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posted on June 25, 2003 08:55:14 AM new
a story by a veternn mom, her auction # 3614462082

I as a veteran and a mom of a member of the U.S. military did not give birth to have them die from this man's lies and quest for profits. There are those too busy stutting from their 'victory' over a country who's military was naught. Where is pride in that?

That man ordered our soldiers into battle for profit-motivated reasons, while lying to the American public. The ground troops went in and secured the oil fields, without proper air support for days in advance to protect their advance. How 'bout those pesky weapons of mass destruction? Did Hussein figure out the secret of invisibility before I? If so, he's a clever fellow which is more than I can ever say for GWB.

There were no plans, no concerns for the aftermath of this illegal invasion. Those people we were liberating are suffering greatly right this moment at our hands. The freedom of their citizens was not the goal, unless it was freedom to a capitalistic market style. Our kids are over there sitting ducks with people dying daily on both sides in desparation.

A man that would order any warrior into battle that has resulted in this mess and so many needless deaths is NOT fit to command the American military!

posted on June 25, 2003 09:20:45 AM new
Sounds like she has given more to her nation than the Draft'dodgin'Bush family did.
Remember not only did he split, but his daddy sent him.
He needs to be bi+ch slapped.
He's earned it, and she has earned her say.

posted on June 25, 2003 09:24:34 AM new
"By means of shrewd lies, unremittingly repeated, it is possible to make people believe that heaven is hell -- and hell heaven. The greater the lie, the more readily it will be believed."
Adolph Hitler

"If any question why we died, Tell them because our fathers lied."
Rudyard Kipling

posted on June 25, 2003 02:28:54 PM new
here is an excellent site one of many which is trying to get the ball rolling to IMPEACH THIS PRESIDENT AND HIS CRONIES...

posted on June 25, 2003 02:47:16 PM new

Thanks for the link!

My religion is simple, my religion is kindness.
--Dalai Llama
posted on June 25, 2003 05:48:02 PM new
I dare someone to call this woman anti-American.

posted on June 25, 2003 07:02:43 PM new
You people are always good for a laugh. You're are so far left, you wouldn't make a right turn in traffic.

Stop & consider where she is located, has to be a klinton supporter.

Did she adovicate inpeaching klinton at the time, I doubt it.

A new Washington Post/ABC poll finds Americans blasé about the lack thus far of weapons finds in Iraq. Sixty-seven percent of those polled approve of the way President Bush is handling the situation in Iraq, while a mere 30% disapprove. That's a shift of only eight percentage points toward disapproval at a time when Bush's opponents have been working themselves into a lather about the president's purported "lies." Asked if the liberation of Iraq would be justified even if no weapons of mass destruction are ever found, 63% said yes and only 23% said no.

The poll also asks the following question:

Thinking about another country in the region: Would you support or oppose the United States taking military action against Iran to prevent it from developing nuclear weapons?

Fifty-six percent support military action against Iran, while only 38% oppose it. And we thought we were hawkish.


"The person who has nothing for which he is willing to fight, nothing which is more important than his own personal safety, is a miserable creature and has no chance of being free unless made and kept so by the exertions of better men than himself." --John Stuart Mills

[ edited by bear1949 on Jun 25, 2003 07:14 PM ]
posted on June 25, 2003 07:14:21 PM new
I dare someone to call this woman anti-American.

Not only anti-american, but an f'n moron to boot.

I think she is just an out and out liar...

No true veteran would be such a whiney a$$ b*tch, I wonder if she even knows who the father is...

posted on June 25, 2003 07:24:08 PM new
Amen Twelve. I also wonder if she ate paint chips as a kid.

Anyone that has served in the military can call themselves a veteran. But what was her discharge status. With that attitude I would surmise it to be a Dishonorable discharge

posted on June 25, 2003 07:47:14 PM new
Again, don't get too carried away making stuff up or anything....

