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posted on May 10, 2004 12:39:51 PM new
like i said there are those on this board who support this man who are contributing to the endagerment of the soldiers abroad and north american tourists that are abroad....would this be considered a traitor's act...seems that way..

Limbaugh Endangering Soldier's Lives

By Russell R. Bingman

As millions of people in America and around the world know, conservative talk-show host Rush Limbaugh has spent several days trivializing and making a mockery of the abuse of Iraqi prisoners in Abu Ghraib prison at the hands of the U.S. military police and military intelligence. Limbaugh and others have characterized the abuse and torture of Iraqi prisoners as being likened to college fraternity house pranks and the conduct of U.S. military personnel as being nothing more than "blowing off a little steam . . . quite understandable since soldiers there are being shot at," he said.
Limbaugh is certainly one of the least qualified people in America to be making any assessment or defense of American soldier's misconduct in Iraq. Limbaugh left college after the first semester in his Freshman year having flunked every class he signed up for, and consequently has no idea what-so-ever what college fraternity pranks entail, or even what college entails either (or can he tell us what fraternity he belonged to?). Nor has Limbaugh ever served a single day of his privileged life, in any military of any kind, and Limbaugh has never experienced any military combat zone, anywhere in the world, in his life, and based upon his years of praise and advocacy of inhumanity and cruelty against people suffering, such as his approval of female genital mutilation . . . his idea of Christian values - he has no grasp of the Geneva Convention, or Christian values. Saddam must be proud of him!

Moreover, as many Capitol Hill members and many military leaders are now warning the White House, the Pentagon and others, America's men and women in Iraq, are going to bear the brunt of any retaliation against America for the abuse of the Iraqi prisoners, and that any failure on the part of America's government to deal seriously and harshly with the offenders, will result in more severe retaliation against America's soldiers. Limbaugh's comments have not gone unnoticed in the Middle Eastern Arab world, and have angered many there, whom are vowing retaliation against America and it's military. Limbaugh and the others who are making light of the situation are willfully and recklessly endangering the lives of not only America's soldiers in Iraq and around the world, but American's here at home as well, as more sane and rational minds are warning from Washington. Any American or coalition soldiers taken captive in Iraq from now on, will undoubtedly face the sam

Whatever harm and injuries come to America's soldiers out of the retaliation that's coming, Mr. Limbaugh is going to have to take his share of credit for it. America should have already learned its lesson, about having hypocritical, drug-addicted, uneducated Fascist radicals in possession of a microphone . . . and as long as it allows such to continue to disgrace the nation via the public airwaves, it's probably going to learn its lesson the hard way. And the FCC thought that Howard Stern was harming the nation!

posted on May 10, 2004 01:04:33 PM new
I say send Limbaugh and all the Republicans and Democrates over to Iraq and let the sane people stay here. Screw them all!!

posted on May 10, 2004 01:32:05 PM new
Hey Sky, took you off ignore

YOU? are worried about endangering the soldiers lives?

Do you think that THIS would have any effect on our soldiers or their families:

Support our troops?

To HELL with the
babykilling troops!

Bring the babykillers home —
to face war-crimes trials.

Thats off the homepage of the site you get your stuff to spew.

Do you really think that our troops are babykillers and should face war crime trials?


yeah I will keep bringing it up skylite, you brought it here.

In cyberspace, you can't hear a liberal scream.
posted on May 10, 2004 01:47:25 PM new

Actually, nearthesea...skylite didn't bring those words here. You found those words on a site where skylite found the photos. I checked that site out and found some things that I agree with and some that I do not. Most places are like that. You selected a couple of obnoxious phrases and accused skylite of bringing them here when all that skylight did was find the photos there. Skylite didn't even provide a link to the site. You did that.

posted on May 10, 2004 02:02:21 PM new
skylite is linking his pictures directly from that site...... and your point is? Its no secret to right click a pic esp on a 'chat board'

In cyberspace, you can't hear a liberal scream.
posted on May 10, 2004 02:04:00 PM new
Oh Helen, and your answering for skylite now, I asked him her if she he agreed with the statement above. He is posting Limbaugh is endangering soldiers lives.... I asked him how it would effect soldiers to see the above statement.

In cyberspace, you can't hear a liberal scream.
posted on May 10, 2004 02:16:27 PM new

Of course I know how to right click a photo nearthesea. I might find a photo that I like on The Socialist Worker. Does using that photo mean to you that I agree with all that is written in that paper or that I will be questioned about the information there as if I support it?

It's false that skylite brought the information that you question here.


posted on May 10, 2004 02:24:39 PM new
ok Helen. here. He brought that garbage here through the pictures he posts here.


