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posted on January 17, 2004 08:22:18 PM new
A Daily Look at U.S. Military Deaths in Iraq
The Associated Press
Published: Jan 17, 2004

As of Saturday, Jan. 17, 500 U.S. service members have died since the beginning of military operations in Iraq, according to the military.
U.S. Central Command reported four U.S. soldiers dead Saturday; the Defense Department had reported 496 deaths Friday.

Of the 500 dead, 346 died as a result of hostile action and 154 died of non-hostile causes.

The British military has reported 55 deaths; Italy, 17; Spain, eight; Bulgaria, five; Thailand, two; Denmark, Ukraine and Poland have reported one each.

Since May 1, when President Bush declared that major combat operations in Iraq had ended, 362 U.S. soldiers have died - 231 as a result of hostile action and 131 of non-hostile causes, according to an AP analysis of releases from the Defense Department and U.S. Central Command.

Since the start of military operations, 2,497 U.S. service members have been injured as a result of hostile action, according to the Defense Department's figures as of Friday. Non-hostile injured numbered 396.


The latest deaths reported by the military:

- Three 4th Infantry Division soldiers were killed Saturday morning when a bomb exploded under a U.S. armored vehicle in the cane fields north of Baghdad.

- A Combined Joint Task Force-Seven soldier died Friday evening from a non-hostile gunshot wound near Diwaniyah, Iraq.

posted on January 17, 2004 09:47:27 PM new

Another car bomb just went off in the middle of Baghdad.

posted on January 17, 2004 09:53:13 PM new

One thing I have noticed about some of the people of Iraq.....when someone..a reporter..is talking to them about a downed helicoter or a bomb going off like this ..they tend to call the people that shoot the copter down or the bombers "freedom fighters".Freedom from us.Sad.
We are creating yet another Islamic nation in the middle east[perhaps two if you count Afghanistan and Iraq]...it doesn't seem worth all the lives and billions of dollars it is costing.
All religions are equally right [ edited by rawbunzel on Jan 17, 2004 09:54 PM ]
posted on January 17, 2004 10:12:41 PM new
And really, I should be horrified. But I'm numb to all of it now... we've had the Jessica Lynch debacle and the Lori Piestewa silver lining, and the true, unsung heroes of Iraq who've had their say on 60 Minutes. It's a dangerous thing to say that this has been a ding-dong war, in light of those who've lost their lives or limbs to it; I would never denegrate the ultimate sacrifice these Americans have made. But the reality is that several years ago many of the major oil companies held a summit aimed at determining how best to break up OPEC. No (public) consensus was achieved, but here we are today, having conquered two key nations and already assigning pipeline contracts to such companies as Dick Cheney's Halliburton ( -which was about to go bankrupt under the threat of thousands of lawsuits) and Bechtel (George Shultz's old stomping grounds). I said a long time ago that the "war" against Afghanistan and its neighbor Iraq were nothing more than strong-arm measures by corporate oil interests to to gain control over Middle East oil reserves. It's criminal -- despicable -- that they've done so via our military forces, and that we've got an administration in place that has abetted them at every turn...
posted on January 18, 2004 05:41:02 AM new
And Cheney just got back from duck hunting with a supreme court justice who will hear his case about secret energy meetings - do you think he'll rule against his hunting buddy?
Nobody even batted an eye that they arrived in Gulfstream jets supplied by a big energy company.
Cozy in layers and layers.
Lay your finger against your nose and repeat after me:
Da fix is in.

posted on January 18, 2004 08:51:24 AM new
Yeah, its awful. Everyday another one killed or maimed. They need to get our people outta there. I dont give a sh** about Iraquies.

posted on January 18, 2004 02:22:29 PM new
Juan Cole Professor of History at the University of Michigan keeps a good record and analysis of casualties and Iraq war operations on this site.

About the latest Baghdad Car Bombing in which 20 were killed including 2 Americans, 60 Injured, including 6 Americans....


AP reports that a suicide bomber made a direct strike with a car
bomb on the Coalition Provisional Authority headquarters in
Baghdad Sunday, killing 20 and wounding 60, including 6

"I'd say there is increasing evidence that the US is not in control
in Iraq, and that the place may well be headed toward being a
failed state for the near term. When, 9 or 10 months after an
army conquers a place, its HQ is not safe from attack, this is
always a bad sign. For those who keep making Germany and
Japan analogies, I ask you if MacArthur's HQ was getting blown
up in Tokyo in April of 1946."

[ edited by Helenjw on Jan 18, 2004 02:37 PM ]
posted on January 18, 2004 02:35:28 PM new

=http://www.juancole.com/2004_01_01_juancole_archive.html#10744150604700679] US Soldiers Killed North of Baghdad

Guerillas in the cane fields north of Baghdad detonated an
enormous bomb on Saturday as a US military convoy
went by, turning a 30 ton vehicle upside down and
killing 3 US soldiers. Their deaths took the death total
to over 500.

The press has concentrated on the significance passing
the 500 mark (346 from hostile fire) with regard to
deaths. But in this war, the injuries that have been
survived have been horrific. Thousands of US soldiers
are coming home with their faces blown off, or missing
limbs, facing a lifetime in a wheel chair. The military
medicine is good, and swift, and saves more lives. But
the result is large numbers of permanently maimed
vets. These have largely been hidden away from public
view, and they haven't even always been treated very
well on their return by the military.

The other complaint I have is the fetish about daily
number of attacks (down to 18, the military says, from
a high of 50 a few months ago). But the rise to 15
attacks a day had once seemed intolerable, in the
aftermath of the military victory. And the "reduction"
to 18 a day appears to have been achieved over and
over again. The important statistic is the number of our
guys getting killed or wounded. That isn't down
appreciably in the past month, so fewer attacks that
are more deadly seem to me to be just as bad as more
attacks that are less efective.

[Several readers wrote in to point out that Newsweek
says the number of US military sorties was cut to 500
in December from 1500 in November, and that the
reduction in numbers of daily attacks may just mean
the US soldiers are in their barracks and not so
exposed to attack. Given the instability in the country,
however, such a hunkered down posture may not be
sustainable. If sorties were so drastically cut, this is
surely for US domestic political purposes, since the
casualties are unpopular and that means something in
an election year.]

posted on January 18, 2004 05:43:23 PM new

A Full Division's Worth of Casualties

David Hackworth says that we have taken a full division's worth of casualties in Iraq so far:

..."Even I -- and I deal with that beleaguered land seven days a week -- was staggered when a Pentagon source gave me a copy of a Nov. 30 dispatch showing that since George W. Bush unleashed the dogs of war, our armed forces have taken 14,000 casualties in Iraq -- about the number of warriors in a line tank division."

We have the equivalent of five combat divisions plus support for a total of about 135,000 troops deployed in the Iraqi theater of operations, which means we've lost the equivalent of a fighting division since March. At least 10 percent of the total number of Joes and Jills available to the theater commander to fight or support the occupation effort have been evacuated back to the USA!

"Lt. Col. Scott D. Ross of the U.S. military's Transportation Command told me that as of Dec. 23, his outfit had evacuated 3,255 battle-injured casualties and 18,717 non-battle injuries. Of the battle casualties, 473 died and 3,255 were wounded by hostile fire. Following are the major categories of the non-battle evacuations:"

"The scary thing is the 18,000 "non-battle injuries" evacuated out of the theater of operations in seven months. 18000/135000 * 12/7 = .228, which means that in a year 23% of this bunch of guys and gals in their twenties and thirties are having non-war related medical misadventures serious enough to require treatment back in Germany or the USA. That's an unbelievably large accident/disease rate, and makes me very worried about what might really be going on."

"The cream of the U.S. army are not military police. They should not be used as military police. Those in the Pentagon and the White House whose policies have turned them into military police should be... they should be sent to the Pakistan-Afghanistan border as undercover agents in the hunt for Osama bin Laden."

posted on January 18, 2004 06:24:04 PM new
I note in the statistical breakdown of those evacuated that over 1,100 were sent home for "psychiatric" reasons. That number can be expected grow exponentially as this war and its horrors drag on; ample recent history suggests as much:

Gulf War Syndrome

Biological Warfare Conducted on U.S. Military Members, and Corporate Bio-Genocide Levied on the Planetary Population

A Lecture By Captain Joyce Riley in Houston, Texas on January 15, 1996

(Applause) Thank you so very much. I am Joyce Riley, and I am here because I love my God and I love my country, and I love my fellow man. We are going to hear a story tonight that unfortunately is the saddest story, not only of the 20th century, but of America's history. You are going to hear about the destruction of the United States military. I am sorry to have to bring you this story. I wish it wasn't true. I wish that I could protect you from what you are going to hear tonight, because it has taken me a year to investigate this story. During that time, I went through the worst depression you can imagine. I finally came to the conclusion one day that - yes, our country had provided the biologicals to Saddam Hussein that were used on our troops. Our troops are sick and they are dying.

My story started in 1991, when I decided to go back to the Air Force Reserve. I had been stationed in the late 1970's in New York State, and I had been involved as a flight nurse in the Air Force. I got out and was living my life, but then I heard that there was a war and that many of our men were going to die if they didn't have adequate care, and that they needed trained flight nurses. So, I decided to back into the service of my country. I went back to Kelly Air Force Base in San Antonio and I volunteered to go to Saudi Arabia. As it was, I didn't go to Saudi Arabia because the cease-fire came, so I served active duty missions on a C-130 aircraft for about six months. After that, I returned back to Houston to my job, where I was a heart, lung, kidney and liver transplant nurse in Houston, Texas. I became very ill and I could get no answers. I didn't know why I was sick. No one would talk with me about it. No one would help me with it, and I had to find out the answers myself, alone.

The Problem
So, I began the investigation myself to answer the question of why I was sick. I didn't even go to the Persian Gulf. They call it the Persian Gulf disease and the Persian Gulf Registry. They do that for a reason, because then they can exclude all of us who are sick who didn't go to the Persian Gulf. Well, I didn't go and I was still sick, and I wanted to know why. The only thing I had in common with those who did go is that I had received the immunizations and that I had a lot of contact with Gulf War veterans who were returning back to the states, and with other members of our unit. Little did we know at the time that the biologicals that were used were impregnated in the equipment they had, such as tents and duffle bags. It was being spread to all of us and we didn't even know it. We were being told a lie. America, I am sorry to tell you that we have been told one of the biggest lies this country has ever perpetrated upon us. They are telling us there is no Gulf War disease. They are telling us biologicals were not used. They are not even telling you that between 10,000 to 12,000 Gulf war vets have already died.

I began my investigation and I went into depression the day I realized we had been lied to. I had been involved with President Bush and with the White House, because I had been involved in organ transplantation. I wrote a letter and called the White House and invited him to come to Houston with Dr. Cooley to sign an organ donor card. He and Barbara did accept the invitation, and I met with them, and they signed an organ donor card. President Bush told me at the time that "I appreciate what you are doing. If this had been available years ago, perhaps my daughter Robin might not have died." He told me that. Well, little did I know that during that same time they were making the poisons that were going to eventually kill us. At the end of the program, I am going to play an open letter I wrote to President Bush. He lives in Houston, as do all of the players in what you are about to hear tonight. They all reside in Houston.