So far, you guys have her pegged as a whineyassbitch and liar that doesn't know who the father of her son is, that supported President Clinton (or klinton as you say) but didn't advocate impeaching him and left the military through a dishonourable discharge...

I wonder what's the lesson here?

posted on June 25, 2003 07:54:30 PM new
Krafty,they missed the whole message,LOL.

PSSSSST...It is June 25th 2003.

posted on June 25, 2003 08:04:45 PM new
Junque as usual you show up a dollar short and a day late...

Kraft the lesson here is that people that have no clue as to what is going on, will believe any lieing POS that has an agenda against our President and our country... bet if her "little" darling had spent his time in the Military shoveling sh*t at some O club in Podunk Iowa, she wouldn't of said a damn thing, a real veteran knows you go and have a duty to fulfill and you do your best.
I wonder if her son knows what a whiney a$$ b*tch of mother he has?

posted on June 25, 2003 08:13:59 PM new
12,then prove it...The whole package,she a lying #*!@ that doesnt know who the father is and a Dishonorable discharge.
Those remarks are the most unAmerican I have heard yet.

posted on June 25, 2003 08:23:42 PM new
So a real military man/woman shovels sh*t? Is that what you did in the military or something Twelve?

posted on June 25, 2003 08:36:17 PM new

posted on June 25, 2003 08:55:49 PM new
No Kraft, I served in the Gulf and other Military actions with pride and distinction... how about you... tell us of your majestic military career...

Those of us who were there... knew in 1991 that we would have to come back and finish the job.

Junque when she proves her side, I will prove mine... until then, it is all opinions

She said her's and I said mine... you've said yours...

oh and if you want to quote something, how about doing something out of your nature and quoting it correctly and in context..

However there are many that choose that life style because they can make more panhandling than at a job.

Look it up... you maybe surprised at it's definition...

AIN'T LIFE GRAND... [ edited by Twelvepole on Jun 25, 2003 09:07 PM ]
posted on June 25, 2003 09:06:56 PM new
Drats on these dual posts.
[ edited by bear1949 on Jun 26, 2003 08:59 AM ]
posted on June 25, 2003 09:07:52 PM new
And all of you lefties still dont UNDERSTAND

Prove the President Bush lied? Don't have to. This is still the good ol' US of A where one is INNOCENT til proven guilty.

And it isn't like there were no DEMOS supporting the use of military force agains Saadam.

Wasn't there a UN time limit for Saadam to prove he had no WMD. (That he ignored)

All PRESIDENT BUSH did was to inforce a UN sanction that no the french, german & russians were opposed to.

And now we know why the french, germans & russians didn't want to invade Iraq. The paper trail has told of all the french, german & russian deals to sell banned products & arms to Iraq.


War hath no fury like a non-combatant.
- C. E. Montague

posted on June 25, 2003 09:20:54 PM new
GI's tired and depressed in Iraq

Young US soldiers in Iraq want to go home as they suffer from symptoms of combat stress including depression.

By Shino Yuasa

06/23/03: (Middle East Online) FALLUJAH, Iraq - Feeling tired and depressed after being away from home for months, young US soldiers in Iraq say they are not peacekeepers and are ready to go home.

"I think I had enough. It's time for us to go home," said Private First Class Joe Cruz, 18, from the Second Brigade of the Army's Third Infantry Division in Fallujah, 50 kilometers (30 miles) west of Baghdad.

Cruz, a native of Guam, has been away from his family for nearly one year and said not knowing when he would go home depressed him.

"When I get depressed, I just write a letter. I write a lot. Writing a letter relieves my stress," said the shy soldier. In letters, he tells his mother he is doing fine.

He is lying.

"I wake up in the middle of the night just to look around. I am always half-asleep," said Cruz, one of 4,000 US soldiers assigned to keep the peace in this conservative Sunni Muslim city, which has often been a flashpoint since US troops shot dead at least 16 civilians during protests in late April.

