posted on August 25, 2004 10:49:53 AM new
"First Lady of the United States" is the unofficial title of the hostess of the White House. The position is traditionally filled by the wife of the President of the United States, and the title is sometimes taken to apply only to the wife of a sitting president. The current First Lady is Laura Welch Bush. Some of the more notable former First Ladies include Martha Washington, Dolley Madison, Eleanor Roosevelt, and Hillary Clinton. Several women, other than wives of presidents, have been recognized as being a "First Lady". This situation has arisen due to the President being a bachelor or widower, when the position was then filled by a female relative or friend of the President. Less commonly, the First Lady has delegated her duties to another woman when she is unable or unwilling to fulfill them herself. (The government jargon that often acronymizes the President of the United States as "POTUS" similarly applies "FLOTUS" to the First Lady.)
The title was used as early as 1849 when Dolley Madison was eulogized as "America's First Lady", but did not gain wider recognition until 1877 when newspaper journalist Mary Clemmer Ames used it while reporting on the inauguration of Rutherford B. Hayes.
The First Lady is not an elected position, carries no official duties, and brings no salary. Nonetheless, she attends many official ceremonies and functions of state either along with or in place of the President. Furthermore, many have taken an active role in campaigning for the President they are associated with. Hillary Rodham Clinton took the role one step further when she was, for a time, given a formal job in the Clinton administration to develop reforms to the health care system.
The wife of the president is referred to by her married name--the couple is formally referred to as, for example, "The President and Mrs. Washington."
The term is also used to describe the wife of other government officials, or for a woman who has acted as a leading symbol for some activity (as in "First Lady of California" or "First Lady of Jazz" respectively
posted on August 25, 2004 11:01:41 AM new
So Libra, what you are saying in effect is we are voting for two, for the price of one??
haha--just kidding.
But when was the last time if ever, (not a history buff) we voted in a single president?
~~ Keep thy heart with all diligence for out of it are the issues(forces)of life..Proverbs 4:23~~
posted on August 25, 2004 11:06:32 AM new
I believe that would be Woodrow Wilson, though he did get married after he was in office.
[b]edited to say:[/i] he was the most recent. Two others married after they were in office, and another, Buchanon, remained a bachelor.
"Bad temper is its own scourge. Few things are more bitter than to feel bitter. A man's venom poisons himself more than his victim." --Charles Buxton
[ edited by bunnicula on Aug 25, 2004 11:08 AM ]
posted on August 25, 2004 11:11:51 AM new
OOPS--Wilson actually was married when he was elected--but his wife died during his first year in office & he later remarried.
"Bad temper is its own scourge. Few things are more bitter than to feel bitter. A man's venom poisons himself more than his victim." --Charles Buxton
posted on August 25, 2004 11:25:07 AM new
okay, so then we've never actually had one?
hmmmm....what does that say about our society I wonder?
Thanks for the info, your librianship has served me well here.
~~ Keep thy heart with all diligence for out of it are the issues(forces)of life..Proverbs 4:23~~
posted on August 25, 2004 11:36:24 AM new
No, remember that James Buchanon was elected a bachelor and remained one. Grover Cleveland was elected as a bachelor, but got married while in office.
"Bad temper is its own scourge. Few things are more bitter than to feel bitter. A man's venom poisons himself more than his victim." --Charles Buxton
posted on August 25, 2004 06:48:32 PM new
no point, crow (wb btw! :0) was just wondering...
~~ Keep thy heart with all diligence for out of it are the issues(forces)of life..Proverbs 4:23~~
posted on August 25, 2004 07:56:40 PM new
Hi neroter, been on your knees worshipping your phallic god lately?
OH Ha! I just saw your bible quotation at the end of your post. Was it there on your post with the poem showing you know every word for penis? What a class act you are.....did they teach you all that in bible school?
posted on August 25, 2004 08:27:34 PM new
I am a class act, crowfarm. Something you couldnt come close to even if you tried to immitate it!
