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posted on July 4, 2003 10:17:09 AM new
here is something from a canadian the Ken Perless website, NEWS from the EDGE, his weekly opinion


So now the Bushistas are whining that they need help in Iraq and expect the rest of us to pitch in and send troops. In their demented dreams... I hope. These arrogant p***ks got themselves and their countrymen/women into this pickle and now they want us to save their face in the bail-out. They say they will pay for the foreign troops. F**k that. Their word's no good.

The heat is on and their feet are to the fire now that the Iraqis have had enough and have started to pick the US/Brit invaders off. The troops are beginning to whine that it's too hot, everybody hates them, they can't tell the good guys from the bad, they want to go home and see their families and didn't sign on for an extended tour of peacekeeping, etc. They're right on all accounts. So far nobody seems to be willing to take up the cudgel on their behalf and as time goes on and the Iraqis get properly organized and start whacking the Invaders wholesale it will be even harder to find suckers in the international community, if not impossible. Even our worthless but eager chickenhawk, Canadian Minister of National Defense John McCallum, is giving this one a wide berth. As a matter of fact, he's gonna have a tough time swallowing the chunk he just bit off in Afghanistan.

I always figured that the US military was a mile wide and an inch deep and it's beginning to look as if I wasn't far off the mark. Wait'll the Washington Chickenhawks try to con the troops into an Iran invasion... mutiny will be in the wind for sure. Bombing is great fun, especially when the opposition has no air force, or you're bombing your allies and calling it friendly fire, but Iran is an entirely different kettle of fish. They have an air force and an army too, and really shitty territory to attack but great to defend. Lots of mountains and ravines for bushwhacks. Yeah. And they hate the US with a passion. The US, after all, deposed their democratically elected gov 50 years ago and saddled them with the Shah and his Secret Police with their legions of torturers. Something not likely to be forgotten soon. Baby Shah doesn't have a look-in.

The US troops are stretched about as thin as they can be, and recruitment is waaaaay down. The only solution is the Draft with all of its inequities... ho ho ho. Barring that, perhaps Penal Battalions could be raised. They'd have enough for 2 million person army right there. Mind you... it might be a tad dicey come the time for demobilization and all those trained and bonded in blood hoodlums hit the street back in Podunk, but then what the f**k... neocons were never long term thinkers anyway, else they wouldn't find themselves in this jam.

So what's a poor country boy like Dubya supposed to do, what with his re-election election looming and all? I suspect that he'll raise a s**tload of money, spend d**k on his re-election, pocket the lion's share and hit the road after losing, back to Texas' oblivion where he rightfully belongs, there to languish until the ICC processes war crimes charges against him and his a**hole buddies, and the new Democratic Administration gives them up and they are tried, found guilty, and incarcerated cheek by jowl with the rest of the scum. Maybe the Shrub can cell-up with Milosovitch and they can gibber off into the sunset together, one-upping each other on their human rights abuses. Such stuff are dreams made of.

However it shakes down I feel I can confidently predict that the Shrub is toast this next time out of the gate. He's already starting to look a little ragged around the edges as I write, and anybody smart enough to be able to mark an X on the ballot has to be smart enough to know that this turkey can't fly, even if he did spend a few active months in the Texas Air National Guard. No. At some point he's gonna have to stand in front of a crowd that is not composed entirely of the Editorial Board of the Weekly Standard and account for his behaviour. I don't think he's psychologically capable of doing that, and his general line of #*!@ has already been stretched to the breaking point... or past.

This time next year and a bit, is when the chickens all come home to roost. The world is a shambles. The Palestinians and the Jews have about as much chance of working it out as do God and the Devil. The US is reviled planet wide. Things are proceeding apace in Afghanistan at several times the speed that put paid to the Russian Empire. The Afghan President is in reality the day time Mayor of Kabul protected by foreign bodyguards. Every now and then, if you listen closely, you can hear a faint whine for support issuing from his bunker. Nobody in Washington can hear him, perhaps because they are now sitting down and chatting with the Taliban, trying to work out some kind of a deal for them to take over again. Omar and the Arabs are being cut out of the negotiations, so my advice is not to hold your breath waiting for this scam to mature. The grandiose scheme of a trans-Afghanistan oil pipeline is dust and ashes, but the poppy pipeline works like a damn. One suspects that Air America is back in business there, with new and even more lucrative contracts than their old SE Asian ones that went west when the Viet Cong put the run on them.