Graffiti on one of the walls along the main road of the city reads: "God bless the resistance fighters of the City of Mosques."

Sergeant Robert Meadows, one of six doctors at the brigade's compound, said he treats one soldier a day on average for illnesses related to combat fatigue.

"The biggest problem is sleep. Some people just sleep for hours and hours but still don't have any energy to get up," said the 39-year-old doctor from Brooklyn, New York City.

Meadows has seen soldiers suffering from symptoms of combat stress including depression, agitation and short temper and said a majority of them are men in their early 20s.

"The most common symptom is depression. Not knowing when we're going home is the worst part," he said. He has prescribed anti-depressants but said the best treatment is just talking to soldiers.

"I just talk to them and tell them to get some sleep," Meadows said, adding that soldiers can rest for three days under the treatment.

Private First Class Miguel Balderas, 22, said he sleeps inside the compound most of his off-duty time.

"I'm tired. I sleep most of the time," said Balderas from Santa Maria, California.

His friend, Private First Class James Mierop, 20, from Joliet, Illinois, described the mood as grim.

"I think a lot of people here are at the breaking point," said the baby-faced blond.

"I think everybody's had enough. Everybody is just ready to go home. I'm definitely ready to go home," Mierop said.

Morale, soldiers said, is low since their roles have changed from waging war to postwar peacekeeping.

"It went down rapidly shortly after they said 'we got more missions for you guys to do'," said Specialist Adam Nuelken, 23, from Columbia, South Carolina.

"Morale is never gonna be sky-rocket high, like when we rolled into Baghdad. I think only the victory of that scale could ever boost morale that high," Nuelken said.

"I don't think you can ever get near that level unless you won another war," he said.

Cruz agrees morale plummeted after the war.

"We need morale so that we can do our job. But everyone is down and depressed. It's hard for us to do our job. We need to be boosted up."

Soldiers also said they were frustrated with their peacekeeping roles.

"I think that the transition is somewhat difficult. We came with a war mentality, not with a peacekeeping mentality," Balderas said.

Mierop nodded.

"I find it hard. One day you are shot at and next day you're out there to pass soccer balls to little kids. It's just two different jobs," he said.

First Lieutenant Herb Leggette, 23, from Andrew, South Carolina explained: "The most difficult part of peacekeeping is simply figuring out that not everybody wants to kill you," he said.

Despite President George W. Bush declaring military operations effectively over on May 1, US troops have been under constant Iraqi resistance attacks, losing 17 soldiers in hostile fire since then.

When asked what he would like to say to the president, Leggette said he wanted Bush to know everyone here was tired.

"I would tell him that his soldiers over here are doing a very good job, but we are a little bit weary, a little bit exhausted," he said.

For Balderas, the message is simple.

"Get us out of here and get new troops here," he said.

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posted on June 25, 2003 09:39:24 PM new
Bear1949 "This is still the good ol' US of A where one is INNOCENT til proven guilty."

Tell that to the men in Guatanomo bay.
OOPS, catch 22,
That aint' USA.

"All PRESIDENT BUSH did was to inforce a UN sanction"
OOPS!, I didn't know he suppoted the UN.

posted on June 25, 2003 09:55:15 PM new
I think you're wonderful for serving your country Twelve but again, your valid points become lost amongst the women-hating tone of your posts. Not all the time, just when you're pretending to be serious.

This courageous ebay woman spoke her mind. Her opinion could affect her sales but she did it anyway. Isn't that what America is all about or are you still under the follow-the-leader spell?

"Prove the President Bush lied? Don't have to."

Right bear.

posted on June 26, 2003 04:41:20 AM new
And Bush has nothing to hide. Ya, right.

"The White House is battling to keep a report on the terror attacks secret. Does the 2004 election have anything to do with it?"

