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posted on July 24, 2004 04:23:55 PM new

It's open season on Christians – again
Posted: July 24, 2004
1:00 a.m. Eastern

By Rabbi Daniel Lapin
© 2004 WorldNetDaily.com

One-time girlfriend of quirky California Gov. Jerry Brown in the '70s, singer Linda Ronstadt has been busy lately. She dedicated her song "Desperado" to Michael Moore and his bogus-mentary, "Fahrenheit 911," she got herself tossed out of the Aladdin casino in Las Vegas, and she gave an interview to a newspaper. Although I doubt this was her intention, she has actually taught us three lessons: One, she and many of her fellow entertainers do have a religion – I'd call it "secular fundamentalism." Two, it's open season on Christians, the last unprotected minority in America. Her third lesson, well, I'll tell you that in a minute.

When loud protests greeted her sycophantic tribute to Moore and his anti-Bush movie, she got thrown out of the Aladdin. The casino management ejected her, not because they are all Republicans but because they are all businessmen. Given current political demographics, it is likely that at least half of any randomly chosen audience is conservative, and business professionals dislike their hired entertainers insulting half of their customers.

How could someone who has been entertaining professionally for 35 years not know that people come to a Las Vegas show to be entertained not to be politically polarized? The answer is of course she knows this, but she is serving a higher cause than her career. She has found religion, the religion of Secular Fundamentalism.

Any seriously committed Jew or Christian would put faith before career. Like countless Orthodox Jews over the centuries, I would unhesitatingly jeopardize my career to stand up for my faith. My many Christian friends would do no less. So why should anyone be surprised when Linda Ronstadt also puts her faith ahead of her career?

Just as both Judaism and Christianity each puts a face on evil, so does Secular Fundamentalism. At this stage in America's second civil war, the face belongs to George W. Bush. Linda Ronstadt, as one of the priestly class of entertainers, feels the call to denounce the face of evil, and that call of her faith is more important to her than her career.

Her soul told her to say, "The Bush administration is awful, and so lying and so deceitful. And they're doing so much harm. They're making it more dangerous for us. They have to be stopped, I think. We have to throw the neocons out." (Note to Linda: President Bush is not a neocon.)

Then, in a remarkably candid interview with the San Diego Union-Tribune, the entertainer said: "It's a real conflict for me when I go to a concert and find out somebody in the audience is a Republican or fundamental Christian. It can cloud my enjoyment."

What do you suppose might be the reaction if an entertainer would say, "It's a real conflict for me when I find out someone in the audience is Jewish. It can cloud my enjoyment"? Or what if some politician had once announced, "It's a real conflict for me when I find out that someone in the audience is homosexual. It can cloud my enjoyment"? Of course almost no entertainers or politicians would ever say anything as bigoted.

But singer Linda Ronstadt did. The point is, however, that she didn't insult protected minorities like Jews, homosexuals, Muslims or blacks. She insulted what she calls "fundamental" Christians. (Note to Linda: the term, if you must use it at all, is "fundamentalist." To quote a line from the lyrics of your song "Desperado," Linda, "Lighten up while you still can, don't even try to understand."

The media and the do-good-kiddy-clubs all explode in paroxysms of righteousness any time a public figure inadvertently insults one of the protected minority groups, but nobody ever demands an apology when a secular celebrity demeans Christianity. That is because many Americans view Christianity as a problem, an execrable obstacle to America's progress. The rest of us, including many serious Jews, view Christianity as part of the solution to America's problems. We think "progress" is the problem, and what we need is a return to traditional morality. That is largely what today's civil war is all about, and Ronstadt has shown us on which side she fights.

Oh, and I did say that I'd tell you the third lesson we can learn from Linda's antics. It is that she herself has learned little since those far-off days when she consorted with Gov. Moonbeam. She backed losers then and she is backing the losing side now. To quote another line from that song she sang before being banned from the Aladdin Hotel: "We may lose and we may win, though we will never be here again."

Radio talk-show host Rabbi Daniel Lapin is president of Toward Tradition, a bridge-building organization providing a voice for all Americans who defend the Judeo-Christian values vital for our nation's survival. For more information, or to schedule an interview, please contact Jennifer Brunson at (206) 236-3046.


"The natural family is a man and woman bound in a lifelong covenant of marriage for the purposes of:
*the continuation of the human species,
*the rearing of children,
*the regulation of sexuality,
*the provision of mutual support and protection,
*the creation of an altruistic domestic economy, and
*the maintenance of bonds between the generations."
posted on July 24, 2004 04:29:56 PM new
That really nice, sweet, loving, kind, holy, guy, bear, defending Christians !!!!!

