posted on August 24, 2004 07:57:13 AM new
Asked time and again, WHAT IS KERRY'S PLAN? Besides bashing President Bush, making empty promisies and lying about his VN experiences... what is his plan and how is he going to accomplish this? Pay for it? How?
posted on August 24, 2004 08:21:41 AM new
Don't sound so frustrated.
Go to Kerry's website and read. Go to lots of sources and read all you can. Don't rely on the RT for your information and all your answers. Some here are very biased and you may get the wrong info.
IOW, look around outside your box and become informed...... it's a big world out there with lots of info coming from all directions and it's your responsibility to learn how to filter through it and make the best judgment you can. Knowledge is power.
posted on August 24, 2004 08:36:47 AM new
Wait let me get this straight... when someone posts a link or C&P to "outside" from the RT then it is wrong, but now you want some people to go to a site that is from some lying traitor?
I asked a question here I would like to have it answered here... I will not go to some lying traitor's web site...
But as usual no answers because you can't bash President Bush...
Knowledge is power.
yes it is and I am surprised the left has neither... But then I know what my man stands for... AMERICA... not some UN lead chaos...
Re-Elect President Bush... the only true choice.
[ edited by Twelvepole on Aug 24, 2004 08:40 AM ]
posted on August 24, 2004 08:44:04 AM new
Your guy, Bush, has problems with the truth. Lots of people have pointed this out to him, but get nowhere with him. There are no weapons of mass destruction in Iraq. Not a one. The 911 commission found no connection between Iraq and al Qaeda in the attack on 911. Do you deny these things? Your own republicans are saying Bush got these things wrong. Now what is going on here? You tell me.
Now your turn. You have called Kerry a traitor. What do you mean 'traitor'? That is a serious charge. Do you mean he took up arms against his country? Do you mean he gave military secrets to the enemy. Or do you mean you don't like him? Fortunately for us, the law doesn't recognize your opinion as the standard of loyalty to the country!
Try this on for size. What if a leader swore to uphold the constitution, then denied he was bound by the constitution in his actions as leader. Would that man qualify as a traitor? But those are your guys! Bush has pushed the theory that he is not bound, during a war, to observe constitutional limits on his power to arrest and detain people he considers enemy combatants. Did you catch that? He is above the constitution. But guess what? The supreme court (which is just as conservative as you are, my friend) said Bush is wrong. He is bound by the Constitution. To suggest otherwise is to betray the American people, which sounds like treason to me.
What Kerry did was to exercise his right to free speech to criticize a war he thought was a war gone badly wrong. You may agree with that or disagree with that, but that does not make it treason. The constitution protects the right of people to criticize their government. It protects your right to criticize Clinton and Kerry if you wish. It protects my right to criticize Bush if I wish.
posted on August 24, 2004 09:02:08 AM newI asked a question here I would like to have it answered here
So you are putting your faith in other posters here at the RT to give you your answers? Or are you just waiting for your Momma to come back and answer you so you can grin and nod?
Speaking of that, Linda_K put a link to political websites on that thread where I had some reading sources the other day. Why, with all those sources at her fingertips, does she only quote from rag sites like Rev Moon's and those other National Enquirer type sites? Is it because the other sites have legitimate info she's afraid to read or show to others?
Twelvepole, I don't agree with all the promises made by Bush or Kerry yet I go to both of their websites to read. What do you fear? Or are you as close-minded as you sound?
posted on August 24, 2004 10:48:41 AM newSo you are putting your faith in other posters here at the RT to give you your answers?
Kiara, why would he want to do that. Twelve knows all the answers already. He is the smart one here and the rest of us are ignorant. No matter what you tell twelve he won't believe you because he has his mind made up already.
Let's have a BBQ, Texas style, ROAST BUSH
We the people, in order to form a more perfect Union.... Nation indivisible, With Liberty and Justice for ALL.
posted on August 24, 2004 11:19:35 AM new
kerry's plan is to be for both sides of every issue. For and against the Iraq War, Vietnam, abortion, taxes, you name it!
posted on August 24, 2004 11:29:41 AM new
We all know kerry doesn't need a plan. What's the use. If he had one today. he would flip flop on it tomorrow.
posted on August 24, 2004 10:25:02 PM new...but now you want some people to go to a site that is from some lying traitor?
Your own words indicate that you're not really interested in Kerry's plans. If Kerry carefully explained his plans in person to you, you'd say it's the words of a lying traitor. So why in the world would anyone here want to explain anything to you? Sounds like an abysmal waste of time to me....
Our `neoconservatives' are neither new nor conservative, but old as Bablyon
and evil as Hell." --Edward Abbey
posted on August 25, 2004 06:05:17 AM new
Yes, but were all the words spelled correctly?
Just proved my point, Democrats have no plan, they can bring out and discuss... my feelings for that lying traitor are well known before this...
There are plenty of websites I read... they ask the same questions...
See if one Democrat can answer this... How long after kerry were to win the election would the draft come into effect to back his promise of more troops?
posted on August 25, 2004 06:37:00 AM newYes, but were all the words spelled correctly?
Yes they were. Well done!
Our `neoconservatives' are neither new nor conservative, but old as Bablyon
and evil as Hell." --Edward Abbey