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posted on October 26, 2003 02:18:35 AM new
‘Shamefull’ entities for Good’ol ‘American Pride’ White Folk ‘of pedigree' to avoid.

Bear, you may wish to circulate this list to some of your ‘Clean Descent Living christian White Folk’ friends.

It is a list of people, organisations and companies that your Charlton Heston may wish to tell;
‘Trash..Scuum.. git back frum where yu cum!’

Including a long list of media and many others including; The Coca-Cola Company, American Express Company, General Motors Corporation, Hewlett-Packard Company, Sears, Roebuck and Co.
Waters, Maxine: politician; “Negro” racist
Wiesel, Elie: professional Jew; Jewish racist; CFR member

For your convenience, the ‘sons of liberty’ have also given some contact details including addresses, if you and your brethren feel moved to take a surprise visit to raise your objections.

posted on October 26, 2003 03:33:26 AM new
SO how about those aborigines there austbounty? Been out tromping on them some more?

posted on October 26, 2003 05:23:53 AM new
Well 12,
I’m glad you ask that question.

Personally speaking NO.

But I have the integrity to admit that the white man has ‘dicked’ the black man and has gained much economically by doing so, and for that I am sorry.
Now that we live in more ‘enlightened’ and ‘tolerant’ times (allegedly); it has come time for us to atone for the sins of our forefathers, the rotten fruits of which we still enjoy, and make amends through political, social, or economic measures or whatever it takes to permit the children of the black man to rise above the stench our forefathers have placed them in.

What of you 12; being that you still enjoy the rotten fruits of your forefathers who were, in your words “tromping on them” do you continue to ‘tromp’ on them or feel obliged to make amends?

I think I already know how the likes of you and bear et.al. feel about ‘positive discrimination’.
‘Let them pull themselves out of their own stench’;
albeit that your forefathers (of not long ago) placed them there.
When was the KKK declared a terrorist organisation… 1950’s??
Isn’t that when Charlton Heston’s NRA came to rise.

Just as Dumbya’s daddy was an accessory in providing Saddam with Anthrax to kill innocent people and after 1Dozen years, having being caught out, he sees no moral obligation and so I expect the same from you.

What of you 12 and Bear did any of your ‘direct’ clan ‘dick’ a black man or 2 or 4,
Did Maza Sell the Black man’s Children in a Sale, or rape his wife, or demand a lynching as Thurmon did not long ago?
Are you ‘brave’ enough to admit it. Are you a ‘man of steel’?

Is the link above which I created for you in your favourites now.


posted on October 26, 2003 06:22:26 AM new
So glad you asked... don't know and don't care... I know how I treat people... I do make exceptions for you... I don't know any slaves, never met one...

I feel that the majority of the reasons blacks in this country are being held back is because of themselves...

Your obsession with the KKK is quite amusing as you are a prime candidate because of your anti-semitic remarks and idealogies...
YOU and you alone are the one continuing to spout bigoted remarks about jews... yep they would love you... they may have an online service and I am sure that you have looked for it.

and if "dicking" men is your enjoyment, well that means you are some loser deviant...

But hey President Bush is coming to Canberra, go down and point something at him... would be a real pleasure watching the secret service beat the living hell out you.

posted on October 26, 2003 06:47:48 AM new
Your a bit slow on the news 12, he's been and gone.

I was trying to use words that you may understand, I thouth the term 'to dick' was an Americanism, as in 'don't dick the CIA'.
That's also whu I asked if you are 'a man of steel' I understand that Americanism derives from Texas and it most closely translates to the Australianism 'Fair Dinkum' or more simply put 'truthful or of integrity'.

What of you 12 and Bear did any of your ‘direct’ clan 'tromp' a black man or 2 or 4,
Did Maza Sell the Black man’s Children in a Sale, or rape his wife, or demand a lynching as Thurmon did not long ago?
Are you ‘brave’ enough to admit it.
Are you a ‘man of steel’?

Oh! thats right you are conservatively compassionate:
“Don’t care”.
More like ‘compassionately vacuous’.

You feel that "the majority of the reasons blacks in this country are being held back is because of themselves..."
and what are the minority of reasons.

