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posted on July 29, 2004 09:43:26 PM new
Kerry flip-flop on war footage?
Defensively said 2 years ago 'no intention' to use Vietnam film for campaign purposes

Posted: July 29, 2004
9:39 p.m. Eastern

By Art Moore
© 2004 WorldNetDaily.com

On the defensive for filming himself during the Vietnam war, John Kerry once told a reporter he had "no intention" of using the footage for campaign purposes, but some of it will be featured tonight in a video of introduction before his Democratic presidential nomination acceptance speech.

New York Times Executive Editor Bill Keller was a columnist when he wrote in a Sept. 7, 2002, piece of his encounter with Kerry after having mocked the senator for "pulling out a movie camera after a shootout in the Mekong Delta and re-enacting the exploit, as if preening for campaign commercials to come."

Keller said Kerry invited him to his office to see some of the 8-millimeter footage, which had been transferred to videocassette.

Keller wrote: "'It is so innocent,' [Kerry] said by way of introducing his youthful cinematic effort, adding a little defensively, 'I have no intention of using it' for campaign purposes."

The introduction video, however, by Steven Spielberg protege James Moll, makes prominent use of some of Kerry's footage to depict him as a war hero capable of becoming the nation's next commander in chief.

A Kerry campaign spokesman was not immediately available for comment.

Moll told the New York Observer that after starting his video project, "it was a pleasant surprise that [Kerry] had taken his own footage while in Vietnam."

"When Army Green Beret Jim Rassman is talking about how John Kerry saved his life, I'm using some of that footage," Moll said. "It shows the swift boat and various shots of the swift boat, and some firing like you see in the water. Bullets in the water."

But Moll said the bullets are "just illustrative," not from an actual event.

In his column, Keller said he changed his mind about Kerry's motives for taking the film footage, but a former swift-boat crewmate who witnessed some of the future presidential nominee's filming insists it wasn't a normal thing to do.

Steve Gardner, who served for two and a half months under Kerry from late 1968 to early 1969, has no doubt that all of the footage was re-enacted.

"It was just dumb," he told WorldNetDaily. "Every bit of that was staged. Nobody in his right mind is going to take an 8-millimeter camera in a firefight to take pictures of John Kerry."

Gardner, of Clover, S.C., said he didn't express it, but thought to himself, "What an idiot."

"The stuff he was doing was just antics," said Gardner, a gunner's mate 3rd class. "Nobody knew at that time he had a hidden agenda. We just thought it was goofy stuff."

But some of Kerry's swift-boat colleagues say they were well aware then of the future politician's ambition.

John O'Neill, who took over Kerry's swift-boat command, says in a book scheduled for release next month, "Unfit for Command," that a "joke circulated among his colleagues that Kerry "left Vietnam early not because he received three Purple Hearts, but because he had recorded enough film of himself to take home for his planned political campaigns."

The book charges "Kerry would revisit ambush locations for re-enacting combat scenes where he would portray the hero."

The Boston Globe reported in 1996 that Kerry's films appeared "as if he had cast himself in the sequel to the experience of his hero, John F. Kennedy, on the PT-109."

Thomas Vallely, a fellow veteran and one of Kerry's closest political advisers and friends, told the Globe, "John was thinking Camelot when he shot that film, absolutely."

O'Neill, an attorney, is spokesman for Swift Boat Veterans for Truth, a coalition of more than 200 vets familiar with Kerry's service who oppose his candidacy for president based on their judgment of his character. As WorldNetDaily reported, O'Neill's organization stated last month Kerry was a "loose cannon" in Vietnam and is unfit to be commander in chief.

The group includes the entire chain of command above Kerry during his tenure in Southeast Asia, as well as enlisted men.

The group has called on Kerry to stop unauthorized use of their images in national campaign advertising.

Only two of 20 officers in one photo Kerry has used support him, they say.


