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posted on April 13, 2004 12:43:38 PM new
Mr. President

I have two nephews in Iraq and I am hearing from them that the rebuilding has been halted and now nothing but fighting the insurgents is taking place.

In my opinion, if you are not going to do what really needs to be done over there, then bring the soldiers home.

The way you are battling these people will never end it, you must destroy any city that is harboring them, nothing left bigger than a fist for cover.
Set up temp shelters and give the residents 24 hours to leave, while being inspected for weapons, confiscating all found. Anyone or thing left in the city dies after 24 hours. Period.

It is harsh but after all the city can be rebuilt and the insurgents will die.

If you are not willing to take this action, then you need to bring the soldiers home and write off Iraq... you have the best intentions but with the protestors here at home giving comfort to the enemy and your lack of willing to be harsh... too many lives will be lost for an ungrateful nation.


I sent this letter this morning...my nephews are now saying that nothing is being done for the Iraqi people and that pisses me off...

Sorry Linda and Bear... but it's time to be harsh or leave.
posted on April 13, 2004 01:05:06 PM new
Good for you, Twelve! Sure, they could bomb away but I believe the idea is to drag this out as long as possible to justify their occupation. June 30th isn't far off - how can a change of power possibly happen?

P.S. I hope your nephews return home safely.

posted on April 13, 2004 03:21:16 PM new

News conference tonight ...

High Stakes for Bush in News Conference on Iraq

WASHINGTON (Reuters) - President Bush will try to convince increasingly skeptical Americans at a rare news conference on Tuesday that he has a strategy to deal with Iraq, which has suffered the worst violence since last year's toppling of Saddam Hussein.

In his first prime-time news conference since just before the Iraq war in March 2003, Bush is likely to be grilled on issues ranging from his handling of U.S. intelligence before the Sept. 11, 2001, attacks to Middle East peace talks to the economy.

But Iraq is the theme the president will focus on. He will open the news conference with a 12-minute statement on the U.S. occupied country which he invaded after accusing it of developing weapons of mass destruction.

No such weapons have been found. And in contrast to U.S. troops being "greeted as liberators," as Vice President Cheney said before the war, Iraq has slipped into a spiral of violence that has caused mounting U.S. casualties.

So far more than 670 U.S. troops have died in the conflict. Between 4,000 and 6,000 Iraqi military have died and between 8,000 and 10,000 civilians have lost their lives.


"Tonight we'll be taking questions from "Stretch", "Dolce", "Poncho", "Fine", "Skippy", the "Will-Meister", "Junk in the Trunk", "Peckerhead", and "Fishlips". The rest of you can just sit down and shut the hell up."

posted on April 13, 2004 03:26:16 PM new
I agree, the city of Falluja should be levelled.

posted on April 13, 2004 04:08:04 PM new

There are three hundred thousand people in Fallujah.
Troops are surrounding Najaf now. Sistani has warned the US that if the Occupation forces wages a campaign against Karbala and Najaf, the religious leadership of the Shiites would fight to its last breath for the rights of the Shiites.

What a horrific mess.

[ edited by Helenjw on Apr 13, 2004 04:08 PM ]
posted on April 13, 2004 05:30:06 PM new
twelve - No need to apologize to me. But from what I've heard the city of Fallujah IS going to be dealt with....soon. And so are the militants that are backing al-sadr. Patience my man, patience. We're not going to lose this war.

Even kerry [hahaha] has made a statement about our not leaving. I'll go find it for you.

Re-elect President Bush!!
posted on April 13, 2004 05:36:47 PM new
From the WSJ -


One Cheer for Kerry
In today's Washington Post, John Kerry weighs in with an article titled "A Strategy for Iraq." Our cheer is for this passage:

"While we may have differed on how we went to war, Americans of all political persuasions are united in our determination to succeed. The extremists attacking our forces should know they will not succeed in dividing America, or in sapping American resolve, or in forcing the premature withdrawal of U.S. troops. Our country is committed to help the Iraqis build a stable, peaceful and pluralistic society. No matter who is elected president in November, we will persevere in that mission."

We'll increase it to two cheers if Kerry criticizes by name the domestic extremists who are trying to divide America, sap American resolve and force the premature withdrawal of U.S. troops--most notably Sens. Ted Kennedy and Robert Byrd.

