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posted on July 16, 2004 01:57:49 PM new
Lies, deceit, profiteering, murder, coverups, war crimes. Need I say more???

posted on July 16, 2004 02:00:52 PM new
Oh Rusty, you bad boy...Linda's already slobbering drool down her quivering chin...this oughta produce projectile vomiting and 360 head spins!

posted on July 16, 2004 02:05:56 PM new
I'll admit, I tend to antagonize the neo-cons. I love it.

posted on July 16, 2004 04:35:27 PM new
LOL, great pic!

posted on July 16, 2004 05:01:00 PM new
He's next in line after clinton.

"The natural family is a man and woman bound in a lifelong covenant of marriage for the purposes of:
*the continuation of the human species,
*the rearing of children,
*the regulation of sexuality,
*the provision of mutual support and protection,
*the creation of an altruistic domestic economy, and
*the maintenance of bonds between the generations."
posted on July 16, 2004 05:52:31 PM new
Is that the best you could come up with Bear? The Alzheimer's must be setting in.

Let's have a BBQ, Texas style, ROAST BUSH
All Things Just Keep Getting Better

We the people, in order to form a more perfect Union....
.....one Nation indivisible, With Liberty and Justice for ALL.
posted on July 16, 2004 10:13:37 PM new
Don't worry, I've heard he doesn't exhale.
Hebrews 13:8
posted on July 17, 2004 09:01:58 AM new
During Clinton's first election, I saw a bumper sticker on the back of a VW bus that read, "Don't blame me, I inhaled."

Thought that was pretty amusing. I know Willie Nelson claims to have smoked some herbal medication with someone high up the ladder on the roof of the Whitehouse. Of course, he won't say who.

posted on July 17, 2004 02:35:20 PM new
Maybe he should apologize for not showing up for duty during war time...oh, ya, I forgot..his daddy and mommy protected him, oh...and he was a drunk....I guess that's his excuse.
I still think he should apologize for being a coward.

posted on July 17, 2004 05:25:24 PM new
I still think he should apologize for being a coward.

LOL don't expect President Bush to do something you won't do...

edited: for crowfarm... changed others to President Bush...

Oh and admitting something and apologizing is two different things...

AIN'T LIFE GRAND... [ edited by Twelvepole on Jul 17, 2004 06:34 PM ]
posted on July 17, 2004 06:20:51 PM new
Well,twelve, I see your reading comprehension hasn't improved so I'll explain that the title of this thread has to do with BUSH.

But, Ok, I'm a coward....I wouldn't set foot in Vietnam now or ever.

Now it's Bushy's turn......

Of course I don't have to apologize for being a drunk like bush and his daughters because I'm not..

posted on July 18, 2004 10:44:50 AM new
GWB is nothing more than a lying tyrant followed by a bunch of fanatical lemmings who cannot think for themselves. Instead, they rely on Conservative Television Talking Heads to give them their fodder. I have yet to see one intelligent true conservative give a valid viewpoint. Instead, we have a sh*t machine that spews lies constantly, and covers up for the modern day Hitler, aka George W. Bush.

posted on July 18, 2004 10:59:01 AM new
Rusty, a modern day hilter is a little extreme. Dont you think?

People are still saying what they want about him!

[ edited by neroter12 on Jul 18, 2004 10:59 AM ]
posted on July 18, 2004 11:11:19 AM new
Well, lets just say, Hitler had his rise to fame. Bush is on his way up to such notoriety, unless we stop him.

Most of the International community hates our leadership right now. They don't hate Americans in general, but they hate our leadership. If the American people vote this guy in for another 4 years, you will see the world turn on the American people as well.

posted on July 18, 2004 11:57:42 AM new
Most of the International community hates our leadership right now...

Rusty, do you have any data to back-up those sentiments...or is it just opinion?
Besides,I dont know Rusty. With the state of world today, maybe its better to be feared than loved among the international community anyway!

posted on July 18, 2004 12:12:12 PM new
Here is a link to an article from the BBC about polling Internationally. I would say that should cover it for me.


posted on July 18, 2004 12:13:37 PM new
Nero, Canadians here think Bush might turn against us for our oil. He has put up so many roadblocks for the Canadian government - spend billions on keeping the borders safe to the U.S., no legalizing any drugs, no prescription drugs to cross the borders, etc, etc. He's a bully imo, and in the opinion of other Canadians I know, he's bad because of the direction he's leading the U.S. I've never seen the U.S. so disrespected by other countries than now. Just 3 years ago, the U.S. was "it". Now it's a joke to many because of Bush.

posted on July 18, 2004 12:44:09 PM new
nero- how can being feared be good for America? It only creates further dissent across the world. Look at WWII. Nazi Germany was feared across the world. It wasn't until International outcry turned it around and stopped Hitler. Do you really want our country to head down that same road? Look at the Cold War. I don't recall it being a friendly walk in the park whenever things got heated between the Soviet Union and the United States. The Cuban Missile crisis was a very stressful time. Do we really want this?