I do believe that the Lord gave me this story to tell, because a nurse from Houston, Texas just doesn't "come across" this information -- that biological warfare has been perpetrated on the American people. I knew when I heard the story that I had to move on it. I had to let Americans know. I would not be quiet, because, you see, I knew that the government was actively covering it up.

What I am going to show you tonight is not opinion. It is not conjecture. It is proof. I am going to show you documentation on the overhead projector -- the evidence to support what I am saying to you.

The basic fact is that biological agents were used on our troops. Chemical agents were used on our troops. Germ warfare was used on our troops -- using biologicals that were made in the United States of America. It was made in Houston, Texas and Boca Raton, Florida. It was passed through the Centers for Disease Control (CDC) and through companies such as American Type Culture Collection (ATCC) in Maryland. It was passed to Saddam Hussein -- sold to Saddam Hussein, as late as 1989. Just prior to the war. The American government was involved in the provision of biological warfare (components) to Saddam Hussein. They knew exactly what they were doing. Our troops did not know what to expect, nor were they protected. We later found out that we had no adequate biological/chemical detection capability. The lies are going on and on. I released the story on my radio show on May 4, 1995 with Drs. Garth and Nancy Nicholson. We had security in the studio because I had made the mistake of sending out some news releases in advance. I was afraid that we would be stopped from doing the program. We had someone there to argue a temporary restraining order, if necessary. But, we didn't need it. Drs. Garth and Nancy Nicholson named names, places and times. The sad part is that it is real. When I heard them naming names and places, I thought "oh, my word. I'm going to have ten lawyers on my door tomorrow."

No one showed up. No one has come to me and said, "you shouldn't be saying this". The reason being that they don't want to fight me in court. They know its true. So, what I am going to show you tonight is absolute evidence of the saddest story in American history.

A Letter
I am going to start with a letter written to me from a young man in Wichita, Kansas. It begins, "please forgive me for not writing sooner. I have been out of town on the job. My only hope is to reach other vets and the public to let them know it is true and many of us are dying from this illness. I will not give up until we are recognized and taken care of by our government, who continues to blackball us on this endless journey." That is one Gulf War veteran who understands, and I have received so many phone calls it has been impossible to return them.

At our unit at Kelly Air Force base, we were very spirited, with a mission to fulfill. We were going to take care of that mission. Well, unfortunately, it was not the way it was. Let's go back in time and look at a little history. I am going to show you a lot of information that is incredibly important. You must understand that America has been doing this for a long period of time. It has been experimenting on both civilians and military members.

1970 Vaccine "Safety" Tests at the University of Maryland
(Slide Shown) This is a 1970 article that appeared in a newspaper in Maryland (reads article): "Research volunteers. Volunteers needed for 30 day in-patient vaccine safety tests. Very pleasant environment. Pay $20 per day. Call the University of Maryland." One lady did call that number and was involved in those tests. She is very ill today. They experimented on her. That was not the first time that experimentation was done.

(Slide Shown) This is another article that appeared: "University of Maryland may have tested drugs for the CIA." How many of you are familiar with MKULTRA. It involved the experimental use of LSD on the public without their knowledge. I'll read a little more of this article. "The Central Intelligence Agency has notified the University of Maryland that the school may have been involved in so-called mind-bending tests and drug experiments sponsored by the agency between 1953 and 1964. The University is about one of eighty institutions that conducted experiments under a program code-named MKULTRA." It goes on to identify where the tests were done, and states that they are now going to protect all the researchers involved with the program. They want to provide the researchers with confidentiality. However, those that were experimented upon do not even know they were involved in a test. "Critics disclose that human subjects did not know what they were getting either before or after the tests, and both the Army and the institutions involved said they did not follow up on the personnel." Now, I want you to notice here that the people involved in this were 44 colleges, 15 research foundations or chemical companies, 12 hospitals and three prisons. Now, we are going to go into prisons in just a few minutes as far as how it was tested on the prisoners.

1970 Appropriation of Money to Create Human Immune Deficiency Virus
(Slide Shown) Another document that I want you to remember as long as you live is this. This document appeared on my fax machine. I believe it to be the origin of the appropriation of the money to make the AIDS virus [Editor note: See Matrix III Volume One]. This is the appropriations hearing for 1970 for the Department of Defense. It is House Bill 15090. I want you to see that the Department of Defense appropriated $10 million in 1970 to make a synthetic biological agent. Ask yourself why the Department of Defense needs this kind of agent. There are two things about the field of biological agents I would like to mention. One is the possibility of technological surprise. It says that "we believe that within a period of five to ten years, it would be possible to produce a synthetic biological agent that does not naturally exist and for which no natural immunity could have been acquired." What does that sound like to you? It goes on down here to say, "within the next five to ten years, it would probably be possible to make a new ineffective microorganism which could be different in certain important aspects from any known disease-causing organism. Most importantly, it might be damaging to the immunological and therapeutic processes upon which we depend to maintain our relative freedom from infectious disease." Basically this says it will destroy the immune system. This was appropriated in 1970. In 1975 the first recorded "AIDS" related death occurred. Perfect timing. It goes on to say, "a research program to explore feasibility could be completed in approximately five years at a cost of $10 million." Now, look at this part down here, which says, "it is a highly controversial issue and there are many who believe such research should not be undertaken, lest it lead to yet another method of mass killing of large populations." That is in your government documentation. Now, getting involved with killing of large numbers of people is not what a government is for. I want you to get this document. Get this House Bill.

What the Government and Media Say About Gulf War Syndrome
What is the U.S. Government saying about the Gulf War? This is an 1996 article from Time Magazine that says, "No Gas Used Against the Troops." What is the government propaganda saying? They are saying that "there is no scientific or medical evidence that chemical or biological weapons were deployed at any level against us." That is an absolute lie. I will show you proof that they knew that chemical and biological agents were used. After my radio show, an article came out in the Houston Chronicle which said, "Gulf War Syndrome Doesn't Exist". Now, here we have a documented number of Gulf War veterans that have already died, and they come out and say there is no Gulf War illness. There is something really wrong. Now, you didn't hear much about the Gulf War illness for about four years, until the Nicholsons went forward with this information. Here is another article from the Washington Times , "Pentagon Says There Is No Gulf War Disease." That article also came out shortly after we went on the air. The Los Angeles Times, "Government Study of Veterans Finds No Evidence of Gulf War Disease."

Now, let's look at the documentation from the Persian Gulf Veterans Coordinating Board, which is nothing but cover-up information. They are not telling the veterans the truth. They told us that they contacted every one of us to see if we were sick. No one contacted us. I have not heard of any person being contacted. But, look at this. A million men and women went to the Gulf. That's a large number of people. Why do we need to go over there in the first place? What were we doing over there? I am not sure.

What Was Really Behind the Gulf War: Malthusian Population Reduction
[Editor Note: The reason for the Gulf War, upon analysis, was threefold. It was to infect the U.S. military and subsequently the U.S. and world population, and secondly to reacquire Kuwait oil fields, which are owned by a well-known family in London, and thirdly to test weaponry on Iraq, to whom factions sold weapons to be used against our own troops. Part of the cover-up involved with Gulf War syndrome is also meant to conceal the fact that President Bush and other members of his administration held stock in some of the biotech companies that produced the biological weapons used against U.S. troops and shipped to Iraq. Another part of the cover-up involves conventional arms, specifically a company known as U.S. Arms, who sold Iraq conventional weapons to be used against U.S. troops. Former Secretary of Agriculture Ron Brown, who was in the aircraft that was blown up in Bosnia, was on the board of Directors of U.S. Arms. Four individuals on the plane were to testify in an upcoming hearing. Traces of thermite, denoting explosives, were found on the bodies. Thirty-seven people were murdered. President Clinton recently claimed Executive Privilege as a reason for not disclosing certain documents to Congress relating to arms shipments to Iraq. Do you understand, yet? Other reasons for securing the area involved control of vital earth grid points in Southern Iraq. Interestingly, there are also large underground facilities in the Middle East, some of them of rather ancient, and alien, origin, which still today contain high-tech equipment].

50% of Gulf War Veterans Are No Longer in the Service - More Than 10,000 Are Dead
A million Gulf War vets went, and a million of them have the potential of being sick. I will tell you a little bit why later. By their own admission, some 697,000 active duty service members and some 180,000 national guard went to the Gulf. What they say now is that 489,000 of them have since separated from the military. Now, ask yourself why in an all-volunteer force, after a war, would 50% of the individuals involved get out of the military? It is not a statistic that even makes sense. One out every two have gotten out of the military since Desert Storm? I wonder why. Possibly because they had to, because they were sick and were forced out.

This is another figure that scares me. To date, the VA reports that more than 489,400 Gulf War veterans have received medical care in VA facilities. One out of every two. Ask yourself why. You don't go to the VA unless you have no where else to go.

Here is another item that was faxed to me from the VA. You see here that by their own admission they say that 5,729 Gulf War veterans have died since the war. We know the figure is now between 10,000 to 12,000.

Clinton-appointed Chairman of Joint Chiefs and Secretary of DefenseLie in 1994 About Presence of Chemical and Biological Weapons in the Gulf
This is an item that came out from Chief of Staff Shalikashvilli and Secretary William Perry. This letter came out May 24, 1994. It says, "There have been reports in the press of the possibility that some of you were exposed to biological weapons agents. There is no information, classified or unclassified, that indicates that chemical or biological weapons were used in the Persian Gulf. There have also been reports that some veterans believe there are restrictions on what they can say about potential exposures. Anybody attached to CBW units needs to know that they are free to speak now. You should not feel constrained to discuss these issues." The Chairman of the Joint Chiefs of Staff and the Secretary of Defense say there were no chemical or biological weapons used. In fact, there is plenty of evidence. It has already been presented on the floor of the Senate, and I am going to show it to you. [ Editor Note: Here she is referring to the Reigle Report. We might also remind you that the father of the Chairman of the Joint Chiefs of Staff was in the Nazi SS ].

Active Duty Military Intimidated Into Silence
I was approached at one point in time by someone who lead me to Drs. Garth and Nancy Nicholson, who are heroes in my mind. They are both Ph.D. scientists at the M.D.Anderson Cancer Center. Their daughter was in the 101st Airborne that did deep insertions into Iraq. Many of the 101st Airborne have called me and many of them are sick. The 82nd Airborne is sick. Men and women at Fort Hood, Texas are sick. Camp Pendleton. Camp LeJeune. Fort Riley is really sick right now. These people are not allowed to talk about this in the military. They are not allowed to tell people about the Gulf War Illness. They are not allowed to admit to it. I have even visited Gulf War vets at Brook Army Medical Hospital, and they are not even allowed to talk about it. I took some Gulf War information over there and the patients had to hide it so the doctors would not see it. So, the Nicholson's daughter came back from Iraq sick. She gave the disease to the family - to Garth and Nancy, who live in Houston, and also to the family cat. The cat died. Before the cat died, they tested all of their blood. They found that they were positive for something called Mycoplasma Incognitas, which is the chief biological agent we find to be responsible for a lot of the illness of the veterans.

