posted on July 15, 2003 07:36:44 AM new
listen to greenspan testifies in congress-
he is comparing us economy with japanese economy.
we may be in the doghouse but look at japan??
posted on July 15, 2003 04:32:22 PM new
The White House's Office of Management and Budget said on July 15, 2003
that the federal budget deficit for 2003 would swell to $455 billion and $475
billion next year. The new projections represent a record high deficit in dollar
terms. Photo by Reuters Graphic
This message from a New York resident puts the amount of money budgeted for warfare in some perspective.
so according to donald rumsfeld the u.s is spending 4 billion dollars a month maintaining the military presence in iraq. or 1 billion dollars a week. or 140 million dollars a day. or 6 million dollars an hour. or 100,000 dollars a minute. that's a lot of money. and i just visited my local police precinct and it's desperately in need of funding. and we're closing down firehouses in new york city cos we don't have the money to keep them open. and education budgets are being slashed. andbudgets for health-care for the poor are being slashed. so maybe we could cut the war in iraq short by one minute and my local police precinct could be given 100,000 dollars. or maybe we could cut the war in iraq short by one hour and we could use the 6 million dollars saved so that we wouldn't have to close as many of new york cities fire houses. or maybe we could cut the war in iraq short by one day and give 140 million dollars to the new york school system so that the hundreds of thousands of people in new york's public schools could have a better chance of having a safe and decent education. just some thoughts. moby