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posted on July 26, 2004 05:35:57 PM new
Enjoy your money Moore, you sorry sack of sh!t.

Fahrenheit 9/11 is Having "Devastating" Impact on Military Morale, Says Soldier Deployed Overseas

Soldier Says "Young and Impressionable" Soldiers Just Returned from Iraq Deployments Are "Being Made to Feel Ashamed" of Their Service

The National Center for Public Policy Research has posted online an e-mail received from a soldier, Spc. Joe Roche of the 1st Armored Division, who says Michael Moore's film Fahrenheit 9/11 is "making the rounds" among soldiers at U.S. military bases overseas and is "shocking and crushing soldiers, making them feel ashamed" of their service in Iraq. The letter has been published online by The National Center without abridgment. The full text can be found here. Some excerpts:

"Michael Moore's film, Fahrenheit 9/11, is making the rounds here at U.S. bases in Kuwait. Some soldiers have received it already and are passing is around. The impact is devastating. Here we are, soldiers of the 1st Armored Division, just days from finally returning home after over a year serving in Iraq, and Moore's film is shocking and crushing soldiers, making them feel ashamed. Moore has abused the First Amendment and is hurting us worse than the enemy has. There are the young and impressionable soldiers, like those who joined the Army right out of high school. They aren't familiar w/ the college-type political debate environment, and they haven't been schooled in the full range of issues involved. They are vulnerable to being hurt by a vicious film like Moore's."

"Specialist Janecek, who is feeling depressed because a close family member is nearing the end of her life, just saw the film today. I saw him in the DFAC. He is devastated. 'I feel shitty, ashamed, like this was all a lie.' Not only is he looking at going straight to a funeral when he returns home, but now whatever pride he felt for serving here has been crushed by Moore's film. Specialist Everett earlier after seeing the film: 'You'll be mad at #*!@ for ever having come here.' And there are others. Mostly the comments are absolute shock at the close connections Moore makes between the Bush family and the Bin Laden family in Saudi Arabia. 'Bush looks really really REALLY corrupt in this film. I just don't know what to think anymore,' is a common comment to hear. Some of these soldiers are darn right ashamed tonight to be American soldiers, to have been apart of this whole mission in Iraq, and are angry over all that Moore has presented in his film."

"Right now, just days away from what should be a proud and happy return from 15 months of duty in Operation Iraqi Freedom, your U.S. soldiers are coming back ashamed and hurt because of Moore's work."

"I sometimes want to be mad at my fellow soldiers for being susceptible to Moore's distortions, but I can't really blame them. These are good Americans, who have volunteered to serve our country. Nothing says they all have to be experts in Middle Eastern issues and history and politics to serve. That would be silly. ...But this is, of course, the vulnerability that Moore has exploited."

"I wonder how damaging and shocking a Moore project would have been in the 1940s making such a video of Franklin Roosevelt."

Spc. Joe Roche serves with the 16th Engineering Battalion of the 1st Armored Division. He and his unit were deployed in Iraq for 15 months. An archive of his e-mails can be accessed at www.nationalcenter.org/RochePage.html online.


posted on July 26, 2004 06:03:49 PM new
I'm confused as to why the soldiers should feel ashamed. They didn't lie and send themselves into harms way. It was their leader. Can they help it that a Haliburton employee who they have to guard and protect makes tons more money than they do for the same exact job? Is it their fault that their government has sent them to a warzone for the name of profits? Is it their fault that their friends are being killed, while rich Republicans get richer and their middle-class parents lose jobs so their former employees can make an extra billion dollars while sending their job over to India, Asia or Mexico? Is it their fault that Veteran benefits gets more and more cutbacks and that they have nothing to look forward to besides those cutbacks? Is it their fault that they were sent to war without enough resources to do the job correctly? Was it their fault that they are being exploited by our countries leadership?

I don't see why they should feel guilty, ashamed, etc.. It wasn't their fault. Perhaps if George Bush and his Administration handled things correctly, investigated correctly, paid attention, were honorable men, perhaps none of this would ever be an issue. We wouldn't have Fahrenheit 9/11, we wouldn't have soldiers roaming Iraq being killed every day, and we wouldn't be discussing this. The fact remains is that all of those things have happened, and you want to point fingers at one individual for making a documentary that you don't agree with. If you really want to believe the film is nothing but propaganda, go ahead. It is hard to face the truth when you live with your eyes shut.

By the way, I'm still waiting for Cheney's accomplishments to qualify him as the greatest Vice President of all time.
[ edited by rustygumbo on Jul 26, 2004 06:06 PM ]
posted on July 27, 2004 06:29:41 AM new
LOL better watch out pissing off soldiers with guns is not a good thing....