Whenever a country becomes too powerful, and flexes it muscle too much, the rest of the world pays attention. Let's look at this reasonably. If the United States went into Afghanistan and built modern schools, gave them engineering technology to have clean drinking water, built hospitals, and led by example instead of by force, it would be much harder for terrorists to recruit within that country. It is no different than working for a bad employer who pays minimum wage, calls you in on your day off, refuses to give medical insurance, yet they drive the big BMW and have the mansion up on the hill overlooking the city. How are you going to feel working for someone like that vs. a company that pays you a good wage, provides health insurance, and job security?

Though Bill Clinton had his faults as President (don't we all), the United States had one of the largest economic growth periods during his tenure. Most everybody benefited from a strong economy. We had a nice fat surplus in the economy, which has now been squandered by Bush. Where did the money go? Well, we see billions being siphoned for the war, most of it going to no bid contracts, we see it wasted on corporate tax breaks while these same corporations are taking American jobs overseas, Bush has yet to create one net job. Unemployment rates are so distorted right now and don't reflect how many people have lost jobs and their benefits ran out. Bush has touted job growth recently, but the truth is that even though there have been more jobs created over the last quarter, most are McJobs that pay much less than what workers were earning before. How can we justify people with a Bachelors degree serving coffee at Starbucks for $7.00 an hour or delivering pizza's for Domino's? I myself have two Bachelor's degrees, and I couldn't find a job for a year. I worked for non-profits during my first 6 years out of college. We used to get 20 applications (most were people within the non-profit field) at our organization when a job came available. That number skyrocketed to 150-200 (with a majority being from the technology field) after Bush took office. I left my non-profit job to take a job working for a trial lawyer. I hated the job and a few months after 9/11 I was let go because the insurance companies weren't paying for claims like they used to. I started my own business, where I have received 3 paychecks of $130 each over the last year. There is nothing more refreshing than someone attacking me for being a liberal. For some reason, they think that liberals only whine and complain. However, I have fought for every little bit I have. I work 60 hours a week to make pennies, but I do it because I don't want to be another statistic for some merger between McDonalds and FOX news. I am bitter towards our government. I worked with the Navy in Florida, I have friends and family who are in the military all over the world and country. My father had a grenade blow out his knee during Vietnam. He didn't get a Purple Heart for that, why? I have no idea, but what I know is that he received an honorable discharge and collects a tiny pension for the loss of his knee. Benefits continue to be shaved off of our Veterans who gave their lives for our country, yet we don't give them enough respect. Another reason why I love being called a liberal is that many people think I'm anti-American. As you can see here, I am so far from being anti-American. I am anti-corporate greed, I am anti-government deceit, I am anti-Bush, but I am not anti-American.

posted on July 18, 2004 02:29:59 PM new
Speaking of jobs paying $7.00 an hour...under the Bush Administration...I just read an article yesterday that said the exact same thing about all those who got jobs under clinton. I believe the numbers were 1/2 were making under $7.00 an hours.


And yes, this President, KD, has done what's in THIS countries best interests...which is what he was elected to do.

And then we have the Nazi comparison again. Extremist talk - over th top and totally uncalled for. They just don't like a strong man with a backbone who does what's in this countries best interest....rather than putting our decision making in the hands of the UN - so all those countries like France, Germany, Russia - who were placing their OWN interests above ours can have a say on how we operate. I hope that NEVER happens. We didn't fight for our freedoms to give them over to socialism...or any WORLD power.

~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~
"One thing is for sure: the extremists have faith in our weakness. And the weaker we are, the more they will come after us." --Tony Blair

~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~

"The War on Terror will not be won until America is united. And as long as Democrats target the Bush administration -- not the terrorists -- as the enemy, we are in trouble." --Oliver North
~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~

Those are only two reasons why we need to:

Re-elect President Bush!!
posted on July 18, 2004 03:03:41 PM new

Fear and anger is only creating more terrorists. Our occupation of Iraq has simply created a recruiting area for al-Qaida where over a billion people now fear and hate the United States. What you call "a strong man with a backbone", linda, is actually a dangerous man, leading our country into incredible danger.

[ edited by Helenjw on Jul 18, 2004 03:07 PM ]
posted on July 18, 2004 03:13:53 PM new
Kraft/Rusty: Thats seems to be the buzz about town.

I hate to say it, but I dont really care what the international community thinks of the U.S. anymore. Every country has their own problems. Seems to me we've spent alot of time and money impressing or helping out this one or that one, and when we are in the mud all the other countries want to do is sit back and gawk. (What did any of the other countries do when the WTC got bombed?)

posted on July 18, 2004 03:17:48 PM new
Rusty, nazi germany was feared for the wrong reasons. I think the U.S. can be feared for the right reasons.

And I dont know why we have this idealism that we somehow have to be a beacon of light to all the other countries? We need to get our own sh** in order first.

posted on July 18, 2004 03:18:57 PM new
Sorry, but George Bush is behaving just like his hero, Adolf Hitler. I believe Bush once said, "If this were a dictatorship, it'd be a heck of a lot easier, just so long as I'm the dictator."

