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posted on June 28, 2004 05:38:11 AM new
Well just goes to show that liberals will fall for anything...

because they stand for nothing.

With all the pre-release publicity, it is not really a surprise. Will give Moore credit as a war profiteeer, he sure knows how to pull the liberal strings to make a buck...

posted on June 28, 2004 05:39:49 AM new
. . .knows how to pull the liberal strings to make a buck...

And the conservatives don't? Halliburton comes to mind. They've pulled more strings to make a buck than any liberal I know of.

posted on June 28, 2004 07:05:22 AM new

Bush's corporate war profiteers demolished a country while sacrificing lives to make a few billion bucks. With their patriotic propaganda they wrapped the American people in the flag to support a needless war in the middle east that may never end.

Now, with the help of people such as Michael Moore, the American people are not buying the Bush propaganda. Over half now feel that this war was tragically wrong.


posted on June 28, 2004 08:08:35 AM new
this war was tragically wrong
It was tragically wrong for terrorists to attack us on 911, it's been tragically wrong for terrorists to host attacks against us and our allies throughout the past 40 years

Now, strategically, this war is right and I beleive that most would rather be fighting the war in Iraq and Afganistan rather than in New York, Vermont, California, Ohio, etc.

posted on June 28, 2004 08:20:13 AM new
It was tragically wrong for Bush to go into Iraq claiming he was there to find weapons of mass destruction. When he didn't find any then he claimed he was there to liberate the people of Iraq.

It was tragically wrong for Bush to claim he invaded Iraq to fight the war on terror when the real person behind 9/11 is in Afghanistan. If Bin Laden is hiding in Afghanistan why are there more troops in Iraq. Bush doesn't want to find the mastermind behind 9/11, he had his own agenda before he took office.

Re-defeat Bush
June is Gay Pride Month
All animals are created equal, but some are more equal than others.

Change is constant. The history of mankind is about change. One set of beliefs is pushed aside by a new set. The old order is swept away by the new. If people become attached to the old order, they see their best interest in defending it. They become the losers. They become the old order and in turn are vulnerable. People who belong to the new order are winners.
James A Belaco & Ralph C. Stayer
posted on June 28, 2004 08:30:16 AM new
"I beleive that most would rather be fighting the war in Iraq and Afganistan rather than in New York, Vermont, California, Ohio, etc."

Most would rather be defending our country against terrorist activity by securing U.S. shore and maritime activity, ports and borders. Defensive measures against terrorism needs haven't been addressed effectively in this country while we inflame more terrorists in the mid-east fighting a needless war against Iraq.

posted on June 28, 2004 08:30:16 AM new
Liberals ? Looks like "conservatives" are going to see the movie in large numbers. The truth has no political label and appeals to everyone.

Indeed, "Fahrenheit 9/11" played strongly in big cities and small towns, in Democrat and Republican states, said Tom Ortenberg, the president of distribution at Lions Gate Films, one of the firms that backed the movie

According to exit surveys in about 15 cities, 91 percent of respondents gave the film an "excellent" rating, while 93 percent said they would "definitely recommend" the film -- tallies that Ortenberg said were the best he had ever seen. The core audience was aged between 25 and 34, he added.


posted on June 28, 2004 08:49:06 AM new
I'm glad its #1 now, I won't have to stand in line, or sit in a packed theater to see The Day After Tommorow now

I still think Ray Bradbury should have gone after him for the title. Since he's doing the remake of Fahrenheit 451, and its supposed to be out in August.


I'm NearTheSea, and I approve this post
posted on June 28, 2004 09:57:09 AM new
So Cheryl, because you seem to think that Haliburton is a war profiteer, it is ok for more to do the same?

I guess the left needs something to hold onto... no matter how misguided it is.
posted on June 28, 2004 10:13:37 AM new
So Cheryl, because you seem to think that Haliburton is a war profiteer, it is ok for more to do the same?

