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posted on April 17, 2004 10:03:57 PM new
The US is taking some action here and hopefully it helps the situation because there may be a lot of trouble in Baghdad this week.


A group calling itself Al Mujahedeen Brigades has distributed a leaflet warning Baghdad residents to stay indoors for the next week, because it planned to move its insurgency to the Iraqi capital.

The leaflet reads, "Our people in Baghdad, we are asking you to stay at home, do not go to the schools and universities, do not go to the markets. We are asking the owners of shops to close their shops from 15 April till 23 April because your brothers the Mujahedeen in Ramadi, Khaldiyah and Fallujah will bring the fire of the resistance to the capital with the help of our brothers the Mujahedeen in Al-Mehdi Army to liberate you from the occupation. This is a warning."

Baghdad mosques have called for a general strike this week.



U.S. Closes Two Highways Into Baghdad

By LEE KEATH, Associated Press

BAGHDAD, Iraq - The U.S. military closed down two major highways into Baghdad on Saturday in the latest disruption caused by intensified attacks by anti-U.S. insurgents. U.S. and Iraqi negotiators reported progress in talks aimed at easing the fighting in Fallujah, while the besieged city saw its quietest day yet.

Sections of the two highways, north and south of the capital, were closed off to repair damage from a mounting number of roadside bombs. Commanders suggested the routes remained vulnerable to attacks by insurgents who have been targeting U.S. military supply lines.

"We've got to fix those roads, we've also got to protect those roads," Army Brig. Gen. Mark Kimmitt told reporters in Baghdad.

Closing Highways to Baghdad

posted on April 18, 2004 07:47:06 AM new

posted on April 18, 2004 08:15:42 AM new
From Iraq...

"The US military has indefinitely closed two strategic roads feeding Baghdad in the face of insurgent attacks on supply convoys that use the arteries".

"The statement warned that civilians that attempt to drive on these roads risk being subject to attack with deadly force".

A Cartoon from Iraq...."Iraq Blood is Cheap"

Asharq al-Awsat) - The caption says, "The final results!!" In first place is America --shown without legs. In second place is the Shia religious authority - shown without hands. In third place is the Governing Council -- shown without a head. In a word, with such wounds, no one can really be called a winner whether they are in first, second or third place

Edited to add correct cartoon explanation.

[ edited by Helenjw on Apr 18, 2004 08:24 AM ]
posted on April 18, 2004 09:02:17 AM new
In the space of two weeks, a fierce insurgency in Iraq has isolated the U.S.-appointed civilian government and stopped the American-financed reconstruction effort, as contractors hunker down against waves of ambushes and kidnappings, according to U.S. and Iraqi officials.

Thousands of workers for private contractors have been confined to their quarters in the highly fortified Green Zone in Baghdad that also houses the headquarters of the U.S. occupation authority. Routine trips outside the compound to repair power plants, water-treatment facilities and other parts of Iraq's crumbling infrastructure have been deemed too dangerous, even with armed escorts.


A good guide to current news in Iraq can be found here...Occupation and Resistance Report
[ edited by Helenjw on Apr 18, 2004 09:09 AM ]
posted on April 18, 2004 10:44:10 AM new
Glad to se your anti-american BS is still in full force Baghdad Helen...

You enjoy doing the happy dance everytime a brave US soldier is killed?

If you supported the troops over in Iraq as much as you support the insurgents... think of how much better things would be.. too bad we can't shoot traitors such as you.
Hopefully you'll spout this sh*t to the wrong person and you find your ass hitting the ground.

edited for clarification for the anti-american posters


[ edited by Twelvepole on Apr 18, 2004 11:01 AM ]
posted on April 18, 2004 10:56:54 AM new
too bad we can shoot traitors such as you.

Hopefully you'll spout this sh*t wrong person and you find your ass hitting the ground.

You actually think Helen should be shot for posting information on this board?

too bad we can shoot traitors such as you.

You can?

Twelve, you're really a sick puppy and I think you need help.

posted on April 18, 2004 11:00:35 AM new
Too another anti-american, such as your self, I am glad it seems so...


posted on April 18, 2004 11:02:56 AM new
You actually think Helen should be shot for posting information on this board?

