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posted on April 21, 2004 07:44:36 PM new
WOW from what I am reading in these posts the Republicans are shaking in their boots. Keep it up you Democrats give it to the whining babies. After all their leader started this Class War not us. Now all the Republicans can do is act like their leader and spread a bunch of lies. Hey Republicans we are coming after ya this time around and you are TOAST and you know it. Your Republican lies are not working this time and I am having great fun watching you all wiggle

posted on April 21, 2004 08:05:18 PM new
LOL....yea right. lol

Re-elect President Bush!!
posted on April 21, 2004 09:05:23 PM new
Remember that the senate voted for the war and both Kerry and Edwards voted fot it....

posted on April 21, 2004 09:50:27 PM new
Well you know the difference between a Republican & a Demo Crat, don't you.

The Republican has the BS on the outside of their boots.

"The Secret Service has announced it is doubling its protection for John Kerry. You can understand why — with two positions on every issue, he has twice as many people mad at him." —Jay Leno
posted on April 21, 2004 10:11:33 PM new
::Remember that the senate voted for the war and both Kerry and Edwards voted fot it....::

There was a Senate vote on a class war? Now tht one I would have tuned in to C-Span for.
~~~ • ~~~ • ~~~ • ~~~ • ~~~
If it's really "common" sense, why do so few people actually have it?
posted on April 21, 2004 10:41:48 PM new
Republicans are shaking in their boots.

LOL! Democrats and terrorists have thrown their best shots at Bush and he still leads in the polls. You'd better prepare yourselves for another 4 years of President Bush!

"I voted for the $87 billion before I voted against it."

[ edited by ebayauctionguy on Apr 21, 2004 10:43 PM ]
posted on April 22, 2004 03:29:07 AM new
I don't see "shaking" at all, unless you call the shaking from laughter as part of that?

Once again it does appear the democrats are falling way short of a viable candidate, I personally don't give a rats patooie about either's "war" record, I really hope that people are not so naive as to really think he is directing day to day operations in Iraq or any other military operation.

He has a whole Joint Chiefs that make some decisions the President only learns of after, or during if going bad.

The President of the United States is Commander in Chief of the Military, however he does not plan or execute operations, he just has the accountability for them.

at least President Bush will do what he says and enforce resolutions as set forth by the UN.


It's too bad that their blindness can't see they are killing more soldiers than President Bush ever has... Protest Loud and Proud! Your fellow taliban and insurgents are rejoicing at the support...
posted on April 22, 2004 06:10:40 AM new
My post shows a lot of you Republicans like libra, ebayguy and twelvepole can't even read. My post said the war that Geo Bush is not going to win is the CLASS WAR he has started. My post never said one word about the failed Geo Bush Iraq war. I will say again, Hey Republicans we are coming after ya this time around you are TOAST. The Republican lies are not working this time and I am having great fun watching you all shake in your boots.

posted on April 22, 2004 06:25:33 AM new
LOL now that is funny... class war... you still listen to 78 rpm records too?


It's too bad that their blindness can't see they are killing more soldiers than President Bush ever has... Protest Loud and Proud! Your fellow taliban and insurgents are rejoicing at the support...
posted on April 22, 2004 06:54:08 AM new


This boot-shaking discombobulation is evidenced by their ever increasing volume of nervous laughter. When words fail, they LOL and LOL and call the topic or the comment funny.


posted on April 22, 2004 07:14:40 AM new
Laughing at silly uninformed statements is a normal way to discount foolish thinking. It's a polite way of reacting to the nonsense that some post here rather than pointing out how uninformed they are over and over.

Re-elect President Bush!!
posted on April 22, 2004 07:26:22 AM new

Linda says...
"Laughing at silly uninformed statements is a normal way to discount foolish thinking. It's a polite way of reacting to the nonsense that some post here rather than pointing out how uninformed they are over and over."

If that were true, I would be laughing at you 24/7.


posted on April 22, 2004 07:46:27 AM new
Yeah, but we DO laugh at you 24/7


It's too bad that their blindness can't see they are killing more soldiers than President Bush ever has... Protest Loud and Proud! Your fellow taliban and insurgents are rejoicing at the support...
posted on April 22, 2004 07:52:55 AM new
Laughing at silly uninformed statements is a normal way to discount foolish thinking. It's a polite way of reacting to the nonsense that some post here rather than pointing out how uninformed they are over and over.

Cackling and trolling throughout a discussion only shows that the person doing so is incapable of having an informed opinion to offer.

