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posted on July 17, 2004 08:15:20 AM new
MOSUL, Iraq (AP) - A roadside bomb hit a U.S. convoy Saturday, killing one U.S. soldier and wounding a second, the U.S. military said.

OK, I realize the numbers aren't very high but I thought the neocons here, like linda, needed something to cheer them up. I'm sure news like this gives them that happy warm feeling.

And if the numbers are low rest assured if Bush is re-appointed there will be so many, many more "Neocon Day Brighteners"

posted on July 17, 2004 08:19:51 AM new
I think you are mistaken, must of made your day though or you wouldn't of posted it...

posted on July 17, 2004 08:28:43 AM new
I'm "mistaken"??????

Oh, twelve you mean they lied to us and there is no war in Iraq and nobody has died?????????

And Twelve says, "

must of made your day though or you wouldn't of posted it..."

Again your reading comprehension needs a great deal of work...that's a totally illogical conclusion but of course, that's never stopped you.

And: it's "wouldn't HAVE posted it"

posted on July 17, 2004 08:55:32 AM new

That death today brings the number of U.S. service members killed to 887. According to Linda, that's war. Eight hundred eighty seven sons, husbands and fathers have been sacrificed in a needless war.

posted on July 17, 2004 09:04:07 AM new
Helen you forgot mothers, sisters aunts.

Really Crowfarm I think you must sit up and think (if that is what you call it) of ways to P### people off. Maybe if enough posters in here would post to you like you do to others you might just lighten up or are you turned on by the language you use.

12 is really the only one who really attacks you and then he doesn't attack like you do.

It's Saturday today, cool here but a good to go and see what is happening around the town. Have a great weekend

posted on July 17, 2004 09:05:12 AM new

This is low.
I don't think it's fair to even intimate that Linda, Twelvepole, Bear et al are pleased by the deaths or injuries of US servicemen.

I don't think any American is pleased by this, left or right and if they are, for some odd political reason, they need to to be flogged. Those are our fathers, brothers and sons out there, not some Hollywood animations.

I know the Neocons do it, calling those who don't agree with them traitors, un-American, America- haters, but let's keep in mind the obvious levels of education/comprehension we're dealing with and not stoop to that level.

posted on July 17, 2004 09:06:42 AM new
Let's not forget the tens of thousands of innocent Iraqi citizens who died, the soldiers from other countries who died, and the thousands of soldiers who have serious injuries.

That number, 887 are only the American soldiers who died directly from combat. If they were removed from the killing fields alive, and later died in the hospital or in transit, they are not counted amongst those 887. I am guessing we are way over 1000 now.

It is a tragedy to lose so many lives in order to pad the pocketbooks of the wealthy. Bush has made a mockery of America.

posted on July 17, 2004 09:07:42 AM new
Crowfarms posts are getting too stupid to respond to. Yeah, Neocons love it when American soldiers die. Right.

I think you have it backwards. It the Liberals who jump up and down every time they can add another corpse to their tally.

Just like Helen here, who got to jump up and down yelling "I'm keeping score! Look at me, deathwatch Helen!"

You people are sick.

We do not stop playing because we grow old. We grow old because we stop playing -- Anonymous
posted on July 17, 2004 09:08:40 AM new
The Master/Mistress IT of correction. You are way to stupid to be correcting people in how they spell, write. Especially with the language that you use in here and the names you call people. There are many mistakes you have made and now I think every time you do it you need to be corrected. Give it a rest.

posted on July 17, 2004 09:17:36 AM new
Replay - so you're saying we shouldn't keep count of how many lives are lost in this war? Really... The true tragedy is that we're not being told how many total lives have been lost for all American soldiers, Iraqi civilians, etc.

How many people have to die to justify the capture of one man over a family feud, money, and oil?

The truth is that we have a killer and mastermind of the largest attack on America's mainland(Osama) still on the loose, yet we continue to pull troops from that region, we continue to have our friends and family members returning home in body bags, and we are not even close to capturing the real threat to America.

You should be asking yourself why is this going on.

I myself love my country, but truly hate this Administration we have ruining our country.

posted on July 17, 2004 09:18:28 AM new
replay says,""Crowfarms posts are getting too stupid to respond to. Yeah, Neocons love it when American soldiers die. Right.""

Yes, they must love it or they wouldn't want it to continue ...I think that's a logical conclusion.

""I think you have it backwards. It the Liberals who jump up and down every time they can add another corpse to their tally.""

Not true, WE are trying to end it.

""Just like Helen here, who got to jump up and down yelling "I'm keeping score! Look at me, deathwatch Helen!"""

Helen is right in drawing attention to it since your president wants to hide the fact that American soldiers are dying by not ALLOWING photos of the caskets returning to the U.S.(suppression at it's finest by a dictator). MORE people should be drawing attention to it!

