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posted on August 23, 2003 05:24:56 PM new
Pedophile Ex-Priest Is Killed in Prison
By ROBERT O'NEILL, Associated Press Writer

BOSTON - Former priest John Geoghan, the convicted child molester whose prosecution sparked the sex abuse scandal that shook the Roman Catholic Church nationwide, died Saturday after another inmate attacked him in prison.

Geoghan was injured in an incident with another inmate about noon and died shortly after being taken to Leominster Hospital, said Department Of Correction spokeswoman Kelly Nantel.

The incident happened just after lunchtime at Souza-Baranowski Correction Center, about 30 miles northwest of Boston, Nantel said. Geoghan was being held in protective custody to shield him from the general prison population, but he still had some contact with other inmates, Nantel said.

The other inmate was being held in isolation and the incident is under investigation, she said. She declined to give further details.

In civil lawsuits, more than 130 people have claimed Geoghan sexually abused them as children during his three decades as a priest at Boston-area parishes. He was convicted last year of indecent assault and battery for fondling a 10-year-old boy at a swimming pool.

Mitchell Garabedian, an attorney for many Geoghan victims, said he was "surprised and shocked" by Geoghan's death.

"Many of my clients would have rather seen Father Geoghan serve out his time in jail and endure the rigors of further criminal trials, so that his pedophile acts could have been exposed further," he said.

Geoghan often targeted boys from broken homes, ingratiating himself during frequent visits or fun outings. One victim said Geoghan molested him as the two were driving home from getting an ice cream cone. Others said Geoghan molested them after visiting their rooms at bedtime to tuck them in, sometimes while whispering prayers.

The church abuse scandal, which has had repercussions worldwide, broke in early 2002 with revelations that the Boston Archdiocese had shuttled Geoghan from parish to parish despite warnings about his behavior.

The scandal mushroomed after a judge ordered the release of archdiocese files involving dozens of priests, showing repeated examples of the archdiocese shipping priests to different parishes when allegations arose.

Soon dioceses and bishops across the country came under scrutiny for their handling of abuse allegations over the years, with the church tainted by scandal in many states. With the public outcry reaching a new crescendo, the bishops adopted a toughened policy against sex abuse and more than 325 priests of the roughly 46,000 American clergy were either dismissed or resigned from their duties in the year after the Geoghan case.

David Clohessy, national director of the Chicago-based Survivors Network of those Abused by Priests, said what made Geoghan's case more "than just a single case about a single predator" was that it revealed the corruption in the church.

"In many respects, Geoghan is not the pivotal figure, it's the people who he wounded and still came forward and the bishops who enabled him but were finally exposed," he said.

Geoghan was ousted from the priesthood in 1998 at the urging of Cardinal Bernard Law. The Geoghan case was one of several that led to Law resigning in December over his mishandling of abuse cases.

Rev. Christopher Coyne, a spokesman for the Archdiocese of Boston, offered prayers for Geoghan's family.

"Upon hearing the news of the tragic death of John Geoghan, the Archdiocese of Boston offers prayer for the repose of John's soul, and extends its prayers in consolation to his beloved sister, Kathy, at this time of personal loss," he said.

Geoghan was convicted in January 2002 for grabbing the buttocks of a 10-year-old boy in 1991 in the first of three criminal cases against him. He was sentenced to nine to 10 years in prison.

Most of the allegations against Geoghan did not lead to criminal charges because the statute of limitations had expired.

In September 2002, the archdiocese settled with 86 Geoghan victims for $10 million, after pulling out of an earlier settlement of about $30 million.

One of those victims, Ralph DelVecchio, said Geoghan deserved prison but didn't deserve to be killed.

"I wouldn't say he deserved to die, you know?" DelVecchio said. "He was in jail — that's where I believed he should be."

DelVecchio said he didn't wish ill on Geoghan.

"It's over with," he said.

A recent report by state Attorney General Thomas Reilly estimated that more than 1,000 children were abused by priests in the Boston archdiocese in the last 60 years. The Boston Archdiocese has offered $65 million to settle cases filed by more than 540 alleged victims.

On Saturday, the archdiocese announced that four priests had taken voluntary leaves of absence in response to allegations of sexual misconduct with minors. The church had asked the priests to step aside until the alleged incidents — all said to have occurred decades ago — are investigated and resolved.