Not everyone is persuaded of Kerry's resolve. A United Press International dispatch from Baghdad quotes Ahmed, a pseudonymous member of the Army of Mohammad, a Fallujah-based Sunni group:
"God willing Bush will fall down by the hands of Fallujah," he says, combining military and political rhetoric. "If John Kerry wins the election and withdraws the Americans troops from Iraq, and maybe just leaves a few in bases, then we will not fight. But Bush we will always fight."

And while Kerry's statement of determination is welcome, his "strategy" shows that he remains out of touch with reality. Its linchpin: "Moving forward, the administration must make the United Nations a full partner responsible for developing Iraq's transition to a new constitution and government."

No dice, says Secretary-General Kofi Annan in a statement today: "For the foreseeable future, insecurity is going to be a major constraint for us and so I cannot say right now that I'm going to be sending in a large UN team."

According to kerry...."no matter who is elected in Nov."

Course I believe our military will have this wrapped up way before election time comes.

Re-elect President Bush!!
posted on April 13, 2004 06:13:08 PM new
Twelve don't apologize to me either. I have always been of the opinion we shouldn't retaliate is a situation like this, we should escalate the action to a point in which the enemy finds it is not worthwhile to continue to fight. "I.E." peace through superior firepower. or in Marine terminology, "Kill en all & let GOD sort en out".

I received the following from a friend of a friend:

-------- Original Message --------
Subject: Fwd: 2/4 SITREP Ramadi
Date: Fri, 09 Apr 2004 10:58:47 -0400

Dispatches from the front. This SITREP was composed by my brother (Lt. Col. Bruce Kelly, USMC, Ret). Info obtained from his son, PFC Nick Kelly, USMC, 0331, Wpns. Co. 2/4. Will pass other pertinent details as they become available. Pass to alcon as you see fit.
Semper Fi,

"KELLY, BRUCE R. CONT (CMWC-RPI-N83B)" 04/09/04 10:25AM >>>
Kampfbundt, OK, I'm up out of my hole---at least for now. Nick called last night. His MAP-3 (Mobile Assault Platoon {replaced the 1980's-90's CAAT that
was designed for armor threat vice threat they are facing now}) was brought back for a few hours to refuel/rearm/eat chow and he got a few minutes. What you won't hear on audio-bites - "...parts of Falluja/Ramadi still under enemy control..." - or from those fat phoney f---ks Kennedy and Kerry et.al. is this: "Dad, we are kicking the living s--t out of those m------f-----s."

It seems that the group that got ambushed were elements of 'G' 2/4. The rags set up diversional ambush sites elsewhere in Ramadi to draw attention and devoted their main effort on the Golf''s routine foot patrol. Nick has been told that the Ramadi front is designed to take heat off Falluja (2/1 and 1/5...1st recon is there as well). MAP 3 was called to provide relief to 'G.' Nick says that as they moved up, the rags were performing disciplined, as he calls it, "bounding fire and movement---they knew what they were doing---even when we knocked them back, they were 'bounding' " When I asked if he had cranked-off any rounds he replied with disgust, "Uhhh...yeahhhhh" (a version of 'no duh')...Dad our platoon alone has killed over 200 of those (again) m------f-----s."
Relates that he got 4 in a taxi cab delivering ammo, several in door-ways, as well as several who were actually in friggin' trees.

Heroism: One of Nick's Sgts got an AK round through shoulder and disobeyed LT's order for MEDEVAC. Remained with MAP for 4 hours and used an M-203 to continue fight.
Humor: Wounded rag runs in building. Marines pursue, apprehend. Rag is shrieking hysterically. "A big black Cpl puts barrel in rag;'s chest while screaming, 'Shut-the-f---k-up!' " Rag grabs weapon. Cpl levels him with a straight right hand to the face. Another Marine pounds rag over the head with a 5-pound bag of flower that breaks, thus creating a Three Stoogesque-scene when white-face rag is led out of house.

USMC Lore: As MAP was entering Ramadi on Wed minaret loudspeakers were pronouncing, "This is the day you die, come forward and we will kill you in name of Jihad, bla, bla." Wpns Company Commander grabs interpreter, puts him on OUR loudspeaker and begins, "Come out and fight you G--- D--- p---ys and fight us in the streets like f---king men!" Nick relates that some did and, "We mowed them down."
There was much, much more but you get the drift. Nick was was very tired but pumped. He spoke in a very matter-of-fact tone like the old WWII guys talking about the Tenaru River Banzai at G-canal...no angst or 'what have I done' nonsense. They have been so frustrated and angry losing friends to IEDs and other sneaky s---t that I believe they do not consider the foe as human...and they're not.