Mycoplasma Incognitas
I will explain this to you by saying that Mycoplasma Incognitas is between the size of a bacteria and a virus. It travels through a population, and as long as your immune system is all right it will not affect you. But, according to the Nicholson's, who are both Ph.D. cellular biologists, they found that the scientists who were involved in this horrible plot inserted 40% of the HIV envelope gene into the Mycoplasma. What this means is that it doesn't give you HIV, but it gives you the symptoms. So, they found this and realized that they had a germ warfare agent on their hands. It is the first biological agent identified. There have been others.

U.S. Government Refuses to Dispense Known Treatment to Affected People
The Nicholson's went to the laboratory to discover how to treat this. They found that an antibiotic called Doxycycline was the most effective. The United States military will not allow military members under their control to have Doxycycline or VA hospitals to dispense Doxycycline. They are simply not allowed to have it. I got a call from a Special Forces commander who had been retired for one year. He said:

"I have had it. I came home. I served my country. I got my blood sent to Dr. Nicholson for free testing and got my prescription for Doxycycline. I went to have it filled and not only did that take away my military ID card, but they would not allow me to have the Doxycycline to save my life."

You see, the disease is contagious, and now the wives and children are getting it. It is going to affect you in the general population. That is why it is so important to understand how serious this is. It is not just the United States. It is a worldwide program. There were 28 countries that served with the United States in Iraq. All 28 countries now report that their men and women are also sick. But Drs. Garth and Nancy Nicholson revealed that a Houston company was involved in the manufacture of a biological weapon that was sold to Iraq and was used on American soldiers in the Gulf War. Since we came out with the names of these companies, there have been lawsuits filed against those corporations.

Symptoms of the Syndrome
These are the symptoms of the syndrome. You may look at this and it may not seem very significant to you, so if you look at aching joints and go to your doctor and say "I have aching joints" or you say "I have chronic fatigue ", or you say "I don't have the memory I used to", they will not say anything. When I am talking about memory loss, I am talking about the kind where you have to wear a beeper so your family can find you. One young man told me, "I can only remember today. I can't remember what happened yesterday." He was 27 years old. We are talking about a problem known as night sweats. Any Gulf War veteran who has the Mycoplasma knows about night sweats. You have to change your linens twice a night. The muscle spasms get so bad that you can't stand it and people scream in pain. There is also loss of eyesight, breathing problems, and chest pains because the Mycoplasma settles in the atrium of the heart. All of these are problems that become worse.

The problem is that the government is telling the people of the United States "there is no Gulf War Illness". The doctors in this country think there is no Gulf War Illness. So, when people come in and complain about the symptoms , they are turned aside and told that the problem is psychological in nature.

Deformed Children Caused by U.S. Corporate Genocide
Now, you are not being told about the babies that are being born deformed. There is a Gulf War Baby Foundation formed to register babies who have contracted the syndrome. There are so many that are being born deformed. You are not being told about this. Dan Rather doesn't tell you about it, does he? No. And so, you think that if it isn't on the nightly news it must not be true, right? If a tree falls in the forest and Dan Rather doesn't cover it, does it still make a noise? Think about it.

Gulf War babies are severely deformed. In fact, according to Nation Magazine, "studies have shown that 67% of babies born to Gulf War veterans are deformed. What have they done to our future generations? What have they done to their DNA?

There was an article that appeared in Life Magazine in November 1995 featuring a man in the 82nd Airborne at Fort Brag, North Carolina. This young man has a child with no arms and no legs. I know of a nurse in San Antonio who knows of 50 children like this.

When our soldiers risked their lives in the Gulf, they never imagined that their children would face these consequences or that their country would turn its back on them. You are hearing what perhaps 1% of the country knows today. It will take your help to get this story out. There is no way these parents can afford to take care of these children. (Shows pictures of children) .

The Reigle Reports and Congressional Knowledge About the Problem Covered Up
This is something that the government is trying to keep you from knowing about. The Reigle report is evidence that biological and chemical weapons were used on our troops. It was presented to the United States Senate, but it has been withheld from you. They don't want you to see it. A news release went out that Senator Reigle from Michigan was a brave man for doing this. He is no longer in the Senate. He had to pay for the report to be done. The Feb 1994 news release said, "Reigle Uncovers U.S. Shipment of Biological Warfare Materials to Iraq Prior to Gulf War". The release went on to say, "there is evidence of transmission to family members. I am deeply troubled that the United States permitted the sale of deadly biological agents to a country with a known biological warfare program." There is no blood ban stopping Gulf War veterans from donating blood to the general blood supply that the general population uses. Reigle also sent a letter to Secretary of Defense Perry on Feb 9, 1994 and talked about the exposure of Gulf War veterans and the transmission of the disease to spouses and children. He found out that we had been exporting these biological substances through ATCC. This information is known to every Senator that was in office in 1994. Why aren't they doing something about it. Why weren't you told about it? Reigle also said to Secretary Perry, "without proper treatment and testing, their condition will worsen. They cannot wait. Many are now destitute, with their savings spent on medical care not provided by the government.

According to Senator Reigle, "the Department of Defense refuses to acknowledge any part of the problem. Their blanket denials are not credible. To my mind, there is no more serious crime than an official military cover-up of facts that could prevent more effective diagnosis and treatment of sick U.S. veterans. It is an astonishing example that the Defense Department is going to deny reality."

The Veterans Administration is not treating Gulf War veterans, but only monitoring their blood to see how well the biological warfare agents worked. They are not treating the Gulf War veterans.

(Here she details the bacteriological substance shipped. See attachment from the Reigle Report at the end of this transcript).

Proof of Chemical Weapon Use from the Schwartzkoff NBC Log
(Slide Shown) Here is how we know the biologicals were used. What I am showing you was once a classified document. It is part of the Chemical-Biological log that belonged to General Norman Schwartzkoff in CENTCOM. He was responsible for central command. The NBC log is sort of a roadmap of the war and what transpired. You can see here that it says, "Colonel Dunn has confirmed that the soldiers of the 3rd AD have blisters, characteristic of mustard chemical agent, on upper and lower arms." Remember the official statement? "No Biological or Chemical Weapons Used". The log continues, "ARCENT advised that casualty happened on afternoon of 28 Feb, a reddening of the skin and small blisters." I want you to know that I talked to several of the MEDIVAC flight nurses who accompanied the troops out of the theater of operations, and they told me that many of the men had no skin on them, that their skin was falling off. Evidence of a chemical burn. So, this is known information. Some of the autopsies done at Dover, Delaware found that some of the deaths were due to chemical poisoning.

Schwartzkoff's NBC log continues, "Msgt Blue called. Subject: Commanders Guidance for Disposition of captured chemical and biological munitions." They had captured them and they knew they existed. Continuing, "field destruction is OK, but bulk destruction may have international implications." I have a number of these pages that were released under a FOIA request, and there are about 100 pages that were released to the Gulf War Veterans of Georgia. My hat is off to all the Gulf War Veterans that have been trying to take this message to the public for the last four years.

(Slide Shown) Anybody who was in Desert Storm knows what these are. The little "PB" pills which are a pre-treatment pill for a nerve agent. In other words, if you were going to be affected by a nerve agent such as Soman, you would take this pill in advance and it was supposed to help you. However, you should never take this unless you actually are affected, because it builds up in the body and it creates many problems.

International Media Comes to the U.S. to Investigate
(Slide Shown) This is an article that came out of the Sunday Times in London. The BBC has been over here investigating this quite heavily because they have so many people in England that are sick from all of this. The Italian equivalent to "60 Minutes" has been over here filming on the subject, because the Italian soldiers are sick also. It's country after country.

U.S. Companies Sold Iraq New Genocidal Anthrax Toxin
This is why I am scared about what is going on with the biological warfare. It hasn't stopped, because Saddam Hussein still has these things. Reading the Sunday Times article, we see that "Russia has developed a powerful new poison with no antidote that could be used in biological weapons. It is a variation of the anthrax toxin that causes death within days. It has been genetically engineered to make it resistant to antibiotics. The toxin is so powerful that a tiny amount that would fit on a pinhead would theoretically kill 500,000 people." Can you imagine what that would do to the WATER SUPPLY? Saddam Hussein had thousands of pounds of this substance that was given to him by United States companies.

Veteran Medical Files Destroyed or Missing
Guess what happened to our veterans medical files? They are destroyed. There was actually an attorney who was sent to prison for destroying veterans medical files. Many of the medical files of Gulf War veterans are missing. No only are they missing, but now the proof that they received the vaccinations is now missing.

Gulf War Participants Force-Injected With Experimental Vaccines
Let's talk about how we were affected on the biological side. The first way was with the immunizations. We were given 10 or 11 immunizations prior to going to the gulf. We don't know everything we got. Some of us got sick afterwards. The Anthrax vaccinations were given over in the Gulf, in the theater of operations, and you were forced to submit to it. If you didn't take it, you were court-martialed. People were put into a room like this, the doors were locked, and they had security guards with side arm who stood by while people were forced to take this injection. Why? Why would they do this to people? The Anthrax "vaccine" had not been approved and was experimental. The injection for Botulism was also dangerous. All of these things in combination created a problem.

The Soviet Doctrine: The Biological Cocktail
But, the real problem that we believe to be the main transmission agent was via the SCUD-B and FROG missiles. You see, the SCUD missiles that Hussein used on us had biological and chemical agents in them. When the Patriots shot them down, it rained biological and chemical agents down on the troops. In terms of biological warfare, they used what is called the SOVIET DOCTRINE, in which 18-20 biological agents were mixed together in the tanks of the SCUD missiles. Because the batch contained so many biological agents, it effectively confuses the diagnosis and the treatment process. Now, ask yourself this.

Media Projects Responsibility on Iraq for U.S. Crimes
What is the press coming out and saying? If you read the media, which I hope you don't, you will see an article in the Kansas City Star on October 14th that said, "Iraq Sanctioned", in which they claimed "Iraq lied to us about having and using biological weapons." You know as well as I do that they have satellites in the sky that enable them to see what you are having for dinner. You know they knew what Hussein had, because they sold it to them. Absolutely.

This is what I want you to be watching for, because this is going to be the cover story. They are going to have to deal with the Gulf War illness because so many people have it now. In fact, I will tell you now that because we know that over 10,000 have already died, and we believe 500,000 of our Gulf War veterans to be sick, Dr. Nicholson told me that 20% of the people around the theater of operations (United Arab Emirates, Bahrain, etc.) are now sick. It is coming to a place near you , believe me. The chronic fatigue syndrome. I got a call from a doctor the other day who told me that he has 15 patients with CFS, and they don't know anyone who went to the Gulf War. It's transmissible through sex and through kissing, because it is now found in the dental floss test, where you can see evidence of the mycoplasma. It is communicable and it is going to be growing.

