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posted on August 4, 2004 11:21:12 AM new
I didn't want to go the thread where, well,
things were said, and it turned into a sorta 'fight' where it should have been a 'nice' thread

So, I wanted to tell you that I remember SOMEONE did post your lamp auction, which of course gave your ebay ID. And I don't remember who it was. Even if you could pull up the thread, whoever, could edit everything out, or they did already, I just don't remember.

Long time ago, I went by my ebay ID, dumb thing to do, and I did have my auctions messed with.

I don't sell on ebay for my only source of income, as a lot do, and do well, but here, this is my ebay ID... near_the_sea LOL yep, sorta the exact same as here. I used to use my full name, duh!

If you wanna talk go there and you can contact me.

Now back to whatever!

(thats me name! )


I'm NearTheSea, and I approve this post
posted on August 4, 2004 11:52:13 AM new
NearTheSea, I reposted the link to the lamp auction after neroter12 put it on herself because there was a dispute going on and I didn't want that other seller flamed on a public board because she was innocent. I then edited it after the thread ended.

I mostly lurk here now and kiara has never posted neroter12s ebay ID anywhere here, nor has anyone else that I know.

posted on August 4, 2004 11:53:13 AM new
Double post.
[ edited by trai on Aug 4, 2004 11:54 AM ]
posted on August 4, 2004 12:00:09 PM new
Trai, like I said above, I don't remember who posted the lamp auction, I can't keep up with EO, I can't even keep up here!
But I do remember the 'controversy' over a lamp auction, but I don't remember the 'details'


I'm NearTheSea, and I approve this post
posted on August 4, 2004 12:08:20 PM new

I remember this lamp auction dispute...

If this disagreement is about the lamp auction here, I was reading that auction and I did not see Kiara list anyone's selling ID. I was interested in neroter's accusation that someone had stolen her photo.


posted on August 4, 2004 12:29:20 PM new
Helen! and how are you? Right in the nick of time with that search only you can do!

So you selling anything these days on eBay?

Hows life? Hows your summer been?

Its been God awful hot here in Southern Alaska today is cool with a sea breeze blowing in FINALLY!


I'm NearTheSea, and I approve this post
posted on August 4, 2004 12:31:21 PM new
Oh, how can one forget that thread! Another example of Neroter going into a frenzy the minute someone has the presumption to contradict her in any way.

And if you re-read the thread, it was a frenzy. Instead of rationally responding that it was the same shade & giving her reasons why she thought so, Neroter immediately went into attack mode--not just at Kiara, but also Twelve and Trai. Name-calling, ranting, accusations, the works. Spit figuratively flew from the screen from her posts.

Same in her recent "conversation" with me. Sad, yet strangely fascinating & amusing at the same time. Sad because Neroter seems to lack the ability to deal with differing viewpoints or to apologize when she does this sort of thing.


We are not afraid to entrust the American people with unpleasant facts, foreign ideas, alien philosophies, and competitive values. For a nation that is afraid to let its people judge the truth and falsehood in an open market is a nation that is afraid of its people. -- John F. Kennedy
posted on August 4, 2004 12:40:32 PM new
I went into AW previous threads and checked that thread again and there is nothing about your user ID in there, but that doesn't mean she doesn't have it. If she has kept the Original Thread without your deletion like she probably does then she does have it. I don't think just her saves threads so others might have it. If She posted it again in another thread, that thread didn't show up.

I wouldn't worry about that Nero it is done and gone. There is only one if anyone has your user ID they shouldn't do anything about it. It's the same with anyone's eBay user ID's. I do not know if anyone here or in the EO uses their user and I don't really care. I do know one and I check his cuz he sells Olympic Pins and I collect them. Can't afford this year though.

When you post I feel you never agree with any certain subject you seem like a person that posts what they think about the subject that is written. I don't find you either a democrat or republican as their are posts that you agree with or disagree with and that is the way is should be.

Most of us aggree to disagree and that is what discussions are about.