George W. Bush

posted on July 18, 2004 03:54:50 PM new
Rusty, I dont know if he really ever said that, but maybe, MAYBE, it was a joke??? Sounds to me like some offbeat self-effacing humor. I dont see how anybody could take that seriously.

posted on July 18, 2004 04:12:49 PM new

I do.

posted on July 18, 2004 04:33:25 PM new
I was really hoping that someone, particularly Linda would point that out. This was a quote taken from the CNN website. Bush did say it as a joke, however, you also have to consider the irony of his joke and his behavior as a President. Many jokes are said not only in jest, but with a bit of truth behind them.
How many times have we attacked a politician or public figure for making what they felt was a harmless racial joke? Something like this is pretty serious considering how Bush and his Administration continue to hide behind a wall of "Executive Privilige" and back room meetings, etc.
[ edited by rustygumbo on Jul 18, 2004 04:35 PM ]
posted on July 18, 2004 04:42:27 PM new
What did any of the other countries do when the WTC got bombed?

"The bonds of friendship were never stronger than on Sept. 11, 2001. As American airspace was closed to all traffic, U.S. planes flying home were diverted to Canada. For several days, thousands of American passengers were cared for by Canadians, many of them in very small communities on our East Coast."


Canada lost some citizens that day in the WTC. Firefighters from across Canada offered their help.

That's an excellent post up above about you not being anti-American, rustygumbo. Your link for the BBC poll has some interesting reading from the links on the right of that page also.

posted on July 18, 2004 06:01:58 PM new
This is most likely the one and only time I'll ever agree with kiara....so I'm saying stepping up to the plate, as they say.

Canada in that instance was absolutely WONDERFUL about allowing our planes to land in their country. And the following documentary done on how their people welcomed and treated our citizens, during the time they spent there....was heartwarming.


Bush did say it as a joke, however, you also have to consider the irony of his joke and his behavior as a President.

I certainly haven't seen behavior that I would compare to Nazi Germany or Hitler's actions. Our Congress is still the one that either passes or not our laws. There's no loss of control of our government functions - he's not making the decisions without Congressional approval.

Lefties just have no sense of humor it appears. A joke for crying out loud....about how much work it is convincing the dems to side with politices he'd like to see implimented - that's always hard no matter who's in the WH. That doesn't make him a dictator.

~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~
"One thing is for sure: the extremists have faith in our weakness. And the weaker we are, the more they will come after us." --Tony Blair

~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~

"The War on Terror will not be won until America is united. And as long as Democrats target the Bush administration -- not the terrorists -- as the enemy, we are in trouble." --Oliver North
~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~

Those are only two reasons why we need to:

Re-elect President Bush!!
posted on July 18, 2004 06:18:40 PM new
Fear and anger is only creating more terrorists. Our occupation of Iraq has simply created a recruiting area for al-Qaida where over a billion people now fear and hate the United States.

And 9-11 came about because clinton was doing exactly what, that angered the terrorists to plot and take 3,000 civilian lives?

Clinton didn't do much of anything as our national interests were *attacked 5 times during his administration*. Binladen said we were paper tigers. He thought we would continue doing nothing - WHY? because that's the democratic way..all talk..no show. Boy was he wrong. THANK YOU PRESIDENT BUSH!!!

What you call "a strong man with a backbone", linda, is actually a dangerous man, leading our country into incredible danger.

No helen the incredible danger you speak of....started on 9-11 when *they* declared WAR on our Nation. Strength and a willingness to understand these terrorists can't be negociated with and the courage to take them on...is what I mean by a backbone. Action...not words.

~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~
"One thing is for sure: the extremists have faith in our weakness. And the weaker we are, the more they will come after us." --Tony Blair

~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~

"The War on Terror will not be won until America is united. And as long as Democrats target the Bush administration -- not the terrorists -- as the enemy, we are in trouble." --Oliver North
~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~

Those are only two reasons why we need to:

Re-elect President Bush!!
posted on July 18, 2004 06:27:31 PM new

Right, Kiara

And after 9/11, in addition to Canada all the world was supportive until George Bush alienated nearly every country in the world.


Remember? The French newspaper Le Monde, never one for trans-Atlantic sentimentalism, proclaimed, "We are all Americans." The band outside Buckingham Palace played "The Star-Spangled Banner" during a changing of the guard, as thousands of Londoners tearfully waved American flags. Most significant, the European leaders of NATO, for the first time in the organization's history, invoked Article 5 of its charter, calling on its 19 member-nations to treat the attack on America as an attack on them all—a particularly moving gesture, as Article 5 had been intended to guarantee American retaliation against an attack on Europe.

Germany, Russia, NATO, all the world was supportive

But the Bush administration brushed aside these supportive gestures—and that may loom as the greatest tragedy of Sept. 11, apart from the tolls taken by the attack itself.

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