She's a traitor pure and simple... but being one doesn't get you shot anymore... and more's the pity.

Would of loved to seen a board like this in WWII...


posted on April 18, 2004 11:05:24 AM new
I'm serious, Twelve.

We have opposing views here and you aren't quite the brightest bulb on this board when you advocate shooting fellow posters to get rid of them so you can only spout your lame messages here. Seriously, go and find some help and the sooner the better.

posted on April 18, 2004 11:07:36 AM new

Making such nasty and inappropriate comments is not a good way to promote your new image of "board monitor", twelvepole. Most good trolls let their alter egos make such innane suggestions while protecting their primary id.


posted on April 18, 2004 11:21:07 AM new
Now you go back and edit your comment? DuH! I already copied it and you responded to it twice while it was there so you really think that editing now will save your sorry azz? Grow up.

posted on April 18, 2004 11:29:36 AM new
So your saying that Baghdad Helen only has no backbone to spout that BS outside of this forum?

That is not an opposing view that is pro insurgent propaganda and in effect is supporting the possible deaths of my nephews...

and your support of that _unt makes you just as bad kiara... I have ZERO respect for you or Baghdad Helen... any misery that comes your way from this day forward I will rejoice at... you 2 have consistently supported our enemies in Iraq... I dare either one of you to go to a support meeting for the mothers and wives of soldiers over in Iraq and say the things you say on this board... I am quite sure everyone there will not share your support for the insurgents... but seeing how neither of you have any backbone other than to post on a message board we know that won't happen.

I tried ignoring before doesn't work and only makes you _unts happy...

Oh and kiara, I will match my intelligence against yours any day honey...


posted on April 18, 2004 11:32:45 AM new
Nothing changed I just corrected something you said, because unfortunately we can't shoot traitors like Baghdad Helen...


posted on April 18, 2004 12:14:33 PM new
Twelvepole, I don't support the insurgents and please show me where I have ever supported the insurgents on this board. I have never done that and you know I haven't so why start with the lying again?

I've been behind the troops since the beginning and I've shown numerous times that I worry about them losing their lives and anyone that reads here will know that.

Nothing changed I just corrected something you said

I said? YOU said the statement, twelvepole. All I did was copy and paste it. Then you edited it after responding to me twice. So this not only makes you a coward, it makes you a liar.

And for you to resort to calling me the C word because I started a topic about the highways being blocked into Iraq really shows how sick you are. Once again I ask that you get some help.

posted on April 18, 2004 12:17:08 PM new
Twelve, let's also hope that someone at Vendio is reading these boards and they will see how low you've really sunk.

posted on April 18, 2004 01:48:56 PM new

I have your unedited comment on a floppy disk and will continue to tape your scurrilous and false allegations. I have never said anything traitorous. I am not alone in my disgust with this war. If you judge people traitorous by that standard, over half of America would be catagorized as such.

The truth is that I have always supported the troops and you can't find a word that I have stated indicating otherwise. It's my opinion that the guys who send our troops to fight an unplanned battle in insufficient numbers to ensure their saftey are not supporting our troops.

You need a rest, twelvepole.


posted on April 18, 2004 04:38:01 PM new
Speaking of how low someone has sunk look in the mirror kiara...

you have become so dour in your posting that anyone that would of read your posts a year ago would not even recognize you.

Speaking of someone that needs help... you really should take a break... your attacks on Linda have become Baghdad Helen like and of course being a cowardly canadian you can be anti-american

Baghdad Helen you have shown time and time again that your allegience is with anyone that is against the US... TRAITOR!

Feel proud that you can post such garbage... I still challenge you or your new protege to go to any support group for mothers and wives and spout your BS...

I may need a rest..a rest from anti-americans like you two...

May God provide the means to put you 2 both on the right path again...


posted on April 18, 2004 05:21:53 PM new
Once again no debate but I like to say that any poster here has every right to voice an opinion.
This does not make them anti American or anything else. Its always a good thing to question any action by government as its the only thing that keeps them in check.

