posted on April 10, 2004 07:38:05 PM new
In order to allay the abject terror the frightened right has been suffering since four mercenary maggots were barbecued and hung out to dry last week, the administration is feverishly, and secretly, seeking the release of the one or two mercenaries who were "kidnapped" yesterday.
Concurrently, Cheney is in Japan, on his hands and knees, begging the Japanese to leave their few hundred ill equipped "troops" in Iraq despite the demands of Iraqis who are threatening three Japanese nationals with immolation if these troops are not removed.
The position of the administration is to pay any amount of vigorish for the expeditious release of their self-serving mercenaries but not one yen to intervene on behalf of those friggin gooks who can go fry, literally.
If Cheney gets his way, we may witness another cookout. So pull the cork on the Akadama, fire up the hibachi and pass out the hashi. It's sukiyaki time, courtesy of the Bush administration.
Arrigato Mr. Bush, your egoistic inhumanity is boundless.
posted on April 10, 2004 07:51:46 PM new
Any civilian who wants to go to Iraq to convert the heathens can fry as far as I'm concerned. It's part of their chosen occupation. I wouldn't put a particle of cost or possible harm to our people to help them.
posted on April 10, 2004 08:36:22 PM new
By the time you posted this the group holding the Japanese citizens had already announced hours earlier that they will be releasing the hostages tomorrow at the urginng of the clerics.
~~~ • ~~~ • ~~~ • ~~~ • ~~~
If it's really "common" sense, why do so few people actually have it?
posted on April 11, 2004 08:52:06 AM new
"releasing the hostages tomorrow at the urginng of the clerics"
NOTO BENE: The clerics are urging the safe release of the Japanese civilians. The Bush administration is urging the Japanese government to ignore the plight of their citizens and stay their ill-advised course in support of the Bush administrations criminal pursuits.
I personally feel the execution of these civilians would be a horrendous act unduly counterproductive to the Iraqi cause.
Not so for mercenaries who by definition serve no cause or principle but offer their dubious skills to anyone who will pay them. These scum are fair game in any country. The corrupt Bush administrations use of these hired killers, particularly in such a sensitive and unforgiving environment is disgusting and reprehensible.