"The natural family is a man and woman bound in a lifelong covenant of marriage for the purposes of:
*the continuation of the human species,
*the rearing of children,
*the regulation of sexuality,
*the provision of mutual support and protection,
*the creation of an altruistic domestic economy, and
*the maintenance of bonds between the generations."
posted on July 29, 2004 10:04:33 PM new
MacArthur returned to Corrigador three times till the lighting was correct for the newsreels.

So what.

posted on July 29, 2004 11:15:44 PM new
Oh brother....kerry is such a big phoney. What a farse he is and how sad he'd stoop to something like this...and then come home and sell out those still fighting. 'Hey look at me....what I went through'. Maybe those 'bullets in the water' fired during the re-enactment is how he was injured and won one of his medals.

but a former swift-boat crewmate who witnessed some of the future presidential nominee's filming insists it wasn't a normal thing to do.

No kidding!!! This would be GREAT to post on one of the VN vet urls....they'd have a field day with this.
I'd bet no one else who served in VN ever filmed re-enactments of the skirmishes they were in.

~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~
"One thing is for sure: the extremists have faith in our weakness. And the weaker we are, the more they will come after us." --Tony Blair

~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~

"The War on Terror will not be won until America is united. And as long as Democrats target the Bush administration -- not the terrorists -- as the enemy, we are in trouble." --Oliver North
~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~

Those are only two reasons why we need to:

Re-elect President Bush!!
posted on July 30, 2004 05:08:16 AM new
Oh brother....kerry is such a big phoney. What a farse he is and how sad he'd stoop to something like this...and then come home and sell out those still fighting. 'Hey look at me....what I went through'. Maybe those 'bullets in the water' fired during the re-enactment is how he was injured and won one of his medals

Jealous because Bush can't boast about his service record? Oh, I forgot he was playing while others were fighting. Coward.


. . .if you still try to defend the infamies and horrors perpetrated by that Antichrist- I really believe he is Antichrist- I will have nothing more to do with you and you are no longer my friend.. . - War and Peace, Tolstoy
posted on July 30, 2004 06:02:57 AM new
No reason to be cheryl.

This President, along with many who served in the National Guard, was given an HONORABLE discharge. Nothing at all wrong with giving service in that branch.
And to say there is - is to discount each and every Veteran who served in that way....

....while at the same time supporting and approving of clinton's draft dodging...and have protesting the VN war in ENGLAND.

~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~
"One thing is for sure: the extremists have faith in our weakness. And the weaker we are, the more they will come after us." --Tony Blair

~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~

"The War on Terror will not be won until America is united. And as long as Democrats target the Bush administration -- not the terrorists -- as the enemy, we are in trouble." --Oliver North
~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~

Those are only two reasons why we need to:

Re-elect President Bush!!
posted on July 30, 2004 06:19:22 AM new
Bear1949 & Linda_K below is the overnight results of an AOL 2 question pole.

How would you rate Kerry's speech?
Excellent 52%
Poor 19%
Fair 16%
Good 13%

Who would do a better job as president?
John Kerry 59%
George Bush 41%
Total Votes: 178,440


posted on July 30, 2004 06:28:55 AM new
At least Kerry's footage was shot during an actual military exercise, as opposed to the President landing on a ship achored 300 yards off shore to declare "mission accomplished".
Beware the man of one book.
- Thomas Aquinas
posted on July 30, 2004 08:56:19 AM new
At least Kerry's footage was shot during an actual military exercise

Wrong again o'Prof of knowledge.

Reread the article & it;s statements. Kerry filmed his staged scenes after the action was over.

"The natural family is a man and woman bound in a lifelong covenant of marriage for the purposes of:
*the continuation of the human species,
*the rearing of children,
*the regulation of sexuality,
*the provision of mutual support and protection,
*the creation of an altruistic domestic economy, and
*the maintenance of bonds between the generations."
posted on July 30, 2004 09:28:54 AM new
ship achored 300 yards off shore...

Not hardly... but would like to see you try... now that would be funny...