A doctor called me the other day, and he said, "I don't know what's going on. I volunteered to take care of these Gulf War veterans because the VA wouldn't take care of them, and now I'm sick with the same problem. Can you help me understand why I'm sick?" I said, "don't you know its a communicable disease?" He had no idea, because the official position of the U.S. Government is that "there is no Gulf War illness."

Peter Kawaja has been talking about the fact that "GF" was used during the war. Nobody ever mentioned "GF" or even heard of it, except Peter Kawaja, and he kept saying "GF was used." Well, the substance called "GF" is made by the U.S. Department of the Army. The government made it. I have evidence in the government logs of "GF" having been used during the war, but no one ever addressed "GF" until a U.S. News and World Report article came out on September 11, 1995. In this, they have the UN inspector going over to Iraq and inspecting the SCUDS and voicing the "sudden realization" that "Oh, they had all this nasty stuff over there after all that the Iraqis didn't tell us about". Well, I have evidence in a Pentagon report that shows that we knew about it more than 30 days before the war started. The U.S. government knew it was in the SCUDS, because the U.S. companies sold it to Iraq in the first place. It's interesting that in this story the UN inspector is trying to cover himself by saying what he did. The fact that "GF" is mentioned in Schwartzkoff's NBC log also proves the military knew it was there.

The True Origin of The "New" Emerging Biological Diseases is the Biological Cocktail Thrust on the Planet By U.S. Companies, Disguised in the Media as "Mysterious New Diseases" from "Nowhere" In Order to Cover Up Crimes Against Humanity and Genocide
An article came out in Scientific American in October 1995 that was very fascinating reading. They have to deal with the results of this biological warfare, because too many people are getting sick and too many people are dying. How are they going to deal with it? The title of the article in Scientific American was, "Dangers from new viral plagues." Have you been seeing anything in the newspaper about Dengue fever in South America, or about these "strange" viral hemorragic diseases that are "suddenly attacking us" from "nowhere "? Guess what. They came out of the Gulf War! And, they are now calling it "emerging viruses". Hemorragic fever viruses are among the most dangerous biological agents known. The Ebola virus. You didn't hear about that before the Gulf War, did you?

The article in the Scientific American wants you to believe that all of a sudden we are going to be having all these incredible viruses, all over the world , appearing for no reason at all. Many biologists are saying that they never heard of any of these things before. How many of you ever heard of the Hantavirus before the Gulf War? Remember the Hantavirus in New Mexico, caused by "mouse droppings"? I guess we didn't have mouse droppings before the Gulf War, right? We didn't hear about Ebola before the Gulf War. We didn't hear so much about Chronic Fatigue before the Gulf War. A lot of these things we never had a problem with before the Gulf War. A lot of them were used during that time and supplied by United States companies.

Now, the media tells you "why" we are "going to have this incredible problem." Scientific American tells us, "the primary cause of most cases of hemorragic fever is ecological disruption resulting from human activity." In other words, we cut down too many trees in the rain forest and those bugs are going to get us. That's what they are trying to get you to believe, that it is because of cutting down too many trees in the rain forest. Well, they are calling them hemorragic fever viruses now. I've never heard of hemorragic fever viruses. I've been a nurse for 25 years and I have never heard about them. But, now some of the Gulf War illnesses contain hemorragic fever viruses. Some Gulf War veterans have called me and have said that they are bleeding from every part of their body. It is similar to the Ebola virus, but it takes two years to kill them - slowly. How many of you have seen the movie Outbreak? That is your homework.

Were the 1995 Chicago Heat Wave Deaths Really Something Else?
Why am I concerned about this? I was having lunch with Peter Kawaja, and I noticed this article in USA Today, and I couldn't believe what I was seeing. Remember when there was that period of incredible heatwaves in Chicago and all these people were dying? Well, look here in this article, where it shows lines of refrigerated trucks brought in to store bodies. Since when did we have so many bodies that we had to put them in trucks? This is the part that concerns me: The bodies were stored in nine donated refrigerated trucks that were to be destroyed after use. Now, if we went and destroyed every hospital and funeral home after a body was in there, we wouldn't have much left, would we? Why would they want to destroy the trucks? Were they contaminated? Was there a disease? I don't know. All I know is that when you read material in the newspaper, check it out very carefully. Ask questions! Don't assume they are telling you the whole story.

U.S. Ships Enough Biological Agents To Iraq to Kill the Entire Planet
(Slide Shown) Now, this was faxed to me by people in Britain. Remember that we said that this new Anthrax toxin could kill 500,000 people with an amount on the head of a pin? United States companies shipped Saddam Hussein 1,500 gallons of Anthrax. It had already been loaded into bombs and missile warheads in Baghdad. Out of 39 tons of biological warfare agents imported by Iraq from the United States, each ton could have produced ten tons of biological warfare material. How much does he need, anyway?

The Post Gulf-War Emergence of Flesh-Eating Bacteria
Over 50,000 U.S. and British troops have suffered symptoms, ranging from broken down immune systems to wasting flesh. How many of you have heard of flesh-eating bacteria? Didn't hear about it before the Gulf War, did you? Wonder why? It's part of it. Some of the Gulf War babies are born with flesh-eating bacteria already hard at work.

U.S. Government Increases Budget to Bury Veterans But Denies Them Money for Assistance
(Slide Shown) This is an article from a British newspaper. It says, "the U.S. Defense Department has increased its budget for burial of Gulf War veterans." They haven't announced this too widely in the United States, have they? That's what they are doing. They are denying the problem exists, denying that biological weapons were used, and increasing the capability to bury people. How can we treat people like this?

The Attempt to Bring George Bush to a War Crimes Tribunal Thwarted by U.S. "Justice" Department in 1993
Did you know that George Bush was almost brought up before a Grand Jury? He was subpoenaed in an illegal export case that involved shipment of biological agents to Saddam Hussein. You didn't know about that, did you? He was. In 1993 the "Justice Department" said, "he doesn't have to do it." George Bush was brought up before a war crimes tribunal. You didn't know about that either, right? Get the book by Ramsey Clark.

Emergence of Post-Gulf War Biological Problems Coincides With Massive National Injection Programs
So, what are we doing in America? We are inoculating everybody. Why? Why is the government so big on inoculating everybody. Every newspaper in the country had a front page color picture of inoculation. They are trying to justify it. Why? In Houston, you can drive down a certain street where they have nurses lined up along the street. You put your arm out the window of the car and they inject you. Why? America, we have to stop holding out our arms to anybody that comes along and says, "We're from the government. We are going to help you. You need this shot". Why do I need this shot? I got too many shots during the Gulf War and I paid dearly for it. I will never do that again. Know your rights.

U.S. Troops Inoculated Before Going to Bosnia Are Coming Down With the Same Symptoms
(Slide Shown) Why does this picture appear in the paper? They are inoculating all the troops going to Bosnia. I am just now starting to get reports from the troops in Bosnia that some of them now have the characteristic rash, which is a cardinal clinical sign of the Gulf War Illness. Its the only sign you can see at this early stage, until they start losing weight, their hair, and start aging.

Many people come to me when they discover that they have this rash. It's a sign of biological and chemical warfare. WE ARE DOING IT TO OUR TROOPS IN BOSNIA.

U.S. Troops Inoculated Before Going to Somalia Are Coming Down With the Same Symptoms
The U.S. troops that are coming back from Somalia are coming back sick, too, with all the same symptoms and problems as the Persian Gulf veterans.

Bush and Clinton "Justice Departments" Refuse to Prosecute Bioweapon Supply Companies Under the Trading With the Enemy Act
Now, I want to show you this. It appeared in Media Bypass recently. It was January 1996. In this issue, Sarah McClendon, who was a wire service person in Washington, has kind of seen the light. She is in her 80's now, but she follows every story. I want you to see what she has written, because she was a "government person" beforehand. And now, I will tell you, that she has truly "changed sides."

She writes, "Proof is building up stronger than ever that big U.S. corporations [Editor Note: The U.S. Government is also a corporation] made the weapons that Saddam Hussein used to kill American soldiers in the Persian Gulf War. These corporations also provided the chemical and biological weapons that the Iraqis used to make thousands of surviving soldiers ill. Both the Bush and Clinton Administration Justice Departments agreed not to prosecute for TRADING WITH THE ENEMY."

[Editor Note: Now, this is an interesting coincidence, because it is exactly what Prescott Bush and the Rockefellers did before and during World War II, when they materially and financially supported the buildup and creation of Nazi Germany, and later Communist Russia, to create extreme forms of National Socialism and International Socialism, in order to anger the planetary population, who would stamp these forms of socialism out and make way for International Corporate Capitalism, which is Global Socialism, or otherwise known as the New World Order. Any good student of history will find the prosecutions levied for Trading With the Enemy on U.S. companies during this period in history. Don't believe any of this? Do your homework! The same people have been at it behind the scenes for the last 60 years doing the same thing. When you then see Operation Paperclip and Project 63 in action for 30 years . . . . . well, welcome to the covert 4th Reich in disguise. All the research is in Matrix III Volume Two, of what they are doing, how they are doing it and why. Read it and understand. Everything is there.]

You have heard about the Trading With the Enemy Act? Guess who has really been trading with the enemy? Now they are being openly accused of it. The Media Bypass article continues: "The buildup of Iraq's weapons was paid for by U.S. taxpayers, and this business was conducted for years before the Persian Gulf War, and after it started. Such trading with the enemy is tantamount to TREASON. Since when did treason become a civil case? Federal Judge Schub of Atlanta, before whom the case came during the Bush era, said in a phone call to Attorney General Janet Reno, that "anyone who believes there was not grounds for prosecution, has to believe in never-never land."

[Editor note: The Bush era has not ended. How quaint that Judge Schub should call Janet Reno, who herself is guilty of election fraud in Florida, and is a firm believer in never-never land -- without a means of self defense against tyranny, of course. Furthermore, Janet Reno cannot legally hold the position of Attorney General, because she is an agent of a foreign power and works for Interpol, which has been historically connected with rejects from Nazi Germany. Well, another human example of never clone alone, at the very least. It reminds me of the situation in Congress a few years ago when one upset Congressmen referred to others as "Reptilian Bastards"]

By the way, these items for the SCUD missiles that were given to Saddam Hussein were made in Connecticut and in Pittsburgh. The Media Bypass article continues, "Because Iraq defaulted on payment for the biological agents received from U.S. companies, American taxpayers ended up stuck with the bill for weapons that were later used against coalition forces." Part of the reason it was covered up is that President Bush's father was involved with Brown Brothers Harriman Bank, which was involved with the transactions.

How was this cover-up of the manufacture of weapons for Iraq arranged in the United States? Bush arranged for 70% of the policy-makers in the Department of Justice to remain in their jobs when Clinton was elected. The official stance from the Justice Department is, "we cannot talk about this, because the independent prosecutor has said, through the courts, that no one is to discuss this investigation officially, until it is finished." Now, there is someone who is really giving out official information, but it doesn't come out in the media -- only in Media Bypass.

