posted on August 31, 2004 09:17:45 AM new
Every day as I watch the various electoral vote projections, I notice that Kerry's prospects for winning diminish. It seems that SBVT, RNC, Bush campaign and their constant negative ads are achieving their desired objective… the destruction of John Kerry.
It seems obvious to me that this election will be won or lost based upon the public’s perception of strength and leadership. It also seems obvious to me that leadership is defined as aggressiveness against a foe. To that end, when will the Kerry team begin its attacks:
· On the Bush record?
· On his lies?
· On his lack of moral fiber?
· On his lack of leadership?
· On his past drunkenness and drug use?
· On his military service?
· On the death and destruction he has brought to the world?
· On his role in destroying America’s reputation and respect?
These topics seem perfectly appropriate and consistent with those the RNC/ Bush team is filling the airwaves and press with today.
It frustrates me greatly to be faced with the prospect of having the Bush team return for another eternity. It frustrates me even more to sit and watch as the Kerry team attempts to take the high road – only to be ignored by the voting public and the news media. It also disturbs me greatly to see the Kerry team limit its reaction to the Bush/ RNC tirades to simple attack responses.
I fear that the old adage of the best defense is a good offense applies here. John Kerry must, if he is to win, draw a very stark and aggressive contrast between who he is and and who Bush is… This distinction must be made now… or soon it will be too late.
posted on August 31, 2004 09:30:54 AM new
You know DrD we can talk about all of those things here in a chat room and I am sure it is being discussed in chat rooms all over the net. But can you really believe that these things would actually be discussed out in the open in a campaign or on any of the news shows like CNN, Fox, CNBC?? Anyone who even tried to discuss some of those things out in the open would be laughed at and ridiculed. Come on now his drunkenness and drug use, his lack of moral fiber. What, have you been reading Mad Magazine. LOL
posted on August 31, 2004 09:40:40 AM newI fear that the old adage of the best defense is a good offense applies here. John Kerry must, if he is to win, draw a very stark and aggressive contrast between who he is and and who Bush is… This distinction must be made now… or soon it will be too late.
Despair not good doctor. Kerry's people are very smart. They realize that TIMING is everything. Ask John Dean about Kerry's timing.
Look how volitile and close the polls are. While a 2 or 3% lead in August might make you feel comfortable, it will be much better in late October, early November. That's when Kerry's machine will kick into really high gear.
posted on August 31, 2004 10:04:03 AM new
I don't know Yellow.. seems like they should be able to get the truth out there... why not?
Go down that list again and tell me that Bush's group isn't attacking Kerry on some of these same issues.. Seems like all that crap and lies about Kerry were spoken out in the open on our News Shows, were they ridiculed sure, by those who knew smears and lies.. from the truth.. but the difference here is when these issues about Bush are put forward.. they will be the truth.
If a man's war record can be ridiculed why not attack the moral fiber and reputation of Bush... Fight Back!!
In my opinion, Kerry has to go on the offense now, or he won't stand a chance.
C'mon Kerry.. get it on!!
posted on August 31, 2004 10:38:46 AM new
Dr. D - I can't believe you'd make a statement like this:
To that end, when will the Kerry team begin its attacks:
Where have you been for the past year, year and a half???? Must have been hybernating. That's ALL kerry's HAS been doing....attacking this President on all those mentioned issues.
To say kerry has taken the HIGH road is truly laughable. He's based his WHOLE campaign on bashing President Bush.
~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~
"One thing is for sure: the extremists have faith in our weakness. And the weaker we are, the more they will come after us." --Tony Blair
~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~
"The War on Terror will not be won until America is united. And as long as Democrats target the Bush administration -- not the terrorists -- as the enemy, we are in trouble." --Oliver North
~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~
Those are only two reasons why we need to:
posted on August 31, 2004 10:46:59 AM new
He needs to shout a little louder, Linda, if he expects to win this election. I have to wonder why he is being so quiet right now.. maybe as Reamond has suggested.. he is biding his time..
But.. since you believe that Kerry has been getting his message out there.. I will accept your word for it and feel content that he is indeed doing a good job. Thanks Doc
posted on August 31, 2004 11:08:21 AM new
The election wont start till labor day. Both will have about the same money. Also the debates are most important. The american people have very short memories. 9 weeks from now the swiftboat issue will be history much like saddam being captured was.
posted on August 31, 2004 11:08:51 AM new
Kerry need only allow the News about the economy and Iraq do his work for awhile, then pounce towards the end.
posted on August 31, 2004 11:29:12 AM new
Part of the problem is perceptions. The party that gave us Bill Clinton can't even bring up morals without hearing that litany. Many of your other points are open to interpretation, they are opinion. Kerry has made mistakes in his youth, also. Dubya just doesn't try to base any platform on his.
posted on August 31, 2004 11:31:32 AM new
Dr.D - He needs to shout a little louder, Linda......
Like Dean was doing until he self-destructed?
I have to wonder why he is being so quiet right now..
