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posted on May 10, 2003 08:41:04 AM new
I wonder how the mourning mothers and grieving families of the victimized soldiers and marines of the "coalition", who were sent to Iraq by the Bush regime to be murdered in order to further the criminal Bush political agenda, will be celebratingMothers Day.

For each of those brave young men killed in this terrible tragedy, hundreds will forever suffer and endure the indelible scar that has been seared into their hearts and souls. The sons and daughters of these men, now dwelling in Valhalla, will bear the burden of carrying the essence of their fathers locked firmly in their aching bosoms. For them, there will always be an empty chair at the table.

"Ifeel good", says George Bush.
posted on May 10, 2003 09:05:38 AM new
hibbertst, how easy for you to mock those mothers whose sons went off to do, what you most likely have no backbone for...
You wouldn't even make a good pimple on one of those soldiers a$$ses....

One day, while lying on your death bed, you may finally overcome the ignorance you have continued to show on here...

posted on May 10, 2003 09:09:22 AM new

"..to a battle of wits, you come unarmed.."

-Sigmoid Oscopy
posted on May 10, 2003 09:12:03 AM new

If it came to a battle of wits with you, why would I need to be armed... that would make it unfair to you...

AIN'T LIFE GRAND... [ edited by Twelvepole on May 10, 2003 10:31 AM ]
posted on May 10, 2003 09:29:51 AM new
I see that twelvepole, the "compassionate conservative", has arrived.

"I feel good" says George Bush

I don't understand how any human being could "feel good" about himself after engineering such outrageous carnage.

My heart goes out to the mothers and families all over the world who will observe this day without their child.


[ edited by Helenjw on May 10, 2003 09:31 AM ]
posted on May 10, 2003 10:36:18 AM new
Compassionate enough to know that this thread is POS, and the originator is just mocking those mothers who have given the ultimate sacrifice...

posted on May 10, 2003 11:22:49 AM new
I happen to know a mother who lost their son in this conflict and while deeply saddened she feels nothing but pride and respect for the country he fought for and the cause of his battle. It is for dumba$$es like yourself these individuals die for so you have the continued saftey and freedom. I could care less for your rights or you views when you use a life you know nothing about to support your rant. If you can't support your ideas by themselves then Pi$$ off. The average joe has no idea of the dangers of this world that our brave soldiers fight for while they sit and ramble about thier views through their own rose colored glasses. My Child is still in the Mid East and god willing will return safley but should a tragedy happen I am prepared to be proud of him and the just battles he fights for you freedom. this has to be one of the weakest posts I have ever seen and holy hell i agree with 12 about your spineless views. Come up with your own ideas and don't tread on us proud parents with your lame A$$ !

posted on May 10, 2003 02:10:23 PM new
tomyou I hope your son returns home safely to you soon. If ever I have read a post straight from the heart, it is your's.

I grew up in a military family, and stand with you and twelve on this.

grammatical edit

"Be kind. Remember everyone you meet is fighting a hard battle." - Harry Thompson

"I have neither the time nor the inclination to explain myself to a man who rises and sleeps under the blanket of the very freedom I provide and then questions the manner in which I provide it." - A Few Good Men
[ edited by wgm on May 10, 2003 02:10 PM ]
posted on May 10, 2003 02:26:31 PM new
Hats off to you tomyou - no one could have said any better. This was an ignorant comment - obviously forgetting to note that these soldiers lost at war are now & always will be HEROES.

Since it's so common for peolple to cut & paste - I have decided to broaden the inadequate vocabulary of such posters...

HERO: A person noted for feats of courage or nobility of purpose, especially one who has risked or sacrificed his or her life

Americans don't stand alone to define these men & women as heroes... as Iraq, who now enjoy freedom due these BRAVE ones, now also include them in prayers and admiration.

My thoughts and prayers go to all mothers & families who've lost a son/daughter..be it victims from the 9/11 tragedy or soldiers lost at war...

Regardless - it is a fight for freedom - freedom isn't always free and some valiant people do everything & anything in their power to maintain this right - for people like us to enjoy!!

12 - You've noted admirable comments yourself - keep up the great job!!

[ edited by fashionguru on May 10, 2003 02:29 PM ]
posted on May 10, 2003 04:54:47 PM new
My, my, aren't we bitchy today, ladies. Since everything I wrote sailed far over the heads of all of you and you are unable or unwilling to discuss anything without hyperventilating and getting all weirded out perhaps we can find some lighter fare to soothe your savage breasts. How about some Dr. Seuss? If that is too heavy for you girls, we could do Dick and Jane. If reading and scratching at the same time is too much of a challenge for you, I could draw pictures. Or I could list some of the more egregious lies told by that bastard, George Bush. You, obviously, have never heard any of them.