Media Mistakenly Releases Truth About Doxycycline Then Issues Cover-up Stories
(Slide Shown) Ok, this just came out the other day. I was in Connecticut doing a radio show on the Gulf War issue, and I was taking a break for a commercial, when all of a sudden CBS radio comes over the main feed and says, "the Gulf War illness is found to be helped by the antibiotic Doxycycline." I couldn't believe it. We pushed the federal government to admitting this.

[Editor Note: I thought you might find it interesting that CBS has had long time connections to the Central Intelligence Agency]

I called CBS news and they faxed me the news release. I thought, "now they'll be able to get Doxycycline from the military." Guess what happens the next day. Good old Associated Press, the cover-up news agency, comes out with "Report Urges More Attention to Psychological Problems". Here we are, back again, to saying that all the symptoms are psychological. And so they had another cover-up news release that came out just this past week to cover-up the one that came out that told the truth. That's what's happening.

United States Military To Expand Presence In the Persian Gulf After Clinton Executive Order
Here is another article which recently came out. It says, "U.S. to Expand Presence as Persian Gulf Deterrent." On January 7th, another press release said, "The United States will expand on its already massive military presence in the Persian Gulf ". How many of you knew we still had massive military presence in the Persian Gulf? We thought the war was over. They are sending troops over there every three months, and those biological agents are still bound to the silica in the sand, and those troops are getting ill and calling me. I just got a copy of the executive order that Clinton just passed to bring in more reservists into active service. Why are they doing that, I wonder. Through the use of Executive Orders, they are signing away all our rights. This is what concerns me. Look at this. Executive Order 10011 allows the government to take over all health, education and welfare functions. Is that what we are going to do now, with this incredible problem we've got?

The Convention on Biological Diversity: Nature Worship A State Religion
(Slide Shown) This is the Convention on Biological Diversity. I just got a copy of this, and I don't know how many of you have seen this. I think that you would be interested in knowing what it calls for. Guess what they want to do? Objective: To make nature worship a state religion. To make man equal to all other species. Now, when you start getting really involved, the way I am now, there are a lot of people that don't want you to do it. I got this letter from the Department of the Navy, which is the closest station to where I am, and they said, "Dear Captain Riley, Our desire is to medically evaluate you, as soon as possible." You'll have to catch me, and I don't think you're going to.

Sexually Transmitted Cancer
Peter Kawaja has been talking about this. Guess what. This just came out on 10/10/95. There is such a thing as sexually transmitted cancer. Isn't it strange that all these things we've been talking about are now coming out? Let me tell you about Peter Kawaja. He operated under a government code name. The reason he did this is that he found out that biological agents were being made in the United States, and he was aware of the fact that it was essentially treason, and that it was wrong, and he went to the CIA, FBI and U.S. Customs and told them that this was going on.

Product Ingredient Technology and Dr. Barbouti
He told them that "they are making biological agents in Boca Raton, Florida, and that they are being used for germ warfare." The government then said to him to let them know everything he found out, and they wanted to stay on top of it. Peter was a security systems person that was hired to do security contracts. In doing so, he was able to see what was happening at this plant, called P.I.T, the Product Ingredient Technology plant. This plant was a project of Dr. Barbouti, who is from Houston. His son still lives in Houston. Dr. Barbouti had been involved in the (illegal) sales of arms to Iraq, had originally built the biological warfare plant in Libya, had come to the United States and had cloned the Libyan plant in Boca Raton, Florida. They said they were making a cherry flavoring there. That was the cover story. Well, he got a letter after he signed the contract to do the security arrangement. In the letter, PIT stated that "we forgot to tell you that we need a cyanide detection system."

Now, if Saddam Hussein had wanted to kill our soldiers, he would have just outright killed them with mustard or cyanide, right? That wasn't the plan. The plan was to give them a long-term illness that they would bring back to their families. What better way to give a country a disease than to give it to the military, who move all over the country. This was an experiment in biological warfare. Well, this cyanide that was to be made in Boca Raton was for Prussian Blue , which is a hydrogen cyanide derivative, and the purpose for its manufacture was that it was placed in the SCUD rockets with the biochemical substances. When the missile blew up, the Prussian Blue would deteriorate the materials of which the gas masks were made , especially the filters. So, even if they did put their protective gear on, it wouldn't work. All the time, they thought the chemical suits were protecting them. Again, this Prussian Blue was made by a company in the United States.

The Bush Administration Response to Discovery
When Peter Kawaja continued to get this information and found out about all of this, he then did something the government did not expect him to do. He wire tapped all the telephones at the PIT plant. He wire tapped all the phones at the corporate living quarters of the International Headquarters of IBI International (Ishan Barbouti International). When he wiretapped all of these phones, he heard Congressmen, officials in the Bush administration, high-level world officials, and he found out that he had been had -- that this was a joint venture with the United States government. Now, they realized that he had tapped the phone lines, and they served him with a "War Powers Act Subpoena" -- the first one ever issued since World War II. It takes an Executive Order from the President to issue this. They came to his business with armed guards and took all his recordings, documents -- everything. This is significant. He was not served with the affidavit of the search warrant to go along with it, all of this evidence remains at the Department of Justice and it is being held under "national security" until "the investigation" is "complete."

What the British Press Knew in 1991 That Americans Did Not
However, look what came out of the British press. On January 17, 1991. Let me show you how much information the British press had. Look at this, "Boca Plant begins trail to Washington." You see, what Peter Kawaja did is that he sent a FedEx letter to the NSA telling them terrorists were in the United States making biological weapons, and he wanted President Bush to know. That is when they came and took his documents. Here are more British headlines, "Congress Probes Linking Gates to Arms Deal" and "Barbouti Acted in Accord with U.S. Plan Toward Iraq" and "Gates and Secord Linked to Iraqi Pipeline". Down here, in the Financial Times of London, July 3, 1991, there is an article "U.S. Cyanide Shipped to Iraq Despite Warnings to CIA", and "Iraqi's Florida Plant Tied to Poison Gas: Export of Chemical Feared". Ishan Barbouti, by the way, died one week before the war began. He is buried under eight feet of cement, "for religious purposes", in London.

The Federal Lawsuit Against the Perpetrators
(Slide Shown) This is a lawsuit that Peter Kawaja has filed in the Southern District Court of Florida. He is charging war crimes against the Bush administration. He has filed a lawsuit against 100 federal agents. I will show you part of what he has done. He has accused them of war crimes, concealment, conspiracy, corruption, aiding and abetting, fraud, obstruction of justice, tampering with a witness, and more. You see, he was called three times to be a witness for a Federal Grand Jury against Barbouti. There is a lot that we can't go into because of time. He is doing this Pro Se, by the way. It has been in the system for two years now, and he has kept it there. He is saying that they attempted to conceal U.S. Government dealings with terrorists and terrorist nations -- the same terrorists the Bush administration had publicly declared war against. Under item "I" in this lawsuit, it reads, "to conceal from the American public, and from American forces, and their families, who were knowingly placed in harms way, that the same terrorist nations the Bush administration had declared war against, had acquired new weapons of mass destruction from the United States , which American forces could not defend against." This information is in the court system, and Peter needs support. We are aware of this case, and we are going to be watching this case. By the way, when he filed this lawsuit against the U.S. Government, they didn't come back and deny anything. They simply said "we deserve immunity, because we are the United States Government."

(Slide Shown) This is part of the deposition of one of the agents involved. It says here, "I can assure you that if drums of cyanide left our plant, Dr. Barbouti had his reasons, either to be used against American troops or terrorist acts against the United States at home." It is amazing to see this in a deposition.

The Clinton Cover-up and the Psychotropic Drugging of Poisoned Veterans
So, Peter Kawaja sent all the information to President Clinton on September 4, 1994. Clinton then started a "Presidential Advisory Task Force". I don't know if you have heard anything about this or not, but it is a whitewash and cover-up. It is incredible that they are making the American people think that they are really looking into the Gulf War illness. They called me the other day, and asked me, "can you tell us what you think is causing the Gulf War illness?" I said, it doesn't make any difference what I think. Twelve thousand troops are already dead, and you need to be finding out what's doing it. We all know what is doing it - biological and chemical warfare. They said, "well, we can't pinpoint exactly what virus or bacteria is causing the problem, so we can't treat it." I said, you say you don't know what causes cancer, but you treat that!" It is amazing that they are taking this stance, dragging their feet, and trying to make the Gulf War vets feel that it is "their fault." You have 23 year-old Marines that are being told it is "all in your head" and being placed on Prozac and other psychotropic drugs. They have been sedated. I had one young man call me, and he was practically drooling, and he said, quot;please don't stop doing what you are doing". I said, what I need is to have the Gulf War veterans behind me. He said, "I'm so sedated, I couldn't get angry if I wanted to." That's the problem. They have either given them the psychotropic drugs, or they have bought them off with a 10% disability, $89 per month, which makes them feel like they are getting something they deserve.

America has been lied to, and it is going to stop. We have to get to the mainstream. I would encourage you to contact your Congressman and your newspapers. Do not let this stop. I want to see letters from your Senators either admitting or denying all of this. If they were in office in 1994, they have been exposed to the Reigle Report.

In closing, I want to say that we need your prayers, and the veterans need your prayers. I am only here as a messenger. I am just one person that is not going to be quiet about this. I am not going to let our Gulf War veterans die and suffer without American knowing what happened to them. Please do what you can to get the word out.

Transcript by Leading Edge Research Group, P.O. Box 7530, Yelm, Washington 98597
With Editorial Commentary by Val Valerian World Wide Web Site: http://www.trufax.org

Edited to add this link to the Reigle Report:


[ edited by plsmith on Jan 18, 2004 07:01 PM ]
posted on January 18, 2004 07:22:51 PM new
The Vietnam Example

To fully understand the epidemic that is the exploitation of the American Soldier one need look no further than the 250,000 to 500,000 homeless veterans that on any given day wonder the streets of the United States. Up to half a million veterans, mostly those who fought in the terror-filled jungles of Vietnam, have been forgotten in time, left to fend for themselves lost among concrete jungles and steel-glass canyons. Forgotten by a government that sent them across the globe to fight the evildoers of the moment, namely Communists, most men fought in ghastly battles, witnessed appalling atrocities, experienced death firsthand and saw gruesome injuries that scarred them for life.

War is hell, and soldiers do not easily escape from these flames of enveloping terror when returned home. The repulsion of what they were forced to both see and perpetrate in the name of freedom, liberty, democracy and the American way left many as psychologically fragile as fine china. For years veterans have had to deal with knowing they were part of war, that most evil of human endeavors, that brings out the worst in the human condition. Many returned impregnated with the horrible demons of what they witnessed on the battlefield, perpetually unable to exorcise the wretched memories of their testosterone-stressed-filled adventure in death and destruction.

Millions returned home after a bitter defeat, with 58,000 of their comrades devoid of their once beaming energy, packed in body bags, their bullet or shrapnel ridden corpses testament to the ultimate sacrifice that to this day has lost all purpose and whose pain still lingers in the minds of millions of young boys now turned middle-aged veterans who fought a war without meaning, in a land lost in time for an ideology that could not evolve with reality. Today the scars, both mental and physical, remain entrenched, making up to half a million once young and brave soldiers homeless indigents of unjustified hopelessness, unable to escape the awfulness of what was forced upon them by a system and a cabal of elites whose only purpose was defending their ideology, increasing and maintaining their power and enriching their pockets.