Thanks NTS for starting this thread.

posted on August 4, 2004 12:40:54 PM new
Sorry double post. New server and much faster than the last one.
[ edited by Libra63 on Aug 4, 2004 12:57 PM ]
posted on August 4, 2004 12:48:59 PM new
Even though Kiara and I do not agree on most issues, I feel confident that she would never screw with or cause damage to someone's auctions... I have never seen a seller's id posted for your neroter12... but even if someone else posted it, I would like to think that no one would interfere... I only know of one scumbag that interfered with someone's auctions and he has been long gone from this site.


Homosexuality is a choice that can be corrected...
posted on August 4, 2004 01:30:19 PM new
I'll second that Twelve. Kiara would never screw around with someone's livelihood. Actually, she should win a badge for helping so many people on EO.

posted on August 4, 2004 01:53:03 PM new

It's absolutely ludicrous to infer that Kiara would interfere with an auction. She has been one of the most helpful members of the Ebay Outlook and a poster of the highest caliber here also!


posted on August 4, 2004 02:03:53 PM new
I agree. Kiara can hold her own but would never mess with anyone as far as their auctions go.

For anyone to even think that shows me that they are in deep need of a mental health exam!

posted on August 4, 2004 02:24:19 PM new
I never said kiara messed with anyones auctions. I said long ago, like 4 or so years ago, I had mine messed with, NO, I didn't even know Kiara then, could be the 'scumbag' that 12 was referring to.

Your right trai, for anyone to do that is disturbed.


I'm NearTheSea, and I approve this post
posted on August 4, 2004 03:49:39 PM new
Nearthesea, thankyou very much for your kind words and post. I do appreciate your having gone through the same experience and youre taking the time to write that to me here. Maybe I will write you a nice note later. (But from the looks of it - I am 'wrote-out' today...:-0) )

Helen, youre way too cute

Libra, thank you also for your thoughtful post. I'm sorry if I am smack dab in the middle about many issues for your liking. Some I agree with the republicans about..some I agree with the democrats. My failing, or insight, depending on where your point of view lies,..lol.. and I will stress that you do have a right to that point of view, whatever it is -- is that I dont trust any of them really. I think they are all very self-serving, save for a few. But I do have a hope, albeit it secretly, or distantly, some of them might even start believing their own rhetoric somewhere along the line and put it into motion that produces tangible results!! I do believe we were founded on something born of a great philosophy and startleing new ideas, not the old tired mess they had in England - and if we did it before we can physically see that place again. - I hope that helps you get an idea of where I am at

Twelve, I never look back. And I dont dwell in the past. So I never saw if, or that, trai edited the post with my auction which is a click away from my selling ID. What I said is, by her reposting that thread (which I did not know was edited) was she was putting my business at RISK, and I dont think she would like it done to hers.

Ok. Its nice to think we have enough respect here among ourselves that even though we fight,but because we post here everyday and WE would not interfere each others income over an arguement..but there's other's reading these boards, too! (And truly, I dont know any of you in real life, so what anybodys capable of, or not capable of ...is just an educated guess.) - I will tell you, though, it is alot easier to NOT be paranoid when your selling ID has not been posted to a public message board. And if *I* myself made that mistake I corrected it, myself, within 15 minutes or something, and trai undid my correction for his own purposes. Fine. I dont say a darn word to him. Go about your business. Enjoy your life.

Kiara likes to embarass people. Like bringing up my other threads where she felt she needed to remind me and this board that I had some personal problems. I knew she would do exactly that, too. It is a pathetic trimumph to her, imo. As if maybe I did'nt know or remember it? I was there, and know way more than she could ever discern from reading a distressing post on it. Not like she's ever posted her own personal problems or ANYTHING somebody might throw in her face because that would just be awful.