He won't be molesting anyone else...

posted on August 24, 2003 11:38:14 AM new
Although I'm against the death penalty, I have a hard time with people that commit crimes against children, especially sex crimes, which can destroy a child's emotional behavior for life. Knowing that other prison inmates also hate sex criminals, I wonder if this wasn't allowed to happen? In any case, I can't say I'm sorry this happened...

posted on August 24, 2003 01:03:38 PM new
No matter how we feel about this particular criminal, it doesn't say much about the prison system when inmates under this much security can be killed.

Officially opening on September 30, 1998, this 500,000 square foot, high-tech, maximum security facility consists of 1024 general population cells, 128 special management cells, and 24 health service beds....Incorporating one of the largest camera matrix systems in the country, 366 cameras record live 24 hours a day.

Geoghan was held in a special protective unit where he had only limited contact with other prisoners. Public officials on Sunday refused to say how Druce, whose father said he held a grudge against homosexuals, managed to get near the 68-year old former priest.

He was attacked in Souza-Baranowski Correction Center in Shirley, Massachusetts, one of the state's most secure prisons.
ABC News

The prison was incorrectly identified by the La Times and the New York Times

[ edited by Helenjw on Aug 24, 2003 01:10 PM ]
posted on August 24, 2003 01:11:20 PM new
All we can hope is that, this prison keeps producing these kind of results.

Year after Year!!

Well worth the tax payers money!

posted on August 24, 2003 01:37:27 PM new
I'm not sorry it happened either. He got off too easy considering the happy childhoods he stole from his victims.

"Be kind. Remember everyone you meet is fighting a hard battle." - Harry Thompson

"I have neither the time nor the inclination to explain myself to a man who rises and sleeps under the blanket of the very freedom I provide and then questions the manner in which I provide it." - A Few Good Men
posted on August 24, 2003 01:56:42 PM new
Among all prison inmates, pedophiles are considered the lowest of the low. Unless kept in administrative segregation or housed with other pedophiles, at any opportunity the pedophiles inmates will become targets of opportunity.

posted on August 24, 2003 02:20:21 PM new
Thanks for the link Helen. I didn't know he was murdered because he was homosexual. I'm not sure how I feel now.

posted on August 24, 2003 02:24:11 PM new
Duh Kraft, why do you think he was molesting young boys... one less deviant...

I still say WOOT!
posted on August 24, 2003 02:25:31 PM new
From ABC...

Nantel declined to say if Druce and Geoghan knew each other or what motivated Druce to attack Geoghan. "We can't release any details because the District Attorney's office is conducting an investigation," she said. Druce is still being held at the prison and is now in isolation, she said.

The Boston Globe reported that Druce, who changed his name from Darrin Smiledge a few years ago, had a longstanding grudge against homosexuals, in addition to a hatred of blacks and Jews.

"I can't understand why they would put a guy who would kill a sex offender in a cell with a sex offender," Druce's father, Dana Smiledge, told the newspaper. Prisons spokeswoman Kelly Nantel declined to say whether Druce and Geoghan were in the same cell.

posted on August 24, 2003 02:34:51 PM new

This Boston Globe story has more information.

posted on August 24, 2003 02:40:45 PM new
Prosecutors plan to charge Joseph L. Druce, 37, with murder. Druce is already serving a life sentence for killing an elderly Gloucester man 15 years ago. The admitted neo-Nazi also pleaded guilty last year to an anthrax hoax after sending powder-filled envelopes containing threatening swastika-adorned notes to 39 Jewish lawyers around the country.

The attack occurred in the protective custody wing of the maximum security Souza-Baranowski Correctional Center in Lancaster, where prisoners are kept mostly isolated and apart, with prison guards constantly monitoring their movement. It was unclear last night how Druce obtained access to Geoghan.

Varied Reactions

But Geoghan's victims, his former colleagues, and church officials were stunned by the death.

"This case was tragic to the very end," said Monsignor Peter V. Conley, pastor of St. Jude Church in Norfolk. "For all his troubled life, and for all the troubles he brought to others, he didn't deserve this violent end. That's awful."

The Rev. Robert W. Bullock, pastor of Our Lady of Sorrows Church in Sharon and president of the Boston Priests Forum, agreed.

"This is just another dimension to the continued tragedy," he said. "With all the enormity of his crimes, and the grave, grave harm he has caused to his victims, this also is a crime that has happened to him. No one should ever find any kind of vindication in this."

When news of Geoghan's slaying reached his victims yesterday, it provoked little sympathy. "Good," said Frank Leary, who was assaulted by Geoghan in the early 1970s at the rectory of St. Andrew's Church in Jamaica Plain. "What do you expect? He's where he was supposed to be and this is probably what's supposed to happen to him."