Moore is profiting from his own work product sold in a competitive market.
Haliburton is grabbing tax payer money in a non-competitve environment through political crony and former executive Cheney. There is no comparision between what Cheny and Haliburton are doing and Moore's documentary.

posted on June 28, 2004 10:25:40 AM new
Twelve, do you think Moore is anti-American?

posted on June 28, 2004 11:49:13 AM new
KD, Twelve will probably say Moore is a deviant and should move to another country if he doesn't like the way America is being run.

Re-defeat Bush
June is Gay Pride Month
All animals are created equal, but some are more equal than others.

Change is constant. The history of mankind is about change. One set of beliefs is pushed aside by a new set. The old order is swept away by the new. If people become attached to the old order, they see their best interest in defending it. They become the losers. They become the old order and in turn are vulnerable. People who belong to the new order are winners.
James A Belaco & Ralph C. Stayer
posted on June 28, 2004 12:03:25 PM new
Well, some people think he's Anti American
or rather, hates America.


Disclaimer: I have no association with the above site. No opinions on it. It came up on search, when searching for Michael Moore.

gotta go out, have a great day


I'm NearTheSea, and I approve this post
posted on June 28, 2004 12:38:21 PM new
LoL Logan! Or move to Canada where all the anti-gun socialists hang out.

Near, I see him as anti-Bush and pro-American. If people have views that are against the current administration, they're always viewed as being anti-American instead of anti-administration. It's too bad some can't see the difference.

posted on June 28, 2004 01:13:10 PM new

Nearthesea, I'm trying to understand your position that Anti-Bush is Anti-American.

Let's suppose that a Democratic candidate named Kennedy became president and that you, as a Republican disapproved of him and his administration. You would be Anti-Kennedy. Would you also consider yourself Anti-American?

posted on June 28, 2004 01:23:22 PM new
I find it funny that conservative media and talk shows have gone out of their way to chastise Moore over his battlecry against Bush. All it does is peak the interest of people who may not have seen the movie to begin with. It reminds me of the steam over "The Last Temptation of Christ".

I would love to know how many of you naysayers have seen Fahrenheit 9/11? It is so easy for you to attack something without witnessing the story to begin with. It is easy for you to repeat what O'Reilly, Rush Limbaugh, Lars Larson, and the rest of the Right Winged talk shows are telling you.

Are you scared to cough up $7.00 to see something that possibly conflicts against your feelings about Bush. I saw the movie, and while waiting in line I was happy to see a young guy just ahead of me wearing a Bush/Cheney 04 baseball cap. During his wait he kept talking about how it was just a propaganda machine, and he wanted to see it because it would help his argument when he debated others. He was just as excited to see the movie as the "lefties" were. I managed to walk out at the same time as he did after the movie was over, and heard him telling his friends that it was hard to swallow the things he saw about Bush, the man he supported. One thing he mentioned was the scenes of Bush sitting in the classroom on the morning of 9/11. How could a President simply just sit there for over 7 minutes after being told America was under attack? We're not talking about 7 minutes of engaging time with a classroom of children. We're talking about a very stressful moment. George looked dumbfounded. His staff stood around looking at each other not knowing what to do. How can you see a "self-proclaimed warrior and uniter" sit there and freak out? I have no idea whether the movie affected this viewer enough to reconsider who he would vote for, but it definately made him think. That is what Michael Moore set out to do. To make everyone think about the events before and after 9/11. If you don't want to think and make your own judgements, then don't see the movie. Sit in front of your tube and let some rich talk show host tell you what to think. In the meantime, the rest of us will educate ourselves further.

Minds are like parachutes, they only work when open.

[ edited by rustygumbo on Jun 28, 2004 01:32 PM ]
posted on June 28, 2004 02:09:05 PM new

I'm planning to see the movie this weekend. The distributors say they plan to add a couple of hundred theaters this coming weekend and additional theaters the following weekend.

Bush sits in Classroom several minutes after being told of 9/11 disaster

posted on June 28, 2004 03:22:00 PM new
Many conservatives are more open minded than the posters here might think. It is your attitude and delivery style that closes them to you. Keep up the good work.


You know...the best way to defeat a liberal is to let them speak.
posted on June 28, 2004 03:48:35 PM new
I'm back....its getting hot here (temp outside I mean ) again..

