posted on August 26, 2004 11:33:09 AM new
Not your average conservative republican...
Alice Cooper: Anti-Bush acts treasonous morons
Shock-rock legend Alice Cooper calls rock stars campaigning for Democrat John Kerry treasonous morons.
The 56-year-old Cooper says he was disgusted to learn the likes of Bruce Springsteen, John Mellencamp, R.E.M., Sheryl Crow, James Taylor and Dave Matthews were hitting the road for a series of concerts designed to help defeat President Bush.
"To me, that's treason," Cooper told the Canadian Press. "I call it treason against rock 'n' roll because rock is the antithesis of politics. Rock should never be in bed with politics."
"When I was a kid and my parents started talking about politics, I'd run to my room and put on the Rolling Stones as loud as I could. So when I see all these rock stars up there talking politics, it makes me sick.
"If you're listening to a rock star in order to get your information on who to vote for, you're a bigger moron than they are. Why are we rock stars? Because we're morons. We sleep all day, we play music at night and very rarely do we sit around reading the Washington Journal."
"Besides," he continued, "when I read the list of people who are supporting Kerry, if I wasn't already a Bush supporter, I would have immediately switched. Linda Ronstadt? Don Henley? Geez, that's a good reason right there to vote for Bush."
As WorldNetDaily previously reported, Linda Ronstadt was escorted off the property of a Las Vegas casino after publicly supporting Bush-bashing film director Michael Moore, and singer Don Henley was subsequently booed on stage in Orange County, Calif., for expressing support for Linda Ronstadt during one of his own concerts.
Cooper, whose real name is Vincent Damon Furnier, is reportedly a strong Republican who joins Sen. John McCain, R-Ariz., at NBA games in Phoenix.
He continues his own summer rock tour, with upcoming dates in the Northeast, Canada, California and Las Vegas.
posted on August 26, 2004 11:47:12 AM new
eag: I know! I thought this was the funniest thing I'd heard in awhile!! But its comical because there's truth to it. Rock n roll IS the antithesis of politics. But these rockers are all headed for Medicare soon so I guess a social conscious has sprouted out of their cabbage heads?? LOL!
On a serious note, though, Henley and Springsteen have always been conscientious social performers -- but I just doubt thats what made them their money or gave them their fun in adolescense. (I dont know why they expect it's going to change for kids now. )
~~ Keep thy heart with all diligence for out of it are the issues(forces)of life..Proverbs 4:23~~
posted on August 26, 2004 12:53:10 PM new
He says this, "So when I see all these rock stars up there talking politics, it makes me sick." AFTER he gives his political opinion that Kerry supporters are morons. No hypocrisy there.
P.S. Do ANY republicans know what the word "hypocrisy" means?
posted on August 26, 2004 05:18:11 PM new
What has happened to the patriotism and respect for our country that we had before most of these posters came on the scene! I refer to the cartoon of the President of the United States wetting on the earth. I don't care if you are Democrat, Republican, or just don't give a hoot, that's dis-respectful if not TREASON in my mind. Don't you know the people who are so against what the U.S. stands for, are really getting a kick out of things like that. If you don't like or respect the man, at least respect the office of the Presidency. Most of you can't remember the good old days of patriotism or don't care. Here's a little lesson from the past. President Harry Truman flew to meet with General Douglas McArthur who was saying things which were becoming close to treason or anarchy. McArthur refused to come out on the airstrip to meet the President. Truman ordered the pilot to circle and to tell McArthur, he didn't care whether he liked Harry S. Truman or not, he damn well better repect the President of the United States. Needless to say McArthur changed his mind.
Try to regain a little respect for the USA, although I know that's hard to do with some of the politicians we've had lately. Are you listening, Bubba!
[ edited by etexbill on Aug 26, 2004 05:18 PM ]
posted on August 26, 2004 05:32:29 PM new
Kraft, I have to agree with you here. He should have taken the 'anti-politcal' stance himself! But maybe he's got some boatload of corporate investments that he is protecting
~~ Keep thy heart with all diligence for out of it are the issues(forces)of life..Proverbs 4:23~~
posted on August 26, 2004 07:08:11 PM new
As I understand it, Alice Cooper will not discuss politics in front of his audience when they come to see one of his performances which is probably a wise thing for him to do.
posted on August 27, 2004 02:46:16 AM new
When in high school, I loved both Barry Manilow and Alice Cooper. When I found out how "learned" Alice was, I was even more impressed. I would value his opinion more than many of our "stars" today. The man continues to impress me.