Patrick McSorley, another Geoghan victim, said: "I'm not surprised. I'm just very confused right now about the whole thing. It isn't right to murder. I would have liked it for him to serve his time and face those other charges and do a lot longer than he was getting. He's ruined a lot of people's lives."

Attorney Mitchell Garabedian, who since 1994 has represented 147 people who say they were abused by Geoghan, was also shocked. "I'm surprised, I'm shocked, and I've spoken to a number of my clients and they're surprised and shocked," he said. "My clients would much rather have seen Father Geoghan complete his sentence, face additional criminal charges and additional trials, and therefore have the public further informed about clergy sexual abuse. This is just a sad situation."

Joseph E. Gallagher Jr., a parishioner at St. Julia Church in Weston for 24 years whose six children were all taught by Geoghan, said he was saddened.

"This is not a day for anybody to be happy about a man being murdered in prison," Gallagher said from his Wellesley home. "It's a very sad day."

posted on August 24, 2003 02:40:53 PM new
"I can't understand why they would put a guy who would kill a sex offender in a cell with a sex offender," Druce's father, Dana Smiledge, told the newspaper.

I think the fact that he was a homosexual was overshadowed immensely by him being a child molester, and that motivated the attack.

"Be kind. Remember everyone you meet is fighting a hard battle." - Harry Thompson

"I have neither the time nor the inclination to explain myself to a man who rises and sleeps under the blanket of the very freedom I provide and then questions the manner in which I provide it." - A Few Good Men
[ edited by wgm on Aug 24, 2003 02:42 PM ]
posted on August 24, 2003 02:47:10 PM new

From what I read, "Father" Geoghan was a monster. He should have been left to rot in prison, a fate much worse than death in my opinion.

posted on August 24, 2003 02:48:54 PM new

This should be investigated. The possibility that a neo-Nazi murderer who hates homosexuals was placed in a cell with a homosexual is incriminating --especially under such intense security with 24 hour camera surveillance and monitoring by prison guards.

posted on August 24, 2003 03:06:53 PM new

So, a poor old feeble man is tossed into the lion's den. How can you call this justice?


posted on August 24, 2003 03:49:33 PM new
Not all pedophiles are homosexual and visa versa, Twelve. I didn't see any mention of his sexuality in your article. If his homosexuality was the reason he was killed, you'd think they'd have mention that.

posted on August 24, 2003 04:06:15 PM new
I understand you point Kraft, there is no proof it was a Homosexual killing as of yet... personally I don't care one way or the other... either a deviant is no longer defiling this earth or a child molester is no longer, in this case we may of gotten a two for one deal... more the better.

posted on August 24, 2003 04:32:29 PM new
The killer's father asked the question this way...

"I can't understand why they would put a guy who would kill a sex offender in a cell with a sex offender," Druce's father, Dana Smiledge, told the newspaper.

posted on August 24, 2003 04:42:06 PM new
Krafty - in this case I think the priest in question is a homosexual pedophile. I have seen no mention of any female victims of his exploits while in the church. Everything I have ever seen related to this guy has pointed to exclusively male victimizing.

Helen - do we actually know that these two were cell mates? The complete paragraph that you are quoting goes like this....

[i]"I can't understand why they would put a guy who would kill a sex offender in a cell with a sex offender," Druce's father, Dana Smiledge, told the newspaper. Prisons spokeswoman Kelly Nantel declined to say whether Druce and Geoghan were in the same cell.

The Globe reported that Smiledge hasn't spoken with his son, Joseph Druce, in eight years. Smiledge said Druce had threatened to kill his family and Smiledge's mother in the past. He is currently serving a sentence for murdering an elderly man in 1988.[/i]