As you must have read my disclaimer, I do not have anything to do with the site, just happened on

Are you asking about JFK? Well you know, we were let out of school when he was shot. We ALL felt bad. My parents did not like Kennedy, but they, of course felt terrible he was assasinated. (and they are/were Catholic and for the first Catholic to be President, you would think they would like him, go figure)

Would I be anti American if I didn't like Kennedy? no, and I don't think you understand, or you might. Moores movie, say Bowling for Columbine was pretty much... Americans are stupid, Americans are paranoid etc and this was BEFORE 9-11. He went to Canada, and showed how happy the Canadians are, compared to paranoid Americans. Bush was not even mentioned in that movie! So IMO, he is Anti American for the movie I have seen him make. and no, AGAIN, you are not anti American if you do not like Bush.


I'm NearTheSea, and I approve this post
posted on June 28, 2004 03:54:40 PM new
I've seen that 'footage' of the timeline where Bush was in the school

I was just reading the other day, it was a CNN?? review of Moores movie, they told about it, and on the side they made 'corrections' to his movie, LIKE THE TIMELINE of how long he spent after learning about the attacks on the WTC.
They showed a whole list of 'corrections' to Moores side. And if I could find it now, I would post it, but would you even care?
And, no it was not FOX news.

I see on that link you can BUY for $35 the video from the teacher??? of that morning of Sept 11.


I'm NearTheSea, and I approve this post
posted on June 28, 2004 04:20:11 PM new
I am very open minded on things. When I read some things from certain posters, it sure doesn't give me that warm fuzzy feeling


I'm NearTheSea, and I approve this post
posted on June 28, 2004 04:23:35 PM new
Timeline for Bush on 9/11



We are not afraid to entrust the American people with unpleasant facts, foreign ideas, alien philosophies, and competitive values. For a nation that is afraid to let its people judge the truth and falsehood in an open market is a nation that is afraid of its people. -- John F. Kennedy
posted on June 28, 2004 04:33:13 PM new

Thanks for that answer nearthesea...I'm going to see that film this weekend.

I haven't been able to understand why anyone would think that most liberals are anti-American since most of us have lived here all our lives and many Americans have not even traveled outside the country. So, I guess "Anti-American" is just a tacky name that some people pull out of the air to use without any basis.

I saw that article that you are talking about. I think that all the disparaging remarks serve to make the movie more popular and from my viewpoint that's good. Unlike you, I don't believe that Moore dislikes American people. I'll be able to discuss it more intelligently after I see it.

posted on June 28, 2004 04:40:46 PM new
Did you happen to see Bowling for Columbine?

I did. And what I got out of it, was damn Mr Moore, you act like America sucks so badly, why did you build you 'trophey' home here? Sorry, but that is what I got out of it. IMO.


I'm NearTheSea, and I approve this post
posted on June 28, 2004 04:44:01 PM new

Parklane said,"Many conservatives are more open minded than the posters here might think. It is your attitude and delivery style that closes them to you. Keep up the good work."

I agree that attitude and delivery are very important. For example after you make your negative statement about attitude and delivery style you lose my interest immediately when you say, with sarcasm, "Keep up the good work". On the other hand if you had offered sincere, constructive advice, I might have considered it.

In addition, I have read your many comments with a delivery style that is not agreeable so it's difficult for me to see you as someone who wishes to communicate with an open mind. Of course, I could be wrong.


[ edited by Helenjw on Jun 28, 2004 04:47 PM ]
posted on June 28, 2004 04:50:30 PM new
Nobody likes having their blemishes pointed out to them, which is what Moore does. "Bowling for Columbine" made so many of us angry because it touches on something we hold dear: gun ownership.

I am all for gun ownership. But that doesn't blind me to the fact that we do have a serious problem in our country. But many of us don't like/want to face that fact.

Pointing out our blemishes doesn't make Moore "anti-American." Reminds me a bit of that song from Mame, "Bosum Buddies":

Just turn your bosom buddy
For aid and affection,
For help and direction,
For loyalty, love and for sooth!
Remember that who else but a bosom buddy
Will sit down and level
And give you the devil,
Will sit down and tell you the truth!

