. In December 1980, PCCH leader Luis Corvalan held talks in Cuba with Fidel Castro, who urged Corvalan to establish a unified Chilean opposition. During the Cuban Party Congress that month, Corvalan delivered a speech which sketched a new party line calling for armed struggle to overthrown the Chilean Government and for coordination of efforts by all parties, including the violent left. In January 1981, Corvalan commended MIR terrorist acts as "helpful" and stated that the PCCH was willing not only to talk with MIR representatives but also to sign agreements with the group. Several days after this offer, Corvalan signed a unity agreement with several Chilean extremist groups, including MIR.

Until January 1981, when the new PCCH policy evidently had been ironed out and validated by the agreement for a broad opposition coalition, Corvalan's statements were issued from such places as Czechoslovakia, East Germany, Cuba, and Peru - but never from Moscow. Within two weeks of the agreement, however, Moscow showed its implicit approval of the policy change and began broadcasting in Spanish to Latin America - and to Chile in particular - PCCH explanations of the new policy and calls for mass resistance and acts of terrorism to overthrow the Chilean Government

Terrorist activities by MIR commandos operating in Chile have increase substantially during the past year. These have included increased efforts by MIR activities to establish clandestine bases for rural insurgency, killings of policemen, and a number of assassination attempts against high government officials.

posted on April 17, 2003 02:46:16 AM new
I have friends that were stationed in Cuba. Tell me it's one of the nicest places and finest climates to be had.

I believe we'll have relations with Cuba in the near future. I believe Castro will fade away. I believe the great Cuban cigar will be back on the shelves of American Tobacco shops everywhere.

Someone asked what the "logic" of the anti war people is. It the Socialist logic. Let me see if I can explain it:

One (1) plus Shoe box equals Bush Bad.

If you can't understand that, you'll never understand the Socialist view point.

It's FREE to join the church. You don't need a credit card or money.

You'll get no Spam or little else for that matter.

I can only offer the peace of mind of you knowing the whole world's not a pro-commie square dance to a viola solo.

Oh yes, we do take donations through Pay Pal. I am a Capitalist you know.

Reverend Colin

posted on April 17, 2003 03:10:53 AM new
Austbounty..why is it through all of your rants I haven't read you beating up your own county for their participation in all of this? Did the big bad U.S. twist your country's arm or did your government offer up your boys willingly?

For someone from such a beautiful country, you sure get your panties in a bunch. Could it be you just can't get past the fact your country was founded as a penal colony for the UK?

And in regards to this little gem of a comment "The father in the opening letter should also tell the son that if he were president and/or had rocks in his head, then the decisions he makes may be as per his will but still not right or in the best interests of the neighbourhood", remind me to never move into your area. I'd hate to think if my family were being robbed you wouldn't do anything since the flashing lights and sirens from the police wouldn't be in the best interest of the rest of the neighborhood.

posted on April 17, 2003 03:21:50 AM new
Gee!! I should have expected a violent response.
Gee and I though that American leadership would resort to assassinations, and other inhumane acts
Who said???
“The illegal we do immediately. The unconstitutional takes a little longer.”
“An Iranian moderate is one that has run out of ammunition”
“History has so far shown is only two roads to international stabilitiy, equilibrium and domination.”

Henryyyyyyyyy Kissengeeeer
Gee, why not get him to investigate 9/11

Get a life (as you like to say).
Wake up.~!!!! [ahoh]

posted on April 17, 2003 03:47:54 AM new
They tell me that in New York, you can get mugged on the street and no one will come to your aid.
I for one recently attended a neighbour’s property, to investigate an alarm because I know he has expensive equipment. I also recently, after investigating, single handedly saved another neighbour’s property when a fire had started after having smelled it from several houses away, I care for humanity. Sorry to say that if your neighbours were like me, you’d probably be safer.

The reason I’m not bagging Australia like USA is because we are the patsies, for US interests.
USA is the self proclaimed ‘leader of the pack’ and should expect all that come with it.

Your analogy remains just that, and not a synonym.
It’s far from what the tittle says, “simple”.
Like the ‘propaganda’, ‘from your ministry of information’ where troops went to Iraq and delivered a baby girl.
It’s not that simple is it?
Did The coalition of the willing go to Iraq for the sake of
Or because of a combined push by a number of those ‘special interest groups’.

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