posted on February 12, 2004 07:17:53 PM new
Google, the search engine, repository for Newsgroups, cache of billions of images, and more, is planning to go public next year.
With sales amounting to between $700,000,000.00 and $1,000,000,000.00 last year, and ad revenues on the rise, would you take advantage of its IPO?
Do you/have you "played" the stock market?
(Heh, please don't mention your eBay killings... )
posted on February 12, 2004 07:21:27 PM new
Yes, but I prefer real estate. The market is for two kinds of people: those who have the where-with-all to do it full time, and suckers.
posted on February 12, 2004 08:46:09 PM new
I used to do what they call day trading before it became common. I could make a steady profit but never a killing. It had a tendancy to ruin vacations as I had a laptop and logged on Compuserve to check my stocks constantly. This was before the web and everything was line command and horrible to use.
I stopped because the companies that I knew how to trade on a profitable basis mostly were absorbed by others or failed.
If you gave me $500,000 tomorrow and demanded I trade it I could not do so anymore with any certainty.
One interesting thing I found is if friends ask your advice about stocks they will buy on your suggestion and then refuse to sell when you tell them it is time - and then still blame you when they get burnt even though they ignored the more important half of your advice.
posted on February 12, 2004 08:54:55 PM new
To me, the market no longer makes even the tiny bit of sense it used to make...
posted on February 12, 2004 09:47:18 PM new
I used to have a list of stocks I would sell every few months. They were as predictable as a roller coaster. All gone or have lost their cyclic nature. American Motors was fun. Energy Conversion Devices would rocket up in price for three or four days everytime they got a big magazine or newspaper article or on something like the Nova program. Then slowly subside again over weeks.