King George's sycophantic side-kick Tony "The Poodle" Bliar has worn his fingernails to the nub trying to brake his fall down the well of public opinion. He should hit bottom sometime next week which should encourage any dumb-#*!@ pol who had thought to cozy up to "The World's Last Remaining Superpower" to run it by his advisers again, and if they still give the green light, fire them. John Howard of Oz, the third member of the unholy trinity, is seriously "down under" in the polls also, and is trying to re-coup by sending his army off to do battle with 316 vicious Solomon Islands Rebels... ripping the Granada leaf out of Ronnie Raygun's play-book so to speak. It's a damned good thing for John-o that the Aussies are famous for their sense of humour, else there would definitely be another shrimp on the barbecue.

And throughout all this the Shrubster hollers "Bring 'em on!"

Depend on it.



posted on July 5, 2003 05:49:26 AM new
Please inform your doctor that you have lost your medication and need a refill ASAP...

posted on July 5, 2003 08:25:23 AM new

posted on July 5, 2003 08:28:42 AM new
Everyone can stop fighting about who is going to win the election. We will not be having a fair election in 2004. It is rigged.

posted on July 5, 2003 10:30:33 AM new
bigcitycollectables suggested that you all read this site, well I did,
and it’s shows how Bush’s ‘rise’ mirrors that of Hitler’s.
Starting with: Hitler’s low election numbers but still “Hitler is appointed Chancellor by Hindenburg”.
& “Bush is appointed President by the Supreme Court”