Vietnam is perhaps the best but by no means the only example of what happens when those in power are left to their own devices and unleash the torture called war onto young conscripts, confident, brave and unafraid, mostly low and working class, sent to destroy, kill and expand the power and wealth of a few exploiters of human flesh.

We only need to see how the biggest, and perhaps only winner of the Vietnam War, the military-industrial complex (MIC), enriched itself tremendously through years of warfare, death and destruction, using soldiers to carry out its assembly-line, profit-making scheme of immoral business ventures born out of the misery of millions that fattened up shareholder wealth and ingrained into government the growing and unfettered power of the MIC. Through the millions of tons of bombs dropped, instruments of war produced (helicopters, tanks, munitions, etc..) and the perpetual stream of profit from waging such a prolonged war the MIC’s power grew. Today the MIC and government are one and the same, and wars are but part of the business of making profit. This is a reality we have been made blind to.

Unfortunately, our soldiers are the mechanisms by which the MIC, the Leviathan and the government elites unleash and spread their evil wrath onto the world. Soldiers have become pawns, the instruments that pull triggers, aim weapons, push buttons and destroy infrastructure, the human brain necessary to operate the MIC’s collection of apparatuses of destruction and death. They are expendable, of course, easily replaced by the next wave of caste or government instituted drafts. War is a boom to the MIC, of huge importance to its oligarchy. There is vast profit and power to be made in war, just ask today’s defense contractors, and the biggest war profiteer in the Iraq war, Halliburton, of Dick Cheney fame.

These entities survive and prosper by manufacturing an unending flood of instruments of death, by supplying the vast resources necessary to conduct war. And the stream of these products smeared in blood must never be allowed to run dry which is why blood must continue to be spilled. Machines of war must be created, used and destroyed, only to be manufactured again and again, shipped out to be used and recycled in a vicious circle of malevolent profit making. Think about it, who really profits and gains from war? It is today but a business to the United Corporations of America, and the reason fear has been metastasized into our psyches during the last couple of years. Chasing ambiguous boogie-men, today’s version of evildoer, assures the Leviathan of perpetual war, hence perpetual profit and exploitation. Enemies must exist in order to continue building the war machine, and fear is the tool the oligarchy has created that affects our emotions of insecurity, thereby making us passive citizens following Bush and his cabal of charlatans from war to war.

Many of today’s forgotten homeless veterans struggle to survive frozen winters outside and blizzards of mental anguish inside, self-medicating themselves with drugs or alcohol, the only escapes from the permanent state of turmoil their minds live in. The horrors of war cannot be released; the human brain is too fragile and susceptible to the brutalities of man fighting man, of man killing his own kind, of being witness to the shouts, screams, suffering and death of men, women and children as they are bulldozed into the realm of lifeless cadavers.

War is that most ignoble of human creations in which lower classes fight each other to the death for the benefits of the few elite-greed-infected bastards that blink not an eye at the death and maiming of those young “plebeians” they sent to war in far away lands to fight those same brothers being exploited by the powerful on the other side. In the end, victory or defeat matters not to the dead and injured who have gained nothing and lost everything, returning home to an easily forgetful government that throws veterans into the bowels of indifference, tossing away the key and washing its hands clean of the human catastrophe it created.

Sacrificed for the benefit of a few at the top, today’s Vietnam, Korean and Gulf War Veterans, and those the war has made homeless in particular, are a perfect example of the utter disregard and exploitation of the American Soldier by both government and society. Those men who are forgotten, sacrificed, thrown out into the street and left for dead, fed to the hungry wolves of misery, slowly decimated from within are the creation of the man-mad pillager of lives called warfare. In essence, their lives are sacrificed for the betterment of Leviathan’s oligarchs and government cabal of miscreants.

A government that without remorse allows those veterans who fought its battles and its wars to freeze during frigid winters and pick food out of garbage bins in order to survive is a disgrace and a monument to ineptitude. Sacrificing lives, body and mind for the perceived good of the nation our soldiers return home, to a world that has been transformed, a reality that has been altered and an indifferent government that has no more use for them. Rather, they become but a mosquito to the Leviathan and power junta, a nuisance aimlessly roaming the streets, surrendering their remaining pride in order to beg for pennies. Like ghosts they live among us, invisible at night they hide from the unkind winter temperatures in cardboard-made sleeping boxes, appearing by day on sidewalks, palms extended, watching the world they were once part of pass them by.

To survive the stresses of battle is not to survive the wars that follow, where a surviving soldier must reintegrate himself or herself back to society, family, work, finances and the life that once was. The true struggle begins, that which is stronger than any enemy: the battle with oneself to overcome what the mind cannot purge. Flashbacks of battles won and lost, of deaths seen and avoided, memories of comrades maimed and killed, stresses that are manifested from the will to survive in a state of self-preservation and the ever recurring sounds, tastes and smells of war attack the mind, making reintegration back into society oftentimes a futile and complex undertaking. The clash inside commences, that violent whirlwind that morphs together memories and stresses of war and of the life that previously existed, creating a vortex of self-destruction that leads to a veteran’s complete loss with self, and the new reality that has become his living hell. Post-traumatic stress disorder may erupt in the aftermath of war or in years subsequent, exploding out and releasing those demons that have been festering inside waiting to envelope the veteran with their claws of memories past and nightmares present.

From moral law-abiding citizen, young, energetic and full of hopes and dreams, where virtue and respect for humanity is ingrained, soldiers are methodically transformed into programmed automatons of carnage, devastators of lives and lands and efficient killing machines without remorse for the consequences of their actions. This creates a quagmire in the mind as one must shift and abandon what was once believed to be sacred, namely the value of human life, and replacing it instead with the indoctrinated duty to kill and destroy. Thus, the soldier is torn until his first battle and first kill, after which time the sacredness of human life morphs into one of self-preservation and thirst for extinguishing the enemy. The military’s lethally trained soldier has now become its cog of violence and war; the alteration from youthful dreamer to destroyer of dreams is finalized.

Many who survived did and do return to a semblance of normalcy, able to reintegrate and continue living seemingly fruitful lives. Their inner demons are minor. Yet many do not, and are forced to confront their all-encompassing mental demons without the assistance of the same government that helped foster them in the first place. And so, the exploitation having been completed, their purpose achieved, the veteran is discarded and abandoned, forgotten and left to cope with the scars of the “glorious” and “freedom fighting” war he was sent to fight. Meanwhile, those who supplied his instruments of death and destruction reap the profits, the Leviathan enriches itself and those at the top like Bush, born with a silver spoon up their ass and with no understanding or empathy for those born in the lower echelons of the caste system get to pat themselves on the back, congratulating themselves on the newfound power and riches added to their portfolio of exploitation.

That was Vietnam, a blood infested swamp of hell that resulted in defeat and in the collective destruction of millions of American soldiers, in life, limb and mind, sacrificed in the jungles of south-east Asia from which the demons of war were exhumed and returned embedded with our soldiers like a potent pathogen bent on unleashing self-destruction from within. Forgotten once brave and decorated soldiers have become, pariahs in society, walking aimlessly in their own worlds of escape, once fruitful and promising lives laid to waste, forced to loiter, beg and pick trash, fighting their inner selves and the demons of war while their government begins implementing the vicious cycle of decimation onto a new generation of young, brave and cocky men and women. This is what becomes of those who fight the wars of the oligarchy and powerful; this is the sacrifice they must make, ruining their lives, minds and futures fighting their fellow man. This is how they are repaid for their services. This is the reality of soldiers turned veterans, of the devastation of war and the effects of the violence we are capable of unleashing onto the world. The example that is Vietnam is discarded by the elite, only to be repeated today, tomorrow and into the future with each regeneration of the assembly-line we call human procreation. This is Iraq. This is us.

In the military it is one’s duty to never leave anyone behind. When it comes to homeless, injured, amputated and mentally destroyed veterans, however, it seems to be the modus operandi. It is the exploitation of the American Soldier. Today, many experts fear the next great wave of homeless vets and psychologically ravaged citizens are in Iraq fighting for their lives. The next generation of exploited men and women is systematically being converted into mentally fatigued, overtly-stressed and physically scarred individuals that will return home with the horrors of what they have seen and done in the desolate deserts of Mesopotamia ingrained into their now fragile minds. This is the sacrifice made; this is the reality of Bush’s war.

Through the physical and mental loss of our loved ones our government declares victory. Through the devastation unleashed onto humanity Bush tries to assure re-election. Through the alteration and usurpation of our soldier’s lives and minds Bush claims triumph over evil; through their enslavement to the Leviathan and government oligarchy he claims to further assure our freedoms and liberties. In the end, evil is unleashed under our name, our freedoms and liberties are eroded more every day and we come closer to becoming the slaves and serfs of yesteryear as the war the Leviathan has spawned against us and our loved ones grows in intensity.

Guinea Pigs Dressed in Camouflage

It cannot be emphasized enough how soldier lives are destroyed or seriously altered by the government and its war activities. Just recently, a court order was imposed banning the forced anthrax vaccination of troops by the military that in many soldiers was causing sickness and maladies. Brought to the courts by a group of soldiers, the court in essence found that the military was experimenting its unproven vaccine on troops who were being used as guinea pigs. The Pentagon in not deterred, however, as it has gone back to court seeking to have the ruling applied only to those who were part of the complaint, in essence seeking to continue the vaccination plan to all other members of the armed forces. Soldiers are being pressured and punished if they refuse vaccination, and many have not been told by the military of the court ruling.

Throughout the decades the military has performed such “experiments” on soldiers through vaccinations, inoculations, experiments, poking and prodding, trying to uncover the effects of chemical and biological warfare on humans. Under the guise of the Cold War, from 1955 to 1975 the government used the military to experiment on tens of thousands of soldiers, oftentimes without consent or knowledge, exposing them to radiation, biological contaminants, blister and nerve agents and psycho-hallucinatory drugs such as PCP.

These experiments, with our soldiers being used as guinea pigs, only serve to damage the well-being of military men and women in an attempt to see what the effects and damage will be if the vaccine is applied to the general population. Our soldiers are being poked and prodded, serving as an experimental group, studied over time to see what health effects manifest themselves and what dangers are to be expected, and avoided. Guinea pigs dressed in camouflage are no different than guinea pigs living in cages. Enlisted to serve in both war and as samples of experimental exploitation, the American Soldier is but a slave serving the dark interests of those who lack humanity.

A definite pattern begins to emerge over decades of abuse and exploitation of soldiers, and that is the extent by which the military will expose its own to the evils it has created with a disregard that is nefarious and criminal in nature. This pattern has not stopped, it gets covered up or stone-walled when confronted, and it continues on its pervasive pattern of criminality and indifference that like an unstoppable tank runs over the lives of so many members of the armed forces who believed they would never be betrayed by a government they swore to serve and defend. What follows are but a few examples of this systemic pattern of behavior.