The day will not likely come for you to see American S.S. beat the living hell out of me;
because assuming they would, it would hapen under the sheets of Guantanamo Bay.

posted on October 26, 2003 07:01:48 AM new
Read up on some AMERICAN history and then come back and try to speak with some intelligence...

People from my area of the country did not own slaves... we did not have large plantations to take care of... slaves for the most part were treated well because of the expense they cost...

The majority of southern americans had nothing to do with any type of slavery...

I think you have been watching to many movies there austbounty... Slavery was accepted in one era and is no longer accepted today, get over it...

It is like holding you responsible for your convict ancestors...

posted on October 26, 2003 07:06:21 AM new
Keep enjoying the rotten fruits of your forefathers.
You are starting to sound like ‘Holocaust denial’.

We are all subject to bias, but some have the brains to know it, and the integrity to try to read and learn;
Perhaps I misunderstand the power structure of the chickenHawks of war.
Here is a letter to Paul Wolfowitz, calling him a "court Jew", by JOSH RUEBNER of Jews for Peace in Palestine and Israel (JPPI)

posted on October 26, 2003 09:19:00 AM new
People from my area of the country did not own slaves... we did not have large plantations to take care of... slaves for the most part were treated well because of the expense they cost

You might be interested in reading these two articles.

In some counties 25% of the population was slaves. John Brown made his famous raid to free slaves in what is now West Virginia.

West Virginia does have the tradition of being the most abolitionist of all the southern states,that is how it was created, but it still had a lot of slaves.

This guy should make both of you uncomfortable.
There are people like that everywhere.

posted on October 26, 2003 10:07:16 AM new
I love your posts, austbounty!

posted on October 26, 2003 01:50:41 PM new
Austi, What planet did you come from , you really need to set an example & follow your own words.

After all the first think Australia is famous/infamous for is IT beginnings.

England shipped the scum, low lifes & dregs of its society from Great Britton to the end of the earth, which created Australia as the worlds larges penal colony.

Like it or not that is your heritage. The country you are so proud of is founded on the scum of the earth.

Do a little (I sure thats all you are capable of) research on your own counrty's history of abuse of its own original indigenous natives.

You did get one thing right from this unknown group, a definition of yourself. And I quote:
bigot: The definition of "bigot" is not - as the Americaphobes would have you believe - "an Americanist," "a patriot," or even "a Caucasian racist." The word "bigot" is defined today (in dictionaries edited by the very same Americaphobes who are carrying on the psywar to destroy America) as: "a person obstinately or intolerantly devoted to his or her own opinions and prejudices.

Choke on your own words.

At the time George Washington, (the first President of America, for you Aust), owned slaves as did Thomas Jefferson.

All in all that web site is promoting Pro American, anti Politically Correctness.

You really don't have a clue, do you.

"Another plague upon the land, as devastating as the locusts God loosed on the Egyptians, is "Political Correctness.'" --Charlton Heston
posted on October 26, 2003 01:55:04 PM new
If he didn't have a clue, I'm sure you've enlightened him with that post, Bear.

posted on October 26, 2003 02:02:24 PM new
Kraft. don't know why I even bothered. as clueless as he is.
"Another plague upon the land, as devastating as the locusts God loosed on the Egyptians, is "Political Correctness.'" --Charlton Heston
posted on October 26, 2003 06:41:54 PM new
Miscreant I did not say they weren't present in WV, I did say MY area... that had hard scrabble farmers, you know the Hatfields and McCoys....
posted on October 26, 2003 06:52:46 PM new
Gee, I can't get over the implication that because some slave owners treated their slaves well due to their value, that slavery wasn't all that bad a thing!

I emphasized the word "some" because it just ain't so that slave owners as a whole treated their slaves well. One doesn't have to look very far to get first-person accounts by ex-slaves, taken down from the late 19th century through the beginning of the 20th century. Whippings, beatings, sexual abuse, sadism, seperating families, over-work, etc., etc. etc. make up the majority of these narratives. Try doing a search under "slave narratives" or "slave experiences" and you'll get a bunch of stuff. I think the myth of the happy slave is a historical re-write equivalent with the popular saw that slavery had little or nothing to do with the Civil War...
Censorship, like charity, should begin at home; but unlike charity, it should end there --Clare Booth Luce
posted on October 26, 2003 06:57:56 PM new
Whether you like it or not, slavery was an accepted practice in America, I for one will not condem a person for doing what other cultures had been doing for years... it is not an acceptable thing today...