Homosexuality is a choice that can be corrected...
posted on July 30, 2004 09:37:12 AM new
" Bear1949 & Linda_K below is the overnight results of an AOL 2 question pole. "

Polls are less than useless, unless you quote numbers from scientific pollsters like Gallup, Reuters, etc.

posted on July 30, 2004 10:04:11 AM new
Here's an article from The Washington Times, today. More of those who know the truth are speaking out.....and guess what? A book will be released in September that will show how they saw what happened....vs kerry's revised version.

By Rowan Scarborough

Democrats capped Sen. John Kerry's presidential nomination last night by showing a Hollywood-produced movie of his life, featuring amateur film clips and testaments about his service in Vietnam as commander of a Navy river patrol boat.

    But a group of former sailors who served with Mr. Kerry are telling a different story. Rather than depicting Mr. Kerry as a war hero, they are quoted in a new book accusing him of exaggerating and falsifying his experiences.

    The group says that of 23 crew members photographed with Mr. Kerry more than 30 years ago in Vietnam, only one supports his presidential campaign.

They will announce a nationwide campaign by "Swift Boat Veterans for Truth" to tell the American public about what they say is Mr. Kerry's true war record.

    The biographical movie shown last night, "A Remarkable Promise," shows "family and friends talking about the courage he has shown as a soldier and a veteran, the fights he has waged for middle-class values and the faith in family he has exhibited as a father and husband," the Kerry campaign said before its prime-time convention appearance.
    The film was produced by James Moll, a partner of director Steven Spielberg.

    The book, "Unfit for Command: Swift Boat Veterans Speak Out Against John Kerry," from Regnery Publishing, is written by John E. O'Neill. Mr. O'Neill served in Vietnam at the same time as Mr. Kerry and followed him as commander on the swift boat.

    Mr. O'Neill, riled by what he considered Mr. Kerry's false charge in 1971 of widespread war crimes committed by U.S. troops, has waged a public debate with the politician dating back to the "Dick Cavett Show" that year.

    The book quotes Mr. Kerry's fellow combatants as saying two of his Purple Hearts came from friendly fire, not the enemy. The veterans also will dispute other stories Mr. Kerry has told.

    "Unfit for Command" will not be released until Sept. 25, but the online Drudge Report yesterday broke news of what it called a "bombshell book." The book hit No. 2 on Amazon.com's best-seller list. Radio and TV hosts were clamoring for Mr. O'Neill to appear.

    Regnery, which boasts a long list of best-selling conservative books, has put a tight hold on information until the official release.

    Some of the book's charges have been aired by Veterans for Truth.

    Retired Rear Adm. Roy Hoffmann, who commanded Mr. Kerry's task force in Vietnam, is one of the book's sources.

    Adm. Hoffmann said yesterday he has supplied several instances of Mr. Kerry's purported lies. One example, he said, is Mr. Kerry's contention that he warned admirals of the folly of a certain river operation. Adm. Hoffmann said he and others were at the meeting, and that Mr. Kerry never made such a statement.

    "The real truth is he didn't say a ... word," Adm. Hoffmann said.

    Mr. Hoffmann is chairman of Swift Boat Veterans for Truth, which plans what it calls a grass-roots campaign.

    "We're going to tell the truth the fact that he was a perpetual, habitual liar," Adm. Hoffmann said. "I don't care whether it was perjury or lying before the Senate of the United States, or that two of his Purple Hearts are at least very specious, if not absolutely false, because he filed false after-action reports."

posted on July 30, 2004 10:07:03 AM new
Here's a real neroter twist by linda,
"This President, along with many who served in the National Guard, was given an HONORABLE discharge. Nothing at all wrong with giving service in that branch.
And to say there is - is to discount each and every Veteran who served in that way...."

No, Linda, there's nothing wrong with "giving service in that branch" and nobody is bad-mouthing those who do, but bush didn't even do that...he didn't report for duty for almost a full year. He did not go to Vietnam, he couldn't even show up in the U.S. !!!!!!!!

He's a sleazy coward who sends people to do what he was too afraid to do.

You say Clinton did the same thing?
Fair enough. So make up your mind ...were Clinton AND Bush bad boys or were Clinton AND Bush good boys????