The exploitation of the American Soldier for the benefit of the government is an ingrained part of the system. Soldiers have been used as guinea pigs for decades, oftentimes used as subjects sacrificed for the evils of mankind. A perfect example is that era, beginning in the aftermath of World War II and continuing until the early 1960’s, when our government began testing atomic and hydrogen bombs. Soldiers would be called into these areas, such as the Nevada desert, and placed in strategic locations throughout the fallout area of the blast, oftentimes in very close proximity to the mushroom cloud that ensued. Once the experimental bomb was detonated soldiers would have to withstand the powerful blast winds and concussion, thereby being exposed to radiation levels never before experienced by man. Guinea pigs in camouflage, exposed and tested, in all likelihood studied and analyzed to determine radiation’s effects on humans.

This exploitation resulted in numerous cancers, diseases, perpetual health problems and birth defects. The progeny of these soldiers have also been made to suffer through genetic birth defects. Men from all branches of the armed forces were subjected to these tests, many larger in power than Hiroshima and Nagasaki. Numbering over 100 in the course of two decades, these tests and the ensuing health effects, many of which have taken over 20 to 30 years to develop in soldiers and their children, have also affected citizens living downwind and in close proximity to the tests. In total about 900 bombs were detonated in the Nevada deserts from 1950 to 1963, unleashing 178 times more radioactive fallout than the accident at Chernobyl.

For years the Pentagon and government have stonewalled, withheld, suppressed and covered up attempts at uncovering and exposing these truths. Over 300,000 military men and women and 100,000 civilians were used as guinea pigs during the course of the tests. For soldiers, to try and decline forced participation meant court martial, dishonorable discharges, treason and jail. For all involved, it has meant a life of suffering at the hands of the government. Meanwhile, the exploitation of the American Soldier continued.

The Vietnam War provides us with another example of criminal exploitation of soldiers by our government leaders with that famous herbicide chemical named Agent Orange. Sprayed by C-123 cargo planes over the conifer jungles of Vietnam where American troops abounded in order to defoliate and clear the thick green cover of foliage and flora that offered protection to the Viet Cong, the chemical was oftentimes inhaled and absorbed by soldiers, both American and Vietnamese, penetrating their lungs and/or skin and disseminating throughout the body. Up to 19 million gallons of Agent Orange and other herbicides were dispersed from 1961 to 1971. Agent Orange was poison, designed to kill plant life in order to facilitate the further destruction of Vietnamese land and people. American troops were exposed to this devil’s concoction and the results were disastrous.

Upon returning home, Vietnam veterans began dying of disease, most notably cancer. To this day, those still alive suffer horrendous pain from the aftereffects of Agent Orange, the chemical the military unleashed onto its own. Children of soldiers exposed have been born diseased or deformed. Hundreds of thousands were exposed over the course of a decade, never imagining that the chemical they thought was helping them survive would later decimate and destroy their lives, and that of their children.

Agent Orange’s effects have not been relegated to American Soldiers, however. Vietnamese soldiers have suffered the same diseases, have died in larger numbers, and their children continue to suffer the consequences of American indifference. Absorbed into the countryside, the herbicide has filtered into soils and water tables, devastating farming and large populations. Vietnamese children have and continue being born retarded, deformed, sick and dead. In Vietnam, Agent Orange has become a WMD, and it has ruined both lives and land to this day.

More recently, the introduction of Depleted Uranium (DU) as a key component of America’s military arsenal has created a present wave and future catastrophe of disease and death among USA troops, most notably those that served in the first Gulf War. DU, made of nuclear waste and used in military shells, munitions, missiles, bullets and tank armor, has made of Iraq a nuclear dump that has ruined the environment. Hundreds of tons of DU material has been used in both Gulf Wars, Kosovo and Afghanistan, releasing into the environment minute particles of vaporized uranium that linger in the environment and in the air, penetrating into water tables, food supplies and cities. The usefulness of DU, its inexpensive production, troop armor protecting strength and target penetrating ability, had made this weapon a useful instrument of war – if the aftereffects are not taken into consideration.
It is estimated that anywhere from 8,000 to 10,000 American veterans who served in Gulf War I have died of mysterious diseases and maladies, most notably cancers, neurological disorders and immunodeficiency illnesses and diseases. It is estimated that 40,000 to 80,000 more will die in the next twenty to thirty years as the effects of DU run their course. Only about 150 members of the military died during the actual fighting in Gulf War I.

Half of the 700,000 troops used in Gulf War I have reported serious illnesses, however, with many suffering chronic illness. Hundreds of thousands suffer from the so-called Gulf War Syndrome. There is a strong indication, and indeed a growing likelihood, that the use of DU by the military is the primary culprit. Most of these veterans are in their late twenties and early thirties, in the prime of their health, cleared as healthy before the war in military conducted medical physicals. Added to these diseases is the growing evidence that DU is responsible for the large number of genetic birth defects, gross mutations of fetuses, miscarriages and stillborns arising from veterans of Gulf War I.

The implication for veterans of Gulf War II and Afghanistan is mind boggling. The example of Gulf War I and its health related implications is but a small ripple compared to the coming tidal wave approaching Gulf War II veterans and our society. Estimates say that the USA and Britain used five times more DU munitions in 2003 than used in 1991. When up to 350 tons of DU munitions was used by the Pentagon in 1991, the ramifications for the present and future health of American soldiers is worrisome at the least and calamitous at worst.

The same diseases, cancers and fetal deformities and miscarriages being discovered by our soldiers are widespread throughout the population of Iraq and now Afghanistan as well. Coincidence? Not likely. Of course the environmental disaster DU has unleashed will eventually disappear, in 4.5 billion years. Meanwhile, Iraq’s population has shown steep increases in cancers and genetic birth defects, numbers never before seen in such quantities for a sample nation, except perhaps in post WWII Japan. It is not a far-fetched statement to say that Iraq and its citizens will be devastated for generations to come. The government purposefully allowed the use of uranium rich DU munitions, exposing both soldiers and civilians to one of the worst weapons of mass destruction. Make no mistake, Iraq and Afghanistan are now nuclear dumps, their citizens are dying in incredibly large numbers and the USA government, along with corporate media complicity, is covering up this growing pandemic that would rightly outrage the entire planet if it was exposed for the war crime that it is. We must stop the use of our own WMDs on both land and man before we ask others to stop theirs.

The government has remained quiet on the subject but a growing landslide of evidence is pointing to the morbid conclusion that in Gulf War I and now II the USA military and government, in order to pro-rate American deaths from “during the war,” (in essence minimizing death during the war) to a gradual death rate in the immediate decades “after the war,” and in order to prevent large numbers of casualties that would inevitably alienate the American public,—think “Vietnam Syndrome” – used DU armor and munitions, knowing full well its dangers to troops and innocent civilians, deciding the slow and clandestine death of troops after the war was better than thousands of casualties that had been expected during it. This happened in 1991, and, with more than a decade to correct its actions, the Pentagon instead relied more heavily on DU in 2003 when mounting evidence showed the effects of DU on humans. Can we dare bring to light and investigate this criminal exploitation by those at the top of our loved ones?

Soon, American troops will return from Iraq, and deep within them will grow an embedded poison, a weapon of mass destruction that will linger inside their bodies until the day arrives that DU decides to begin its evil process of annihilation. We must keep on eye on these veterans because many will die, many will give birth to the most deformed babies you will ever see and the government/military will speak not a word. The cover-up and stonewall will be methodical, both by government and the corporate media, for the implications of what is happening to our soldiers and Iraq’s citizens will send shockwaves throughout the world. Payments of this criminal deceit may run into the hundreds of billions, devastating entire industries. An objective investigation would most likely lead to the incarceration of those at the top and expose this nation for the evilness of its wars. Thus, the DU enigma will never see the light of day, and veterans will be swept underneath the rug of disregard, gathering cobwebs as more and more veterans die off.

The evils of DU are visible in Iraq, they are visible in Gulf War I veterans and they will soon be visible in many of the men and women today serving in the cradle of civilization. Nuclear war was unleashed on Iraq and Afghanistan by our military. In the end, it is our own sons and daughters that must pay the price for this most wicked of actions, this most unmoral of wars. And we have our own government to thank for the coming decimation that will in the next few years and decades devour our loved ones and the children they bear.

Systemic Abuse of Veterans and Soldiers

As soldiers struggle to survive in the desert sands of Iraq the Bush administration is waging its own war at home against them and their families. In order to help pay for the enormity that has become the Iraq quagmire, Bush has cut or held down numerous soldier and veteran benefits and services. Bush has cut off access to the VA’s health care system for approximately 164,000 veterans. The President is also trying to cut off $1.5 billion in military family housing and medical facility funding in his 2004 budget, a 14 percent reduction. The White House also opposes a proposal to give National Guard and Reserve members access to the Pentagon’s health-insurance system. The General Accounting Office has estimated that one of every five Guard members has no health insurance.

The war by Bush against members of the armed forces continues as the White House tried to roll back recent increases in monthly imminent-danger pay, from $225 to $150, and family-separation allowance, from $250 to $100, for troops being shot at in combat zones such as Iraq and Afghanistan. Thanks to the administration, the military’s pay raise for men and women in desperate need of better wages was a paltry 4.1 percent hike for higher ranks and a 2 percent raise for the lower ranks, a raise that does not even cover the rise of inflation. The White House labeled as “wasteful and unnecessary” a very modest proposal to double from $6000 to $12,000 the gratuity given to families of those soldiers that die on active duty, an amount that would not cover a year of expenses and that does not even surpass the poverty line for a small family.

The White House budget for Veterans Affairs cut $3 billion from VA hospitals even with the large number of casualties returning from Bush’s wars in Iraq and Afghanistan. VA spending today averages $2,800 less per patient than nine years ago. Bush has raised VA prescription drugs co-payments for veterans more than 200 percent even at a time when veterans of Korea and Vietnam begin aging and see themselves in greater need of medicines. With hundreds of thousands of Gulf War I veterans suffering various chronic illnesses and diseases, this move further erodes the necessary mechanisms needed to live a life with the least amount of pain.

Further proof of the war being waged against members of the armed forces is Donald Rumsfeld’s plan to shut down 19 commissaries, military-run stores that offer discounted food and merchandise that helps low-paid enlisted troops and their families get by, with the possibility of closing down 19 more. Meanwhile, the Pentagon is also trying to determine whether or not to shut down 58 military-run schools for the children of soldiers. Listed above are but a few of the tactics used by the Bush administration to strangulate soldiers, veterans and their families. Expected to fight and sacrifice lives, they are now being forced to sacrifice benefits and pay, education and healthcare. How much more can be asked of our sons and daughters before they and the nation begin wondering what Bush is doing? They deserve better, perhaps not Bush’s silver spoon but definitely some dignity and appreciation.

