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posted on April 28, 2003 07:55:48 PM new
1. What are the requirements to get on your list anyway?
2. How come only creeps, dictators and people from the RT are listed?
3. Why don't you have an Anti-A List?
4. Do people that support your site (Paypal) get any benefits?
5. Have you paid anyone at the RT to pretend they agree with you?

posted on April 28, 2003 08:04:49 PM new

no I pay him...... shhhhhhhh


Art Bell Retired! George Noory is on late night coasttocoastam.com
posted on April 28, 2003 08:49:22 PM new

There was a time when it would have been against the community guidelines to provide links from here to such a site.

Seems that anything is allowed now. People can be called Nazi bastards, asses and scum and there are no consequences.

It's beginning to remind me of another place and as a result, I don't spend so much time here anymore.


ed to correct smut to scum.

[ edited by Helenjw on Apr 28, 2003 11:02 PM ]
posted on April 28, 2003 10:56:17 PM new

It's also interesting to notice which posters are not on the list, even though they hold similar political opinions as those chosen to be named.

Colin, I'm not pro commie. You talk about being honest yet you are plastering false information on your site and you know it.


posted on April 29, 2003 12:26:47 AM new

There are a million 'discussion' boards out there. I've been to quite a few, I have my own, but we don't talk about any of the things that are talked about on here.
(well thats the first time I've said I have a board) but its not to exclude anyone, nor even invite anyone. Its totally non auction, non auction people, non political, non religious. Its people that I've known in person, and some online for over 7 years and we share something that not is for everyone, believe me! (and get your mind outta the gutter, its not THAT kind of board!

But, if your upset about name calling, you can email the old moderator. But remember! You called me a DOOFUS first! LOL!

Art Bell Retired! George Noory is on late night coasttocoastam.com
posted on April 29, 2003 01:29:28 AM new

I've been around the block too and I know about the many boards.

I don't email moderators. As you know, I can take care of myself, doofus.

I was simply making some observations about the transitional phase that this board is experiencing right now and noting the innovative manner in which colin expresses his feelings by name calling posters here via his Religious site elsewhere. LOL!



[ edited by Helenjw on Apr 29, 2003 01:30 AM ]
posted on April 29, 2003 02:58:54 AM new
1) Just people, places or things that Peeve me off.

2) I don't have the time for everyone.

3) again, It's lack of time.

4) That's a good idea.

5) No need too.

I find a very narrow line between Communism and Socialism. You've admitted to being (or would like to be) an anarchist. That would be more to the left then Socialism. So you see, "I calls dem as I sees dem" Everything you write on this board is anti Bush (that's fine), anti government and I believe anti-America. You may like the climate but seem to dislike everything else about the place. You can find fault with anything connected with the Red, White and Blue. I certainly thought you'd enjoy the notoriety.

Reverend Colin
[ edited by colin on Apr 29, 2003 04:16 AM ]
posted on April 29, 2003 07:12:18 AM new
posted on April 29, 2003 02:58:54 AM
1) Just people, places or things that Peeve me off.

2) I don't have the time for everyone.

3) again, It's lack of time.

4) That's a good idea.

5) No need too.

I find a very narrow line between Communism and Socialism. You've admitted to being (or would like to be) an anarchist. That would be more to the left then Socialism. So you see, "I calls dem as I sees dem" Everything you write on this board is anti Bush (that's fine), anti government and I believe anti-America. You may like the climate but seem to dislike everything else about the place. You can find fault with anything connected with the Red, White and Blue. I certainly thought you'd enjoy the notoriety.

Reverend Colin
[ edited by colin on Apr 29, 2003 04:16 AM ]


I have a record of every word that I have written on this board for the past three years.

Your statement addressed to me and quoted above, is completely false.


posted on April 29, 2003 08:51:46 AM new
Oh come on Helen! Ok if you really 'have a record' of every word you've said here (that file must be huge!) did you include the things you've edited out, the things people did catch, I mean before you edited them?