"Even as White House political aides plot a 2004 campaign plan designed to capitalize on the emotions and issues raised by the September 11 terror attacks, administration officials are waging a behind-the-scenes battle to restrict public disclosure of key events relating to the attacks."


Wake up and smell the coffee! How would you know what he did or didn't do? He has kept Americans in the dark since before 9/11. He knew where Osama bin Laden was prior to 9/11, but there was so much bickering going on the opportunity to take him out was lost. So, don't blame 9/11 on Clinton, like so many of you on the right want to do, blame it on Bush or both if you must. It was a huge blunder that's been covered up long enough.

Was the latest war an effort to distract us? Hmmm, I wonder about that. He can't keep things hidden forever. Someone, somewhere will eventually let the cat completely out of the bag and no amount of media support will save him. He has disgraced his office and the US. Impeachment was started on Clinton for far less in my book. Clinton slept around, but at least his victims are still alive.

I applaud this seller and even if I were a Republican, I'd be applauding her. Because more than a political party member, I am an American and that's who we are.

My religion is simple, my religion is kindness.
--Dalai Llama
[ edited by CBlev65252 on Jun 26, 2003 04:44 AM ]
posted on June 26, 2003 04:45:14 AM new
I am betting she is a single mother also... figures...

Hope to GOD her "sticker" auctions are rift with NPB's...

Kraft you have it all wrong, I love women... real feminine women, not the self riteous independent b*tches that permeate American Society today... and they wonder why so many of us are going offshore for our relationships....

posted on June 26, 2003 04:54:21 AM new
Oh, twelve, tell me you aren't one of those "women should be wearing a dress everyday even to clean the house" kind of men like my boyfriend? (Flashback to the 50's and Donna Reed?) Believe it or not, a lot of men find a strong woman who's willing to speak her mind sexy and appealing. You just aren't one of them and that's a-ok. Know why? Because we don't have to date you!!! Fortunately you aren't the last man on Earth. Good thing, too. That would mean the end of civilization as we know it.

My religion is simple, my religion is kindness.
--Dalai Llama
posted on June 26, 2003 07:56:25 AM new
We are still, largely, a patriarchal society.
They tell me that by and large, men don't like to marry women smarter than they are.

They may not be looking for that kind of woman.
But what's a man to do if he can't find a woman dumb enough.

posted on June 26, 2003 08:36:42 AM new
here are some solutions to try and stop this present US administration, non violently, but they the facist administration will be using violence, just like Hitler's bullies when Hilter was gaining strength.....don't forget Bush's family supported Hitler,and profited from him, and that is recorded fact

Published on Monday, June 23, 2003 by the San Francisco Chronicle
What You Can Do About Bush
by Harley Sorensen

From our 1776 Declaration of Independence:

"We hold these Truths to be self-evident, that all Men are created equal, that they are endowed by their Creator with certain unalienable Rights, that among these are Life, Liberty and the Pursuit of Happiness -- That to secure these Rights, Governments are instituted among Men, deriving their just Powers from the Consent of the Governed, that whenever any Form of Government becomes destructive of these Ends, it is the Right of the People to alter or to abolish it, and to institute new Government ..."

And, also from the Declaration of Independence:

"... when a long Train of Abuses and Usurpations, pursuing invariably the same Object, evinces a Design to reduce [the people] under absolute Despotism, it is their Right, it is their Duty, to throw off such Government, and to provide new Guards for their future Security."

And, finally:

"The History of the present King of Great Britain is a History of repeated Injuries and Usurpations, all having in direct Object the Establishment of an absolute Tyranny over these States."

Take out "King of Great Britain" in the last paragraph above and substitute "President George W. Bush," and you have a perfect beginning for a modern American Declaration of Independence.

Folks, Bush has gone too far, too many times. He is a one-man wrecking crew, destroying, bit by bit, what decent men and women have created and improved upon for 227 years.

We have to stop him. We have to do it soon. If we don't, we won't have an America to protect.