AND with the problems in this country to raise a stink about some video is ridiculous ....there are REAL issues which need to be addressed.

I live in the real world and don't need to cut and paste my opinions or read anybody's polls. Unlike you I know real human people and I have yet to talk to ANYBODY about politics who has said Bush is a great guy who has done wonders for this country....just people who say...he's GOT to GO!

posted on July 30, 2004 12:42:25 PM new
talk about twisting.

You say Clinton did the same thing? Fair enough.

No I didn't say that at all...but then you knew that. clinton was a draft dodger. President Bush served and was given an honorable discharge. NOT the same thing at all.

~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~
"One thing is for sure: the extremists have faith in our weakness. And the weaker we are, the more they will come after us." --Tony Blair

~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~

"The War on Terror will not be won until America is united. And as long as Democrats target the Bush administration -- not the terrorists -- as the enemy, we are in trouble." --Oliver North
~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~

Those are only two reasons why we need to:

Re-elect President Bush!!
posted on July 30, 2004 12:54:20 PM new
We can go round and round forever I guess before you will ever be able to admit Bush didn't go to Vietnam like Kerry did. He was a coward.

You address every angle , every slant, every nuance but you just can't admit something the rest of world acknowledges....bush got out of going to Vietnam...whether it was because daddy kept him out, he was a coward, or he was a drunk.

He didn't go and Kerry did.

You can google and cut and paste and ignore it and attack Kerry but you can't change the previous statement no matter what you do.

posted on July 30, 2004 01:14:35 PM new
"Guard against the impostures of pretended patriotism." --George Washington

I think that applies to kerry and those who want to revise his positions and actions of the past.

~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~
"One thing is for sure: the extremists have faith in our weakness. And the weaker we are, the more they will come after us." --Tony Blair

~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~

"The War on Terror will not be won until America is united. And as long as Democrats target the Bush administration -- not the terrorists -- as the enemy, we are in trouble." --Oliver North
~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~

Those are only two reasons why we need to:

Re-elect President Bush!!
posted on July 30, 2004 02:22:51 PM new
Why didn't Kerry mention the time when he threw away his medals?

posted on July 30, 2004 02:34:59 PM new
Kerry saw first hand what was happening in Vietnam. More than I can say for Bush who was avoiding combat (such a brave man) at all costs. Kerry had every right to protest it once he got back. More right than I did or anyone else who wasn't over there. Vietnam was as unnecessary as Iraq and as far as lives lost, far more costly. It was a lie, just as is Iraq. Kerry risked his life. The only think Bush risked was his beauty sleep.


. . .if you still try to defend the infamies and horrors perpetrated by that Antichrist- I really believe he is Antichrist- I will have nothing more to do with you and you are no longer my friend.. . - War and Peace, Tolstoy
posted on July 30, 2004 02:47:34 PM new

Ebayauctionguy asks, "Why didn't Kerry mention the time when he threw away his medals?"

I watched Kerry throw his war decorations
By Thomas Oliphant | April 27, 2004

ON THE WAY to the fence where he threw some of his military decorations 33 years ago, I was 4 or 5 feet behind John Kerry.

As he neared the spot from which members of Vietnam Veterans Against the War were parting with a few of the trappings of their difficult past to help them face their future more squarely, I watched Kerry reach with his right hand into the breast pocket of his fatigue shirt. The hand emerged with several of the ribbons that most of the vets had been wearing that unique week of protest, much as they are worn on a uniform blouse.

There couldn't have been all that many decorations in his hand -- six or seven -- because he made a closed fist around his collection with ease as he waited his turn. I recall him getting stopped by one or two wounded vets in wheelchairs, clearly worried that they wouldn't be able to get their stuff over the looming fence, who gave him a few more decorations. Kerry says he doesn't remember this.

It is true that Kerry was one of the veterans group's "leaders," but in this eclectic, aggressively individualistic collection of people who had been through a pointless war, there were no privileges of rank. Kerry was in the middle of a line of perhaps 1,000 guys -- only a third or even less of the total who had assembled on the Washington Mall that astonishing week.