I see no one here cheering or doing the happy dance when troops are killed or injured. While no one will ever agree with everything anyone states there is no reason in my mind to slur other posters because they have a different point of view.

Government is not reason, it is not eloquence, it is force; like a fire, a troublesome servant and a fearful master. Never for a moment should it be left to irresponsible action.

Occupants of public offices love power and are prone to abuse it.

However combinations or associations of [factions] may now and then answer popular ends, they are likely, in the course of time and things, to become potent engines, by which cunning, ambitious, and unprincipled men will be enabled to subvert the power of the people, and to usurp for themselves the reins of government - destroying after wards the very engines which have lifted them to unjust dominion.

Quotes - George Washington

No, this is not an anti Bush post as this is true for any one in public office with too much power. This is why its good to question any and all in public life otherwise free speech is gone with everything else.

Joe Stalin liked to silence other view points via gulags or murder and as I do not agree with this I will continue to listen to both view points and make up my own mind.

Carry on......

Add on slash

The future has taken root in the present.
[ edited by trai on Apr 18, 2004 05:23 PM ]
posted on April 18, 2004 05:32:41 PM new
LOL, twelvepole. That's the best you can do? Linda gets what she gives and I'm not about to sit here while she continually makes false claims that I state certain things that I don't. I correct her whenever she does that. And I have every right to do so.

During this past year whenever I showed concern about a soldier dying or being injured you were one of the first to jump in and say things like "sh#t happens" or that's what we have to expect, it's war. How many times did some of you say "it's a very low number"? Now when it's your family involved perhaps reality is coming home to you.

Check out the Grim Recap thread and the More Soldiers Killed thread if you have such a short memory about my true concern for the troops overseas. You will see my support for them goes back to the beginning of the war and I have my own personal reasons for doing so even though I choose not to discuss it here.

And don't bring God into this and try to save yourself after spouting your garbage and filth here for the last year or so, I don't feel the least bit sorry for you at all. I suggest you go to a support group and seek the help you are desperately in need of.

posted on April 18, 2004 06:09:15 PM new

Twelvepole, You said in the thread that I started, More Soldiers Killed "I think you will find the kill ratio quite acceptable and if we continue to take it to them they will run out of people before we do."

I generally ignore your remarks. But since you brought it up, can you see the callous nature of that remark? If not, I certainly hope that you stay away from the support groups that you mentioned.


posted on April 18, 2004 06:17:02 PM new

Reamond had a good response to that...

"But there is no acceptable kill ratio when your husband, wife, son, daughter, is sent to be killed in a foreign land due to a lying president that wasn't even honestly elected."

posted on April 18, 2004 06:19:27 PM new
Save myself from what kiara?
I make no apologies for my postings...

From your anti-american ramblings...

At least Linda knows what the hell is going on... you and Baghdad helen should buy a clue... you obviously have none when it comes to the military... as you show time and time again...

You neither one no NOTHING of US Military...

Why bother, neither one of you are going to change... will just laugh at your ignorance of US Military...

You both should be listening to Linda... she does have a clue... which neither of you have...

Death is part of war when you have 2 _unts coming to the boards supporting the enemy when my nephews are there, your damned right I am going to call you on it.

I see you're ignoring the challenge... that's because you know that the arms outstretched wouldn't be for an embrace of support... LOL

Don't worry kiara I am not some young boy and will not be commiting suicide... you haven't "helped" me enough...


[ edited by Twelvepole on Apr 18, 2004 06:21 PM ]
posted on April 18, 2004 06:25:04 PM new
You will see my support for them goes back to the beginning of the war and I have my own personal reasons for doing so even though I choose not to discuss it here.

LOL that's always your "out" kiara... you don't seem to have a problem discussing others reasons though...

Your support is as transparent as you are...

I stand by my statements and have said so to my sisters...

War is death... other wise people would do it every day... I also expect an escalation to this war and many more dead Iraqi's...


posted on April 18, 2004 06:50:48 PM new


posted on April 18, 2004 07:12:22 PM new
Seems to have struck a nerve. As to your nephews reminds me of the story of the idiots who went into the tigers cage. You may be willing to sacrifice your nephews to the political aspirations of the village idiot however not everyone feels that way fortunately and soon the Crawford Cretin will get to go home.