If the prison is not saying yet and dad has not talked to his son in 8 years, how much stock are you putting into that quote right now?
~~~ • ~~~ • ~~~ • ~~~ • ~~~

Men Are Like Grapes. If You Stomp on Them and Keep Them in the Dark Long Enough, They Might Turn Into Something That You Would Take to Dinner
posted on August 24, 2003 05:01:39 PM new

No, Fenix, it's not an established fact that the two were cell mates. The prison authorities refused to answer that question. The father inferred that they were.

I also thought that pedophiles who prefer children of the same sex would be classified as homosexual.


posted on August 24, 2003 05:07:37 PM new

And, if you will READ my remark, you will see that I said...

This should be investigated. The possibility that a neo-Nazi murderer who hates homosexuals was placed in a cell with a homosexual is incriminating --especially under such intense security with 24 hour camera surveillance and monitoring by prison guards.

posted on August 24, 2003 05:10:10 PM new
A pedophile is a pedophile - and I think most people look at it that way. Whether it is a boy or a girl, it is a child.

I don't see Geoghan as a homosexual, I see him as a child molester. And a man who got off too easy.

"Be kind. Remember everyone you meet is fighting a hard battle." - Harry Thompson

"I have neither the time nor the inclination to explain myself to a man who rises and sleeps under the blanket of the very freedom I provide and then questions the manner in which I provide it." - A Few Good Men
posted on August 24, 2003 05:19:29 PM new
Helen, when we talked about pedophiles before, I read an article that said not all were homosexual but it wasn't gender specific. That's a good point!

posted on August 24, 2003 05:26:47 PM new
It is the responsibility of the state to do all that is in it's power to insure the security of it's inmates. I am not adverse to the death penalty in certain instances however this was not a capital crime. I believe the proper penalty in this case should have been life without parole although with all the cases and litigation pending it is not clear what the duration of sentence would have been ultimately.

Those convicted of non violent crimes are often housed in the same area as violent offenders. Pot smokers with aggrevated assault offenders, armed robbers etc.

posted on August 24, 2003 05:45:44 PM new
::I also thought that pedophiles who prefer children of the same sex would be classified as homosexual.::

There are pedophiles and there are homosexuals, then there are homosexual pedophiles. One term neither eliminates nor automatically includes the other. They are seperate traits that combine for a more accurate description.

::And, if you will READ my remark, you will see that I said... ::

Helen - I did read that remark but you know which one I was referring to. I was referring to the quote you gave from the father. By failing to include the two sentences that followed it the quote leaves the impression that this was an informed opinion of the father when it is in reality an opinion based on assumption since the father had not spoken to his son in 8 years and the prison had not released information regarding whether the two were cellmates or not.

~~~ • ~~~ • ~~~ • ~~~ • ~~~

Men Are Like Grapes. If You Stomp on Them and Keep Them in the Dark Long Enough, They Might Turn Into Something That You Would Take to Dinner
posted on August 24, 2003 05:58:26 PM new

I stated that the father inferred that the two were cell mates. We all know what "inferred" means. Don't we???

So, it will be interesting to find out how this crime was committed in a maximum security prison while the murderer was under 24 hour camera surveillance.


posted on August 24, 2003 06:42:01 PM new
Yes Helen - I know what inferred means. I also know that his statement was a baseless assumption which was used as a jumping off point for implications of sinister actions on the part of the prison. I was just trying to point out that before the accusaions got too out of hand, one needed to go back to one basic reality.... We do not have the facts.

As for the 24 hour cameras... there are areas where the cameras are not allowed to film, i.e. bathroom and shower facilities. You know, civil rights and such.

Truth be told, I am neither saddened nor shocked that a high profile pedophile was killed in jail. The only thing that could have prevented that would have been keeping him in solitary. He walked in with a target and a timer on his back.
~~~ • ~~~ • ~~~ • ~~~ • ~~~

Men Are Like Grapes. If You Stomp on Them and Keep Them in the Dark Long Enough, They Might Turn Into Something That You Would Take to Dinner
posted on August 24, 2003 07:25:03 PM new

Fenix, Give me a FN break. Your arrogance knows no bounds. NOBODY here made any accusations or came to any premature conclusions. We took the report from the newspaper and stated our OPINIONS. This is a chat board...NOT a trial. I suggested that an investigation was in order. That's all.
As always, it doesn't surprise me one bit that you are not saddened or shocked.


posted on August 24, 2003 08:58:41 PM new
You a funny funny girl. Give you a break? ROFL!

::Helenjw posted on August 24, 2003 03:06:53 PM
So, a poor old feeble man is tossed into the lion's den. How can you call this justice? ::

That damn sure looks like a judgement and conclussion to me.

At least I admit I am an arrogant #*!@ Helen. Maybe you need to take a closer look in the mirror. I don't think that trait is quite as foreign to you as you seem to think.

And yes, I am unappologetically indifferent to the welfare of serial rapists... whether they be "feeble old men" or not. Over a period of decades and with at least 150 victims he showed his utter regard for the welfare of others very clearly. He spat in the face of his community and used peoples faith to serve one goal - his sexual gratification. He forfeited his right to compassion.

~~~ • ~~~ • ~~~ • ~~~ • ~~~

Men Are Like Grapes. If You Stomp on Them and Keep Them in the Dark Long Enough, They Might Turn Into Something That You Would Take to Dinner
posted on August 24, 2003 09:09:07 PM new

So, a poor old feeble man is tossed into the lion's den. How can you call this justice? ::


I was just checking to see if anybody was awake.

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