Gotta go for now
posted on May 10, 2003 05:01:54 PM new
Since everything I wrote sailed far over the heads of all of you and you are unable or unwilling to discuss anything without hyperventilating and getting all weirded out

Nope, not us - that's you, hibberst Some fail to agree with your post and YOU are the one exhibiting these traits, not us. Maybe some "Dr. Suess" or "Dick or Jane" is what you need

"Be kind. Remember everyone you meet is fighting a hard battle." - Harry Thompson

"I have neither the time nor the inclination to explain myself to a man who rises and sleeps under the blanket of the very freedom I provide and then questions the manner in which I provide it." - A Few Good Men
posted on May 10, 2003 05:31:55 PM new
hibbertst - ~ OUCH ~ seems someone is a bit moody...talk about sore loser - a bit of real debate and suddenly then you go into your cheap tactics of "name calling"...try again... as all I can do is laugh aloud & think of how it must BURN you to know that you are still a minority in judging Bush - and he still who he is (OUR ELECTED LEADER) and you are still you (eek) - a miserable lil'soul behind a screen deprived of both humor & common sense.

This has been great but a thread from a mindless idiot like hibbertst doesn''t deserve response as he/she must obviously be on some weird sh*t.

[ edited by fashionguru on May 10, 2003 05:37 PM ]
posted on May 10, 2003 06:41:51 PM new
To equate the loss of life in the pursuit of freedom is silly at best. No soldier should have to die. Do any of you feel safer since these wars?

posted on May 10, 2003 06:56:40 PM new

Those are all YOUR words ladies

"You have all the characteristics of a popular politician: a horrible vocabulary, bad breeding, and a vulgar manner."

Aristophanes, Knights, 424 B.C.
posted on May 10, 2003 09:12:07 PM new
kraft, you know, I don't want to see anyone lose their life, but your statement

To equate the loss of life in the pursuit of freedom is silly at best.

Yeah? tell that to the founding fathers of this country, (Revolutionary War) to the Jews in WWII, and on and on.

OH! it must be different in Canada heh? You have no pursuit of freedom, happiness et al etc blah?
So silly of me to think that!

Art Bell Retired! George Noory is on late night coasttocoastam.com
posted on May 10, 2003 09:48:19 PM new
Nearthesea...you posted while I was writing. This is not directed to your comment.

It's clear that we disagree on the justification for this war. You believe that it is a just war and I do not.

The fact that I consider a war unjustified does not, from my perspective, diminish the tragedy of death in that war.

Soldiers in all wars are equally eligible to be called brave and courageous. That is a point on which we agree!


[ edited by Helenjw on May 10, 2003 09:55 PM ]
posted on May 10, 2003 10:11:52 PM new
Near, soldiers comes from other places besides the U.S., you know!

Come on, you know how I feel about this Near. If every avenue of diplomacy has been exhausted, then I think war can be justified. If war is used as a solution instead of a last resort, based on information (WOMD or whatever) that can't be verified, then any soldier that fought in that war died needlessly, in my opinion. Once that line is crossed, using WOMD against countries you don't like, could be next. Not just the U.S., but any country.

[ edited by kraftdinner on May 10, 2003 10:14 PM ]
posted on May 10, 2003 10:29:02 PM new
Mrs hibbertst, glad you could pick out the words that are very descriptive of you...
One word you forgot though... TROLL

Oh and this will be the last time I address you... I don't make it a habit to speak to vermin...

[ edited by Twelvepole on May 10, 2003 10:36 PM ]
posted on May 11, 2003 10:05:27 AM new
Thank you for your kind words 'pole, however your convoluted good pimple (sic) remark has been out of fashion since the earth was flat.
Were you born a lemming or did you study for it. Are lemmings considered vermin?

tomyou; My writings are my own ideas, if I copy anything I give credit to the writer. I attempted to bring my writings down to a level that "average joes" ,such as you, could understand. Obviously I failed.
I also know someone who lost a son in this unjustified war, you may have seen him on your rose colored TV. He called that lying bastard Bush a murderer. I agree.
I thought our brave soldiers were fighting [i[against[/i] the dangers of this world, not for them, as you said. But you may be right, the biggest danger I see to this world sits in the White House.

WGM; You grew up! Congratulations!!
You might say I am also from a military family. Although none made the military a career, most of us served, at one time or another, in the Marine Corps, including my grandfather, father, many uncles and cousins, me, my two sons and one of my grandsons. My other grandson is a Navy corpsman serving with the 11th Marines in Iraq. Members of my family have participated in every war this country has fought since the Banana Wars beginning in 1912.
With what part of my post do you disagree?

fashionguru; Thanks for the broadening.
"freedom isn't always free"
WOW, DYN-O-MITE, wish I had thought of that. From whence did you copy that little gem.
You speak of heroes, who the hell do you think lives in Valhalla? Perhaps you don't believe in Valhalla. Doesn't that make you an infidel.
My post wasn't even about soldiers, it was about their families.
Sheesh! Can't anyone read?

"I feel good" says George Bush

"Ain't life grand" says twelvepole

posted on May 11, 2003 10:29:15 AM new

Get your head out yo' A$$ and go call your mother, you wife (we take pity on her) - anyone you know who's a mother and wish them well. Let someone with real experties in the matter handle that of Bush (or even politics).

Criticizing women is a great way to keep a thread but I ask - is there no compassion, does anyone love or even care for you? Is that what this is all about?

