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posted on December 18, 2003 05:47:08 AM new
Lord knows I have stated the Cleveland's financial troubles on this board before. Looks like the safety forces layoff will go through. Here's a list of the Mayor's cabinet members along with titles and salaries. Mayor Jane Campbell has 22 special assistants and five executive assistants. Give me a break! Check out what her Executive Assistants (aka, secretaries) are making. No wonder the police and fire unions are screaming. What is a Secretary Mayor? And why is she making $108,0000 a year?

Jane Campbell Mayor $108,962.19

Kimberlee Ahlin, Special Assistant to Mayor, $40,000.06

John Barnes, Executive Assistant to Mayor, $51,000

Yvonne Booze-Roberson, Special Assistant to Mayor, $37,500

Bobbie Brand, Special Assistant to Mayo,r $33,051.20

Judie Bussler, Special Assistant to Mayor, $66,300

Sonia Cavanagh, Special Assistant to Mayor, $29,999.84

Martin Coyne, Special Assistant to Mayor, $36,999.87

Monica Cunningham, Special Assistant to Mayor, $43,000.05

Celeste Glasgow, Special Assistant to Mayor, $74,999.81

John Goersmeyer Jr., Special Assistant to Mayor, $30,000.05

Christy Harst Special, Assistant to Mayor, $40,000

Kahilil, Student Aide, 9.2

Margreat Jackson, Special Assistant to Mayor, $58,500

Debra Janik, Secretary Mayor, $108,000

Carolyn Leigh, Personnel Assistant, $41,325.20

Annie Linear, Special Assistant to Mayor, $31,999.97

Delina Macon, Special Assistant to Mayor, $44,999.97

David McGuirk, Executive Assistant to Mayor $100,000

Meredith Miller, Special Assistant to Mayor, $43,999.90

Paula Morrison, Special Assistant to Mayor, $47,999.95

Timothy Mueller, Executive Assistant to Mayor, $100,000

Elizabeth Newman, Special Assistant to Mayor, $40,000.06

Tina Petrigan, Special Assistant to Mayor, $54,999.98

Bernard Robinson,, Special Assistant to Mayor, $29,999.84

Tiffany Somerville, Special Assistant to Mayor, $47,312.93

Jason Sonenshein, Special Assistant to Mayor, $34,999.95

Craig Tame, Executive Assistant to Mayor, $100,000

Charita Taylor, Special Assistant to Mayor, $37,259.60

Donna Weiss, Special Assistant to Mayor, $26,400

Lorna Wisham, Executive Assistant to Mayor, $100,000

Jason Sonenshein, Special Assistant to Mayor, $34,999.95

Jason Sonenshein, Special Assistant to Mayor, $34,999.95

posted on December 18, 2003 07:00:19 AM new
Mayor Jane Campbell has 22 special assistants and five executive assistants. Give me a break! Check out what her Executive Assistants (aka, secretaries) are making. No wonder the police and fire unions are screaming. What is a Secretary Mayor? And why is she making $108,0000 a year?

What salarys did your previous mayor and cabinet makers make and how many assistants did that person have?
posted on December 18, 2003 07:21:17 AM new
Sounds like typical city governement... if anyone needs a break it sounds like you.

You so jealous that you begrudge people that have worked hard and gotten someplace in their lives?

That socialist you are working for is rubbing off to much... try taking a bath and was that sh*t off....

posted on December 18, 2003 07:42:47 AM new
Does sound like typical city government...but not jealousy of "hard working" people.

A couple of years ago, my city hired a new city manager away from a neighboring city. His salary was $98,000. The first thing he did was to bring over four of his friends from that city, all at similar salaries. Uh...the city government had been telling allthe residents that the city was in hot water, low on funds, couldn't afford to do this & that....but this bozo could find the money to bring on 4 friends at those salaries? Not to mention that he doesn't seem to do all that much.

Yeah, right, typical city government...
Censorship, like charity, should begin at home; but unlike charity, it should end there --Clare Booth Luce
posted on December 18, 2003 08:03:05 AM new
IMO, Mayor Campbell's salary is low for what she has to do. However, $100,000 each for 5 executive assistants? If I can find the stats on Michael Whites Cabinet, I'll post it. I know he didn't have nearly the support staff.


It's hardly jealousy. It's anger over our safety forces having to be laid off while paying for all these assistants. It's anger over choosing to keep the recreation centers open over keeping the safety forces. The loss of EMS workers has already taken it's toll. It took so long to get them to my friend's house on Friday that he nearly died.

posted on December 18, 2003 09:43:29 AM new
I understand the frustration at the choices some of our elected officials make when making budget cuts.

But rather than these officials bringing in their 'friends' I believe it's the same way things happen when any major company makes upper management changes. They bring in their own people, with whom they have worked well with as a team in the past. And who also may have become their friends.

Anyway Cheryl....were you aware of this?
posted on December 18, 2003 09:47:17 AM new
I tried all different ways in google to find out what the Mayor of Seatttle makes, and couldn't find it. I did find his staff, but they were not at all like the titles that your mayors staff has.