These moves by the Bush administration have lacerated those tools members of the military and their families need in order to live their lives with a semblance of meaning. Bush is in essence shackling soldiers and their families to a collective chain of apathy and exploitation. As these men and women head into combat zones, willing to sacrifice limb, mind and life, their benefits, pay and services are being decimated by the same man putting their lives on the line. It is a slap in the face to at the same time send soldiers to die abroad while slashing their benefits at home. It is a slap in the face to all veterans who courageously served their country in battle only to have their benefits reduced. And the person responsible is a chickenhawk who escaped his duties and now smirks and struts while terrified, maimed and killed soldiers return home, telling the world to “bring it on,” in essence challenging the world to kill those men and women he sent to fight his war.

The exploitation of the American Soldier is methodical and arrogantly shameful. It is enslavement and oppression. It is the continuation of a mercenary army created to fight for and defend the interests of the Leviathan and the oligarchy. The illusions of “fighting for freedom,” “our way of life,” and our “democratic principles” is but a mirage designed to hide the real reasons behind Bush’s wars. Through propaganda the American people are being lied to and misled down the path of perpetual war. Through the use of fear and terror Bush propels the Leviathan’s war agenda, scaring the populace into acquiescing to exporting terror abroad and importing the erosion of freedoms and liberties at home.

Meanwhile, the Leviathan’s hostile and open war against Americans continues without us realizing what is being done to us. Blindly we believe what is shown; ignorantly we follow what is said. We no longer question authority nor self-educate ourselves. To many Americans Bush is the second coming of Christ, a most trusted man of honor and integrity. Reality, however, is altogether different. His policies are completely the opposite of Christ’s teachings. The worst president in history is destroying this nation, and he is bringing us all down with him. The rise of the fascist state of Amerika begun in 2000 will accelerate in 2004 and become a possible reality in 2005 with a further degrading of our rights, democracy and liberties, the acceleration of a police state and the complete usurpation of government and our representatives by the Leviathan and its puppet in the White House.

All this will be accomplished thanks to the invasive and systematic cloud of fear the administration has released into the fabric and environment of this country. The instilling of fear into an ever jumpy and paranoid nation by the administration is the ultimate WMD, (weapon of mental deception) destroying our once free and open society, scaring us into submission and making of us fearful citizens devoid of a once vibrant energy. If we do not stop fearing the illusion of evil Bush has indoctrinated us with, we will soon really have something to fear, and that is the terror of living in a fascist state.

In order to continue their perpetual profit-and-power-pillaging-war fighting ghosts and goblins the MIC, Leviathan and oligarchy will unleash a government enacted draft after the election of George W. Bush in 2004. Large troop numbers – at present not available through the “all volunteer” army – are needed to quench the three-headed monster’s greed-infested appetite for power and resources. All governmental and state action taking place today is clandestinely leading to this most ominous circumstance, one need only open his/her eyes. As is usually the case, those in the lower castes will become the great majority of draftees, brought out of their reservations and turned into mercenaries of the oligarchy.

Trained to become lethal killers of humanity, our sons and daughters will be dehumanized, exposed to the inhuman emotions of war and battle, death and blood. Spread to those regions our feudal lords deem strategic and necessary, our soldiers will decimate both land and man, becoming both a plague of locusts devouring everything in its path and a malignant virus hemorrhaging the planet. The Evil Empire, now openly and arrogantly waging war throughout the world, no longer acting clandestinely to determine geopolitical destinies as it has done for decades, will need vast amounts of cannon fodder and armies to guard the many lands, interests and resources of the Pax Amerikana and the United Corporations of Amerika.

The exploitation of the American Soldier will increase, the draft will take from our homes those young lives we most cherish. Conscripted to serve the Leviathan and oligarchy, trained to kill their fellow exploited man with the MIC’s instruments of death, our young loved ones will die and suffer. They will become maimed, both physically and mentally, scarred for life, becoming the disposable refuse our government throws into its landfills.

The story of the American Soldier is a story of ceaseless exploitation, of ceaseless sacrifice to the interests of the elite oligarchs and of ceaseless bravery in the face of ceaseless obstacles. No longer fighting for freedoms or liberties or in defending our borders or ways of life, soldiers now fight for the profits, resources, power and ideology of the Leviathan and oligarchs. The poor continue to be subjugated; they continue to fight like the serfs and slaves of old for the interests of the elite few.

The story of the American soldier is the story of human war, of the rich and powerful using the poor in the continual cycle of exploitation. It is the story of humanity, of civilization, and of the unrelenting and time honored tradition which by our indifference to act we inherently decide to live in. Through our passivity and unwillingness to force change we are condemning ourselves to the coming future that awaits us. A future that has been both our past and our present, and inevitably, the continuation of what has been, and what seems to remain. The symptoms of our disease, it seems, cannot be cured, and slowly our sickened and palpitated society chains itself to its cold and dreary death bed awaiting the inevitability of our lives.

Monday, January 5th, 2004 - 02:12am GMT
Manuel Valenzuela
Axis of Logic

posted on January 18, 2004 07:44:34 PM new
This is why I love ya, Hellenoid, posts like that above...


Edited for horrible grammar!

[ edited by plsmith on Jan 18, 2004 07:47 PM ]
posted on January 18, 2004 07:47:27 PM new

The Exploitation of the American Soldier: Part 1 of 11 Of Caste Drafts and Society's Complicity, Manuel Valenzuela Dec.27, 2003.

Part 11, Jan. 4, 2004

posted on January 19, 2004 07:32:14 AM new

Pat, I prefer being called by my name...Helen. Maybe I should have made that request earlier. Although I know that you are calling me hellenoid in a good spirited way, there are others who will not. We have enough tit for tat wars going on without starting a silly and devisive one like that.

It's probably a good chat board policy not to rename posters.


posted on January 19, 2004 07:54:42 AM new
It's probably a good chat board policy not to rename posters.

I agree...stop calling me Shirley...
Mi abuelita me dijo "en boca cerrada no entran moscas".
posted on January 19, 2004 08:14:12 AM new
Plsmith, that is so scary what you posted!

I have always had my suspicions of the military and those in 'high places'. I can even say I know of some things personally that were done when my husband was in the miliary - but should I claim them, they would say I am crazy, I know.

I hope with all the force in heart, they come a tumbling down just like the Enron executives and their putrid company.

I do believe those responsible will not escape universal justice from these horrors.

posted on January 19, 2004 09:36:36 AM new

"I agree...stop calling me Shirley..."


posted on January 19, 2004 09:37:49 AM new
Isn't it strange that with the astounding number of wounded in Iraq there is never a mention of any deaths among those wounded?

And isn't the press pathetic?

The Wounded Who Never Die

And the government apparently has tamed the press, too.
So far the press has shown an amazing lack of curiosity
about the fate of Americans wounded in Iraq. The modern
U.S. press seems to have adopted as its mantra:
"See no evil, hear no evil, speak no evil."


[ edited by Helenjw on Jan 19, 2004 09:43 AM ]
posted on January 19, 2004 05:05:38 PM new
I think I am staying outta this board until something lighter pops up. This is all too depressing for me!

See ya on ebay!

posted on January 20, 2004 06:36:32 AM new

This thread is called the "Grim Recap"...and my post was on topic and in keeping with that grim topic.

Guess you'll have to look elsewhere for something more "uplifting".


posted on January 20, 2004 10:59:52 PM new
Why, Helen, I'm truly sorry for having offended thee...

Is that light enough for ye, Neroter?
posted on January 21, 2004 04:28:16 AM new
lol..plsmith. Helen, dont take it so personally. I just meant in general the topics get a little heavy over here. I wasnt critiziing your post.

But I've eaten a bowl of wheaties and I've returned refreshed and anew. I am woman hear me road-rage roar! (oh no, not I) - I will survive .... wanna go disco'ing????//
I can still do a mean hustle. lol.

posted on January 21, 2004 06:39:47 AM new

"I'm truly sorry for having offended thee"

Offended by you, I cannot be.

Thanks, Pat


To survive you'll need all those dance steps -- disco, hustle...even a little side-stepping shuffle may come in handy!


posted on January 22, 2004 05:53:58 PM new
500 pairs of empty Army boots.


[ edited by kiara on Jan 22, 2004 05:54 PM ]
posted on January 22, 2004 06:10:51 PM new

From that link...

posted on January 23, 2004 04:07:00 PM new
Yep....deaths of our soldiers....very sad.

And only one democratic candidate who's calling for an immediate withdrawal from Iraq......and he has absolutely NO chance of winning the nomination. So...as in all wars the deaths will continue.

Re-elect President Bush!!
posted on January 23, 2004 04:15:36 PM new
Uh... Linda... the structure of your post would suggest that you are unhappy with the number of soldiers who've died in Iraq, and that, because there's only one democratic presidential candidate opposed to the war there, the casualties will continue because Bush will be enthroned for another four years.

Are you sure you mean to have this murderer running amok 'til 2008?
posted on January 23, 2004 04:16:14 PM new
I don't want an immediate withdrawl from Iraq...I may not have wanted us to go there in the first place but now we are there we have to finish what we started.We can't let Iraq go the way we have let Afghanistan go.Most people feel that way. That is why only one candidate is calling for it.We do need to get out of there but we have to fix what we created first.I sure hate the thought of our troops over there if a civil war breaks out like it is predicted.But leave? We can't.

But we will let it go...
Wil you be happy and feel we did the right thing when there are two more fundmentalist Islamic countries over there? One more than there was when we first started this whole thing?

All religions are equally right

[ edited by rawbunzel on Jan 23, 2004 04:19 PM ]
posted on January 23, 2004 04:30:17 PM new
Er... given the propinquity of our posts, Robin, I'm not sure your last was directed at me, but I'll go ahead and reply to it anyway.

If "fundamentalist Islamic countries" are your primary worry, you'd better be prepared to invade/indoctrinate half the globe to ease your mind. Nearly all African nations are Muslim, and Islam stretches north to the Balkans and west to Indonesia. You are already (presuming you're not a Muslim yourself) out-numbered two-to-one in your religious beliefs.

I don't believe that we're "finishing" anything in Iraq; we went there for oil, we'll now have Halliburton plumb it for us, and Terrorism will spring up
whenever/wherever it will in the meantime. If you truly expect that we're going to introduce democracy in Iraq, I've got a bunch of South American U.S.-based regimes to point you towards...

posted on January 23, 2004 04:43:18 PM new
No Pat, not directed at you. But you may reply to any of my posts.
My only reason for my reference to Fundamentalist Islamic countries is because one of the last reasons we were given pre-war was that we had to liberate the people and create democracies there. We have done neither.It looks like we are going to leave both those countries to the fundamentalists and that does piss me off since that means we will have accomplished absolutely nothing in either place. Worse, even other countries like Iran that have made movements twords democracy [as far as the young people anyway] will see us as lying failures that no one would want to be like.

I am outnumbered by any religion ,hardly matters to me which one it is. I do have a "thing" against the fundamentalists though. Too pushy for me.

Not doing much to spread peace and love around the world.[that's for you Twelve ]

All religions are equally right [ edited by rawbunzel on Jan 23, 2004 04:46 PM ]
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