It would be nice if moore had any backbone to go to Iraq... he might actually see something good that is going on...

But then you have to hand it to he guy... he sure makes PT Barnum proud... and follows that old saying... a fool and his money are soon parted.... how many libs have seen that movie?

Of course most americans do enjoy fictional movies... so it is no wonder it is doing so well....

Homosexuality is a choice that can be corrected...
posted on July 27, 2004 07:32:41 AM new

You can't shoot the messenger.

It's Bush who sent those young guys to die in a needless war without strategy in numbers insufficient to gurarantee their safety and without needed supplies and equipment. Under those circumstances to send those poor guys there to fight a war without justification can only be described as horrific cruelty.


posted on July 27, 2004 07:46:18 AM new
Plenty justification, you just refuse to open your eyes to see it...


Homosexuality is a choice that can be corrected...
posted on July 27, 2004 08:21:33 AM new
rustygumbo has got it right.

If the soldiers feel as the letter says they do, then they should be voting for Kerry this election.

What happened in Iraq is what happens when we have a deserter as commander-in-chief.

He deserted his generation in Vietnam and he has deserted this generation in Iraq.

Same story, just a different decade.

posted on July 27, 2004 08:32:15 AM new
"""It would be nice if moore had any backbone to go to Iraq"""

Yes, it would have been nice if Bush WHO WAS A SOLDIER UNLIKE MOORE WHO ISN'T...
had any backbone to go to Vietnam.

posted on July 27, 2004 08:53:38 AM new
Awww my groupie followed me again... how nice...

What will you do crowfart after President Bushs reelection?


Homosexuality is a choice that can be corrected...
posted on July 27, 2004 09:02:16 AM new
As usual, twelve's non-answer to what bush did during the Vietnam war.

Well, that's Ok because Bush didn't have an answer either but we know cowardice, dereliction of duty and treason when we see it.

I don't know exactly how I'll feel if bush is re-appointed but I'm sure YOU'LL be happy to have another 4 years of a quivering little, treasonous, hate-mongering, death dealing, power crazed puppet for your master.

Like attracts.

posted on July 27, 2004 04:07:23 PM new
As if EAG's insight is ever intelligent. He just comes here, makes some stupid comment, and then hides. Hmmm. Who does this sound like... Oh, I know... GWB.

posted on July 27, 2004 04:19:25 PM new
Citizen Bush chose not to go to vietnam... kerry chose to endanger his crew for glory and turned around and made traitorous comments aftward...

Still waiting to see thise medical records on kerry's purple hearts... but then, both have served... more than we can say about you crowfart...

Clinton didn't go either.... why wasn't that a big deal?


Homosexuality is a choice that can be corrected...
posted on July 28, 2004 08:02:52 PM new
but then, both have served

You call disappearing from your unit during a war "serving" ?

You call refusing a flight physical during a war "serving" ?

Kerry volunteered to go into combat, he put his life on the line.

Bush is a coward and deserter.

Bush doesn't even amount to a patch on Kerry's underwear.

posted on July 29, 2004 12:14:26 AM new
American soldiers were killing themselves in Iraq before the movie got there.

And if the movie was "fictional" why would it de-moralize anyone????????????????????????????????

I know it wasn't fiction and don't the people who are fighting georgie's war, the ones who are dying and getting maimed for FREEDOM and DEMOCRACY (read oil)deserve the right of free speech ???

posted on July 29, 2004 08:26:57 AM new
Moore has abused the First Amendment and is hurting us worse than the enemy has.

Perhaps the soldiers should so the movie to the enemy if the soldiers are so devastated by it. Maybe then the enemy will feel as equally devastated.

There have been soldiers who have protested the war as well both during their tour and after they have gotten home. So what does that tell you.

There are the young and impressionable soldiers, like those who joined the Army right out of high school. They aren't familiar w/ the college-type political debate environment, and they haven't been schooled in the full range of issues involved.

Then perhaps these impressionable soldiers didn't get the education they needed in high school and should have gone to college instead of going into the military. Perhaps it was the military recruiter's sales pitch: Join the military, See the world, carry a gun vs Get a job working at McDonald's making minimum wage.

They are vulnerable to being hurt by a vicious film like Moore's."

News-break, a movie can't hurt you. However bullets can injure and kill. War can leave all sorts of psychological damage.

Isn't it the military job to turn these punks into fighting machines. If they are still vulnerable then the military did not do its job during basic training.

