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posted on July 10, 2004 11:34:46 AM new
I'm just curious to see who is seeing this movie, and what they thought about it.

So, my questions are...

1) what party affiliation are you, if any?

2) did you see the movie?

3) if you did, what did you think?

Here are my answers:

1) Registered Pacific Green

2) Yes, I saw it.

3) A great movie that once again puts Michael Moore at the top of documentarists. I do think there were a few times in the movie where he reached a little too far to make a point in his narration, but to his credit he provided endless footage to back up his claims. It is great to see the talking heads of neo-conservatism berate the movie and claim lies throughout. Moore did an great job of using video to support his claims. It would be hard to argue the neo-con arguments when you see it in motion, rather than just a conservative puppet's opinion.
[ edited by rustygumbo on Jul 10, 2004 11:38 AM ]
posted on July 10, 2004 11:38:07 AM new
1. Presbyterian

2. No, but I plan to when the DVD comes out. I despise theatres. People talk through entire movies. No manners. Rude. Sticky floors. Yuck.

posted on July 10, 2004 11:40:56 AM new
wow nad- where do you live? i'll make sure to avoid the theaters in your town. Some of the older theaters here can be a bit grungy in Portland, but not that bad. I see movies about 4 or 5 times a month, and haven't encountered talkers during a movie for several years, and none since living here in Portland for the last 7 years.

posted on July 10, 2004 11:44:13 AM new
Don't go to movies, don't watch videos or DVD's so I know I will never see it. Haven't heard anything about it lately has it gone underground?

posted on July 10, 2004 11:47:16 AM new
has it gone underground??? lol. It doubled it theaters after the first week, and added several hundred during after the second week.

posted on July 10, 2004 11:51:46 AM new
A great movie that once again puts Michael Moore at the top of documentarists.

Michael Moore hates America. And he doesn't *do* documentaries, he does propaganda films.

Wouldn't waste a penny on a movie he makes.

Re-elect President Bush!!

[ edited by Linda_K on Jul 10, 2004 11:54 AM ]
posted on July 10, 2004 11:53:52 AM new
Still blocking it in our theaters down here.
Going to NC next week and will see it there.

posted on July 10, 2004 12:01:56 PM new
Linda K- I am not suprised in the least that you choose to remain close minded. This is exactly what I would expect from a neo-con like yourself. Ironically, I myself choose to watch O'Reilly, choose to listen to Rush Limbaugh, G Gordon Liddy, Lars Larson, etc. so that I can educate myself as to what your neo-con talking heads are up to. I also choose to read both sides books, and yes, see their movies. I haven't seen anything from the right come out in theaters, but I'm sure they'll find the resources to do so.

Linda, keep a closed mind and you'll get no where. You are afraid to see the truth, you are afraid to see your heralded President crumble in front of a camera. There is nothing to be afraid of. It is ok for you to consider your favorite leaders wrong. I've done it, and man I tell you it feels great! Total liberation. I feel free to blast anyone for anything I see is wrong. I'll take on Nader, I'll take on Dean, I'll take on Kerry, I'll take on Cheney, I'll take on Bush, I'll take on Clinton. Give them all to me and I'd be happy to lay my words down and let them know what I disagree with.

posted on July 10, 2004 12:07:07 PM new
No closed mind here, rusty.

Looked at all the information/choices and it's VERY easy to see which candidate loves this country and which one wants to Internationalize it and turn it's power over to the UN. Which party wants to defend this nation....and which party has no backbone.

Re-elect President Bush!!
posted on July 10, 2004 12:25:07 PM new
Linda, why do you always think someone HATES something when they try to look for the truth? Uncovering lies and untruths aren't hate, they're done because people want others to know what's really going on. Would you feel the same way about a whistleblower that turned in a corrupt boss? Would you think that person hated their company?

posted on July 10, 2004 12:43:11 PM new
KD - I've always seen you as very friendly to most here...but judged you to be either VERY naive about issues or just playing devil's advocate on the issues we discuss here.

Linda, why do you always think someone HATES something when they try to look for the truth?

Not applicable to me at all. Michael Moore is not *seeking to find the truth*....he hates America.

Uncovering lies and untruths aren't hate, they're done because people want others to know what's really going on.

Yea, like you're really going to 'find the truth' from someone as slanted and 'full of it' as Michael Moore. That's funny.....sad....but funny at the same time.

Would you feel the same way about a whistleblower that turned in a corrupt boss?

I support whistleblowers that give the WHOLE truth....not take pieces, put it together to give wrong impressions....fool the uninformed.