Nick says he was buddies with many KIA of Tues. A boot camp buddy from Illinois (PFC Morris) was KIA RPG last Sat. Sun they went in to escort food hand-out amidst screaming and rock throwing. PAO Capt was along for ride and expressed aloud that this food stuff was a swell idea. On the way out, the rags blew an IED and KOed the 'skipper's' vehicle. Two WIA including our young reporter...numerous shrapnel wounds to face and "blood all over the place," according to Nick. I guess 'skipper' has adjusted his stance.
Well, those "devils in yellow leggings" seem to be making an impression. Nick asserts that the rags are figuring out that there is a new sheriff in town and they are becoming more cowed. States that they are "blowing the #*!@ out of everything." Of course, he knows that the cellar is still full of rats and every day you enter the cellar they will try and bite you...especially those that "came to Iraq" to die.

I know that he is fine because he signed-off with, "Semper Fi Dad, I love you."
Kelly, out
PS for Col Morris; Please let your network know of this SITREP. You and the other 2/4 Vietvets can be assured that your banner is unfurled and snapping.

'We have dispatched Dr. David Kay...to search for the bio-warfare agents we believe hidden in Senator Kerry's forehead. If Senator Kerry has used botox as part of a wrinkle enrichment program, he is in violation of UN Resolution 752. Upon receiving Dr. Kay's report, the weapons of mass destruction that Senator Kerry so adamantly insists do not exist...may well be above his very nose.'" --Dick Cheney when asked whether John Kerry has had Botox treaments
[ edited by Bear1949 on Apr 13, 2004 06:21 PM ]
posted on April 13, 2004 08:50:17 PM new
Wow, twelve, I'm impressed. My contention is that things will suddenly improve and we will have taken care of bin laden closer to election time. My boyfriend who half likes Bush said that tactic will push him over the edge into despising the man.

But, how can you say that the protesters here are giving comfort to the enemy? I protested this war and hate the enemy as much as the next person. I still think there were other ways of doing it beside Bush proving his manhood. Even better than knowing who your enemies are is knowing where your enemies are. September 11, 2001 was almost three years ago and where is bin laden? Instead of concentrating all our efforts on that fraction, we've been engaged in a war going nowhere and have captured a man who had nothing to do with 9/11. Why don't I feel safer?

I hope your nephews come home soon and I pray that God keeps them out of harms way just as I do all of our soldiers over there. I also pray that God watches over all the innocent men, women and children who are caught up in the middle of the fighting. You say we should give these people 24 hours to leave so we can bomb the hell out of the place. Just where do you suggest they go and at who's expense?

posted on April 13, 2004 08:50:18 PM new
Deleted the double post. Oops!
[ edited by cblev65252 on Apr 13, 2004 08:51 PM ]
posted on April 14, 2004 06:02:10 AM new
when you do this.....

then you get this........

and it's all for this......

the sooner you learn that this war is for oil and corperate profit the sooner you will understand wars are a business....and your family is cannon folder for the bankers...harsh...you bet......
posted on April 14, 2004 12:04:40 PM new
If you read my previous posts you will see that I have always maintained that our service men and women are not to be used as cannon fodder for misguided rules of engagement, this includes being a target in a land where they are not wanted and can not really make a difference. They are not the Peace Corps. I pay taxes for their maintenance to be killers and destroyers of our enemies, and I do not pay them to die- I pay them to make the other guy die.

For those of you who think I have changed my mind about flattening terrorists nations you'd be wrong.

I supported the invaision of Iraq for one reason only and that was WOMDs. That was a bright and shining lie.

If there is any nation that deserves invaision and occupation for supporting terrorists, it is Saudi Arabia, not Iraq. But Iran and Pakistan follow close behind.

Saudi Arabia is financially supporting the Madrasses in Africa, Pakistan, and even in the US that preach death to America every day. It also produces and sends out to foreign lands people like bin Laden every day.

Saddam Hussein was an enemey to the people of Iraq, and since we defeated him, he presented no danger to his neighbors. The WOMDs were missing because our sanctions and UN inspections worked.

What Hussein did do for us and the rest of the world was keep a lid on the radical Islamists in Iraq.

Bush's misguided and ill conceived policies have unleashed these radical forces in Iraq.

We had some control of the only terrorist in Iraq before the invaision, now we have millions of terrorists in Iraq which radical Islam now controls.

[ edited by Reamond on Apr 14, 2004 08:16 PM ]
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