Ok you laughed (the LOL) up there, also Awesome, so you can't be too upset at colins list.

And I definitly was not talking about any 'gossip' boards, or the ez boards (which some I DO like btw)

Art Bell Retired! George Noory is on late night coasttocoastam.com
posted on April 29, 2003 08:54:51 AM new
Seems that anything is allowed now. People can be called Nazi bastards, asses and scum and there are no consequences.

R-E-S-P-E-C-T, that's what I've seen being lost on this board - respect for other's opinions and viewpoints. Name calling, making false statements based on what YOU perceive the other person to mean. The words "anti" and "American" get get combined on this board so often I sometimes wonder if it isn't connected to a compound word fetish. Although you may not always agree with someone or even if you NEVER agree with someone, I don't believe you have the right to slander them or manipulate their words to fit your own agenda. I try to have respect for everyone's viewpoints here no matter how outlandish I think they are. I make a concerted effort NOT to read into someone's statements what might not be there. I don't always succeed, but I try.

I'm not fond of President Bush, but I respect those that are. I'm not fond of the fact that we went to war, but I respect those that are and I supported and will continue to support our troops.

Colin, I don't know if you are a true Reverend or not because I don't spend a lot of time getting to know people on this board. If you are, some of the words that leave your mouth and end up on paper bother me. Just being honest. My step-grandfather was a Methodist minister and I think he would look disapprovingly at most of it. However, because we were taught to r-e-s-p-e-c-t others as children we have carried that into adulthood. I think you are most entitled to your opinions as is Helen or anyone else on this board. The only difference is, the others (as far as I know) are not working to slander each other on other boards or sites.

Just my little old lady opinion for whatever it may be worth.

[ edited by CBlev65252 on Apr 29, 2003 08:56 AM ]
posted on April 29, 2003 09:24:55 AM new
CBlev65252 Respect of course is the best thing, I agree

But here we go with the 'slander' word

Slander is a spoken defamation.

Defamation, sometimes called "defamation of character", is the written words that falsely and negatively reflect on a living person's reputation or business.

OK if Helenjw is REALLY Helenjw in life, (kind of like Cher in her 'business life', with no last name ) I don't know her last name, I don't know what she does, I don't even know if she sells on ebay, I don't know if colin does, or how many others here do either... this would be something (slander, defamation?????) if he wrote out her full name, her business, and these written words hurt her reputation, or her business, usually its the latter. If this stuff hurt her income, hurt her business, and she can prove that, than that would be wrong.. I don't believe he has anyones REAL name on that list. OK he has Saddam Hussien or Osama Bin Laden... what are they going to do about it???

Art Bell Retired! George Noory is on late night coasttocoastam.com
posted on April 29, 2003 09:30:06 AM new


You should be proud of your ability to write such perfect posts without using edit. Clumsy me, I'm always in a hurry and usually spell or type something wrong. Then, I invariably see a way to clarify what I have said or my link fails to work and hot dam there goes another edit. I don't, as you suggest edit to change content.

I did take typing 101 but 40 wpm is a speed that I am still trying to achieve.

As I've told you before, using edit doesn't bother me, like it does some people. When I see an edited post, I just consider it a correction and I don't ascribe some kind of nefarious meaning to the use of edit.


ed to add cheryl's name
[ edited by Helenjw on Apr 29, 2003 09:31 AM ]
posted on April 29, 2003 09:36:26 AM new


Just for your information...

There are people on these boards who know my full name, my Ebay name, where I was born, my current address and some of my relatives.

I'm not quite as annonymous as most people.


posted on April 29, 2003 09:37:08 AM new
Thank you Helen. The last typing test I took, I think it was 65 wpm. That was a long time ago though It was for a job that involved typing, so fresh out of high school, and fresh out of 2 years of typing class, they did call it 'typing' back then, early 70's, not keyboarding, like today

Art Bell Retired! George Noory is on late night coasttocoastam.com
posted on April 29, 2003 09:39:01 AM new
Well, as far as I know, and you know I've been here a long time... before this name I DID go with my REAL first and last name, so its about as long as you've been here. I've never known that much information about you.