Let's have a BBQ, Texas style, ROAST BUSH
All Things Just Keep Getting Better

We the people, in order to form a more perfect Union....
.....one Nation indivisible, With Liberty and Justice for ALL.
posted on July 29, 2004 08:35:48 AM new
Isn't it the military job to turn these punks into fighting machines.

logansdad, you are one sad sack POS, punks?... you pansy ass, only punk is the one that posted that... see folks how the homosexual left sees our military... not fit to serve, so they can only bash...

You are one bitter individual.... but I guess finally realizing your chosen lifestyle is unacceptable would be hard on someone of your limited intelligence...


Homosexuality is a choice that can be corrected...
posted on July 29, 2004 08:43:46 AM new
Perhaps before one goes off to die in a foreign war that person should do a little research into why he is going.

In 1969 while a student at FSU, my geology professor, Dr. Watkins, dismissed any female student who wished to leave one period, asked the males to stay behind and delivered the following message.

"For many of you this will be your last quarter in college and some of you will be drafted and asked to fight in Vietnam. I would ask you to research what the war is about and why you will be asked to participate in a conflict in which you may give your life. You owe this to yourself."

It was good advice then and I feel it is good advice now. Same circumstances, different war.

posted on July 29, 2004 08:47:53 AM new
Considering there is no draft... a person should be asking why they are joining the military anyway... but part of the job is war and taking orders...

Homosexuality is a choice that can be corrected...
posted on July 29, 2004 09:40:59 AM new
{b]logansdad, you are one sad sack POS, punks?... you pansy ass, only punk is the one that posted that... see folks how the homosexual left sees our military... not fit to serve, so they can only bash...[/b]

For your information I did serve whether you like to beleive it or not. I have my views on the military and you have yours. Now shut your word hole.

You are one bitter individual....

I'd rather be bitter than unintelligent and a redneck like yourself.

but I guess finally realizing your chosen lifestyle is unacceptable would be hard on someone of your limited intelligence...

What is your intelligence level? I have a PHD. Did you even graduate high school?

Let's have a BBQ, Texas style, ROAST BUSH
All Things Just Keep Getting Better

We the people, in order to form a more perfect Union....
.....one Nation indivisible, With Liberty and Justice for ALL.
posted on July 29, 2004 11:36:03 AM new
What is your intelligence level? I have a PHD.

Just goes to show they can't teach common sense in college.

posted on July 29, 2004 11:45:07 AM new
While the movie will hurt troop morale, I believe word will get around that Moore is just another Jane Fonda.

posted on July 29, 2004 12:24:34 PM new
Only PHD logansdad has is Prefer Hard Dick

the reason he is so bitter about military, probably did enjoy that Big Chicken Dinner he got as a going away gift....


Homosexuality is a choice that can be corrected...
posted on July 29, 2004 01:01:30 PM new
Only PHD logansdad has is Prefer Hard Dick

Good one, did a first grader tell you that? If you like manhood so much. I can get that slogan made into a T-shirt for you.

When you were in the Navy did you serve on a Frigate? I bet you were told to "Make a Hole" very often by your C.O.

Let's have a BBQ, Texas style, ROAST BUSH
All Things Just Keep Getting Better

We the people, in order to form a more perfect Union....
.....one Nation indivisible, With Liberty and Justice for ALL.
posted on July 30, 2004 04:42:08 AM new
Michael Moore should be sent to Iraq with his buddies John Kerry and George Bush. Get rid of the entire lot of worthless slime.

posted on July 30, 2004 08:05:56 AM new
Michael Moore should be sent to Iraq with his buddies John Kerry and George Bush. Get rid of the entire lot of worthless slime.

Michael Moore isn't running for president.

We all know what George Bush would do if he was faced with going into combat for his country.

As for Kerry, he did go into combat when his country asked him to.

It makes it pretty clear who should be commander-in-chief.

posted on July 30, 2004 08:54:07 AM new
We all know what George Bush would do if he was faced with going into combat for his country.

As for Kerry, he did go into combat when his country asked him to.

It makes it pretty clear who should be commander-in-chief.

Reamond, I agree with you. In my opinion I think the requirements for President need to be changed. How can any one serving in the military respect their commander in chief if he/she never served in combat? Perhaps I will write my future Senator - Obama - and have him draft a constitutional amendment.

Let's have a BBQ, Texas style, ROAST BUSH

We the people, in order to form a more perfect Union....
.....one Nation indivisible, With Liberty and Justice for ALL.
posted on July 30, 2004 11:23:33 AM new
Combat duty shouldn't be a requirement for president, but when we have questions about sending our people to die in a war, it sure makes sense to have someone who laid their life on the line in the decision loop.

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