Perhaps some of you can't see the forest for the trees. Perhaps you're too close to the picture to see it clearly. But, I assure you, the rest of the world knows what's going on in America. The rest of the world is aghast. "What is happening to America?" they ask. "Why don't the Americans do something about Bush?"

Last week I got an unbelievably heavy surge of e-mail from readers. And roughly 80 percent had the same question: "What can I do?"

What can I do? What can anybody do? Does it help to write to members of Congress? Should I write letters to the editor? Please, please, tell me, what can I do?

My answer last week was, "I don't know." But I've been thinking about it, and I've come up with a few ideas that might actually work, if we're lucky.

And if we're good.

First, let me tell you what won't work: violence. Any violent attempts to correct our national problems will do nothing but make them worse.

A new American revolution at this point would be counterproductive. It would just divide us and lead us into civil war. And any thought of assassination is idiotic.

We need nonviolent solutions.

Our first step, I believe, is to hold public rallies and protest demonstrations. I know, I know, I opposed the recent anti-war demonstrators, but there's a difference. The anti-war demonstrators had no chance of succeeding.

Anti-fascist demonstrators might have better luck.

"Fascism" is an incendiary term when applied to America, but consider its dictionary definition: "A political ... regime ... that exalts nation ... above the individual and that stands for a central, autocratic government headed by a dictatorial leader, severe economic and social regimentation and forcible suppression of opposition."

With the exception of economic regimentation, the Bush administration seems to fit the "fascist" definition rather neatly.

Bush is not a dictator, but is he "dictatorial"? I'd say he is. My dictionary says "dictatorial" "stresses autocratic, high-handed methods and a domineering manner." That fits George W. Bush's style to a T. In fact, he even once said, on his first trip to Washington after being elected, that his job would be easier if he were a dictator.

In any event, it's time to start demonstrating against this man and what he represents. It's time to declare our independence from this man. We need to create a small army of modern Thomas Paines.

Bush's war against Iraq has become the disaster many of us feared it would become. Our troops are being killed on a daily basis. So are Iraqi citizens. We've virtually destroyed Iraq's major cities.

We've accomplished our stated goals -- getting rid of Saddam Hussein and his ethereal weapons of mass destruction -- so what are we doing there? It's time to pull out and leave the Iraqi oil behind.

There is no shortage of administration sins upon which to focus and demonstrate against. We could have massive demonstrations in every American city every day of every week.

Take the FCC decision of a fortnight ago. The only people who favored it were the three commissioners who voted for it, the Bushies who led them and the communication companies that stand to increase their fortunes from it. The remainder of America was against it, yet it slithered its way into law.

We should be protesting anti-American stuff like that. We should make our voices heard.

Just last week the Bushies edited out data about climate change in an Environmental Protection Agency report. Bush made it clear early in his administration that he has no interest in environmental protections that might cost industry money, so he and his cronies are pretending global warming can't possibly exist.

We should be protesting stuff like that. The air we breathe and the water we drink are far more important than any company's profits.

But we must not divert our energies. To be successful, we must focus. Our job is to protect ourselves from Bush. We should let other social ills pass for the moment. Saving our nation is more important than saving the whales.

To be successful, our movement can't be limited only to Bush's political opponents -- Democrats, liberals and professional rabble-rousers. We need good conservatives who are tired of playing follow the leader as they watch our liberties go down the drain.

The salvation of our nation is not a partisan issue.

In Congress, we need more John McCains -- senators and representatives who think for themselves and refuse to slavishly follow the party line. We need conservative citizens who will do the same. We need brave Democrats in office (if they exist!) and even braver Republicans, like Jim Jeffords of Vermont, who risked all to save his nation.

We need the help of rich people who love their country, people like George Soros or Bill Gates Sr. or Bill Gates Jr.