Art Bell Retired! George Noory is on late night coasttocoastam.com
posted on April 29, 2003 09:53:30 AM new
But I didn't mention libel. I just want colin to tell the truth and he has not.

I'm not pro-communist.

I'm just anti-war and anti-bush. To translate that to anti-american is just a sign of the times, I guess. But it's wrong.

I've been a good citizen of this country, paid my taxes, never committed a crime, raised my children and educated them well. I've contributed to my community by working in the schools and by teaching learning disabled children to swim. I am a good neighbor and respected in my community. I would give any poor guy the shirt off my back.

Like the other posters on that list, we should not be characterized as something that we are not. Being a liberal or a Democrat or against war should not be reason to call anyone anti-American.


posted on April 29, 2003 10:12:39 AM new
You didn't mention libel, but CBlev65252 mentioned slander, basically the same thing.

Well that is great Helen. I've done 'almost' the same as you. I can't claim all that you've done I think I've been a good citizen, yes I've paid my taxes, committed a crime? hmmmmm, got a couple tickets when I was younger raised 2 kids alone, not sure if I gave them the best education, but I tried! They both did finish college, and the other trade school (AND they both have finally moved out, for good! ) I don't know if I'm a really good neighbor, and I'm not sure about the shirt off my back thing, not literally anyway LOL!

But then I did vote for Bush, would do it again... I believe in free speech, but people do need to understand that the public may not agree with what they say, no constitional law will protect them against that, they are protected by not having any harm done to them by the government.

Like I've said before, I've never mentioned Anti American here, though it has crossed my mind

BTW, if I wear a sweatshirt that has the flag on it, does that mean 'I'm wrapping myself in the flag?' never could understand that statement, mentioned many times here

Art Bell Retired! George Noory is on late night coasttocoastam.com
posted on April 29, 2003 10:12:58 AM new
Well said, Helen.


Okay, so the word slander is not the exact word, but you get my gist. You can manipulate words to mean just about anything you want them to. Geeze, my kids were experts at that growing up. LOL.

Unfortunately, Helen, use of "anti-American" is a sign of the times. Looking back on all that has transpired before, during and now at the close of this war, I see history repeating itself. The protests remind me of those during the Vietnam era, although maybe not as violent. I don't recall exactly, but I don't think there were the protests during the Gulf War that there are now. Are the 60's making a comeback? Anit-war protestors were considered anti-American back then, too, as I recall. But, never fear, we are entering the Age of Aquarius much as the song goes. The planets are aligning as my New Age friends report and big changes are ahead.

Sigh, if only it proves to be true.

While I'm on a roll, a big thank you to Helen (Linda and Colin, too) for keeping this board interesting and keeping me on my toes. There will be no "out to pasture" for me.

posted on April 29, 2003 10:15:52 AM new

Furthermore, I think that the list is very devisive as far as this board is concerned.

If I had seen colin coming, so to speak, I would have left long ago.

I Think that we should wonder, what is colin's goal? Is it to unite the RT?

What started as an A-Hole list has become a commie list.

That's not appropriate behavior here.



posted on April 29, 2003 11:07:32 AM new
Seems that anything is allowed now. People can be called Nazi bastards, asses and scum and there are no consequences.

Yes, even allowed by you, Helen. You haven't used the words in your quote, but even though you continue to deny you've said this or that....seems funny to me how so many here take your words the way they do. And we are entitled to take them any way we wish. How many have said to you 'I call it the way I see it?'. Since we lost our moderators things have changed. BUT we must all remember this is JUST a chat board. Free speech applies to all not just to you.