Re-elect President Bush!!
posted on July 10, 2004 12:54:03 PM new
Linda said:
Looked at all the information/choices and it's VERY easy to see which candidate loves this country and which one wants to Internationalize it and turn it's power over to the UN. Which party wants to defend this nation....and which party has no backbone.

There is a difference between having a backbone and trying to be dictator of the world as Bush is trying be.

In terms of the power he now claims, without significant challenge, George W. Bush is now the closest thing in a long time to dictator of the world. He claims to see the future as clearly as the past.

posted on July 10, 2004 12:54:32 PM new

What does it mean to "hate America" as you understand it?

posted on July 10, 2004 12:56:48 PM new
Thanks Linda, and you're quite right. I'm very naive about many, many issues which is why I read what I can here & everywhere. And yes, I love to play devil's advocate because ot always opens a discussion. I try to be postive but it doesn't always work.

On your answers, you see MM as hating the U.S., I don't.

Because you see a slant on some of the things MM talks about, it appears like you dismiss everything else he has to say.

Linda, what is the "whole" truth? Isn't truth in the eyes of the beholder? Could this movie, which I haven't seen yet, be MM's truth and he's just putting it on film or do you think it's supposed to be some historical document?

posted on July 10, 2004 01:05:50 PM new
[i]is now the closest thing in a long time to dictator of the world[i].

It's statements like the above that make it clear one has distorted vision.

Calling our President a dictator doesn't make it the truth....just makes one look foolish, like they don't understand the difference between how our *three* branches of government work and how a dictatorship rules.

I think the only way some would even understand it wound be for them to live under a dictatorship. Then they might be able to appreciate the difference between the two.

how sad.

Re-elect President Bush!!
posted on July 10, 2004 01:08:02 PM new
helen - Like you haven't already read my post to fenix on how and who I see as being anti-American? right....

Re-elect President Bush!!
posted on July 10, 2004 01:08:33 PM new

You're pathetic, Linda. Still can't answer my question. You can't even define your terms.

posted on July 10, 2004 01:09:45 PM new

No, I haven't. You could copy paste your answer.

posted on July 10, 2004 01:12:18 PM new
My question is,

What does it mean to "hate America" as you understand it?

posted on July 10, 2004 01:12:23 PM new
KD - Could this movie, which I haven't seen yet, be MM's truth and he's just putting it on film or do you think it's supposed to be some historical document?

MM's truth is money....nothing more. He wants to line his pockets and would sell his own mother to do so. He doesn't care if he hurts this country or anyone else in the process.

Re-elect President Bush!!
posted on July 10, 2004 01:16:04 PM new
helen - I already posted it...no need for me to copy and paste it again. I'm not like you...running from thread to thread reposting the same statements.

And as QUEEN of searches here, and with your 'unique' searching method...IF you're really that interested...YOU could quickly pull it up like you did the five posts from years ago.

Re-elect President Bush!!
posted on July 10, 2004 01:20:15 PM new
lol- historical document. that was good.

Linda, I've said it time and time again. The problem with neo-cons like yourself is that you fail to see the big picture time and time again. You discredit what you haven't even seen and you make your decisions based on the information supplied by one side. I may be what you like to coin, "ultra-liberal", but the truth is that I see many wrongs in the world, particularly in our government. I see hypocricital BS from both the Republican leadership and the Democrats. The truth be known, is that most politicians cannot be trusted. It's not necessarily a bad thing. Part of being a politician is having the ability to negotiate, and unfortunately when someone negotiates, some peoples toes get stepped upon. You however, seem to think that when someone disagrees with your thought process, they are Anti-America.

Michael Moore loves this country more than I would say you or myself do. Yes, that is a pretty bold statement, however, he has been politically active since he was pretty young, and he has chased the truth and has been an advocate for the hard working American all of his life. You like to portray the "Corporate" and "Neo-Conservative" world as some heaven like place where all is good. You fail to recognize that MM has challenges those ideals quite effectively, and gained popularity because of his action. Not the other way around.

The best part of this is that you blast him, but at the same time you haven't seen the movie. You refuse to even see the movie so that you can educate yourself of his message, and instead you leave it up to television personalities to tell you what to think. I'm not saying you still won't disagree with Michael Moore. To the contrary, I hope you would see the movie and challenge it yourself. Find the "hidden" lies within the movie that your neo-cons tell you are there.