We need to get out of Afghanistan as well as Iraq. For all our bluster over there, we control perhaps one neighborhood of Kabul. The rest of the country is controlled by warlords and drug lords. The opium-poppy crop is leaving Afghanistan by the ton -- so where is our sanctimonious "war on drugs"?

Folks, Bush and his gang have angered our enemies and inspired them to try harder. Thus, our foes are doing exactly what we would be doing if we were in their shoes: planning bigger and better attacks. We treat them as if they are one criminal organization run by Osama bin Laden, but in fact they're a hydra-headed monster that can't be defeated. Chop off one head and another appears. Our only hope is to learn to get along with them, and the Bush people are doing just the opposite.

We should be protesting such a stupid foreign policy, not just in the streets but in letters to the editors, calls to talk shows and discussions with our friends and neighbors.

We need courageous foreign-service officers who will tell it like it is. We need civil servants who will risk their jobs to serve their country. We need rival political parties, like the Greens and Libertarians, to back off their dreams -- for now -- and join the fight to save our nation.

We need corporate CEOs to draw the line and quit paying the bribes demanded by both parties. "But, Harley," the CEOs will argue, "if we don't pay, we lose out, our profits drop and we lose our jobs." That may be true, but the health of our nation is more important than any company's profits, any man's job. If we lose this good thing we have going here, this wonderful United States of America, we may never get it back.

And we need character in our press. The much-chronicled sins of one cheating New York Times reporter pale compared with the propaganda that comes out of Fox News or MSNBC on a daily basis.

I know that sucking up to the lowest common denominator builds ratings, and high ratings translate into bigger paychecks, but our nation is at stake and it's time to stop pandering. We need a responsible press. You and I should demand a responsible press.

So, organize. Do what you can as an individual. We have to fight back. I've made a few suggestions, but I know from experience that people who read this column can come up with a thousand better ones. Do that. And spread the word.

Will all our efforts drive Bush from office? No. But we can distract him, and slow down his attempts to rebuild America in his own image. In 17 months we can vote him out of office. If our movement is powerful enough, we'll have a choice then between a good Democrat and a good Republican not named Bush.

"...Whenever any Form of Government becomes destructive of these Ends, it is the Right of the People to alter or to abolish it, and to institute new Government..."

(Late-breaking news: I just heard VoterMarch is sponsoring a permitted protest from 5 pm to 7 pm today in Manhattan, where Bush will be staging a $2,000-a-plate reelection-campaign fund-raiser at the Sheraton New York Hotel. I've also heard a rumor that an anti-Bush march is planned for July 4 in Philadelphia. So the movement is already under way!)

Harley Sorensen is a longtime journalist and liberal iconoclast. His column appears Mondays. E-mail him at [email protected].

posted on June 26, 2003 09:22:44 AM new
What all you Bush bashers & left wingsres fail to comprehend is that the current U.S. military is ALL VOLUNTARY, there is no more draft. You enlist, you take the pay, you go where you are told to go. If they had been drafted, I could see their point.

The troops that are complaining, I WANT TO GO HOME, it's too hot, it's too dusty, I MISS MY MOMMY, are a bunch of whiney azz brats, that need to grow up.

At least they don't have the jungles & leaches to contend with.

When I enlisted (there was a draft then), I would have prefered to serve in Germany, but Uncle Sam had a different idea. I survived my time in Hell & became a beter man for it.

[ edited by bear1949 on Jun 26, 2003 09:50 AM ]
posted on June 26, 2003 10:03:28 AM new
"The troops that are complaining, I WANT TO GO HOME, it's too hot, it's too dusty, I MISS MY MOMMY, are a bunch of whiney azz brats, that need to grow up."

Shame on you, bear, for calling our troops a bunch of whiney ass brats. A "better man" would appreciate their complaints. A "better man" would know that in an economy where unemployment is so high that joining the armed services may have been their only option.


posted on June 26, 2003 10:27:37 AM new
Oh for the glory days of war bear!!