I said to you, I was impressed that you displayed unfalse pride over something personal that happened to you. Obviously it was distressing you on some level and you feel you have some kinship here, if not friends, that you could tell that to? You could have easily refrained from posting that, twelve. And of course you knew somebody would dish it to you to prove some unrelated point, just like they did. It's like if you dish it; you take it. She just always dishes it. ALWAYS. And its straight to the personal and emotional, on attack, not even the issues. It's not just me, its done to others, too. Though I am probably way too honest, naive, or just dont care - so as to make myself her mostly likely target. Look at the thread with Rozz whaz-ever-hername in the EO. Surely, the girl was stressing over some emotional things that had some validity to HER and issues with her father's stuff, and Kiara is right there putting her mess into the mix with big laughs. Not trying to help the girl, mind you. Just debunking the girl's thoughts because she has a right to so on public message board. Meanwhile, unless shes got keys into everybody's mind and computers - what the hell did she really know whether the girl was making valid statements or not. The woman knows her auctions and buyers better than Kiara, Im sure. So it may have sounded ridiculous to us but i would think if you see somebody stressing you dont fan the flames. I dont expect you to totally understand what I say. We all know you have your own sense of justice, whatever, and your own reputation here for your strong opinions. But in my opinion just because you have a right to do it, doesnt necessarily make it the right thing to do. But to each his own. I dont think I've ever told anybody what to do or what to post or not post here. Then she tells linda, blah, blah, about some such integrity because Linda wont play her 'go fetch' game either. How does she talk to people like that, 'go fetch' 'I'm waiting' -- and expect somebody wont answer her hard some time? She might have nerve, but emotionally and intelectually she sounds totally bereft of how adults talk actually to each other.

Now today, she wants nothing better to do than cause another emotional roller coaster ride and bring it all back up again and consume my time. So I will say it again: That whole thing with Ace and the other threads: she lied. Its in the threads unless she edited it. She was embarassed about it and has been on my tail ever since. I suppose because she DOES NOT hold a grudge? So if it keeps getting brought back up, its not by me. I've moved on to bigger and better arguements. :-0) I've also told her time and time again, I am married and AA didnt get all that big a place in my heart to have an all out shooting match with her over it. If she chooses not to believe that, I cant help it, or her.

Maybe she should explain for herself why it is that she had to ruin a perfectly nice and postive thinking thread such as the other one you posted. It seems like she was just waiting for the opportunity to strike regardless of content.

Listen, I am sorry to go on so long. You're all a great bunch of people with a lot of ideas and fun to be around virtually. I've often thought to myself we've collected here because we are very smart people and like to be around others like ourselves that inspire us; sometimes to the best, and worst of ourselves, and that includes kiara. But what her problem with me is, -only she knows.

I hope you all dont mind if I take leave for a bit. I do have some things I need to get done and I really did not bargin for all this today! Have a fun night with the real matter of this board. (Political news is rife today! Lots to bat about in debate I am sure...:-0)

If I left anybody out that responded here I'm sorry, its all I could do to put this out.
Thanks for listening.
Nero (Tessa)

posted on August 4, 2004 04:09:01 PM new
Twelve, I think kiara would be more humble than to resort to such antics, also. They are all atwitter, though, aren't they? And it is actually about the number one topic, eBay auction interference. NPB's, BIN gluttons, revenge stalkers, Paypal, and a dozen other categories. A new one, angry peer group forum associate behaving like an adolescent. Document, document, document, then make lots of noise.


Hebrews 13:8
posted on August 4, 2004 04:13:18 PM new
Kiara do something so low-down? Don't think so. She holds her own quite nicely on these boards. She has no need to mess with other people's auctions. I can't think of one person who is currently posting (as a regular) that would do such a thing. As much as we all can disagree, I don't think any of us are low enough to take it off the boards.


. . .if you still try to defend the infamies and horrors perpetrated by that Antichrist- I really believe he is Antichrist- I will have nothing more to do with you and you are no longer my friend.. . - War and Peace, Tolstoy
posted on August 4, 2004 04:30:23 PM new
neroter12, I posted your auction and the other sellers auction for a specific reason so go back and read that thread again. The reason was given to show comparison between the two pictures after you wildly accused the other seller of ripping your pictures off. There was no other intent.

When are you going to take responsibility for your own actions? You have been accusing others of messing with your auctions as well as other wild accusations for several months now so of course they repost the threads to show proof to defend themselves! I have seen no one lying about anything here but you just carry on and on. When you keep thinking someone is stalking or messing with you its a sign of paranoia.

If I were you I'd seek some professional counselling as you really need it. I've seen ameobas with more comprehension skills.

posted on August 4, 2004 04:33:51 PM new
Nero, I mean Tessa

You don't need to leave. I think everyone should just leave the past where it is, history on these boards, I mean GEEZ even Helen doesn't bring up ALL MY MISTAKES

I don't know what went down with the lamp auction, its done over, forget about it.
I mean, Everyone forget about it.

