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posted on June 3, 2004 09:03:58 AM new
WAR ON TERROR : Peace is not the absence of war...it is the absence of Evil. There will be no peace without victory and there will be no victory until all evil is exterminated.

posted on June 3, 2004 09:13:26 AM new
The problem with that statement Camodog, is that everyone has a different view of what evil is. Some people view all of the lying hypocrits in Washington as evil. Should they also be exterminated?

posted on June 3, 2004 09:30:13 AM new

There are different ways of dealing with evil. If someone in Washington is evil then they will be gone via the election process. The evil demonstrated by those who want us dead clearly has to be handled differently. Your attempt to compare the two does not make any since.

posted on June 3, 2004 09:47:56 AM new
The lying hypocrits in Washington are killing Americans too.

posted on June 3, 2004 10:07:09 AM new
Camodog, maybe the reason why some hate the U.S. is because of the lying hypocrisy. Maybe the evil people you're referring to are clued in to the fact that Bush is after oil and will go to any lengths to get it, including sending troops to invade a country under false pretenses and allowing them to die for his (Bush's) goal, like Reamond says.

posted on June 3, 2004 10:11:29 AM new
There will always be evil. You cannot eliminate it no matter how many troops you send in, no matter how many threats you make and no matter how much you'd like to. Evil is a human condition and as long as humans are around, evil will accompany them.

posted on June 3, 2004 10:45:11 AM new
"We urge you, after consulting with Congress, and consistent with the U.S. Constitution and laws, to take necessary actions (including, if appropriate, air and missile strikes on suspect Iraqi sites) to respond effectively to the threat posed by Iraq's refusal to end its weapons of mass destruction programs."
   -- From a letter signed by Joe Lieberman, Dianne Feinstein, Barbara A. Milulski, Tom Daschle, & John Kerry among others on October 9, 1998


"The threat of Saddam Hussein with weapons of mass destruction is real, but as I said, it is not new. It has been with us since the end of that war, and particularly in the last 4 years we know after Operation Desert Fox failed to force him to reaccept them, that he has continued to build those weapons. He has had a free hand for 4 years to reconstitute these weapons, allowing the world, during the interval, to lose the focus we had on weapons of mass destruction and the issue of proliferation."
   -- John Kerry, 10/9/02

"We need to disarm Saddam Hussein. He is a brutal, murderous dictator, leading an oppressive regime. We all know the litany of his offenses. He presents a particularly grievous threat because he is so consistently prone to miscalculation. ...And now he is miscalculating America's response to his continued deceit and his consistent grasp for weapons of mass destruction. That is why the world, through the United Nations Security Council, has spoken with one voice, demanding that Iraq disclose its weapons programs and disarm. So the threat of Saddam Hussein with weapons of mass destruction is real, but it is not new. It has been with us since the end of the Persian Gulf War."
   -- John Kerry, 1/23/03


"Iraq may not be the war on terror itself, but it is critical to the outcome of the war on terror, and therefore any advance in Iraq is an advance forward in that..."
   -- John Kerry 12/15/03

And the latest on MSNBC is kerry's turning into a Hawk...LOL...some saying he's becoming more hawkish than President Bush!

Re-elect President Bush!!
posted on June 3, 2004 10:59:19 AM new

camadog, Those who want us dead have a reason. They dislike our imperialistic tactics. One way to decrease terrorism would be to have more respect for other people in the world. By destroying Iraq homes, hospitals, schools and the infrastructure along with killing thousands of people we created a lot of enemies in Iraq who now will be more likely to join terrorists organizations such as Al Qaida. Bush has only managed to create a recruiting area for Osama in Iraq.

Then there is the question of how you would handle the terrorists. Since terrorists are spread througout the world...in approximately 52 countries including the United States, how would you try to destroy them?

posted on June 3, 2004 11:01:06 AM new
Linda, can't you get it in your head. Bush lied to congress to get his way. Committed fraud, cooked the books, told a whopper, excluded the truth. The congress signed off on a lie in good faith.

Looking for evil? I suggest 1600 Pennsylvania Avenue as a good place to start your search.