In cyberspace, you can't hear a liberal scream.
posted on May 10, 2004 02:52:45 PM new
nearthe sea, you are a traitor to your country, for condoning these racists...you have put the decent soldiers in more danger, and your fellow country people...

as for the websites i visit, you do not know nothing about research, i learned years ago that no matter what site it is there is something to learn from it,

people.. do not let anyone tell you what site you should or should not visit, do your own homework and make your own decisions on whether a certain website is worth your time...only facists tell you where and how you ought to research your material...

i make good money by researching sites, and it don't matter what they are about, i get ideas from all kinds of sites, and some of those ideas can make some serious bucks, but hey someone with your limited intelligence seems to have not figure that out....

obivious the pictures i choose are affecting you, so my statement is working.....traitor
posted on May 10, 2004 03:13:25 PM new
The pictures of dead American civilians and soldiers bother me, just like they would bother any American

Traitor? Yeah buddy. How could you even say that, when your a Canadian. And you know me how?

Spew anti American crap skylite all you wish skylite, I'll keep posting where you get it. People can go there, or NOT go there, everyone has their own minds to do what they want. I never posted dictating where people go, only the sources of where this crap comes from.

In cyberspace, you can't hear a liberal scream.
posted on May 10, 2004 03:16:12 PM new
i make good money by researching sites, and it don't matter what they are about, i get ideas from all kinds of sites, and some of those ideas can make some serious bucks

God skylite, making serious money? Sounds like a capitalist to me. Your unbelieveable!

In cyberspace, you can't hear a liberal scream.
posted on May 10, 2004 03:32:26 PM new
ROFLMHO @ helen saying "I might find a photo that I like on The Socialist Worker."


Ladies and Gentlemen.....place your bets!!!

Re-elect President Bush!!
posted on May 10, 2004 03:38:14 PM new

I knew that you, linda - would not be able to follow the logic of that hypothetical. Laugh all you want. You may even Laugh your ass off.

typo ed.

[ edited by Helenjw on May 10, 2004 03:48 PM ]
posted on May 10, 2004 04:00:33 PM new
Whats hypothetical about it? You probably have your homepage set on it. Thats your thing. If the Socialist Worker is your source for the best news and PICTURES, well, thats your opinion Helen.

In cyberspace, you can't hear a liberal scream.
posted on May 10, 2004 04:05:46 PM new

What's hypothetical about it? If you can't recognize that it's hypothetical I can't help you out, nearthesea. If you are implying that I'm a socialist, you are wrong...as usual. Making unfounded allegations seems to be in vogue by your side of the fence so it doesn't surprise me.

posted on May 10, 2004 04:08:28 PM new
do you know the meaning of the word 'IF' or 'PROBABLY' if not, I can't help you out Helen.

Never implied your a socialist.

In cyberspace, you can't hear a liberal scream.
posted on May 10, 2004 04:09:00 PM new

I suppose if I had used a communist newspaper in my hypothetical that you would be accusing me of being communist.

And then you wonder why I don't chat with you about my weekend.

posted on May 10, 2004 04:11:30 PM new
Good God Helen, would you stop it.

I had said I wasn't going to ask you about your weekends anymore.

But, since your on the topic, I had a very nice mothers day.

In cyberspace, you can't hear a liberal scream.
posted on May 10, 2004 04:15:20 PM new
NearTheSea - I do have to agree with helen on that one. [she's not a socialist]. I've longed believed from her posts and some of the sites she's used - that's she much further left than socialism.

And NTS - I wish you wouldn't take skylite's posts so personally the site he uses doesn't just put down the 'right'....it puts down our whole nation and ALL it's past and present actions. Did you check out it's about me page? Here's what it says in part:

"This site is one private individual's effort to support the work of tens of millions of good men and women around the globe who would rather die than do nothing while "the forces of evil prevail in the world."

"In gratitude to the courageous people who have worked for years to inform their fellow human beings about the monstrously evil American Empire, I've created this site to:

Help expose the genocidal state terrorism of the United States military and government.

Help expose and counter the insidious, criminal deceit of the corporate "news" media which knowingly cover up America's brutal war crimes.

I don't consider myself an American anymore. Americans are people who believe it's okay to commit murder, rape, torture, terrorism and genocide — as long as these crimes are committed by the U.S. military-government.

Americans are also people who pretend not to approve of such things — yet they look the other way and remain apathetically silent while their evil military and government commit these bloody crimes against humanity all over the world.