Maybe bear you should ask them if they really want YOUR help 'cause if you're christian I'm sure glad (once again)that I'm not!

posted on July 24, 2004 09:06:09 PM new
Bear it was a good article, but you know the left will continue to see her concerts and lets face it, all this has brought that old bag back into the spotlight... so now more people will have to go and see what her show is about...

I would never and have never seen one of her concerts.... just as I will never watch farhenlie 9/11, it is not entertainment for me nor is it something I believe as truth... to many good people on the right have already shown moore as a liar but I guess as long as your a lefty liar they will believe anything... LOL


Homosexuality is a choice that can be corrected...
posted on July 24, 2004 09:13:32 PM new
I'd have to say the Rabbi if full of #*!@, bear and so are you.

posted on July 24, 2004 09:21:19 PM new
The really funny part is that we are fighting a war to defend their right to be different. Maybe someone should go over to the Middle East and interview some homosexuals. Never mind, if there are any, they definitely plan to stay in the closet. Well, maybe someone should go over and ask some women their opinion. Do you think they will get permission from their men?

Maybe crowfart is right, this Christian thing is over-rated. Let's all give the Muslim system a try for a few years. I like their answer for mouthy women and obstreperous girlie boys. Obviously, at this point the left would back just about any religion, but Christianity. Let's do it, let them force us into that briar patch.

One of my favorite sayings, "Be careful what you ask for."


Hebrews 13:8
posted on July 24, 2004 11:53:56 PM new
Twelve, since you and I have such a following from the left, we can't call them groupies any longer. Think we need to rename them "Gropers". They sure fit the name, groping around blindly for anyone to blame but themselves.

"The natural family is a man and woman bound in a lifelong covenant of marriage for the purposes of:
*the continuation of the human species,
*the rearing of children,
*the regulation of sexuality,
*the provision of mutual support and protection,
*the creation of an altruistic domestic economy, and
*the maintenance of bonds between the generations."
posted on July 25, 2004 05:06:01 AM new
Well,poobear, it looks like Ronstadt has a groupie/gropie in YOU. Can't leave her alone can ya?
That old fart rabbit..er..rabbi is doing exactly the same thing he's accusing her of doing ...using his religion to promote a political agenda.
And, sorry but whether he's a rabbit or a rabbi he cannot read her mind as he professes to do.
If being against Bush is equated with being against christianity then the seperation of church and state has failed and THAT is what is so dangerous.

Being christian does not automatically make you a good person just as being a Muslem doesn't automatically make you a bad person. It's this tunnel vision in religion that's the greatest evil.

posted on July 25, 2004 05:08:50 AM new
Oh, and twelve, that "old bag" had lots of people attending her concerts BEFORE she said anything.
That "old bag" is up on stage making money.......you aren't.

posted on July 25, 2004 05:54:33 AM new
How do you know she was making money? Many entertainers are broke at the end of the year?


Homosexuality is a choice that can be corrected...
posted on July 25, 2004 06:07:40 AM new
How do YOU know she's not?
Just wishful(jealous) thinking on your part.

AND at least SHE was asked to perform...you'll never be........except in a circus......

posted on July 25, 2004 06:18:22 AM new
ahh gee crowfart, I really like it when you address me first thing... but You know Bear likes you as his groupie to... so can't you say something to Bear to?

Oh and you're right I will never be asked to perform... but I am getting to be a great puppet master... look how easily I pull youir strings...


Homosexuality is a choice that can be corrected...
posted on July 25, 2004 06:44:14 AM new

"The really funny part is that we are fighting a war to defend their right to be different."

The really funny part is that anybody believes that.

[ edited by Helenjw on Jul 25, 2004 06:45 AM ]
posted on July 25, 2004 06:52:46 AM new
Twelve youiir ego is surpassed only by your ability to TRY to insult people when you don't have an answer.

So when you respond to MY post am I pulling youIIr strings?

posted on July 25, 2004 03:53:25 PM new
"How To Get Rid of Twelve"

read my last post.

posted on July 25, 2004 04:56:13 PM new
Once again, I'm hearing personal attacks and stupidity when an argument would be far more useful.

Lefties... What EXACTLY in that article do you disagree with?

I see posts on this very board attacking Christians (There are at least THREE active threads on this subject even as I speak). But I don't see one single post bashing Jews. Or Women. Or even Muslims. Why do you suppose that is?