Cheryl - Thank you for what you said about Colin and myself. I work very hard at not insulting people intentionally. But when I have said that some the comments here, come across to me as anti-American and when I have said Helen leans so far left I've asked her if she is a member of the communist party....it's not to insult. It's because I truly question, from what she posts, just how far left she is. It is because that's how I see/view their posts. It's not because they hold a different position than mine. If that were true I'd be calling everyone who disagrees with my position anti-American. There is a difference imo between the two.

Everyone here is entitled to form an opinion....That's life...out in the real world and here on a chat board. It's not like these words aren't used in our newpapers, TV, radio, etc. It's a fact. There are communists in our country. There are many who hate American and work to change our form of government. These are not unfounded claims.

Your spoke about respect and I agree, but it works both ways. I would doubt you'd show respect to someone who continued to call your daughter all kinds of negative names...I'd bet it would be hard *not* to become a little hostile.

Besides Helen doesn't really feel the way she's claiming anyway.
The question is not what a man can scorn, or disparage, or find fault with, but what he can love, and value, and appreciate. J. Ruskin
posted on April 29, 2003 11:15:56 AM new
If I had seen colin coming, so to speak, I would have left long ago.

You've had plenty of time to do so if it was so upsetting to you. You love it....
The question is not what a man can scorn, or disparage, or find fault with, but what he can love, and value, and appreciate. J. Ruskin
posted on April 29, 2003 11:16:24 AM new
I have repeatedly posted what I believe an anti-american to be and all that I have said to be as such, have on several occasions filled those guidelines...

They have the freedom to post, but at least I know where their statements come from.

posted on April 29, 2003 12:39:12 PM new
Linda, Linda, Linda...When will you get the message. Your opinions are based on information. WHAT information do you have that leads you to consider that I might be a communist.

Linda, You do this repeatedly...for example http://www.vendio.com/mesg/read.html?num=28&thread=165779&id=165832

On another thread, you accused me of quoting an article from Moscow Times when in fact, I had purchased the article from the LA Times archive. The source of my article was a serious concern to you and you questioned my answer.
Then, in the same thread you asked me if I was a member of the Communist Party.



posted on March 30, 2003 11:08:16 AM edit

I asked, Where, Linda did I excuse the horrible behavior of Saddam??? Please back up your allegations

I asked, Where did I address Saddam's behavior "since the war began. Please copy and paste.

Now you state....
To be clear here....I'm not saying you have stated, "I support Saddam, I believe everything he has ever done was right." But in every post you've made, you EXCUSE all Saddams behaviors....and blast your president. You blame Bush for the actions he has taken, but you lay NO blame at the feet of Saddam. None.

You haven't posted one single comment that I made to support your allegation stating., "Helen - See...you excuse the horrible behavior of Saddam

You haven't posted one single comment that I made about Saddam's behavior "since the war began"

Now you say "let's work it out".

Linda, It seems that I'm not the liar here.

About Clinton. I just indicated in my previous post that I recognize that Clinton and Bush are in agreement that Saddam should be under control. Nearly everybody in the world believes that. I also believe that Bush should be controlled and much of the world would agree with me on that.


posted on March 30, 2003 11:20:03 AM edit
Now, my question is how do I EXCUSE Saddam Hussein. Is it your opinion based on the fact that I don't discuss Iraq and Saddam as much as I discuss our country and Bush?

You must be accusing me based on omission of evidence. LOL!


To that there was no evidence.

11:08 PM 4/1/2003


A couple of posters mentioned before they left, that you were hysterical. An appropriate word for your behavior toward me is obnoxious. I would imagine that most of the people here, who start threads do not want them interrupted by one of your tirades about your doubt of my loyalty to America and of course, neither do I. That's not because I can't defend myself but because I have more pleasant ways to spend my time.

I was just playing around with colin today and here you come along ....not to call me anti-American this time because you have received a little heat about that, but using the phrase, "not pro-American".