Blacks were not only slaves but some were even slave owners...

I don't deny that some owners abused their property, but then again some people today abuse their pets...

posted on October 26, 2003 07:13:55 PM new
you know the Hatfields and McCoys

I did think you were from that area and wondered if had had any connection to either family. Yes I do know they were not a bunch of primitive inbred hill-billys. I seem to recall the feud began over economics (lumber and land?) and quickly became personal. Didn't they finaly sign a truce this year?

but then again some people today abuse their pets
The slaves were even considered to be below pets and livestock.

posted on October 26, 2003 07:14:40 PM new
The article writen by Barbara Louise Emmerth Slavery in Present West Virginia in 1860 closes in saying “West Virginia were slave-holding areas in 1860. But its citizens knew that slavery was wrong. One hundred years after all this history was made, we the present generation, can look back on our forefathers with pride.”

And I may well agree that for some to see it as wrong and for ‘activists’ to take action toward halting slavery is commendable and most certainly no cause for shame in any way or form.
But the fact still remains that others did engage in the abuses of slavery and much of the wealth created by these slaves is still ‘enjoyed’ by many today.

How is it that some people can look back selectively with pride at the actions of certain nation’s forefathers, the fruits of whose action can be seen today; and yet refuse to acknowledge any association with the ‘then conservative’ nation’s forefathers whose rotten fruits of labour are still felt today.

Today a progressive man is called peacenik and in a hundred years the ‘conservatives’ embrace them as their own, and even distance themselves from the conservatives of that time. Ironic.

A conservative view on whatever.
Check out the Rush Limurgh ‘I’m a Nazi song.
If image link doesn’t work go to.http://globalfreepress.com/mp3/Rush/rushnazi.m3u?play=1

And lots more cool songs. http://bootnewt.tripod.com/

The White Man is still alive and well.
“WASHINGTON - The Christian Coa1ition has settled a racial discrimination lawsuit filed by black employees. The suit claimed that the workers were denied health benefits and overtime pay, had to enter the organization's Washington headquarters by the back door and were forced to eat in a segregated area.

The settlement comes three weeks after founder Pat Robertson resigned from the grass-roots religious lobby, saying he was getting out of politics to concentrate on his Virginia Beach-based broadcast ministry and Christian university.”

For the KKK, universally perceive as the founding fathers of the NRA, Charlton Heston and Bear.
Can you imagine what a swarm of hungry grasshoppers sounds like? With this Plaguedome, you won't ever have to! With a quick swish of your wrist you can cause millions of ravenous locusts to descend upon the world's food supply! This 40mm diameter, glass dome was the first in the Plaguedomes line here at Products of the Apocalypse, Inc. Don't let this one pass you over!

posted on October 26, 2003 07:37:05 PM new
I have one simple question about the whole slavery issue;

Why do we care?

I'm sure there were plenty of murders and robberies and rapes and other crimes perpetrated in 1865. Do we still hold that against the descendants of the criminals? Of course not. I've never owned a slave, and neither have my parents, great-grandparents, great-great-grandparents nor to my knowledge has ANY ancestor of mine held slaves.

The same goes for the blcks of the present time. None of them, ther parents, grandparents or great-grandparents were ever slaves. MAYBE when you get to the great-great stage, but how many people actually get to KNOW their great-great-grandparents?

As a matter of historical record, it is important. As a matter of current social circumstances, it is irrelevant.

A similar issue would be women's sufferage. Why aren't women today screaming about how women were discriminated against for all time before the 1920's? Because it's over, done and not relevant any more. Live in the present, not the past.

Slavery is NOT what is holding the modern black back.

Replay Media
Games of all kinds!
posted on October 26, 2003 07:54:18 PM new
But 12 and bear; some in our land are of free mind and brave enough to admit the truth, without fear of prejudice.
I DECLARE THAT; the land I love above all others, Australia, was stolen from the Aboriginal Australians and settled as a convict colony, and many blacks suffered as a result and still do today.
Unlike some of my Australian ‘brothers’ I have no reservations in admitting all these facts and wish to see the suffering stop, because I am truly sorry for their suffering which resulted from the actions of (some of) our nation’s white forefathers..
My Political leaders will not say ‘sorry’ to the aboriginals of this land, for fear that the gates will open for a string of law suits, because ‘sorry’ may be seen as an admission of guilt.