And don't say it's because Christians are forcing their views on you. Not ONE of these threads was started by a Christian.
[ edited by replaymedia on Jul 25, 2004 04:57 PM ]
posted on July 25, 2004 05:03:32 PM new
First Replay,I don't see many posts ATTACKING christianity....just pointing out why we don't like it.

And:And, sorry but whether he's a rabbit or a rabbi he cannot read her mind as he professes to do.
If being against Bush is equated with being against christianity then the seperation of church and state has failed and THAT is what is so dangerous.

Being christian does not automatically make you a good person just as being a Muslem doesn't automatically make you a bad person. It's this tunnel vision in religion that's the greatest evil.

Another thing is that this Rabid Rabbi who is a Republican neocon talk radio host shouldn't fault OTHER people for speaking out.

posted on July 25, 2004 05:08:13 PM new
"It's a real conflict for me when I go to a concert and find out somebody in the audience is a Republican or fundamental Christian."

She SAID that. It was a quote. Where does mind-reading fit in?

"ATTACKING christianity....just pointing out why we don't like it. "

There's a difference? If someone makes a post stating that they "don't like" Jews or homosexuals, hos is that not an attack?

"Being christian does not automatically make you a good person"

No, but from your posts, it apparently DOES work in reverse.

We do not stop playing because we grow old. We grow old because we stop playing -- Anonymous
posted on July 25, 2004 05:15:56 PM new
I agree replay! IF LR said that, (I have not read the article, so I give the benefit of doubt), then she is a bigot in every sense of the word. She has, in essence, said she is uncomfortable with Republicans and Christians around. (I assume this also means in her audience as well.) IF she had said <insert your sexual preference here> or <insert your race here> or <insert your chosen belief here>, others on this board would want to crucify her, regardless of her pleasant voice.


posted on July 25, 2004 05:29:27 PM new
The RRR (Rabid Republican Rabbi)said HE could read Ronstadt's mind...he can't.
And USUALLY Republicans put down any entertainer who DARES to speak their mind because they're merely entertainers....'course they don't mind electing them to office.

I said,""Being christian does not automatically make you a good person"

Replay said,"No, but from your posts, it apparently DOES work in reverse."

See there goes a holier than thou "christian" attacking anyone who isn't christian!

posted on July 25, 2004 05:42:11 PM new
"The RRR (Rabid Republican Rabbi)said HE could read Ronstadt's mind...he can't"

"Then, in a remarkably candid interview with the San Diego Union-Tribune, the entertainer said..."

Again, that was a quote in a newspaper. It has nothing to do with the Rabbi's mind-reading ability.

'See there goes a holier than thou "christian" attacking anyone who isn't christian!'

So... I said you think being a Christian makes people bad in your eyes. And somehow that means I'm attacking YOU? Remind me never to quote your own words back to you again if you think that was an attack.

Time for a reality check!!!

We do not stop playing because we grow old. We grow old because we stop playing -- Anonymous
posted on July 25, 2004 06:31:13 PM new
Way past time, replay.

~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~
"One thing is for sure: the extremists have faith in our weakness. And the weaker we are, the more they will come after us." --Tony Blair

~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~

"The War on Terror will not be won until America is united. And as long as Democrats target the Bush administration -- not the terrorists -- as the enemy, we are in trouble." --Oliver North
~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~

Those are only two reasons why we need to:

Re-elect President Bush!!
posted on July 26, 2004 12:09:30 AM new
Yes we all have to sit and listen to wacky left wing perfomers spout their theories and bad mouth their countries on foreign and domestic stages. Liberals bless them and include them and Michael Moore in their prayers. The fact that most of these people know nothing about what they are talking about, or in Moore's case, create deliberate falsehoods, only enhances their stature.

Collide with facts, and all the liberal mentality can come up with is the "big conspiracy", where thousands band together for the "big cover-up". Bush said "Invade", because he lied and planned and plotted. Kerry, Kennedy, et al, said "Invade", because of the "big conspiracy". Get it. The most hysterical thing is listening to a liberal explaining Moore's "collision" with fact.

Liberals seem to embrace any knucklehead celebrity who fits their personal agenda without question. I've always wondered how Sean Penn, Linda Ronstadt, Richard Gere, and Mary-Kate and Ashley Olsen have come upon such deep thoughts.