""You people are sick.""

Well I think people who love war and violence like the neocons do are sick.

posted on July 17, 2004 09:40:00 AM new

"Let's not forget the tens of thousands of innocent Iraqi citizens who died, the soldiers from other countries who died, and the thousands of soldiers who have serious injuries."

That information can be found here...Institute for Policy Studies

Number of U.S. troops wounded in combat since the war began: 5,134 (Number ill or injured in “non-combat” incidents estimated to be over 11,000)

Iraqi Deaths and Injuries: As of June 16, 2004, between 9,436 and 11,317 Iraqi civilians have been killed as a result of the U.S. invasion and ensuing occupation, while an estimated 40,000 Iraqis have been injured. During "major combat" operations, between 4,895 and 6,370 Iraqi soldiers and insurgents were killed.

posted on July 17, 2004 10:24:36 AM new

Just like Helen here, who got to jump up and down yelling "I'm keeping score! Look at me, deathwatch Helen!"


Dam right, I'm keeping a death watch, unlike you and your neocon warmongering arm chair generals who would like to hide and cover up such deaths so that your Bush administration can continue their imperialistic hawkish and needless war without question from the American public. People who support your agenda want to hide the coffins, hide the pictures of coffins and let Americans believe that things are improving in Iraq. Do you think that any young fellow today is going to think it worthwhile to risk his life for THIS war?

posted on July 17, 2004 10:33:19 AM new
Let's not forget the 130 soldiers that have died in Afghanistan for a war that was planned way before 9/11/01.



Let's have a BBQ, Texas style, ROAST BUSH
All Things Just Keep Getting Better

We the people, in order to form a more perfect Union....
.....one Nation indivisible, With Liberty and Justice for ALL.
posted on July 17, 2004 11:17:21 AM new
Well over 1000 dead soldiers. Bush says the world is a safer place. BUSH/CHENEY ARE THE BIGGEST PHONIES THIS COUNTRY HAS EVER SEEN.


posted on July 17, 2004 11:27:43 AM new
Replay, think you are right, but considering those that are screaming the loudest never served beyond their front door... they really have no connection of the real world around us....

posted on July 17, 2004 11:30:55 AM new
What are one thousand lives compared to the importance of bringing peace to that region?

Yeah, I'm for the war, and I don't think a thousand American troops are too much price to pay. Sooner or later, those monsters will get nukes and then a lot more than a few thousand Americans will be dead.


Check that out and then tell us about the thousand dead troops to liberate Iraq. By my addition, that's THIRTY EIGHT MILLION, just on the allied side. And I don't think that page counts the 6 million Jews.

And I realize that is for World War II. Many people are already calling this World War III (or IV, depending on you POV). If we don't pacify that region, eventually things will be much worse.

And just hypothetically, let's say your paranoid fantasies are correct and the war was planned before 9/11. So what? It STILL needs to be done. That is most dangerous, fanatic, backward area of the world. It NEEDS help, whether it wants it or not.

And now the flames begin!!!

We do not stop playing because we grow old. We grow old because we stop playing -- Anonymous
posted on July 17, 2004 01:57:56 PM new
Replay- if you seriously believe what you just wrote, I would suggest taking a few days off from watching Rambo and Apocolypse Now. War should be a last resort and we by no means exhausted all possible venues. In fact, our current leadership has done everything possible to destabalize the region. First off, the whole reason for war was supposed to be Weapons of Mass Destruction. Last I checked, there were none. Secondly, by your reasoning, we should model ourselves like Nazi Germany and take over the world as a preemptive measure to protect ourselves. This is exactly why the rest of the world hates America right now. Your neo-con mentality belongs in 1941 Germany, not in America. You're just a child playing with the adults.

posted on July 17, 2004 02:05:04 PM new
Yay, those of little memory. There were over 2700 hundred civilians killed in the World Trade Center. Over 500 of our finest military killed in the Pentagon. Around 300 hundred of America's young men lost in the barracks bombing. The USS Cole? Various embassy bombings. Don't forget Klinghoffer. What's the total, Helen? Helen? Helloooooooo, Helen?


Hebrews 13:8
posted on July 17, 2004 02:14:34 PM new
park- you couldn't make my point any brighter. isn't it about time Bush takes terrorism seriously, instead of killing thousands of innocent people, injuring 10s of thousands more in order to settle a score in a family feud, while his buddies rape america's pocketbooks in the process? We should be asking ourselves why isn't Bush using resources to find the mastermind in those terrorist attacks? The world isn't any safer with Hussein behind bars. Hussein had nothing to do with 9/11. So, why aren't we hunting down the real killers. Have we forgotten about 9/11? If not, then answer me why we continously reduce the number of troops in Afghanistan where Osama is supposedly hiding? Perhaps, Bush is protecting Osama as a favor to his Saudi friends, who just happen to be blood relatives with this criminal mastermind. How else can you explain it?

posted on July 17, 2004 02:22:27 PM new
Oh, and, BTW, crowfart, I would pay money AND help hold you if Dubya would put a firecracker in your mouth and light it.