posted on April 22, 2004 08:09:57 AM new


Your message should be sufficient evidence that linda's excuse is bogus and that a correct description of the prevailing laughter is contemptuous and meant to be derisive rather than as linda describes it "a polite way".


posted on April 22, 2004 08:14:53 AM new
No, it only shows that they laugh at how mis-informed some, like you, are.

Re-elect President Bush!!
posted on April 22, 2004 08:34:38 AM new

When you state such nonsense, you lose credibility.

BTW..linda,Were you able to document your statement about Bush wanting to debate Kerry?


posted on April 22, 2004 08:47:47 AM new
An incumbent republican president spends $50 million in negative advertisements and all he can accomplish is a statistical dead heat. Yeah, he'll get re-elected.

Unless OBL surrenders and Iraq is a bona fide democracy with no Islamic radicals by June 30th, Bush might get re-elected if he could create 2 million good paying jobs by October 2004.

Bush has been one blunder after another. Even the conservative William Kristol has called for Bush to have Rumsfield and Powell resign.

Everyone keeps insisting that we must win the "war" in Iraq. If that is true, then we must get rid of Bush.

Bush couldn't figure out how to win a game of checkers.

[ edited by Reamond on Apr 22, 2004 02:47 PM ]
posted on April 22, 2004 09:12:09 AM new

A lesson from the president for other uninformed neocons - Ducking the Questions

The whole issue of questions from the audience at the Associated Press annual luncheon was a running joke for the president during his talk. He opened his speech by saying, "I kind of like ducking questions," and said he would be "glad to duck any questions like my mother once told me to do" following his remarks.

In the end he only took three questions, from those submitted in advance by AP members, and read by Burl Osborne, the AP chairman. After replying to one question he apologized for "the long answer, but at least I answered it."

posted on April 22, 2004 09:29:23 AM new
I saw "Bush" at that lunch yesterday and he laughed and chortled and goofed his way through it. He was a total embarrassment.

Did you notice that he had a "shorter, darker hair" "slicker" look than he does today when he is talking about the environment?

I have a theory. I think his parents gave birth to identical twins and then kept the "dummer" twin secretly hidden. They take him out for certain occasions and yesterday he was the one at the luncheon.

posted on April 22, 2004 09:38:43 AM new
Someone please 'redefine' Class War. And how it was started by President Bush

(also what thread, can't keep up)
AND don't quote me, or we'll all get into a quoting war!!!

Thank you for your cooperation on this matter

"Somewhere, something incredible is waiting to be known."- Carl Sagan
posted on April 22, 2004 09:57:50 AM new
The piece below was written by a CONSERVATIVE.

Why Kerry will win

Posted: April 21, 2004
1:00 a.m. Eastern

© 2004 WorldNetDaily.com

I have bad news for Bush supporters gloating at the latest polls showing the president expanding his lead over John Kerry.

I hate to rain on your parade, but this race is far from over.

Bush partisans are giddy over the fact that Kerry's campaign seems to be sputtering – that he can't seem to capture much attention nor generate much excitement.

It's true that Kerry is a colorless, humorless, unlikable patrician.

Nevertheless, despite those characteristics, he's within the margin-of-error range in most polls. It's astounding, really. And that's why Bush is going to lose.

I want to take you back to 1992.

Bill Clinton was in John Kerry's position. He was running considerably further behind George H.W. Bush in the polls. Then came the Democratic convention.

The Democrats are very good at putting on these shows, and Hollywood pulled out all the stops for Clinton.

Much to my amazement at the time, Clinton got a huge bounce from the show – and he never looked back.

Again in 1996, Clinton was running behind Bob Dole in the polls leading up to the Democratic convention. History repeated itself. The Clinton-Gore ticket bounced right back into a second term.

You can look at 2000 and see the same trend, and, while it's true Al Gore didn't win the White House, he did win the popular vote.

Is Bush planning to lose the popular vote again and win re-election in the electoral college? Is he planning to make it that close?

This is my prediction. Mark it down. Remember where you heard it. The day after the Democratic convention, Kerry will be a front-runner.

It gives me no pleasure to make this prediction. While I believe Bush has been a failure as a president in many ways and cannot support him for re-election, I know Kerry will prove disastrous for the country.

Many people tell me I should support Bush for this reason alone.

I can't do that. I won't do that. I won't cast a vote for a candidate who doesn't really support the Constitution of the United States, even though he takes an oath to uphold it. I will not vote for a candidate for president who increased spending – not just defense spending, but all spending – so dramatically. I don't believe we'll ever get real political choices as Americans if we keep making the mistake of supporting the lesser of two evils.