I find it hard to understand how these people can embrace these modern entertainment Thoreaus and yet ignore Gary Sinese's opinion. It seems Sinese actually WENT to Iraq and spent quite some time there. He saw hundreds of schools rebuilt and under construction by our "failed policies". He saw that while the buildings were being repaired the kids had no supplies. When he returned, he sent 2 transports full of school supplies and started a web site to fund more. Since he hasn't tooted his own horn, he may have been deluded by the "big conspiracy", but at least he can say he did something more than think and pontificate.
posted on July 26, 2004 07:51:09 AM new
desquirrel please list the "deliberate falsehoods" in Moore's movie.

"Since he hasn't tooted his own horn, he may have been deluded by the "big conspiracy", but at least he can say "he did something more than think" and pontificate."

Bravo for Sinese but none of your last paragraph makes any sense.
The first sentenceup to the comma makes NO sense.
Explain: "did something more than think"???
Uh, thinking helps, conservatives don't realize that.

AND:"Liberals seem to embrace any knucklehead celebrity who fits their personal agenda without question. I've always wondered how Sean Penn, Linda Ronstadt, Richard Gere, and Mary-Kate and Ashley Olsen have come upon such deep thoughts."

Who says WE embrace ANY celebrity....WE didn't vote for and elect those knucklehead celebrities Gov Ahnold, Gov Jesse, gov/pres Reagan, gov Bono.

You wonder how these people come up with such deep thoughts????

The same way any other American does.

You see, these people are Americans and did not give up their citizenship when they chose their careers......did you?

posted on July 26, 2004 08:09:05 AM new
Sinese: He is another of my favorite actors!

I had not heard about him doing that, either.

posted on July 26, 2004 09:06:05 AM new
" desquirrel please list the "deliberate falsehoods" in Moore's movie"

I can't type that much. You could do a search on Columbine or 911 and come across websites that debunk those movies virtually line by line.

Alternatively, you could list the "facts" Moore acquainted you with in either movie and we can supply the proper information. To save time, I'll concede George Bush is the President of the US and Charlton Heston was the President of the NRA.

posted on July 26, 2004 09:20:09 AM new
Desquirrel: You could do a search on Columbine or 911 and come across websites that debunk those movies virtually line by line.

I haven't see F 9/11 yet, but have seen Bowling for Columbine. How you can debunk the fact that the US has more homicides than any other civilized country in the world? Are you going to say the US has more people so more people means more death? Do you ever wonder why the US has a high crime rate compared to other nations?

Let's have a BBQ, Texas style, ROAST BUSH
All Things Just Keep Getting Better

We the people, in order to form a more perfect Union....
.....one Nation indivisible, With Liberty and Justice for ALL.
posted on July 26, 2004 09:47:09 AM new
This is the typical liberal response, the lies are justified to "get his point across".

But no matter how much bs you throw, showing an NRA annual meeting from years before with festivities and making it seem as occurring in bad taste in light of the killings IS A LIE.

Splicing together 5 different Heston speeches over the years and making it seem to be a speech given soon after Columbine IS A LIE.

and on, and on.

Targeting the NRA is also quite funny if you compare the homicide rate for NRA members (w many weapons) to the general public. But of course it would violate the PC code to have a movie about Hispanic drug dealers.

The basic stupidity of the anti-gun people is that they seem to think that we need 6 new gun laws to prevent a new tragedy, when the responsible parties for the the last tragedy already broke 42 gun laws.

posted on July 26, 2004 11:01:39 AM new
This is the typical liberal response, the lies are justified to "get his point across".

Your reponse doesn't even answer the question that I asked. The typical way of responding from the conservatives on this board.

Let's have a BBQ, Texas style, ROAST BUSH
All Things Just Keep Getting Better

We the people, in order to form a more perfect Union....
.....one Nation indivisible, With Liberty and Justice for ALL.
posted on July 26, 2004 12:08:59 PM new
I am not "debunking" the homicide rate compared to Iceland or whatever, it just has nothing to do with the question at hand.

posted on July 26, 2004 12:36:24 PM new
Desquirrel: I am not "debunking" the homicide rate compared to Iceland or whatever, it just has nothing to do with the question at hand.

What is "the question at hand"?

If you are claiming you don't like the "facts" Moore uses against the NRA in Bowling for Columbine. So what if the facts may be a little distorted or one sided. That was not point behind the documentary.

Let's have a BBQ, Texas style, ROAST BUSH
All Things Just Keep Getting Better

We the people, in order to form a more perfect Union....
.....one Nation indivisible, With Liberty and Justice for ALL.
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