You're a JOKE - good for laughs but sour in the heart. Opinions are free for everyone to express but to go the distance and agressively charge at those with a different one than yours proves the point - YOU ARE A LOSER - AN IGNORANT STUBBY LIL'PERSON SITTING WONDERING WHY IN THE WORLD YOU ARE SO LONELY...trust me it's a no brainer - you've got them qualities...ones you should hold your head down in SHAME about (a loud mouth with nothing better to than to whine about what he hasn't got - in this instance a real argument)

Have yourself a day hibbertst - Relax, stay off the boards - BE HUMAN, enjoy a SUNDAY !!

I am AGAINST NAME CALLING but in this instance I can't help but make his day a lil'brighter - for the rest of you


posted on May 11, 2003 12:00:45 PM new
I attempted to bring my writings down to a level that "average joes" ,such as you, could understand.

Well Gooooollllyyy, A true elitist at heart. Bet ya know whats best for us "average joes" huh?

posted on May 11, 2003 12:12:32 PM new
He called that lying bastard Bush a murderer. I agree.

Nope, yu all ar caut in a time warp or somting and ar a few yeers to laet for dat statemant. let me see if a member of da non ELITIST klass could spell his name K-L-I-N-T-O-N. The one who killed AMERICANS in Texas and mothers with little child-ren too.

Enough said!!!!

For those of the NON ELITIST class God bless you and have a happy Mothers day.


posted on May 11, 2003 12:24:10 PM new
What a bunch of crabs! Having said that, I hope you all have a great day, whether any of you have mothers or not.

posted on May 11, 2003 02:29:36 PM new


As the air to a bird or the sea to a fish, so is contempt to the contemptible


posted on May 11, 2003 03:13:32 PM new
You say, "My, my, aren't we bitchy today, ladies"

Not all posters responding to your remark are women. I believe that there was at least one "bitchy" male responding to you.

Since everything I wrote sailed far over the heads of all of you and you are unable or unwilling to discuss anything without hyperventilating and getting all weirded out perhaps we can find some lighter fare to soothe your savage breasts

This remark, referring to women as "savage breasts" suggests again a condescending and male chauvinist attitude to the women here.

"How about some Dr. Seuss? If that is too heavy for you girls, we could do Dick and Jane. If reading and scratching at the same time is too much of a challenge for you, I could draw pictures"

And again, you refer to the people here as "you girls" and proceed to more insults such as "reading and scratching at the same time"

These remarks on Mother's day to women here are especially inappropriate. I could go on, but I think that you get my drift.


posted on May 11, 2003 05:35:10 PM new
Helen: I wasn't using the words ladies and girls in a derogatory sense. They are terms used by Marine drill instructors, and others, when addressing men under their command. They insinuate that men are acting or reacting in a lady-like manner rather than a soldierly manner. They are not meant to demean women but rather, to criticize maladroit soldiering. I assumed, apparently incorrectly, that all negative responses I received on this board were from men.

The reference to "savage breast" is not allotted to women alone. It is ,of course, from Congreve;

[i]Music hath charms to soothe the savage breast,
To soften rocks, or bend a knotted oak.[/i]
- William Congreve

I meant no offense to women, I apologize to any that were offended. I may be many things but chauvinist is not one of them.

posted on May 11, 2003 05:53:44 PM new
I gotta do it, no really, I have to say it.. I have tried to stay on the high ground, I really have, I tried not to get into this little pissing contest of insults but z'nuff is z'nuff, Iz can't Stanz no mo"
:::gobbles a can of spinach:::

BS!! That is the biggest load of crapI have heard in a while.... "OOps, sorry HELEN, when I called you a "Lady" I wasn't being a chauvenist... I thought you were a man and I was only trying to be condescending and insulting and increase my own self image by speaking down to you as one would to a plebian recruit. Please don't take it personally......."

That's so ridiculous it's damn near funny.

[ edited by neonmania on May 11, 2003 05:56 PM ]
posted on May 11, 2003 06:20:12 PM new

Neon, I was concerned about the denigrating comments being made to others here. He didn't call me specifically a "lady". Hell, I wouldn't mind that.

And again, neon...it wasn't a pissing contest. Sometimes, in order to "stay on the high ground" it's necessary to maintain some kind of decency.

If this is military style, hibbertst, then perhaps you should check it at the door because we're not all accustomed to such tactics.


posted on May 11, 2003 06:37:50 PM new
Helen - I pointed you out specifically only because even if you have not read any other posts here as Hibberst actually has, your handle and signature kinda toss the whole "I thought you were all men" issue right out the window.

As for the pissing contest - yes - I'm not sure how you define one, but when an issue turns into a war of insults rather than an exchange of ideas, that is what is commonly reffered to as a "pissing contest" To clarify - I was not reffering to your posts when I said that statement as your posts did not drop to that level.

posted on May 11, 2003 06:49:47 PM new
Helen, this troll is blowing smoke up everyone's butt, I doubt he even served a day in the military.

I do know this had this POS said that in my presence, we would of found out how good the dental work was.

Let the troll die and along with this thread.

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