Kerry is a dangerous man – and I think he's going to be the next president.

I even believe he will weather the Ralph Nader storm.

The reason? Bush is more hated now than he was in 2000. The Nader crowd is going to go for Kerry. The Bush opposition will unite to defeat him this time.

It's bad news for America. And I'm stunned at how the Bush team is stumbling and bumbling into defeat.

These guys act like they are political geniuses. They seem to forget that Al Gore actually won more votes than Bush did in 2000.

The overconfidence is staggering.

They don't see this coming.

It's probably too late to do anything about it if they did.

Sure, things can change between now and November. Things can happen. But things can happen that will help or hurt either candidate.

Because I don't have a dog in this hunt, I think I can see it a little more objectively, a little more clearly.

It's going to be Kerry in 2004.

But, please, don't blame the messenger.

posted on April 22, 2004 10:08:14 AM new
Yes, helen I am. But you're such an expert at 'googling' I'm sure you can find it all by yourself.


NearTheSea - I've always taken 'class warfare' as the democrats always pointing out the 'haves' vs the 'have nots'. Rich vs the poor. Take from the rich and give to those who haven't earned it themselves....because they see that as the only fair way of doing things. [wrong]

Re-elect President Bush!!
posted on April 22, 2004 10:15:38 AM new

We are waiting for your documentation, linda. After all, you made the statement.


posted on April 22, 2004 10:21:40 AM new


Bunnicula said, "Where has he said that Linda? The only reply I've seen from the Bush campaign is a flip little "he should debate himself first" --nowhere can I find mention that Bush said he wants to debate Kerry + third parties".

If a librarian can't find it, I'm dam sure that I can't. So, if you really know, why not post it here so that we can read it too?


posted on April 22, 2004 10:39:33 AM new
So the 'poorer' do not think its 'right' for the 'rich' to be 'rich', so tax them more, and give to the poor

Modern day Robin Hoods?

I never understood this class war thing.

Most ( I did say MOST, some inherit money, but heck, even if they did, are they supposed to give it all away because they didn't earn it like their father did???)
earn that money. They start when they are young, and save, or invest, or start businesses that are successful. So? Its everyone's right to do what they want with their lives. If some choose to be entriprising, and go on to do well, its their fault they have money?

gotta go my brother called and said there is breaking news from North Korea.....

"Somewhere, something incredible is waiting to be known."- Carl Sagan
posted on April 22, 2004 03:12:29 PM new
Linda_k and Nearthesea, I am the guy that said BUSH'S CLASS WAR. Bush gives Hugh tax cuts to the rich. What happens are these well documented facts. Cuts in education, cuts in veterans health care, millions of Americans without health insurance, millions of Americans out of work, average American wages drop, flooding the American job market with cheap labor, college tuition goes up, environment laws not enforced and corporate welfare. I could go on but I think you can now get an idea what I call the Geo Bush CLASS WAR.

I have no problem with rich people in general but I do have a big problem with the greedy self serving rich. Do I think the rich should share more of the burden, your dam right I do. Its not only the American way its the Christian way.

Hey Republicans we are coming after ya this time around and you are TOAST. Your Republican lies are not working this time and I am having great fun watching you all wiggle.

posted on April 22, 2004 03:19:25 PM new
Bush gives Hugh tax cuts to the rich.

Hey BIGDUMMY, do you think the rich should pay more than a 35% federal income tax rate? It sounds like you have a bad case of class envy.

"I voted for the $87 billion before I voted against it."
posted on April 22, 2004 03:44:13 PM new
bigpeepa - I know who said what. You're another misinformed person from your statements anyway. Believing too much of what the left leaning media is telling you, rather than checking out the FACTS for yourself. There have been NO reductions in the items you mentioned.

And on top of that many families have benefited by the tax cuts this President made. The marriage tax was eliminated, the child credit was doubled and the inheritance tax was reduced along with all our tax rates being reduced from previous years.

Get informed....in order to make smart choices...not misinformed ones.

Re-elect President Bush!!
posted on April 22, 2004 03:48:36 PM new
Well, ebayauctionguy, maybe he thinks the 'rich' should pay 50%, maybe more, so everyone has the same?

"Somewhere, something incredible is waiting to be known."- Carl Sagan
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