posted on August 29, 2004 08:04:11 PM new
Since everyone has very passionate, opinions on both sides of the Abortion Issue...
How do you feel about Euthanasia?
Dr.Jack Kevorkian ( Dr.Death) has been in prison serving a 10yr to life sentence for practicing assisted suicide.. In your opinion, do you see him as a serial killer or a Hero? Was he a sympathetic, caring person who put his freedom on the line to help those in misery end their lives with dignity? Or was he an unethical, immoral monster? I believe he will be eligible for parole in 3 years. What are your thoughts on this issue and the Doctor? Doc
posted on August 29, 2004 08:21:09 PM new
Oh, Doc, you just wanna start a fight!
Well, it's Sunday night and I'm bored so here goes.
The good Doctor Death should NEVER have gone to prison.
Good lord, we should have the damn right to die if we want to. I've watched too many people slowly tortured to death in nursing homes. Tortured by so many illnesses.
Ya, ya, we live longer but we don't live better.
When I can't change my own diaper I want out!
And I should have the right to do it and if Dr. J can help make it comfortable why not?
posted on August 29, 2004 08:47:22 PM new
I don't believe in it.
For the people that don't have a religion or believe in God then I guess that is for them. Each to their own choosing
posted on August 29, 2004 08:51:01 PM new
Well, shoot Crowfarm. Thought I might stoke the fires a little with this one..but all I got was someone who shares my point of view.HA! Can't even find someone to argue with tonight.. Doc
posted on August 29, 2004 08:57:37 PM new
Libra, we were writing at the same time.
I am interested in hearing your arguments on this subject. Are you against Suicide because of Religious reasons only? Or do you think Dr.K is a murderer? What do you think his motives were? Do you also believe that the people who asked him to assist them in death are equally guilty? Doc
posted on August 29, 2004 08:58:48 PM new
Well, let's fight about something ! Sheesh, this is boring!
Let's see ...hmmm
Do you think it's cruel to boil lobsters alive?
What's more boring...baseball or football?
Oh, I got one !
Christmas sucks!
posted on August 29, 2004 09:00:02 PM new
Darn, this is crazy. I agree with crowfarm on this one. Help me.
posted on August 29, 2004 09:00:41 PM new
I whole heartedly agree with euthenasia. Sorry Libra but as someone who has worked in the health field I just don't understand how you can reconcile the final stages AIDS, Cancer, Alzheimers, etc with a merciful god. What exactly is to be gained by weeks and months of dignity robbing dementia and worse, torturing the family and the victim as life which will never be restored also refuses to just let go.
Shouldn't part of the right to live a free life in the pursuit of happiness also include the right to decide for ones self when that pursuit should end?
~~~ • ~~~ • ~~~ • ~~~ • ~~~
If it's really "common" sense, why do so few people actually have it?
posted on August 29, 2004 09:01:10 PM new
Until people start understanding how chronic pain can totally wipe the will to live from a person, they will never understand suicide. I'd rather see a heroin addicted person enjoy their life than see a person in pain for no reason. As far as people that suffer from diseases that will end up taking their life, I don't see any problem.
posted on August 29, 2004 09:04:19 PM new
My mother died two years ago from Alzheimers. Terrible thing. They don't know you and you don't know them. I have a religion and believe in a higher being, but no one should have to go like that.
posted on August 29, 2004 09:10:13 PM new
You heathen you.. you can knock baseball, and boil lobsters live and maybe even turn your nose up at football.. but you are lower than a snakes belly putting Christmas and Sucks in the same sentence!
That's about the most despicable, evil, low down thing you've ever said on this board Crowfarm.. and I hope LindaK and Twelvepole and Bear and etexbill, Yellowstone and most of all Neroter and all the rest come down so hard on you .. it will make your head spin! You Santa hater you!!
posted on August 29, 2004 09:15:00 PM new
That must've been devastating for you and your mother to go through, etxbill.
I also thought Crow was out of line with those comments, dolittle. Pretty nervey!
posted on August 29, 2004 09:15:50 PM new
I'm just glad to see ( crowfarm ) is still able to change, His/Her own diapers!
posted on August 29, 2004 09:16:50 PM new
OH YA ! Listen Dolittle, you dippy doctor and I bet you're not REALLY a doctor!
Christmas is the dumbest, most wasteful, inane, piece of crap I've ever known.
Admit it...if you hear that ^$%&%#^% Jingle Bells one more time you'll puke!
[ edited by crowfarm on Aug 29, 2004 09:18 PM ]
posted on August 29, 2004 09:17:36 PM new
dr. when I said I agree with crowfarm on this one, I was agreeing with the euthanasia subject. Although I wouldn't want it for myself, it hurt to see someone you love suffer so, even though she wouldn't have wanted it for herself either if she had a say. I didn't see crowfarm's post about Christmas as I try not to read most of her stuff. I really think she was trying to be witty but it turned out as most of her posts.
posted on August 29, 2004 09:18:36 PM new
Sorry.. but she made me so damn mad talking about Christmas like that!