Anyone know how to do a search on that? What 'keywords' do you use?

Wanna Take a Ride? Art Bell is Back! Weekends on C2C-www.coasttocoastam.com
posted on December 18, 2003 09:52:21 AM new
Wow, Linda, talk about telepathic communication! I was just going to post that Dennis and Mayor Campbell are supporting each other. I've known that for a long time. Dennis was once in a similar situation as Mayor Campbell. I want everyone to understand that I don't think she's a bad mayor. Like I said, I think her salary should be more (Mayor White's was) and she did cut her own salary. I just think that cuts can be made elsewhere. Hell, give up one secretary and that will pay for 2 police officers for the year. Give up 4 and keep the 1 that you need that there are 8 firemen that get to keep their jobs protecting families. These assistants are making more than the police officer who puts his life on the line everyday. Let people bag their own leaves. Is city leaf pickup really necessary? The well-to-do will just have to learn to cope with putting leaves in a bag (this is not a service provided to those of us living in not so well-to-do neighborhoods). That saves a couple more safety forces jobs. There are other solutions. So those solutions may inconvenience a few people. If you've never lived in the innercity, it would be hard to understand all of this. We live here because we choose to and we choose to not allow the criminals to push us out. I'm afraid that if all these layoffs go through we will be forced out anyway.

posted on December 18, 2003 10:22:29 AM new
I would be curious to know what the job duties are for each position....

This police and fireman that were let go could of been just as big a drain... it is nice to know that since 9/11 they sure have people fooled as to their usefulness...

posted on December 18, 2003 10:31:24 AM new
NearTheSea - Did you try searching using only two "t's" in Seattle, rather than Seatttle?

I just pulled up your mayor's name along with the city name and this came up. I can't view the information on this unit....so maybe you want to check here?


OR maybe here....again, I can't click on the different links....sorry.
[might help if I put the link in]



twelve - In another news article on Jane Campbell, just a couple of days after she was elected, in Nov. 2001, it said she'd be reviewing all the city departments to see what was necessary and what wasn't.

edited to add additional link for NTS
[ edited by Linda_K on Dec 18, 2003 10:49 AM ]
[ edited by Linda_K on Dec 18, 2003 11:14 AM ]
posted on December 18, 2003 11:03:41 AM new
"Shame on you Mayor Campbell.Shame on you for not finding other areas to cut. Shame on you for putting 450 workers out of a job during the holidays. Shame on you for getting us in this mess. Let's see you blame this one on Dennis."

"Wow, Linda, talk about telepathic communication! I was just going to post that Dennis and Mayor Campbell are supporting each other. I've known that for a long time. Dennis was once in a similar situation as Mayor Campbell. I want everyone to understand that I don't think she's a bad mayor"

Is she a good mayor or a bad mayor? Maybe she is operating with limited funds like mayors all over the country....The entire country is an economic disaster.


[ edited by Helenjw on Dec 18, 2003 11:18 AM ]
posted on December 18, 2003 11:07:45 AM new
LOL Linda, the t's just kept going there

Couldn't find the salaries, but these are Seattle Mayor Greg Nickels' staff, looks like way less than Clevelands Mayors staff

TIM CEIS - Deputy Mayor

ANDREW LOFTON -Chief of Departmental Operations
REGINA LABELLE - Counsel to the Mayor

CASEY CORR - Communications Director

EDSONYA CHARLES - Senior Policy Advisor

MARIANNE BICHSEL - Senior Communications and Policy Advisor

MARK MCDERMOTT - Labor Relations

MARCO LOWE - Community Relations

SUNG YANG- Council Relations

KAREN KEEGAN - Executive Administrator
HADDIS D. TADESSE - Board & Commissions and Outreach

SHEILA STREHLE-- Strategic Adviser, Communications.

VIET SHELTON – Correspondence Manager

SUE NAKAMURA - Executive Assistant to the Mayor

KIMLY ARROYO - Mayor's Scheduler

KELLY M. OGILVIE- Deputy Director, Community Outreach


KINDLE SHAW - Executive Assistant to Senior Policy Advisors, Council Relations and Counsel to the Mayor

KIM GARRETT - Executive Assistant to Tim Ceis and Andrew Lofton

NICOLE SCHULTZ- Community Outreach Assistant

SHARON THOMAS - Correspondence Assistant
LISA JACKSON - Receptionist

MELIA BROOKS – Receptionist

JOE BOUFFIOU AND BOB ALEXANDER - Executive Protection to the Mayor
Joe and Bob provide executive protection to the Mayor.

Wanna Take a Ride? Art Bell is Back! Weekends on C2C-www.coasttocoastam.com
posted on December 18, 2003 11:19:02 AM new

I added another link. Not sure if all salaries show up in the city's 2003 or 2004 budget or not. Maybe the Seattle Dept of Finance? I'm no help....sorry.
posted on December 18, 2003 11:44:51 AM new
Okay... whew

I googled "mayoral salary of ____ ____" and this came up. It's two years old...but maybe with further searching one could find an article with more recent info...... But I did find one thing suprising for a politician...he gave $25,000 of his salary to charity.

posted on December 18, 2003 12:59:19 PM new
thanks Linda... thats a blast from the past. I recognize some names in there..

my dad... argh.. ran in 92 or 93?, but he was too old then to even try, but he did, and guess who was his campaign manager LOL!