No, I don't think Kiara would mess with auctions, and never said she did.

But I have to say this, on the other thread (the reason I made this one) it started out fine, with Nero responding first with this:

posted on August 4, 2004 08:23:27 AM
Life may not be the party we hoped for, but while we are here we might as well dance.

Thats a nice letter, twelve. A good philosophy if you can keep it in perspective. I think for the most part, the older you get, the more it becomes clear life is indeed very short.

Then the very next post was Kiara for some reason, had to say that (below) directly to nero, and really, for no reason, IMO

posted on August 4, 2004 08:44:02 AM
Maybe pay more attention to it, neroter12.

While you're twisting your panties over your own mistakes and making up lies about others on a public message board, maybe learn to take account for your actions.

Remember, life is short.

Now, I don't get it, Kiara, she wasn't arguing with you at all, and it was a 'nice' thread, or started out to be.

I guess the old saying doesn't apply here,

Can't we just all get along? (even if its to agree to disagree, mostly in the political stuff)

Ok, I think we need to Outwit the West again or something


I'm NearTheSea, and I approve this post
posted on August 4, 2004 05:13:30 PM new
Thank you everyone!

Thanks, Twelvepole! <blush>

NTS, I figured I'd bring it to neroter12's attention while I saw her post there because she LIED on the thread the other day and wouldn't account for her actions or take responsibility for them when I asked her to explain herself.

Since April I've gone out of my way to avoid her and I'd like this to be over with once and for all. This isn't the first time that she's made wild accusations about me such as she's doing again in the post above. I've told her several times that I was ready to let all this go but if she continues to LIE about me on a public message board, damn right I'll defend myself, even if it means dragging up old threads for proof.

And no, I don't discuss much about my personal life on a message board. I told her here recently when she started whining to me about it that if she wants a friend to "share" personal info with I'm not that person, okay?

posted on August 4, 2004 05:49:13 PM new
Where there is a discussion board where posters can hide behind a no name it is easy to say things we do not mean. Nobody knows us so what the heck. I think when we post we must consider others and what we say. All the smily faces and the winks used what do they mean? That it isn't true, that it is true. There are people behind those names and I for one will try and not use those emotions to hide behind or use if someone doesn't like what I say so I can change it.

It's hard to change a persons mind when they think something has happened as I can relate to that and it happens here a lot. I have been bashed because I don't know your language in here. I have been sworn at called names because I didn't realize that the discussion wasn't real. Stupid me! If I didn't spell something right or use the correct english I was called dumb. I have been critized and I am sure it will still go on. But now I know I will defend myself but I won't resort to swearing at people.

This thread was started by NTS and now again the bashing begins. I did go back and read that thread but things were edited out so you can't tell what was said. Yes, I know how to find them. JMHO and I am sure it isn't everyones.

posted on August 4, 2004 06:08:14 PM new
All I got to say besides some people can sure shoot the #*!@ without really saying too much is ...does this have anything to do with rubber manure hats?

posted on August 4, 2004 06:25:35 PM new
Crow, what are the stats on RMH's? Do they replace tin foil beanies? Are they safe? Do they also protect against 'the voices'? Anyone know for sure?

posted on August 4, 2004 06:37:36 PM new

I think we need to wear both.

posted on August 4, 2004 06:43:22 PM new
You're right Helen. I mean why take chances?

posted on August 4, 2004 06:45:02 PM new
Do they also protect against 'the voices'? Anyone know for sure?

only if you have a connected chain of paperclips hanging from the back--preferably a foot or more long.

We are not afraid to entrust the American people with unpleasant facts, foreign ideas, alien philosophies, and competitive values. For a nation that is afraid to let its people judge the truth and falsehood in an open market is a nation that is afraid of its people. -- John F. Kennedy
posted on August 4, 2004 06:54:50 PM new


posted on August 4, 2004 06:57:35 PM new

posted on August 4, 2004 07:05:58 PM new

posted on August 4, 2004 08:34:53 PM new
Oh dear the barn door opens and low and behold the sheep follow. Looks suspicious. It must be a conspiracy. Your the ones that need the hats or whatever your talking about which makes no sense to normal people.

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