posted on September 28, 2003 08:59:45 AM new
It is funny that the same judge, who declared the do not call list unconstitutional, had actually signed up for the list...
Guess he thought was a good idea when he didn't have to "judge" it...
Easiest way I know to get rid of callers... tell them that the conversation will be recorded... they hang up pretty fast.
posted on September 28, 2003 11:01:17 AM new
Twelve, nobody likes to get these calls. (Well, maybe SOME people do - who knows?) But alot of these call centers are going to lay off people and probably close. That cant be too good for the local economies.
posted on September 28, 2003 11:52:51 AM new
Do what I do - I NEVER answer the phone unless it's someone I know (Call Display) and I've gotten rid of the answering service so nobody can leave a message. No way I'm going to let that phone control me!
posted on September 28, 2003 04:23:49 PM new
I started a thread when the "no call list" became public. In that thread, I mentioned that I have an unlisted phone number and didn't want to put my number on the list cause then the telemarketers would have "access" to it.
I don't get telemarkerters anyways.
Well, guess what, my instincts was correct. Heard on the news the other day that people with unlisted phone numbers who put their number on the list, started to get telemarketers.
I think the telemarketers do have a point, if the politicians and others can call, why not them?
I just don't answer my phone anyways. I let my message center get it.
posted on September 28, 2003 06:31:30 PM new
Twelve, maybe so (bringing it on themselves), but people gotta earn a living somehow - and in some areas, alot of them just outside rural areas, these telecenters are one of the few sources of employment available.
With the amount of people already out of work, and more companies moving overseas, this just adds to the pile of people going without a steady source of income. Granted they may just be above minimum wage earners, but they are nevertheless, still consumers. If you think this doesn't hurt the economy and even yourself selling on Ebay, I think you are deluded as to the real impact this will have as a whole.
Personally, I think even when YOU call anywhere and you are bombarded with unsoliticed proposals. Try calling to active your credit card. You have to listen to 2 minutes of solitication before you can do what you want to accomplish. I find that just as annoying. Why doesn't the government ban this crap, too? Whats next?
posted on September 28, 2003 07:11:33 PM new
First of all I know personally where two of these call centers are... Not in any "out of the way" area....
Second they are not earning just above minimum wage... who the hell would do it for that?
Third, this country is already in the bottom heading up... we can absorb any jobs lost from the telemarketers...
I will under no circumstance support them staying in business... is that clear enough for you?
As it stands now, if they call, and I do answer the phone because I have people call that come up out of area, that I want to talk to; if they stay on after I tell them the call is being recorded... the next thing I ask are sexually explicit questions... they invade my privacy, I invade theirs...
and I get a good laugh out of it...
The activation on your credit card is between you and your cc company... mine took less than a minute and was easy... not like trying to get that leech off the phone if you try to talk nice...
posted on September 29, 2003 03:57:20 AM new
We just mess with the telemarketers.
Clivebarkerfan's mom had a guy on the phone selling the local paper. She told him she'd buy it if it came in braille (her eysight is 20/20) the guy ran around trying to find out if they could do this and was bummed to find they couldn't. So she tried to convince him to come over and read it to her. He got frustrated and hung up on her!
posted on September 29, 2003 04:32:06 AM new
We are bombarded with these calls. The earliest came at 7:54 a.m. and the latest at almost 11:00 p.m. It's gotten to where we don't answer our phone anymore. We let the answering machine pick it up. That's ridiculous. It's our phone; we pay for it, not the telemarketers. You can tell them not to call 100 times and they still do. They pretend to put you on their Do Not Call list.
Personally, I'm glad for this list. I worked as a telemarketer once. They are not honest people which is why I lasted one day. I walked out of there as fast as I could. Better to be unemployed than to harass people. They don't put you on their Do Not Call list at all. They just tell you they do. We were closely monitored to make sure we were starting off with a soft sell and ending with a hard sell. The harder the better. I don't feel sorry for these people. I feel more sorry for the 1600 people at the Lorain Ford plant that will lose their jobs in three years when the plant closes.
He has his own throne (Revelation 13:2) and his own worshipers (Revelation 13:4).
posted on September 29, 2003 06:30:06 PM new
I can understand someone needing temp work accepting a telemarketing job. The ones that are still originating in the US pay well, or so I hear. That doesn't, however, mean I don't think they're all a bunch of mouth-breathing scum.
In this world of sin and sorrow, there is always something to be thankful for; as for me, I rejoice that I am not a Republican. -- H.L. Mencken
posted on September 30, 2003 10:31:53 AM new
Not that I have any strong feelings about it one way or the other..
In this world of sin and sorrow, there is always something to be thankful for; as for me, I rejoice that I am not a Republican. -- H.L. Mencken