At the spot where the men were symbolically letting go of their participation in the war, the authorities had erected a wood and wire fence that prevented them from getting close to the front of the US Capitol, and Kerry paused for several seconds. We had been talking for days -- about the war, politics, the veterans' demonstration -- but I could tell Kerry was upset to the point of anguish, and I decided to leave him be; his head was down as he approached the fence quietly.

In a voice I doubt I would have heard had I not been so close to him, Kerry said, as I recall vividly, "There is no violent reason for this; I'm doing this for peace and justice and to try to help this country wake up once and for all."

With that, he didn't really throw his handful toward the statue of John Marshall, America's first chief justice. Nor did he drop the decorations. He sort of lobbed them, and then walked off the stage.

Some people have written secondhand accounts of that day stating that Kerry at that moment also threw "medals" that had been given to him by a couple of vets who were not there. I remember Kerry doing that later in the day after the event had broken up. He was in the company, for part of that time, of a small group of Gold Star Mothers (who had lost sons in the war). In addition to the events involving the military decorations, the veterans also held a tree-planting ceremony near the Capitol and attended congressional hearings on civilian casualties of the conflict.

From what I could observe firsthand about Friday, April 23, 1971, Kerry did not make even the slightest effort to pretend that he was throwing all of his military decorations over that fence. He did what he did in plain view, and in my case in the view of someone close enough to kick him in the shins.

It was clear to me that Kerry had arrived here with only the ribbons he wore on his shirt -- which, by the way, were referred to as "medals" by the late Stuart Symington of Missouri, one of the Senate Foreign Relations Committee members present for his famous antiwar statement.

While the idea of turning back decorations had been talked about prior to that week, there was no clear plan when the veterans arrived. The night before, the men had had a long, loud argument about whether to throw their stuff or simply place it on a long table in front of the Capitol. I watched Kerry argue for the less dramatic approach and lose.

It was clear from our conversations back then and ever since that Kerry made no distinction among his various decorations, though others have. Some in the military don't either. I remember once asking my father (who was awarded a Bronze Star in the Pacific during World War II), what he called the ribbon and lapel ornament he received in addition to the star; he said they were all the Bronze Star.

I have always found the political junk served up by Kerry's detractors to be undignified as well as largely inaccurate.

I write now because the political junk is much higher profile now, though no less misleading -- and not, by the way, because in her fourth job in the public arena, my daughter just joined Kerry's staff. I just happened to be there that long-ago day. I saw what happened and heard what Kerry said and know what he meant. The truth happens to be with him.

Thomas Oliphant's e-mail address is [email protected].

posted on July 30, 2004 03:09:35 PM new
"Guard against the impostures of pretended patriotism." --George Washington

Oh, what a perfect quote referring to someone who mislead the American public by insinuating that 9/11 was the reason to attack Iraq! Some one with no actual knowledge of weapons he claimed were there so he could slaughter the youth of America..

All so that Haliburton (and "associates" could make more money.

No matter what Kerry did or didn't throw over the fence what difference does it make to anything? Does it reflect on HIS patriotism.....no,patriotism INCUDES seeing something that is wrong and trying to remedy it. Standing up for your beliefs. Bush could barely stand UP at all during those years.

AND Kerry was hardly alone then or now in his opinion that the Vietnam war was a big mistake.

posted on July 30, 2004 05:49:31 PM new
A more HONEST poll of Kerrys speach:


"The natural family is a man and woman bound in a lifelong covenant of marriage for the purposes of:
*the continuation of the human species,
*the rearing of children,
*the regulation of sexuality,
*the provision of mutual support and protection,
*the creation of an altruistic domestic economy, and
*the maintenance of bonds between the generations."
posted on July 30, 2004 08:30:33 PM new
Bear1949 posted "Kerry flip-flop on war footage?
Defensively said 2 years ago 'no intention' to use Vietnam film for campaign purposes."

Linda_K posted, "Rather than depicting Mr. Kerry as a war hero, they are quoted in a new book accusing him of exaggerating and falsifying his experiences."