Hebrews 13:8
posted on July 17, 2004 02:29:54 PM new
Well, subsequent posts by the neocons has proved my point. (see parklane's last post, violence for him is always the answer.)

They like war for war's sake. They do not wish for peace. Revenge is everything.

Why, I'm sure we can think up a "good and holy" reason for starting a war anywhere if we all just apply our imaginations!

Maybe we should look up who killed who in our Civil War and take revenge????????
The Revolutionaty War? WWI, WWII, Korea, Vietnam....
C'mon everybody let's settle everything with lots of wars,let's keep fighting until there's no one left...THAT'LL show 'em!

And, let's face it, a violent reaction is so much easier than thinking.

posted on July 17, 2004 02:37:02 PM new
Good comeback Parklane! Especially with the Bible reference below it.

posted on July 17, 2004 02:59:33 PM new


You are counting the bodies in the 9/11 and other tragedies and I am counting the bodies in a war unrelated to those events... Retaliating against acts of terrorism by a preemptive strike on the small country of Iraq which was not responsible for those acts of terrorism is ludicrous and overwhelmingly tragic. Terrorists are scattered all over the world in 52 countries including the United States. What sense does it make to waste our resources and the lives of our troops along with the lives of thousands of innocent Iraqi civilians and soldiers in the small country of Iraq? In addition to the lost lives and destruction of an innocent country this war has served to inflame terrorists and make our country less safe. The terrorists and Osama bin Laden's organization responsible for 9/11 are not located in Iraq.

You ask me to add the bodies in the 9/11 tragedy. Is primitive, brutal and misplaced retaliation our guiding principle? If so, then we have killed and destroyed far more than the terrorists responsible for 9/11. It's shameful that we have stooped so low and made such a horrific blunder.

posted on July 17, 2004 03:14:41 PM new
The casualties in Iraq are very light for a war. As of July 16, 654 U.S. service members have died in hostile action since the beginning of military operations in Iraq in March 2003. Our casualties from 16 months in Iraq are less than casualties of a few hours of a WWII battle and a lot less than the 3,000 innocent people killed on 9/11.

[ edited by ebayauctionguy on Jul 17, 2004 03:16 PM ]
posted on July 17, 2004 03:26:11 PM new

Re: your new banner....Terrorists want Bush reelected because he is so easy to manipulate, EAG.

You say that the casualties in Iraq are very "light". One casualty in Iraq is too many.

posted on July 17, 2004 03:43:25 PM new

Arguing with Bush yet Again

From Juan Cole.

He let Bin Laden and al-Zawahiri escape. (I'll repeat that. He let Bin Laden and al-Zawahiri escape). Instead of rebuilding and stabilizing Afghanistan, as he promised, he put almost nothing into reconstruction for that country.
So, no, Americans are not safer, Mr. Bush. They face the threat of substantial narco-terrorism from Afghanistan. Iraq is a security nightmare that could well blow back on the American homeland. Pakistan remains a military dictatorship with a host of militant jihadi movements that had been fomented by the hardline Pakistani military intelligence. Saudi Arabia is witnessing increased al-Qaeda activity and attacks on Westerners. And the Israeli-Palestine dispute is being left to fester and poison the world.

These are not achievements to be proud of. This is a string of disasters. We are not safer. We face incredible danger because of the way the Bush administration has grossly mishandled the Middle East.

posted on July 17, 2004 03:45:04 PM new
Well, subsequent posts by the neocons has proved my point. (see parklane's last post, violence for him is always the answer.)

They like war for war's sake. They do not wish for peace. Revenge is everything.

Why, I'm sure we can think up a "good and holy" reason for starting a war anywhere if we all just apply our imaginations!

Maybe we should look up who killed who in our Civil War and take revenge????????
The Revolutionaty War? WWI, WWII, Korea, Vietnam....
C'mon everybody let's settle everything with lots of wars,let's keep fighting until there's no one left...THAT'LL show 'em!

And, let's face it, a violent reaction is so much easier than thinking

posted on July 17, 2004 03:53:20 PM new
Why did Pat Tillman go over there? Especially with a million(s)$$$ contract waiting on him?

In his heart he must have been a very foolish neocon.

posted on July 17, 2004 04:20:50 PM new

The troops can't be held responsible for where and why a war is fought. Pat Tilman, like many Americans was misled by the Bush administration. Even Congress was deceived.
[ edited by Helenjw on Jul 17, 2004 04:21 PM ]
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