The poem was a monty python take off, who I dont particulary care for - but I thought you'd enjoy since you got such a grand kick out of the rubber manure hats and your sense of humor is always so base.
I see you that you are right back to your regular prime time butch-rolling with repeats and all. How nice.
And hey, dont be so jealous of my God or study of the bible. If you could learn not to let your heart be so dumb toward it you might find he wont be so deaf to you in your small moments! I'm sure even you will need a God then.
~~ Keep thy heart with all diligence for out of it are the issues(forces)of life..Proverbs 4:23~~
posted on August 25, 2004 08:50:12 PM new
Oh neroter, you're so sweet! you post a long dirty poem, not because YOU like it, but because you think I might!
How thoughtful!
But , really, do you think your "god" would approve?
But I'm so glad your incomprehensibility hasn't changed or I just wouldn't know you....
"And hey, dont be so jealous of my God or study of the bible. If you could learn not to let your heart be so dumb toward it you might find he wont be so deaf to you in your small moments! I'm sure even you will need a God then."
"let a heart be dumb'...what the heil ?????
Do you really think everyone is jealous of you? Do you also think they're all against you? Plotting against you?
Ok let's try for comon sense (you have so little).
Why , or under what situation, would I be jealous....see, neroter, if I wanted a god or bible studies I could just go get one or do it. Can you understand a little bit how wacky your statement is, you poor, poor thing.
Forgot to ask, what is butch-rolling ? A little backwoods knuckle-dragging denunciation of equal rights?
posted on August 25, 2004 09:17:02 PM new
I enjoy your post neroter12. Those who scoff and make fun of God and scripture always get to a point in there life when they need God. Keep in mind that these same people will remember the times that people have tried to witness to them and hopefully they will each out to God in a time of need.
posted on August 25, 2004 09:46:05 PM new
Bootclan, crow wasn't making fun of Neroter's god or the scriptures. She was making fun of the person who constantly airs salacious attacks against others while quoting those scriptures. There's irony there, you see.
Crow, I'm not exactly sure what "butch-rolling" is either, but Neroter sure does seem to become excited while talking about it... Seems to have an obsession with the topic judging by how often she brings it, and similar insults, up.
"Bad temper is its own scourge. Few things are more bitter than to feel bitter. A man's venom poisons himself more than his victim." --Charles Buxton
posted on August 25, 2004 09:54:54 PM new
posted on August 25, 2004 08:27:34 PM BY NEROTER
This was written by our resident self professed "Class Act, Child of God "
Neroter writes:
I am a class act, crowfarm. Something you couldnt come close to even if you tried to immitate it!
Crowfarm, heres some more salt for your wounds. A parody for your travels that you'll take with you far far from this board Im sure
Isn't it awfully nice to have a penis?
Isn't it frightfully good to have a dong?
It's swell to have a stiffy.
It's divine to own a d*ck,
From the tiniest little tadger,
To the world's biggest pr*ck!
So, three cheers for your Willy or John Thomas.
Hooray for your one-eyed trouser snake,
Your piece of pork your wife's best friend,
Ah, Your Percy, or your coc*kle
crows 24/7 And it never ends
Well, wrap it up in ribbons.
or slip it in your sock,
send it off to heaven
or off to the laundromat for a powerwash
But don't take it out in public...
Or they will stick you in the dock,
Crows and co*ks 24/7
Wear thin for incessant cawing
But you’ll be back…we know, probably ever more annoying.
----------------------------------------------------------------------Now I would like everyone on the board to take a moment and Praise the Lord for sending us his direct messages not only through our President but through our Resident trash talking Class Act.. Neroter.... AMEN...
posted on August 25, 2004 10:33:47 PM new
I think that was thouroughly uncalled for Dr. Dolittle. Most of us has seen this post and I for one know how crowfarm posts. They both aren't angels. Now you are sounding like another poster in here who hasn't been here a while.
posted on August 26, 2004 12:45:40 AM new
This is the first time I saw this poem. It certainly is a brilliant composition. Maybe the author will win a Pulitzer Prize for literature.