Friends don't let friends vote Republican!
posted on April 18, 2004 07:27:19 PM new

From Woodwards new book
60 Minutes Interview
“And then Powell says to him, somewhat in a chilly way, ‘Are you aware of the consequences?’ Because he'd been pounding for months on the president, on everyone -- and Powell directly says, ‘You know, you're gonna be owning this place.’ And the president says, ‘I understand that.’ The president knows that Powell is the one who doesn't want to go to war. He says, ‘Will you be with me?’ And Powell, the soldier, 35 years in the army, the president has decided and he says, ‘I'll do my best. Yes, Mr. President. I'll be with you.’” And then, the president says, ‘Time to put your war uniform on.’"

Woodward says he described Powell as semi-despondent “because he knew that this was a war that might have been avoided. That’s why he spent so much time at the United Nations.”

And this is especially frightening...

Did Mr. Bush ask his father for any advice? “I asked the president about this. And President Bush said, ‘Well no,’ and then he got defensive about it,” says Woodward. “And then he said something that really struck me. He said of his father, ‘He is the wrong father to appeal to for advice. The wrong father to go to, to appeal to in terms of strength.’ And then he said, ‘There's a higher father that I appeal to.’"

posted on April 18, 2004 07:36:22 PM new
kiara - I'm not about to sit here while she continually makes false claims that I state certain things that I don't. I correct her whenever she does that. And I have every right to do so.

If you'd quit trying to erroneously read between the lines of what you think I'm saying you wouldn't spend so much time "defending yourself". LOL

Re-elect President Bush!!
posted on April 18, 2004 07:47:15 PM new
And then there's helen....the one who continually expouses her support for our military/soldiers/troops...while saying she's just anti-bush.


She recommends to us all sites written by anti-war progressives who offer articles about all the terrible things HER country and the soldiers fighting for HER country are doing that's so wrong. She promotes the sites that continue to point out how terrible HER countries actions are.

But....no....she's not anti-troops or anti-American.....not to those who support the same positions she does.

Here are some of the recent articles that can be read from the site helen recommends as "A good guide to current news in Iraq" [use her own link - unless she edits it]:

Read them for yourselves.....and tell me they are supporting our troops. What a laugh.......

April 2004
Recent Entries

Iraqi Health Minister Presses Authorities to explain U.S. Targeting of Falluja Ambulances

A Threatening Leaflet, a Threatening Mr. Bush

Winning Hearts and Minds
Listen to Dahr
NewStandard Article Posted: No End in Sight for Fallujah
Staying Put

No respite from the Violence

Americans Slaughtering Civilians in Falluja

Dahr back from Fallujah
Continuing Slaughter, Kidnappings, US Rhetoric

Yep.....sure sounds like those sites/columnists are call for support our troops actions or our country. LOL

Re-elect President Bush!!
posted on April 18, 2004 08:12:25 PM new

"And then there's helen....the one who continually expouses her support for our military/soldiers/troops...while saying she's just anti-bush."

Yes, Linda it's possible to be Anti Bush and still support our troops. Why is that simple concept so difficult for you?

It's also possible to be Anti Bush and still be Pro America. You might find this easier to understand if you pretend that our President is Clinton. You could be pro troops but anti-Clinton, for example.

As for the rest of your post...it doesn't make a lick of sense.


posted on April 18, 2004 08:20:33 PM new
If you'd quit trying to erroneously read between the lines of what you think I'm saying you wouldn't spend so much time "defending yourself".

Linda, you like to play the games just like your son, twelvepole. Everyone knows the comments I've made to you the past month or so about you insisting that you know what I'm thinking and about you reading my mind but you continue to post false information about the things I've said and you can't support your claims even when I call you on it. At least I can back up what I say with proof and I will continue to do so.

For the record, I support the troops in Iraq and I don't support President Bush. I don't believe everything that the government tells me. My thinking on this has not changed in the last year and all my posts are still searchable. I have nothing to hide.

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