I like his "back-to-school" commercial was almost as funny as "the most wonderful time of the year" one.
posted on August 27, 2004 07:01:35 AM new
kraftdinner: Re-read my post and learn.
The cartoon ain't funny. If it's humor, it's sick humor. And as for "Bubba", ask anyone in his home state where he has been barred from practicing law. They all know who he is.
I don't see anything in your posts that would align you with any of those posters so I would guess, none of the above. You should be proud though to be considered in that high caliber group. Whoever is behind the Maggie persona has the ability to create a Drdolittle, however.
posted on August 27, 2004 08:30:00 AM new
Helen.. thanks? LOL....
I was liking the part where you said I should be proud to be considered in that high caliber group..
... but before I could bask in the glow,
the first part of your comment..
..." don't see anything in your posts that would align you with any of those posters so I would guess, none of the above."HA!
.. quickly extinguished the glow to a faint flicker that quickly died... Doc..AKA.. none of the above..
posted on August 27, 2004 08:36:30 AM new
dolittle, that make you so proud that you need to post that crap in every thread?
Anyone can see you're not fenix... too stupid...
as far as maggienuthins... could be but then again that would also make you crowfart... so yep it is possible... but then are you proud being compared to POS like those?
posted on August 27, 2004 09:01:53 AM new
LOL - So that's what happened. For a moment there I thought I'd put my response to Dr.D's being compared to skylite and maggie in the wrong thread [the 1st Lady thread].
posted on August 27, 2004 09:08:58 AM new
Hey Twelvepole.. I was just replying to Helen's post here. And as far as being proud to be compared to these other posters.... how the hell should I know? I have never read their posts..just going by what Helen said.
I don't get the insults? to stupid to be Fenix, etc. What the hell did I do or say to welcome that comment? It was Fenix who suggested that it was she/he that I was being compared to.. I never made the comparison.. how could I ..I don't know the person!!!
So get off of your high horse, I don't have a beef with you and never have had..
What is your problem? Are you saying that this is a closed club here on the Round Table and that no one is allowed to join without your express permission? Let me check with Vendio on that..I thought it was an open forum. Doc
posted on August 27, 2004 12:17:05 PM new
Logansdad-Don't hold your breath. I know that the first thing Lovie said was the only thing he wanted to do this year is beat the Packers. He doesn't even want to win a Superbowl. What priorities are that? Well we will know sooner than later. The Bears have been so bad they can't get much worse so a little improvement would be helpful to the football game and give the Packers more of a challange than a walk through.
And that's all right about the Cubs and Brewers as I care nothing about baseball. Hey didn't the Brewers about a month ago take 3 from the Cubs?
posted on August 27, 2004 12:22:39 PM new
Libra: And that's all right about the Cubs and Brewers as I care nothing about baseball. Hey didn't the Brewers about a month ago take 3 from the Cubs?
Yes the Brewers swept the Cubs when they played in Milwaukee in early July but they recently returned the favor this past week at Wrigley.
I get into baseball more than I like football so I really don't care what happens with the Bears.
Let's have a BBQ, Texas style, ROAST BUSH
We the people, in order to form a more perfect Union.... Nation indivisible, With Liberty and Justice for ALL.
posted on August 27, 2004 12:40:30 PM new
I guess we agree on something. But opposite.
I don't like baseball but I like football. Baseball is to slow of a game, but I do know cub fans are loyal and true to their team as they should be. They are good.
posted on August 27, 2004 05:40:27 PM new
I came across this article that may answer your question Twelvepole.. it states that you may have more than one id.. now as far as using more than one to post..?
Home > Tips & Tactics > Tip Page 1 , 2
by Dennis Prince
Just as you might have multiple bank or investment accounts, a business credit card and a personal credit card, or even a utility vehicle and a luxury sedan, so too might you consider having multiple user IDs at your favorite online auction site.
But before we go any further here, let's clarify something: No, this isn't registration abuse, and no, it isn't the crooked use of numerous cyberdisguises to pull off assorted auction schemes and scams. Rather, the responsible use of multiple IDs at auction venues actually allows you to better manage your auction business and pleasure, as well as effectively protecting you against some auction outlaws.
Are You Sure It's Legal?
Actually, it is legal, or, at the very least, manageable. At eBay, spokesperson Kevin Pursglove had previously conceded, "Many of our users have determined that it is useful to have multiple user IDs for their businesses." At Yahoo Auctions and Auctions, it's clear that users have used multiple IDs, though neither site has been as forthcoming as eBay in declaring there is good business sense behind the practice.