Friends don't let friends vote Republican!
posted on June 3, 2004 11:03:58 AM new
Many well-educated, intelligent people also thought Iraq was a sudden threat because they were scared of being attacked after 911. Hillary Clinton also thought there was an immediate threat because Hussein tried to buy fuel rods while her husband was President. Regardless of who did or didn't agree with Bush, it's all turned out to be a pack-o-lies which he has yet to accept responsiblity for.

posted on June 3, 2004 11:11:17 AM new
That's a good question Helen. Maybe the U.S. should bomb itself!

posted on June 3, 2004 11:20:36 AM new

Shhhh....You might give George an idea.

posted on June 3, 2004 11:35:23 AM new
As if that's possible.

posted on June 3, 2004 12:05:26 PM new


posted on June 3, 2004 01:03:22 PM new
dave - My position is if one is to believe your statement that Bush lied....then one has to see that kerry and other democrats shouldn't be allowed in any office....because they were too easily swayed by what they were told.....they should have done their own homework and not taken our President's word on anything.

And you'd want to put a follower like that, rather than a leader, in office.

Re-elect President Bush!!
posted on June 3, 2004 01:07:45 PM new
Those who want us dead have a reason. They dislike our imperialistic tactics.

LOL...here we go again....the leader of the Blame America First crowd. Another anti-American statement....it's always OUR fault...no matter the subject....now it's our fault they didn't like our imperialistic tactics. According to them.....we deserved the 9-11 attack....after all they didn't like us either.

Re-elect President Bush!!
posted on June 3, 2004 01:44:23 PM new
I am convinced that the best way to defeat a liberal is to hang back and let them show their true colors. Most of the statements they have come back with so far do not even deserve a response. I'm just sitting back, smiling and thanking God that there are wackos like this that are willing to expose who they really are. Thanks guys!!!

posted on June 3, 2004 01:47:41 PM new
In a nutshell, Bush is nuts. [ edited by kraftdinner on Jun 3, 2004 01:53 PM ]
posted on June 3, 2004 01:58:54 PM new
The WMD were there or are still there. They are either hidden very well or they left the country(probably to Syria).

If Bush was lying about the WMD, don't you think he would have continued the lie and "MADE SURE" some were found. The fact that none have been found(actually some have been) shows that Bush is/was not lying.

posted on June 3, 2004 02:06:01 PM new

Linda, What a hysterical exaggeration of my statement. Imperialistic tactics represent the Bush crew...not America. George Bush is destroying America and American ideals. In my opinion he is a bigger threat to America and to the world than Osama bin Laden.

[ edited by Helenjw on Jun 3, 2004 02:06 PM ]
posted on June 3, 2004 02:17:01 PM new
In my opinion he is a bigger threat to America and to the world than Osama bin Laden.

I understand that helen....and that's exactly what I find anti-American especially after what OBL did on 9-11 and will do again...first chance he has. But hey....for you to find a US President who has gone after terrorists more problematic than OBL....says a LOT about you.

Re-elect President Bush!!
posted on June 3, 2004 02:52:20 PM new

No, it's not anti-American to see George Bush as a danger to the country and to the world. My support for this country excels your support because I believe that my ideals are superior to yours. Unlike you, I don't believe in a war mongering, imperialistic foreign policy. I don't believe that corportate interest is more important than environmental concerns and the welfare of United States citizens. I believe in universal health care for everyone which you discount as socialism. I don't have bigoted ideas about sex and race. So, to make a long story short, I resent your insistant name calling with the inference that I am anti-American when in fact, I believe that I am a better American than you are.

posted on June 3, 2004 02:54:34 PM new
Well said Helen!!

posted on June 3, 2004 02:57:41 PM new

You go, girl! That's telling it like it really is.

then one has to see that kerry and other democrats shouldn't be allowed in any office....because they were too easily swayed by what they were told.....they should have done their own homework and not taken our President's word on anything.

Yes, that would be easy considering the whole damned administration is chock full of liars. And just where, do you suppose, they would have gone for the truth? Like Bush would have waited around long enough for that to happen. IMO, he would have gone to war no matter how the "vote" turned out. I mean, he's president despite how the "vote" turned out, isn't he?

posted on June 3, 2004 03:10:49 PM new
You guys crack me up....