I also think many, if not all of the bible thumpers who post here are fair game for a slighted remark. Take for example, Christian Coffee. It seems he places himself on a very high pedistal while he makes such remarks as calling other "thick skulls" when they stand firm on any position that he personally doesn't approve of.
Bigots are miserable people. Prevent Bigotry through Education.
posted on August 26, 2004 06:57:14 AM new
Good morning Neroter IF you're still around
Or did you read these posts and go back to bed!?
Libra Says," think that was thouroughly uncalled for Dr. Dolittle. Most of us has seen this post and I for one know how crowfarm posts. They both aren't angels. "
Ya libra but I don't slap a BIBLE VERSE on the end of my posts like a "God Approves of This Poster" seal.. how two-faced but SO typical of bible pushers.
posted on August 26, 2004 08:18:22 AM new
I apologize if my re-post of Neroter's trash talk offended you Libra. I thought it was appropriate in this instance, since Neroter believes that she can spew any kind of filth, such as this ["I see you that you are right back to your regular prime time butch-rolling with repeats and all"] as long as she ends it with a bible verse.
I posted it in response to Bootclan who was touting Neroters godliness.
Libra, you have made three or four insinuations on the validity of my Posting ID.
I took the liberty of checking your past posts throughout the year and it seems this is a common theme of yours.. You have accused several people of using hidden ID's.
Let me assure you, since this seems to be troubling you.. that I have only this one ID... but, let me add.. if I did have another ID, it would be none of your business.
It is obvious that you have a problem with Crowfarm.. that is your business, and I would appreciate it if you would leave me out of it.
If I choose to agree with her posts over yours.. well that is my prerogative.
[ edited by drdolittle on Aug 26, 2004 08:19 AM ]
posted on August 26, 2004 08:43:44 AM new
Okay Libra.. I give up.. you got me.. I confess.. I will be who ever you want me to be.. even your little invisible friend if you like.. not a problem.. LOL
posted on August 26, 2004 08:55:57 AM new
Oh Please! You all need to get a real life here. Anyone can fall from grace or go where they would not necessarily want to go. Its very easy to get drawn into the immaturity backlashing on this board. I never said I was perfect, but at least I TRY to keep myself above the personal psychobabble and hatred filled spewing. I dont engage it in every breathing second on my life, or every post I make here unlike some.
I will apologize to Libra if the monty python thing offended her...but I think she knows what where and to that was coming from. I think it was very appro for crowfarm. Doolittle to me your act of prudency rings false, so save it for somebody who cares. This is an adult forum and way much worse has been posted here than that poem.
Hello Kraft. Butch-rolling to me is that butchy bully kind of way that some women have whether they are gay or not,(but many are self-proclaimed butchs) that if they dont get their own way they're just gonna pound your head with a hammer. They're just really angry at the world or something. Like crow. Witness her day in day out hammering of some poster who her idea is sooo off key that it keeps saying they like to torture children. I mean, gimme a break. Get another mantra for a brand new day. Its like a broken record. bomb-bam-bomb-ba-bomb.....
~~ Keep thy heart with all diligence for out of it are the issues(forces)of life..Proverbs 4:23~~
posted on August 26, 2004 09:06:47 AM new
Well Crowfarm I guess you don't know shakespere.
Well I hate to disagree with you Dr. Dolittle, I have only protested about other id's in the past month, since you didn't sign up until August 8 you sure got smart fast. Real Fast
There is no way you can bring up all my previous posts, but I am sure happy you took all your precious time to look things up. I like you to. I just go by my instincts and the way sentences are written.
Tells a lot about people in here. Little hints.
I really don't care crowfarm but it looks a little suspicious when you and Dr. Dolittle post after each other.....
Crowfarm you can have as many as you want then you can attack everyone with a different ID. What fun....
My post does make sense. why would Dr. Dolittle go to all that trouble which I know is unable to do, then post that reply. Get real. You might think I am stupid but NOT that stupid.
What started to be an innocent thread turned into another attack on posters.