And of that small percentage of Americans who actually speak out, almost all of them still pay taxes to the genocidal government, thereby funding its war crimes.

Gee thanks, whoring taxpayers! The babykillers couldn't do it without you!

"American" is a dirty word. A name of shame.

Of course there are also a very few people with genuine consciences who still call themselves Americans, but they really would be better off just calling themselves humans. Forget the national label. Let evil people call themselves Americans as they goose-step down the street for The Homeland.

Patriotism is primitive tribalism. Nationalism is nothing more than collective egocentricity. America, as a nation, stands overwhelmingly for evil. History proves it, and the events of today scream it from the rooftops.

The massive anti-war demonstrations are not necessarily a hopeful sign. Of course it's wonderful to see hundreds of thousands of informed people in America marching in the streets to voice their opposition to the satanic ruling order. And those demonstrators represent millions more who condemn U.S. military war crimes against humanity in Iraq. But it's all an exercise in futility unless they stop paying tax money to the babykillers.

brother.....now I think I can safely claim that's ANTI-AMERICAN.

Re-elect President Bush!!
posted on May 10, 2004 04:18:50 PM new
NTS - I'm glad you had a good Mother's Day. I did too.

Re-elect President Bush!!
posted on May 10, 2004 04:21:21 PM new

"NearTheSea - I do have to agree with helen on that one. [she's not a socialist]. I've longed believed from her posts and some of the sites she's used - that's she much further left than socialism."

Linda It's really dumb to think that you can determine someone's political philosophy based on what you think they may be reading. Based on the thoughts that you have expressed here, I believe that you sincerely believe that fallacy. I feel sorry for your ignorance in that respect.


[ edited by Helenjw on May 10, 2004 04:22 PM ]
posted on May 10, 2004 04:25:05 PM new
I didn't go that far into Linda, but....what can I say, and this person, most likely lives in the United States of America also. Living in a great land, while spewing this ..... don't even have a name to describe the bs that this site spews, or this person.

And I do believe there are more like him. Wouldn't it be great to have them be the leaders of America?

Probably doesn't pay taxes, but enjoys all the things that taxes go to.... schools, roads .....

makes me sick

In cyberspace, you can't hear a liberal scream.
posted on May 10, 2004 04:26:50 PM new
Glad you had a good Mothers day Linda

My kids took me to brunch, it was good, and it was a buffet, and I actually went back for seconds

In cyberspace, you can't hear a liberal scream.
posted on May 10, 2004 04:39:20 PM new
....that you can determine someone's political philosophy based on what you think they may be reading.

It's not on what I think they may be reading....it's on what sites they continue to use to support their positions.

Re-elect President Bush!!
posted on May 10, 2004 05:01:55 PM new

That's your problem, linda. I've never used a socialist or a communist site to support my position. Furthermore, if I believed in socialism or communism I would have no qualms about stating it here. But I am not. I am a Democrat.


posted on May 10, 2004 05:22:25 PM new
I am a Democrat.


No! really? Who would've guessed that? LOL!
Your funny Helen!

And your saying that is for the record, right?

In cyberspace, you can't hear a liberal scream.
posted on May 10, 2004 05:49:58 PM new

Your a real kick in the butt.
Your last post almost made me fall out of my chair laughing!

But I really don't believe Helen is either Democrat or Republican, She is surely not the later!

Her views are so far to the left they go way beyond the point any left handed Democrat could reach!

Republicans and Democrats alike are for the best for this Country.

Helen's Copy & pasted remarks are almost always in favor of the ones we are against!

Often I wonder if she actually lives here in the U.S.A.!

She is so sympathetic to the views of what this Country stand against it's hard to believe she could possibly be one of us!

posted on May 10, 2004 05:59:05 PM new

She is so sympathetic to the views of what this Country stand against it's hard to believe she could possibly be one of us!

You may rest assured, dadofstickboy that I am diametrically opposed to what you, linda and nearthesea believe. That much of your statement is true.


posted on May 10, 2004 06:07:42 PM new
You may rest assured, dadofstickboy that I am diametrically opposed to what you, linda and nearthesea believe.

Since I never get into your Copy & pasted battles,how do you know what I believe?

posted on May 10, 2004 06:29:20 PM new

I've gathered that you are certainly opposed to Copy & Paste.

You have made a few statements, dadofstickboy that led me to believe that you are a Republican. In addition to that, you have indicated that you have no love for bleeding heart liberals...especially "Copy &Paste Bullsh*t from the Bleeding Heart Liberal Democrats" which you call pathetic. Forgive me, dadofstickboy if I have misjudged you and some of what you believe.


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