Have any of you been reading kerry's recent statements to go after these terrorists....you know the ones like OBL that helen thinks is less a threat to world peace than an American president. I mean after all 9-11 was nothing...nor the bombings all over the world...including Spain. Yea...what a guy he is. Maybe helen can write in OBL on her ballot.

Anyway...kerry's going to expand our military...he's going after the terrorists. In the war on terrorism he's beginning to lean further 'right' than all of you.

Re-elect President Bush!!
posted on June 3, 2004 03:22:08 PM new
taken from Washington Times today:

Sen. John Kerry, who delivers a major speech today on how he would reshape the military, is getting his national security ideas from a cadre of retired generals and ex-civilian officials who advised President Clinton.

But in speeches so far, the Massachusetts Democrat sounds like President Bush when discussing his strategy for the war on terrorism and a military of the future. Mr. Kerry even attempts to sound tougher than the hawkish president.


The presidential candidate said this week that he wants to "secure all bomb-making materials" in the world. The phrase seemed designed to trump Mr. Bush's achievements in getting Libya to disarm and cracking Pakistan's nuclear weapons black market.

Mr. Kerry's series of national security speeches also is a bid to close poll numbers that give Mr. Bush a big edge in fighting the war on terror. In the process, the candidate is positioning himself to the right of the Democratic Party's left wing, which ridicules the need for a global war on terror.

"His speech will be focused on strengthening the military to meet the new threats we face," said campaign spokeswoman Brooke Anderson.

Mr. Kerry says he wants to hunt down terrorists worldwide and prepare the military for new threats - themes that closely mirror those of the Bush administration.

The president has adopted a policy of pre-emption to kill or capture al Qaeda and other terrorists before they attack.

Mr. Kerry seemed to echo that position in a May 27 speech. "As president," he said, "my No. 1 security goal will be to prevent the terrorists from gaining weapons of mass murder.

And our overriding mission will be to disrupt and destroy their terrorist cells. ... We must take the fight to the enemy on every continent."

In the speech, Mr. Kerry did not repeat his earlier position that the military would play "far less" of a role in the war on terror if he is elected.

The earlier statement has stirred questions on whether Mr. Kerry would revert to counterterrorism policies of the Clinton presidency, when no military attack on the ground was launched against Osama bin Laden or his al Qaeda network.

Mr. Kerry also said in the speech that "we must modernize the world's most powerful military to meet the new threats."

The statement is similar to Mr. Bush's pledge as candidate in 1999 and 2000 to transform the military for the 21st century by ending some developing weapons systems in favor of more futuristic ones.

Defense Secretary Donald H. Rumsfeld has pushed the armed forces to break away from Cold War doctrines and to adopt battlefield tactics that emphasize speed in getting to the battle and in fighting the enemy.

Mr. Kerry also says he would temporarily increase Army strength by 40,000 soldiers to ease the burden on the 10 active-duty divisions that are stretched thin globally. The Army, under Mr. Bush, has used emergency powers to increase the ranks by up to 30,000 to keep troop levels in Iraq at about 138,000.

Doesn't sound to me like we're going to stop the war on terrorism......if we should be in the unfortunate position of kerry being elected. "We must take the fight to the enemy on every continent."

yep...sounds like the anti-war group is going to have to vote for Nader.

Re-elect President Bush!!
posted on June 3, 2004 03:24:38 PM new

I never said that I supported Osama.

Try to read without such cuckoo interpretations linda.

posted on June 3, 2004 03:39:16 PM new
cheryl - And just where, do you suppose, they would have gone for the truth?

the same place hillary clinton did...when she spoke on Chris Matthew's show and was explaining why she VOTED FOR the war.

Re-elect President Bush!!
posted on June 3, 2004 03:52:20 PM new
Let me get this straight you don't dispute that Bush spread lies to support his position. In fact you feel that those he betrayed (Congress ie. The American People) are to blame for believing his pack of lies.

I guess in your right wing fascist world the end really does justify the means.

Friends don't let friends vote Republican!
posted on June 3, 2004 04:13:06 PM new
Liberals cannot reply to logic...they can only respond with emotion and hand ringing

{The WMD were there or are still there. They are either hidden very well or they left the country(probably to Syria).

If Bush was lying about the WMD, don't you think he would have continued the lie and "MADE SURE" some were found. The fact that none have been found(actually some have been) shows that Bush is/was not lying.}

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