It may be necessary at times, but War isn't noble, It's shameful.

Life......Yes, we are alive.

Liberty........Big debate.

Pursuit of Happiness.......Are Americans happy bear????

You would rather skip that last one even though it’s the easiest one to assess and go back to fighting, to arguing about liberty.

"A better man for it"?
Bear, you're a legend in your own mind.

Bush's Klan are draft dodgin' cowards, and supported the Nazis to boot.
Commander in Chief........ HA!

So What if they are voluntary bear, what's a man to do if he can't get any other job.
Do you think that many US soldiers are the only ones that hate their jobs?

Also, we all know that 18-year-olds aren't as wise, and they are the ones getting sucked in to enlist.

But the top of concern to you is that you get to keep all your guns.
Haven't you heard? Sitting Bull is dead. And the Black man doesn’t want to rape you.

Does your constitution say ‘Pursuit of Happiness’ or ‘Gross Domestic Product’?
We can all tell by the way that you address us that you are anti-social & miserable.
You should note that a lot of American voices here aren’t happy either, and if that doesn’t bother you, then you are anti-the-American Constitution, and people like you are giving your country a very bad image, and the stink Bush is giving off can be smelt all over the world.

The stink he is giving off is not only harming Americans, it’s harming others too.

Now they have dropped your interest rates down to a 45-year low 1%.
They must be getting desperate.
They obviously want you all to borrow money, so they can spread the debt.
Then in a few years the interest rates will go up again, you will be ‘heavily geared’ and you’ll be screwed.
Perhaps not you, but your grandchildren, and the little money they have will go back to the top again.
You may be happy to have your children ‘Trickled Down’ on, but we are not.

Drops in health care, education, etc, etc.
The big boys make profits and keep it.
Things go bad and you pay for it. And you don’t even understand.

Texas House Speaker Gib Lewis defending himself against the charge that he would personally profit from a bill he had introduced: "I'd just make a little bit of money, I wouldn't make a whole lot."

Texas Agriculture Commissioner Jim Hightower discussing President George Bush's policies: "If ignorance ever goes to $40 a barrel, I want drillin' rights on that man's head."

posted on June 26, 2003 10:39:42 AM new
With Leaders like these, Who needs terrorists.

"Outside of the killings, Washington has one of the lowest crime rates in the country."
-- Mayor Marion Barry, Washington, D.C.
"I haven't committed a crime. What I did was fail to comply with the law."
-- David Dinkins, New York City Mayor, answering accusations that he failed to pay his taxes.
"I have opinions of my own -strong opinions- but I don't always agree with them."
--George Bush, US President
"It's no exaggeration to say that the undecideds could go one way or another."
--George Bush, US President
"I want to make sure everybody who has a job wants a job"
-- George Bush, during his first Presidential campaign
"This is a great day for France!"
-- Richard Nixon, while attending Charles De Gaulle's funeral
"Now, like, I'm President. It would be pretty hard for some drug guy to come into the White House and start offering it up, you know? ... I bet if they did, I hope I would say, 'Hey, get lost. We don't want any of that.'"
-- George Bush, talking about drug abuse to a group of students
"The caribou love it. They rub against it and they have babies. There are more caribou in Alaska than you can shake a stick at."
-- George Bush, on the Alaska pipeline
"I hope I stand for anti-bigotry, anti-Semitism, anti-racism. This is what drives me."
-- George Bush
"If I listened to Michael Dukakis long enough I would be convinced that we're in an economic downturn and people are homeless and going without food and medical attention and that we've got to do something about the unemployed."
-- Ronald Reagan
"My fellow Americans, I've signed legislation that will outlaw Russia forever. We begin bombing in five minutes."
-- Ronald Reagan, about to go on the air for a radio broadcast,
unaware that the microphone was already on
"Now we are trying to get unemployment to go up and I think we're going to succeed."
-- Ronald Reagan

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