Bush is foisted on the American public through a coup d'etat of the Supreme Court after massive election fraud perpetrated by his brother in Florida.
Thousands of voters were illegally disqualified in the 2000 election in the state of Florida, when Jeb Bush and his Secretary of State compiled a false list of felons who would not be allowed to vote.
The Supreme Court was packed with reactionary right-wingers, several of whom had conflicts of interest because of their ties to the Bush family.
Dubya appoints convicted criminals, racists, and corporate-controlled underlings to his cabinet.
January, 2001
Bush pushes his tax cuts for the wealthy through Congress, begins his assaults on the environment, and commands the FBI to stop investigations concerning the Bin Laden family and other suspected terrorist cells.
When the Word Trade Center and the Pentagon were attacked, Bush was listening to Florida grade school children read. When informed of the attack by his associates, he continued listening. He then flew to a security bunker in Nebraska before finally returning to the White House.
No military aircraft had been scrambled to intercept the four hijacked planes, though there was plenty of time to do so.
The Bush junta's totally cynical appointment of the war criminal Henry Kissinger to create a coverup for the 9/11 terrorist attacks on American citizens arouses additional suspicion that the Bush administration was complicit in the horror. Under pressure, Kissinger was forced to resign.
Hundreds of suspects were immediately jailed after 9/11, without benefit of habeas corpus or other rights. Some of these suspects have already been found guilty of the crime.
The Bush junta forced the Patriot Act bill through Congress, suspending essential civil liberties, excusing oppression as essential to the "war on terrorism," and maintaining that dissent was treason.
The Patriot Act abrogated the following American constitutional protections:
&#61623; Free expression of opinion
&#61623; Freedom of the press
&#61623; Right of assembly and association
&#61623; Right to privacy of postal and electronic communications
&#61623; Protection against unlawful searches and seizures
&#61623; Individual property rights
&#61623; States' right of self-government
Presidential decrees make it possible for military forces to be used to monitor and control the civilian population, in abrogation of the posse comitatus act
In the 2000 and now again in the midterm 2002 elections, electronic voting has meant that our democratic right to have our votes counted fairly and accurately has been taken from us by the Bush junta.
Since we now suffer under the situation where there is no opposition to the criminal Bush regime--most Democrats having effectively become pawns of the Republicans--then none of the state election frauds will be investigated. We can't be sure that key races such as that of Mondale in Minnesota and Carnahan in Missouri were not the result of massive vote fraud. We can be sure that the Florida gubernatorial race was completely fixed.
This sinister phase 3 of the Nazification of America is best understood by reviewing some of the information that Greg Palast has made available. Palast is the investigative reporter for BBC and the Observer who first exposed the 2000 Florida vote crimes.
94,000 people -- over half of them African American --were on a "scrub list" in Florida, resulting in their being blocked from voting in the 2000 election. Did Florida rectify this mistake before the 2002 election? Fuhgeddaboudit! Those voters won't be reinstated in Florida until January 2003--if ever.
Electronic, touch screen voting is the basis for election fraud:
&#61623; votes can easily be lost through "software glitches"
&#61623; Democratic votes can become Republican votes and no one is the wiser
The "touch" screen computers are made by ES&S, the vendor chosen by Katherine Harris, Florida Secretary of State and current congressperson. The lobbyist who sold that company's system to Jeb and Katherine is Sandy Mortham, founder of Women for Jeb and Harris' predecessor as Secretary of State. Mortham was the person who instigated the scam in 1998 to find black voters who could be disqualified.
ES&S machines, not surprisingly, failed to work in black precincts in 2002. And of course with electronic voting there is no paper ballot back-up.
In the "decisive" 2002 mid-term "elections" the Republicans gained control of all branches of government: executive, legislative, and judicial. Just as in Hitler's Enabling Act, so Bush Jr. forced the Homeland Security bill through Congress which gave him complete dictatorial powers:
&#61623; the President is able to make any decision he wishes without judicial or legislative restraint
&#61623; the executive branch can now carry on its meetings in secret, without scrutiny from the press or the people
&#61623; the "homeland security" agents can now intrude in any part of a citizen's life
&#61623; The Cyber Security Enhancement Act slipped into the Homeland Security bill at the last moment:
&#61623; allows police to conduct Internet or telephone eavesdropping willy-nilly with no requirement to ask a court's permission first
&#61623; demands life sentences for hackers that 'recklessly' endanger lives
&#61623; allows Net surveillance to gather telephone numbers, IP addresses, and URLs or e-mail information, where an 'immediate threat to a national security interest' is suspected
&#61623; permits ISPs to hand users' records over to law enforcement authorities, overturning current legislation that outlaws such behavior
&#61623; the Homeland Security Information Awareness Office will be run by a former convicted felon
&#61623; up to 850,000 jobs will be privatized, knocking out union and civil service oversight
On November 14, 2002, as the Senate was being pressured to pass a hastily-prepared homeland security bill, Senator Byrd spoke out vehemently against the bill as Bush's grab for dictatorial power--the worst act of tyranny, Byrd said, in the fifty years he's been in Congress.
Secret US Police Concentration Camps
In a revealing admission in June, 1997, the Director of Resource Management for the U.S. Army confirmed the validity of a memorandum relating to the establishment of a civilian inmate labor program under development by the Department of the Army. The document states, "Enclosed for your review and comment is the draft Army regulation on civilian inmate labor utilization" and the procedure to "establish civilian prison camps on installations."
Amid widespread rumors, Congressman Henry Gonzales clarified the question of the existence of civilian detention camps. In an interview, Gonzalez stated, "The truth is yes--you do have these stand by provisions, and the plans are here . . . whereby you could, in the name of stopping terrorism . . . evoke the military and arrest Americans and put them in detention camps."
Pierre Tristam's 11/26/02 editorial in the Daytona Beach News Journal blew the lid off the Homeland Security Department.
"The New Deal was a 'reorganization' or an 'expansion' of government. The creation of the Homeland Security Department is a coup within the government. What Ollie North once did illegally in a White House basement - free-lancing policy with public money and accountability to no one - a $37 billion department with 170,000 employees will now do legally in what is sure to be a high-rise of basements and metaphorical windows on Washington's Bureaucracy Row. Like a Wall Street firm beholden only to its board room, the second-largest government department is now a proprietary arm of the presidency. It operates beyond congressional scrutiny and public accountability, and guarantees secrecy to its own machinations or to those of any private business with which it deals.
"Let's say Kafka Inc. were a company that made surveillance cameras the government was installing at a few thousand intersections. Kafka's products happen to be pathetically faulty, as such devices commonly are. The public would be outraged if it knew. But all Kafka would have to do to keep its products' evaluations from becoming public is submit them to the Department of Homeland Security, where everything is to be kept secret by law. What Kafka does, every other company or hospital or airline or even local sheriff's department can do with any proposal, any budget item, any safety plan made part of the homeland security racket. The department, in other words, is a black hole to the Freedom of Information Act - everything goes in, nothing gets out."
On Sunday, November 10th, the New York Times announced that 200,000 to 250,000 troops would be used to attack Iraq, while 265,000 National Guard and Reserve personnel would be called to active duty--MOST OF WHICH WILL BE DEPLOYED IN THE UNITED STATES! Is Bush at war with Iraq or with American citizens?

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