Bigpeepa makes this post. About 2 years Bush and Cheney told the U.S. that Iraq had WEAPONDS OF MASS DESTRUCTION. Now about 2 years later with OVER 900 DEAD AND OVER 6000 WOUNDED in Iraq. Bush/Cheney still haven't found any. NOW WHO SAID WHAT !!!!!!


posted on July 31, 2004 06:39:58 AM new
Wow the BDS goes on... kerry is liar, traitor and now seems just some glory hound that endangered the men around him...

demos keep saying the past means nothing, but are the first to bring it up... So what if President Bush didn't go to vietnam? He served in the National Guard and was awarded an HONORABLE discharge... more than some posters here can say they have... or even served...

Oh and if you had really served you can hold more than "5 or 6 ribbons" in your hand... they are not big at all... but then you would of had to actually have worn some to know that...

kerry is traitor and to even think about voting for him means you are giving away this country...

his socialistic ideals are sweet, but we are not Canada, We are the US and should remain the unique country we are... Strong and INDEPENDENT.

Cheryl calls president bush a coward... LOL has your son joined the military yet cheryl?

crowfart has yet to tell of her military experiences... yeah and president bush is a coward... I think not.

only cowards I see are the ones calling President Bush a coward...


Homosexuality is a choice that can be corrected...
posted on July 31, 2004 08:15:44 AM new
Polls are less than useless, unless you quote numbers from scientific pollsters like Gallup, Reuters, etc

Since peaking at a record-high level in the fourth quarter of his presidency, Bush’s quarterly average scores have maintained or declined, but have not improved from one quarter to the next. The 14th quarter marks the 10th consecutive quarter in which Bush’s average approval rating has not improved -- and it is his worst to date.


A new CNN/USA Today/Gallup survey of likely voters shows little change in the race for the White House, with Democratic presidential candidate, Massachusetts Sen. John Kerry, and his running mate, North Carolina Sen. John Edwards, enjoying a four-point lead over President George W. Bush and Vice President Dick Cheney. With independent candidates Ralph Nader and running mate Peter Camejo included in the ballot, Kerry's lead is a point higher (five points). Bush's job approval rating is little changed from what it has been since May, and the favorable ratings of all four major candidates are also steady.


I guess the folks at Gallup are wrong now.
Let's have a BBQ, Texas style, ROAST BUSH

We the people, in order to form a more perfect Union....
.....one Nation indivisible, With Liberty and Justice for ALL.
posted on July 31, 2004 09:01:47 AM new

from helens's post:

I have always found the political junk served up by Kerry's detractors to be undignified as well as largely inaccurate.

Yea....it's so hard to see the one acting undignified....KERRY....and the one's who are inaccurate.....like kerry.

Gotta love the kerry revisionists/supporters here. The nice thing about having his voting records recorded is the TRUTH can be seen. The nice thing about having video tape is the TRUTH can be seen and heard. So that when those from the say-anything-to-win group try to twist the actual FACTS/TRUTH....the proof can be shown.

The flip-flopping-phoney's actions are clear to see....and are BOTH undignified and inaccurate.

This is only one of many actual quotes from kerry, where kerry's previous statements don't match what he's started claiming since he began running for office.


Discarded Decorations
Videotape Contradicts John Kerry's Own Statements Over Vietnam Medals

By Brian Ross and Chris Vlasto ABCNEWS.com
April 26—

Contradicting his statements as a candidate for president, Sen. John Kerry claimed in a 1971 television interview that he threw away as many as nine of his combat medals to protest the war in Vietnam.

"I gave back, I can't remember, six, seven, eight, nine medals,"
Kerry said in an interview on a Washington, D.C., news program on WRC-TV called Viewpoints on Nov. 6, 1971, according to a tape obtained by ABCNEWS.

Throughout his presidential campaign, Kerry has denied that he threw away any of his medals during an anti-war protest in April 1971.