Although Yahoo requires valid credit card verification for each registered ID, the company reportedly has stated that an individual can have one valid ID for every verified credit card number that is submitted. Since it's not unusual for an individual or small business to manage multiple credit card accounts, the green flag for multiple IDs essentially has been waved. Therefore, securing multiple IDs requires nothing more than completing the registration process for as many IDs as you believe you'll need (more on that later).
And within the auction communities, while it's true that misuse of multiple IDs is uniformly condemned, many longtime sellers (and buyers) understand that responsible use of multiple IDs at auction sites is not only generally permitted (spoken or unspoken) but also can be key to efficiently managing auction activity while adding an undeniable level of homegrown fraud protection.
Good Use of Multiple User IDs
When it comes to managing auction activity, it's wise to learn from your accountant. If you run your own auction business but also dabble in personal sales or bidding outside your business dealings, it's smart to clearly separate the two. To that end, creating a business user ID (perhaps designated as a business name) and a personal ID will help to ensure that your business and personal worlds don't overlap in a way that blurs the clear division between the two--which is especially important in terms of tax liabilities and business expenses.
Then, too, some business owners create multiple IDs within their business structure, potentially allowing business partners or employees to each conduct auction sales and purchases concurrently. This can effectively manage different product portfolios or commodities within a business, allowing the business owner(s) to easily assess the costs and profits associated with each commodity they might manage
posted on August 27, 2004 05:54:19 PM new
What a crock of crap! Cooper is nothing more than a sellout and an idiot to think that rock n roll and politics shouldn't be mixed.
Let's see... some of the most popular artists in the history of music have been political both in their personal lives and as performers.
U2, REM, Rage Against the Machine, Ted Nugent, Metallica, Pearl Jam, Neil Young, Lynyrd Skynyrd, Bruce Springsteen, The Scorpions, Madonna, George Clinton/P-Funk, Public Enemy, and the list goes on and on and on... They have all made music or spoke out politically their entire musical careers.
Keep in mind that Alice Cooper wears pink knickers and plays golf in many of the celebrity classics. How would you trust a shock rocker who wears pink knickers???
posted on August 28, 2004 06:42:11 AM new
rustygumbo: Does naming them make it right?? Just because these rockers are big names and people like you drool over them, doesn't mean their ideas are any better or smarter than anyone elses. For instance, I live in one prominent rockers neck of the woods, I won't name names. Ask his neighbors what they think of him.
As far as playing golf in pink knickers, wake up and smell the coffee, it's all for the show. How do you think Alice made his money, by dressing in a conservative suit and tie. He can express himself intelligently, which is more than I can say for most of them.
posted on August 29, 2004 03:54:28 PM new
Etex- Let's get a few things straight. My pink knickers comment about trusting him was purely a joke. If a person goes from wearing black makeup around their eyes, black leather, carrying a python on stage and acting out guillotene slayings and then goes and wears pink golfwear, then so be it. I've always thought of Alice Cooper as nothing more than a performer. I could actually care less about his political stance. If he wanted to carry the torch for George Bush, so be it. It wouldn't affect my decision to listen to Alice Cooper or not. I'm not a crying baby that would go out of my way to boycott someone based on their political views. I went to the same school as a very famous rock star as well. I have never agreed with any of his political views, and trust me, he has many. I appreciate his music, and I may or may not have an LP or two of his.
I mention each and every one of those musicians because they have no problems expressing their political views whether it is Ted Nugent's neo-conservative agenda, or Michael Stipe's liberal ranting. Many believe they have a platform to express themselves, and they do just that.
Alice Coopers comments are simply shallow minded. He has a right to express that, and obviously he chose to be political by making such a statement to begin with. To think that rock and roll shouldn't mix with politics??? Come on now. The success of too many musicians are from the direct impact of their political views.
If Alice's comments were such big news, then why weren't the neo-cons pulling their hair out when Toby Keith sung, "Put a boot in their ass"? I myself thought the song was stupid hate mongering, but Toby had a right to express himself. I'm not going to boycott the guy just because of it though, even if he was in the genre of music that I enjoyed. Personally, I can't stand pop-country music. Give me Johnny Cash or Hank Williams, or Sons of the Pioneers and we'll do just fine.
The last thing I wish to point out is that I listed the names of bands and musicians who have always been political. They aren't ashamed of it, and they shouldn't be either. It makes them who they are as individuals and as performers. To say a musician shouldn't mix rock and roll with politics is like saying I shouldn't express my political views in my store.