You have access to the search feature that goes back over a year and you haven't found a shred of evidence that I am not loyal to my country. I asked you on another thread to prove your allegation and you cannot do it. I believe that you may be interpreting my dislike of the Bush administration as anti-American. But on that score, you were told again and again how illogical that is and you still refuse to accept it. Without this evidence which you have not, and will not be able to find, you are trying to discredit my character. Your constant harrassment is becoming extremely unpleasant and offensive...not only to me but to everyone else here.

So one more time, I'm asking you nicely, to stop. Maybe I can start a daily thread just for you..."Linda neeeeeds to bash Helen...Please post here".

Now, Linda you say that others think that I am a communist. LOL. I suppose "others" is colin?

I think that "others", after reading this will understand that you have a personality conflict with me as I do with you. That doesn't make me a communist any more than it makes you a fascist. LOLOL!


ubb ed.

[ edited by Helenjw on Apr 29, 2003 12:42 PM ]
posted on April 29, 2003 12:56:43 PM new
WOW!!! You should feel much better now....after that vent. I'd hope so anyway.

Helen as I've told you before there is no need for anyone to pull up your previous posts. There are many here who see your statements as anti-American...and several have told you so. This isn't an opinion I hold alone.

and on the: I would imagine that most of the people here, who start threads do not want them interrupted by one of your tirades about your doubt of my loyalty to America and of course, neither do I.

BUT in the past, you have had no problem at all when someone else starts a thread totally staying away from politics and mentioning that they'd appreciate anyone not interested in that topic to please leave those who were interested in discussing their opinions...and YOU chose not to respect that...going on about YOUR RIGHT to post to whatever you want to. Putting them down because they chose to watch this program. That we all can say whatever we wish, in any thread we wish to is correct. But you appear to think when you don't want anyone too, you're the moderator. But then you deny that same concession to others. I'm saying it [respect] works both ways.

That's not because I can't defend myself but because I have more pleasant ways to spend my time. No one is asking you to defend yourself....just commenting on how they take what you have posted.

The question is not what a man can scorn, or disparage, or find fault with, but what he can love, and value, and appreciate. J. Ruskin
posted on April 29, 2003 01:10:53 PM new
So, if I started a list called "Satan's Offspring", and listed Hitler, Stalin, colin, LindaK, Twelvepole, etc., on it and published it, that wouldn't bother you? What if I felt you were all satan worshipers that were out to promote the end of the world and only posted those thoughts about you here, whether they were true or not?

posted on April 29, 2003 01:11:19 PM new
Helen, how do you save every word you've posted?

Of course you don't have to answer that, but you mentioned it here, and I'm curious.

I have 2 PC's and 1 laptop, and I don't even save emails too much, let alone any posts from bulletin boards.

I've got FTP's full, but with pictures and business doc.'s . I guess you can burn them on CD R's, thats the only thing I can think of.

Sorry for the interupption, carry on

Art Bell Retired! George Noory is on late night coasttocoastam.com
posted on April 29, 2003 01:14:37 PM new
kraft, but Satan isn't associated with any political affliation or rather party.

If anything it would probably be religious.

If you'd like to, go ahead The United States is a free country.

Art Bell Retired! George Noory is on late night coasttocoastam.com
posted on April 29, 2003 01:17:08 PM new
Kraft I assure you that satan worshiper is not the worst I have ever been called...

Start the list.... if you charge dues I get to be treasurer...

posted on April 29, 2003 01:21:50 PM new
Sorry, you're wrong Near...

Borillar did some research way back when, and found out that Bush Jr. is Satan's cousin, or related to Satan in some way, so he must be a Republican.

posted on April 29, 2003 01:21:51 PM new
Look twelvepole, I was just going to mention the treasurer part, and I forgot in the last post, I got dibs first, ya see... so I want treasurer position, but then its up to kraftdinner.

(and if she chooses you, I know its a conspiracy then! )

Art Bell Retired! George Noory is on late night coasttocoastam.com
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