We are not afraid to entrust the American people with unpleasant facts, foreign ideas, alien philosophies, and competitive values. For a nation that is afraid to let its people judge the truth and falsehood in an open market is a nation that is afraid of its people. -- John F. Kennedy
posted on June 28, 2004 05:17:08 PM new
bunnicula, I'm for gun ownership also. We own gun(s) well one used to be for hunting, but yes, we have a handgun.

I think, IMO (again) he went a little bit overboard, on the Canadian thing, just walking down a street, he SAID that he didn't 'set up' but you could tell it was, he walked right into peoples home.

Then he really took advantage IMO again of Charton Heston, if you saw it, he got him to be interviewed under totall false pretenses, showing his NRA card (when did he get it? ) and then brow beating him, and he IS old.... he was coming down on him because he had a NRA convention in Denver. Yes he was the president of the NRA, what do they do at those things? they talk about gun ownership, responsible gun ownership, and that is what he got a clip of Heston doing, but just a very small clip, something like 'they'll take my gun away from me from my cold dead hands' or something like that. Not the entire speech, just the one tiny part. The same went for the rest of the movie.


I'm NearTheSea, and I approve this post
posted on June 28, 2004 06:07:26 PM new
while we inflame more terrorists in the mid-east fighting a needless war against Iraq.

Silly girl, who said we were ever fighting against Iraq. We were fighting against the terrorist Iraqi government headed up by Saddam Hussein and the Batthe party.

As far as inflaming more terrorists, I say who cares as long as they fight us over there where we can kill them at a rate of 500 to 1.

Now, as far as the movie goes, I really wouldn't mind seeing it, honest. I'll tell you what Helen you get the tickets and I'll buy the popcorn, hotdogs and sodas ok.

posted on June 28, 2004 06:43:00 PM new

"Silly girl, who said we were ever fighting against Iraq. We were fighting against the terrorist Iraqi government headed up by Saddam Hussein and the Batthe party."

It's like fighting in the middle of a civil war...We are fighting Iraqis who oppose the puppet government...Iraqis who oppose the U.S. occupation...Iraqi's who oppose each other and terrorists who are taking advantage of the situation.

Iraqi [innocent] civilians killed: 9,436 to 11,317
Iraqi [innocent] civilians injured: 40,000 (est.)"

The Institute for Policy Studies

Letter From Falluja
A dangerous excursion into the heart of the Sunni opposition.

A young boy from Najaf wearing a pressed white shirt tucked neatly into bluejeans walked up to the lectern, and the microphone was lowered to accommodate him. The boy raised his right arm, pointing his index finger at the sky. “I came to praise the heroes of Falluja!” he shouted. His poem ended with calls to God—“Ya Allah! Ya allah!”—that he screamed out. Then he began to sob, and he was led away, wiping his tears. The men in the front row of plastic chairs embraced and kissed him, and he returned to the lectern and recited another poem. This time, he brandished a Kalashnikov that was as long as he was tall.

As the handover to sovereignty began, the experiment with self-rule in Falluja looked more and more like a desperate measure that had been taken too late.

At least you agree to see the movie, Yellowstone! Great!

posted on June 28, 2004 07:11:04 PM new
I think everyone would agree that the killing and injuring of innocents is a very bad thing but there too at least it isn't happening here on US soil. I mean, I feel realy bad for the innocents but this is what happens in war. All I can say is that at least we are not turning our backs on the injured, be they enemy combatants or civilians.

So, when we go to the movie together will we be holding hands??
No, wait a minute, maybe that's asking too much, oh nevermind.

I think everyone should keep one thing in mind, IT'S ONLY A MOVIE. Seeing a movie won't change my mind about my beleifs. In the past year I have read several left leaning books and they didn't sway me.

There's an old saying that says someting like this; keep your friends close, but keep your enemies even closer. What this means to me is that there is nothing wrong with seeing what the opposition is up to.

Ed to add; This doesn't mean that I want to go out and buy Clintons book, but on the otherhand if they made a movie out of his book i'd probably want to go see it. But I would go and see it only for the dirty parts.

[ edited by yellowstone on Jun 28, 2004 07:56 PM ]
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