I say; so let justice be done, if that is to happen then let it be.
Although I am not a deeply religious man, I shall not knowingly bear false witness against ‘my brother’.

(Haley) ”Berry then joined Colin Powell and Oprah Winfrey in a medley of old slave minstrals as” (Will) “ Smith teed off with his new white friends.”

I never did mind about the little things!

"Search about this website and you will find many, many examples of the accomplishments of black men being ignored, understated, and distorted. It happens not only every day, but every minute of every hour."
"Then came September 11, 2001. A day that changed the world forever. Again, the news media told us what they wanted us to know, or what others directed them to tell us. But, not the whole truth and nothing but the truth. Leroy Homer was the first officer on United Airlines Flight 93 that crashed in Pennsylvania. The news media has labeled the passengers "heroes" for their efforts to foil the intentions of the hijackers, but have little to nothing to say about Leroy. Why? Leroy Homer was a black man as is his father; also a United Airlines pilot."

posted on October 26, 2003 08:37:41 PM new

“Trusting to white consciences has been proven naive. Looking to terrorism for quick results has only led to publicity and bloodshed. Building genuine political power, however, is producing results now and promises to create more social transformation in the immediate future.”

From the epilogue of The Immigrant Heritage of America By Norman Coombs
A White man of some integrity;
12 may wish to comment on the fact that he is no prettier than Mother Teresa.

12’s Bear’s (vacuouly)'compassionate conservatism' are good evidence as to why “Trusting to white consciences has been proven naive”, as reflected in replaymedia’s question; “Why do we care?”
From the very same people that the Arabs know what to expect.

posted on October 27, 2003 06:58:58 AM new
More damming evidence that racism is alive and well and perpetuated, but harder for some simpletons to understand because “explicit racism”…in popular culture…”has been replaced by the implicit racism of invisibility.”

Racism in American Cartoons

Just like the responses to my questions from the rIGHT and a term to describe a certain type of fart.
Silent But Deadly
You’ll need to read at least part of the link to get that one.

posted on October 27, 2003 07:17:27 AM new
Hey bear;
Right click on the cartoon image then select 'save as' and email it to Charlton Heston;;
He will love it, I promise.

Loud and Stinky

February 4, 2003
Courtesy of U.C. Riverside's Highlander

The nearly 700 attendees at the Bush-Cheney fundraiser at the Raincross Square Convention Center in downtown Riverside paid either $1,000 or $2,000 a seat to hear the president speak.

the president offered stern words for the "Saddam holdouts" and "foreign terrorists" who have led attacks on coalition forces in Iraq.

posted on October 27, 2003 07:35:38 AM new
So now you have The Inseminator; taking over the reigns for 'dicking' from the last great movie star.

But there is still integrity from the University of Illinois
In my racist America_I hate myself

[ edited by austbounty on Oct 27, 2003 07:43 AM ]
posted on October 27, 2003 08:40:43 AM new

“It's a strange irony of history that the U.S. Civil War, which freed our slaves, increased slavery in the South Pacific when American cotton supplies to Britain were disrupted. Australia took up the slack, and took up slavery also.”


Again, learn your own history before criticizing ours.

"Another plague upon the land, as devastating as the locusts God loosed on the Egyptians, is "Political Correctness.'" --Charlton Heston
posted on October 27, 2003 09:41:42 AM new
Wow Austbounty your uniformed info about America is most boring....
posted on October 27, 2003 01:52:49 PM new
So bear;
You are saying 'let he without sin, cast the first stone' (perhaps not quite casting stones at you)

'Let he without perfection Shut The Fu.. Up'

In that case all had better Shut the Fu.. Up except bear.

Perhaps this biblical quote is a good example of why Christianity and Democracy OR Freedom of Speech are incompatible.

I didn’t make up that comic from your ‘halls of enlightenment’, I am yet to see such (comic) racism come out of my country in recent times.

Unlike you bear, I am not in denial.
Australian Blacks and American are both suffering, but you are happy to let it slide.

Unlike me you are willingly part of the problem.

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