I see that most of us share the same opinion on this subject.. now tell me what you think about the Doctor doing the deed.. and do you think he should have been convicted? I read a recent poll that showed 85% of Americans agreed with the right to assisted suicide..
posted on August 29, 2004 09:20:47 PM new
extex, I don't see any wit or intelligence in your posts....boring to the extreme.
Well, c'mon, oh great writer...let's see some sign of wit!!!!!
posted on August 29, 2004 09:28:03 PM new
Well you would be wrong Crowfarm. I am a Doctor and I specialize in Gastroenteritis.. and I know an old bag of wind when I hear one..
posted on August 29, 2004 09:30:07 PM new
"Let's see some sign of wit." Like your's you mean. So far you've called people in your last few posts: dithering ditz, ditz, dumb, stupid, rabid neonazicon ( what ever the heck that means), slimey, rather stupid (that's a grade above stupid, I guess), idiotic, big flat flapping mouth, and "You belong in the Alzheimers chatroom." I thought that one was particularly witty as my mother died from Alzheimers.
I think that you had better get a grip on yourself, see a psychitrist, get on some meds, and come out of your dismal life.
There is that witty enough for you.
posted on August 29, 2004 09:35:30 PM new
I'd rather see a heroin addicted person enjoy their life...
Now this is funny!!! Have you ever seen a heroin addicted person ENJOY their life??!!
~~ Keep thy heart with all diligence for out of it are the issues(forces)of life..Proverbs 4:23~~
posted on August 29, 2004 09:37:51 PM new
and most of all Neroter
another hahaha! Who could dispute grosse diatribe on Christimas? That holiday is only for people who have goodwill in their hearts.
[ edited by neroter12 on Aug 29, 2004 09:41 PM ]
posted on August 29, 2004 09:41:01 PM new
Oh don't try that guilt trip crap on me, I've heard too many seniors joking about alzheimer's and they have friends with it. Besides I haven't felt guilty about anything since I was 20 and that was a loooong time ago..
No, I don't think copying anyone else's post is witty.
posted on August 29, 2004 09:49:42 PM new
That holiday is only for people who have goodwill in their hearts.
A most perfect and priceless comeback. So true too.
posted on August 29, 2004 09:54:47 PM new
I'm sorry dr. that your attempt to have an intelligent discussion turned into this mess. Crowfarm doesn't know the meaning of an intelligent discussion.
Crowfarm, let's put it another way. You know that 9% paycut that you whine about?? If they took away another 1% for every name that you childishly call someone, you would have, let's see, zilch, nada. You would have to hope that the welfare loving bunch gets elected, because you would be needing it, If you're not already on it.
Ouch, and I don't feel guilty about that. Oh, that's right, you don't know what guilt means as you have'nt felt it since you were 20.
posted on August 29, 2004 09:59:36 PM new
Goodnight all.
posted on August 29, 2004 10:08:07 PM new
""That holiday is only for people who have goodwill in their hearts.""
Coming from you linda, this is unbelievable. WHO have you ever shown good will towards.....the children in Iraqi prisons that you feel should be tortured ? Poor children that you don't think should be fed?
That holiday is for people who are easily led like sheep into spending too much, eating and drinking too much, stressing themselves for no good reason, teaching their kids to be greedy little monsters, creating an artificial feeling of good will that usually lasts until December 26th.
More women are beaten during the holidays, more people commit suicide.
And a great time is had by all.
posted on August 29, 2004 10:16:54 PM new
More women are beaten during the holidays
oh give me a break!! What scientific data did you cull this from?
And I knew you'd come back with all the commercialization - you are so predicable. But as usual just because YOU cannot get past that, you think nobody else can.
~~ Keep thy heart with all diligence for out of it are the issues(forces)of life..Proverbs 4:23~~
posted on August 29, 2004 10:19:51 PM new
I'M SORRY EVERYBODY.. This did start out as an honest topic, one that I do take very seriously.. but Crowfarm and I were having a laugh at each other. The Christmas thing, the lobster thing etc.. We seem to share the same sense of humor.. but everyone jumped aboard and oh.. well.. I'm sorry.. everyone was arguing over what was intended as a joke.
I guess it has been a long day.. good nite!
posted on August 29, 2004 10:25:25 PM new
Good night, Doc.
Just remember it's hard for either linda or neroter to have a sense of humor ....neroter has her nose up linda's butt and it makes it hard for linda to walk. They're both just uncomfortable ...makes 'em cranky.
posted on August 29, 2004 10:29:15 PM new
So Kraft, HAVE you ever seen a heroin addict enjoy their life??? Really wish you'd answer that one.
Was this YOUR post?
Have you ever spent a night on the street in a bad part of town or sat beside someone as they’ve shot heroin into their arm or tried to help them when they no longer know how to help themselves? I have.
From this thread? .......http://www.vendio.com/mesg/read.html?num=28&thread=212236&id=212362
Sure must be alot of heroin addicts in Canada!
[ edited by neroter12 on Aug 30, 2004 01:06 AM ]