I heard one of those neo-cons telling everyone that in the movie, Michael claimed no one in Congress had sons or daughters in Iraq fighting in the war. Ironically, that completely contradicts what Michael said in the movie. Michael said there was only ONE Congressman who had a son in Iraq. This is the truth, yet for some reason, a seething neo-con decides to tell a lie to discredit MM. Go figure.

posted on July 10, 2004 01:25:54 PM new
edited to correct who I was responding to - rusty

You however, seem to think that when someone disagrees with your thought process, they are Anti-America.

That is not a true statement and I've explained myself before.

One the only one Congressman has a son serving in Iraq. This is a perfect example of YOU reading and believing only one side of the story, while you and others accuse me of doing the same. IF you'd ALSO read the information the 'right' puts out, you would already KNOW that has been proven to be in error...untrue...a lie...a distortion that MM wants people to believe.

Other elected officials said when they were asked and said yes...they too had family members serving in Iraq....MM was un-interested in their replies. Their replies never made it into his movie.
Re-elect President Bush!!
[ edited by Linda_K on Jul 10, 2004 01:29 PM ]
posted on July 10, 2004 01:43:25 PM new
Helen, Rusty, Cheryl, Prof, Kraft, Crow, and maggie

For some time I have wondered why you bother to respond to Linda's extreme commentary.

Consider this what if Linda posted a post and nobody came. Surely you are aware that her position is unchangeable (probably due to stress, age and a delusional state).

Is it really worth the effort.

I'm spending my time working to get out the vote as that is what counts.

I saw the movie, voted for Gore, will vote for Kerry and am a registered Green.

I own a successful business (so much for the theory that I am a socialist) and pay far to much for my health insurance ($782.- per month for my wife and myself)

I am glad MM is able to reach out to many people as I agree with many of his assertions.

posted on July 10, 2004 02:02:41 PM new

Dave, I've considered the very same ideas. Linda doesn't respond now to my questions and only delivers insults to me so I have no desire to communicate with her. To your question, "Is it really worth the effort", the answer from my perspective is NO.

Michael Moore's documentary was great and I think that it will significantly impact the vote against Bush.


posted on July 10, 2004 02:02:59 PM new
Michael Moore DID NOT make a documentary. He created a demagogic film painting the current administration as the cause of the evil confronting our country. I do not see what your party or viewing of this putrid trash has to do with the issues in our country. One should see it, just to grasp the level of hysteria being attained by the neo-traitors in our culture. Just don't pay to see it, it bears little resemblance or relevance to reality once scrutinized.


You know...the best way to defeat a liberal is to let them speak.
posted on July 10, 2004 02:06:10 PM new

"I love my country and fear my government."

posted on July 10, 2004 02:20:02 PM new
"Putrid trash" is in the eye of the beholder Parklane. Are you related to Twelvepole?

posted on July 10, 2004 02:34:04 PM new
Lindak said:Calling our President a dictator doesn't make it the truth....just makes one look foolish, like they don't understand the difference between how our *three* branches of government work and how a dictatorship rules.

Sounds like dictatorship to me.....

Bush has asserted the right of the United States to attack any country that may be a threat to it in five years. And the right of the United States to evaluate that risk and respond in its sole discretion. And the right of the president to make that decision on behalf of the United States in his sole discretion. In short, the president can start a war against anyone at any time, and no one has the right to stop him. And presumably other nations and future presidents have that same right. All formal constraints on war-making are officially defunct.

Has there ever been a war —started more deliberately, more publicly, with less urgency and at more leisure—than the U.S. war on Iraq?

posted on July 10, 2004 02:34:45 PM new
KD - Well IF he is....then he's also related to me....after all haven't others here said twelve is my son? LOL Oh...but now we're one in the same...kind of messes up that theory.

helen says: "Dave, I've considered the very same ideas. Linda doesn't respond now to my questions and only delivers insults to me so I have no desire to communicate with her. To your question, "Is it really worth the effort", the answer from my perspective is NO.

Oh but helen...your short term memory problems keep resurfacing. One time you're telling me you are NEVER speaking to me again....then in the next breath you're DEMANDING I respond to each and every question you pose to me.

On again....off again...on again....off again. IF only you could make up your mind.

IF my input would help at all, I'd just as SOON you ignore me.


And dave tells little white lies too. He wants to turn this into a 'let's all ignore Linda' protest thread. ROFLHO.

But meanwhile the only time he 'speaks to Linda' is to be nasty, rude and hateful - has lots of trouble just sticking to the issue being discussed. Some people, which dave is one, just can't stand there are millions of people who don't see life's issues the same way HE does.

Re-elect President Bush!!
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