The salary looks like a big one, but I am sure the cost of living and economies are different in Seattle and Cleveland.

Wanna Take a Ride? Art Bell is Back! Weekends on C2C-www.coasttocoastam.com
posted on December 18, 2003 01:24:39 PM new

If it's possible to be both good and bad, she is. She's done good things. One thing I was glad to hear her say is that she's putting a hold on a restaurant tax that would pay for a new convention center. Like I said before, I wouldn't mind the tax if it went to pay down some of Cleveland's debt. She's also done a lot to help the school system. I guess you get angrier about police layoffs when you've been robbed not once, but twice. What is disappointing is the closing of the police mini-stations. We had one right down the street from us and I've had to run in on more than one occassion. Once was to stop a street fight where they were hurling bats at each other. I was in my car, saw the fight and stopped at the mini-station. The police were out to bust the fight up right away. Now with that station gone, it's going to be tough. I don't know if I'll really miss the police helicopter that constantly buzzed over our house every night. In one way it was comforting, in another it was annoying.

More things are coming out that I saw on the news that is softening me some on this whole mess. She made some pretty fair propsals that would keep some of the police on the street, but the union is shooting them all down. I think if she could just sit with the officers and keep the union out of it, it would work out. Don't get me wrong, I am pro-union. In some instances though, I think they make matters worse. She was interviewed on the news and I just got to see it this afternoon. Most of what the news had concentrated on in the past had to do with the workers' side of the story and very littled concentrated on the mayor's side. I know, I know. I should have known better. It was a brutally honest interview and I give her a lot of credit for that.

I would like to see her assistants' job descriptions though. I just can't see having 5 secretaries and paying them $100,000 a year. Geesh, the doctor in our clinic doesn't make that much and he's a pathologist with a PhD. Yes, a doctor who used to work on dead people. We try not to tell our patients, though. Don't want to scare them off.

Oh, I'm soooooo confused. Is Christmas over yet?

posted on December 18, 2003 02:17:51 PM new

"Is Christmas over yet?"

That reminds me of the commercial where the kids keep saying are we there yet?...LOL


Generally, the union is made up of officers and have their fellow law enforcers best interest in mind. I would vote to listen to the union but then you know more about your problem in Cleveland than I do.

Actually, I think that mayors and governors are unfairly being blamed for problems that are the result of the lousy Bushco economy.


posted on December 18, 2003 03:00:15 PM new
Yeah, the mayors and governors are blamed... ya had to add the governors, after this fiasco in CA. Grey Davis was Gov. even BEFORE Bush was in office. So how do ya figure that one? Blame Clinton?

Wanna Take a Ride? Art Bell is Back! Weekends on C2C-www.coasttocoastam.com
posted on December 18, 2003 03:05:20 PM new

Or Hillary???


posted on December 18, 2003 04:08:25 PM new
Or, Dennis? Why not? He gets blamed for just about everything else.

Helen, I think you may be right. She did come into a mess in the making anyway. According to our former mayor, there was a huge surplus of money. However, that money was never found. Too late to figure it out now. Money was spent that we really didn't have. Hmmm, sounds like my household.

Edited because - well, I'm liberal. I don't need a reason. Ha!

http://tinyurl.com/vm6u [ edited by CBlev65252 on Dec 18, 2003 04:09 PM ]
posted on December 18, 2003 04:29:05 PM new
Hillary? Why blame Hillary? She didn't even become a Senator until Bill was out of office. So blame Bill.

Wanna Take a Ride? Art Bell is Back! Weekends on C2C-www.coasttocoastam.com
posted on December 18, 2003 04:40:31 PM new

Oh, but you know about the woman behind the man! She's definitely guilty of everything then and everything now. Men are just good for decoration etc.

posted on December 18, 2003 04:55:29 PM new
NTS - guess who was his campaign manager? You're kidding. How wonderful....bet you made him REAL proud.

posted on December 18, 2003 08:35:47 PM new
ok search me Helen I don't think I've put down Hillary.... publicly anyway LOL

Linda, yep. and some previous. He was, lets just say, an elected politician for 25 years previous to that Him proud of me?..... I don't know about that... he had a full staff, and I was only a member of it. The last one though I was in charge, but it didn't go anywhere. But I'll tell you... its A LOT OF work...

OH and when he was 'serving' he always ran as a Democrat while privately being a Republican. The reason? The district, well you can Seattle and this State is more Democrat and liberal, so theres where the votes were... so think about that, when you see Democrat next to a candidates name

Wanna Take a Ride? Art Bell is Back! Weekends on C2C-www.coasttocoastam.com
posted on December 18, 2003 08:59:37 PM new
NTS - democrat next to a candidate's name. No need to worry, I read what positions they take. Least what they say they're taking. Some, just when you think you have them figured out...change their positions though.


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