Calling it a "phony controversy" instigated by the Republican party, Kerry said on Good Morning America today that he has always accurately said what took place. "I threw my ribbons. I didn't have my medals. It is very simple."

He also said he — and the military — didn't make a distinction between medals and ribbons. "We threw away the symbols of what our country gave us for what we had gone through," he said.

And in an interview with ABCNEWS' Peter Jennings last December, he said it was a "myth."

But Kerry told a much different story on Viewpoints. Asked about the anti-war veterans who threw their medals away, Kerry said "they decided to give them back to their country."

Kerry was asked if he gave back the Bronze Star, Silver Star and three Purple Hearts he was awarded for combat duty as a Navy lieutenant in Vietnam. "Well, and above that, I gave back the others," he said.

The statement directly contradicts Kerry's most recent claims on the disputed subject to the Los Angeles Times last Friday. "I never ever implied that I did it, " Kerry told the newspaper, responding to the question of whether he threw away his medals in protest.
"I'm proud of my medals. I always was proud of them," he told Jennings in December, adding that he had only thrown away his "ribbons" and the medals of two other veterans who could not attend the protest.
~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~
"One thing is for sure: the extremists have faith in our weakness. And the weaker we are, the more they will come after us." --Tony Blair

~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~

"The War on Terror will not be won until America is united. And as long as Democrats target the Bush administration -- not the terrorists -- as the enemy, we are in trouble." --Oliver North
~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~

Those are only two reasons why we need to:

Re-elect President Bush!!
[ edited by Linda_K on Jul 31, 2004 09:10 AM ]
posted on July 31, 2004 09:58:07 AM new
Reread the article & it;s statements. Kerry filmed his staged scenes after the action was over.

So I guess Viet Nam doesn't count as a military exercise? No different than the coast off San Diego, eh bear?

ship achored 300 yards off shore...Not hardly... but would like to see you try... now that would be funny...

300 yds or 39 miles, none the less, the whole deal was fake and you know it as well as anyone. The Right Stuff Strut Bush performed on that carrier was as phony as the day is long. A waste of time and money. A lie. He flew in on a tailhook landing when he could have taken a helicopter. Camera angles arranged so as not to show the San Diego coastline. What a joke.


Beware the man of one book.
- Thomas Aquinas
[ edited by profe51 on Jul 31, 2004 10:01 AM ]
posted on July 31, 2004 10:11:10 AM new
Not a joke at all. A very proud moment for our military and their accomplishments at that point in time. They had just taken over Iraq and removed the saddam regime....IN VERY SHORT ORDER.

That was a time to be celebrating the quick overtake of their government. A PROUD time for our Armed Forces. And a time that proved that the chemical weapons the 'lefties' had used in trying to scare Americans our soldiers SHOULDN'T be sent in was no longer an issue. While chemical suits, etc were found upon going into Iraq...protections for THEIR military...they weren't used after all. Another reason for parents of those serviving to be thankful and pleased about.

~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~
"One thing is for sure: the extremists have faith in our weakness. And the weaker we are, the more they will come after us." --Tony Blair

~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~

"The War on Terror will not be won until America is united. And as long as Democrats target the Bush administration -- not the terrorists -- as the enemy, we are in trouble." --Oliver North
~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~

Those are only two reasons why we need to:

Re-elect President Bush!!
posted on July 31, 2004 10:26:23 AM new
And on the polls....

what happened to the poll *bounce* the dems were expecting when kerry chose edwards?

what happened to the big poll *bounce* the dems were expecting AFTER kerry gave his DNC acceptance speech?

reamond reported that kerry has a 5 point lead. Not much when one considers the error rates, usually 3-5%.

Then compare that to the *bounce* clinton got......kerry's going nowhere quickly.

~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~
"One thing is for sure: the extremists have faith in our weakness. And the weaker we are, the more they will come after us." --Tony Blair

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"The War on Terror will not be won until America is united. And as long as Democrats target the Bush administration -- not the terrorists -- as the enemy, we are in trouble." --Oliver North
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Those are only two reasons why we need to:

Re-elect President Bush!!
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