Imo, because the Swift Boat Vets book and internet coverage of they way he obtained his medals...and his actions after the war...have set him back - after all the bragging he's done about his heroism in VN. Now some of the public is beginning to question his actions.
I think the SBVTs have done much more damage to his campaign than the left wants to admit or is able to recognize.
posted on August 31, 2004 11:56:27 AM new
Sorry, drknowlittle, but democrats have already shot all their ammo at Bush and he brushed off the attacks like an M1 tank. On the other hand, when Kerry recieves a few shots, he gets all bent out of shape and sinks like a rock in the polls.
posted on August 31, 2004 11:57:20 AM newSBVT, RNC, Bush campaign and their constant negative ads
The truth about kerry is what is hurting him
The worst voting record in Congress
More liberal than Teddy K
Never showing for and lying about presiding over the intelligence committee
Treasionous behavior, aiding and abetting Veit communists.
Falsification of doccumentation for military awards, ("V" on Silver Star, undeserved 1ST PH)
Destruction of doccumentation proving MIA's still in Vietnam
Comspiracy to commit murder. Kerry denied being at the VVAW assassination plot, FBI records proved he was there, the Kerry Camp now concedes he was there.
Cries foul at SwitfVets ads while supporting attacks on Pres Bush.
Made a career of trashing vets
Flip flopped so much he suffers from whiplash
Calling a Secret Service agent assigned to protect him a SOB
Does not have the support of Viet refugees that have settled in the US.
posted on August 31, 2004 11:59:56 AM new
Linda: I think the SBVTs have done much more damage to his campaign than the left wants to admit or is able to recognize
No, I clearly see the damage done, Linda.
And I am saddened by the fact that so many Americans were so easily manipulated by this obvious ruse to divert attention away from the present war and President Bush's failings.
Linda: Like Dean was doing until he self-destructed?
posted on August 31, 2004 12:15:58 PM new
Dr.D - Imo, kerry brought all this on himself. He's been using his VN service for forever...bragging...using it to get the more moderate dems to believe [falsely] that's he can be a 'war' president.
I don't see it as the 'right' using it for distracting people from the issues. The people have been asking just where kerry stands on so many issues he refuses to speak about. Like his plans, if elected, for Iraq - our military. Like just how he's going to pay for all his promised programs....etc...etc.
Ever time he's asked one of those questions he either takes different sides of the issue...according to whom he's speaking with...or he says he'll get back to them and then won't respond to calls the reporters make to get his answers.
I truly believe the SBVTs would have taken this same action even if McCain...or another RINO...was the one facing kerry in an election. They are "united against kerry"...not "for" President Bush. It is helping his cause, agreed...but it didn't come from that place. If any of the 9-10 democratic candidates had won the nonmination...I don't believe we would have heard a word from them. It's ONLY kerrys statements about the 2.5 million men who served in VN that really pi$$ed them off. And the want to inform the public so that they hear the 'other' side of the story.
posted on August 31, 2004 12:19:03 PM new
Most people vote their wallets. And nobody knows how turnout will be either.....There are so many things that can happen until election day.
posted on August 31, 2004 12:27:03 PM new
EGA said On the other hand, when Kerry recieves a few shots, he gets all bent out of shape....
I think he went into desperation mode, he didn't just mildly get bent out of shape. He panicked...and HIS panic is what finally got the SBVTs book even mentioned in main-stream media. If kerry had kept might still not have reached the general public like it did...albiet in a negative way.
kerry immediately got his lawyers active in threatened the book publisher and all media to NOT talk about or print their book and to not mention it or have discussions about what the vets were saying.
That's working for true censorship...not just getting upset.
He's still refusing to have a bebate with O'Neill or any of the other SBVTS. Why? What's he afraid of...that what they're saying aren't lies as they claim? And the fact that because of two of the issues they've mentioned...kerry HAS backed off of them. I'm sure there'd be plenty more kerry would have to backtrack on IF there was a debate between the two. Now he just hides behind his 'handlers' and dismisses them as lies.
posted on August 31, 2004 09:20:15 PM new
Unfit for Command is #1 on most best seller lists including the NY Times... no wonder stores can't keep it on the shelves... kerry is in trouble and with a good showing with this convention. President Bush will be a lock.
No one likes a lying traitor... well except another lying traitor...
posted on August 31, 2004 09:48:31 PM new
doctordolittle: Kerry is taking a vacation from campaiging right now. Windsurfing in Nantucket...or so the media reports.
Maybe he is pulling in some time to reflect over things. I would hope he is getting in touch with his God and asking for some assistance and guidance how to proceed.
Blairwitch made a very true statement here. Alot can happen that can swing this thing way over the edge for either of these candidates. One 'big' event and tis showtime....
I was a bit bored with the RNC tonight. Well, truthfully, maybe just have my mind on other things. I didnt catch all of Arnold's speech. The true lies quip was a good pun, though. I thought the daughters did well presenting themselves. (They said most of the political webblogs panned them, but I really liked when they said they had a hamster too, and theirs didnt make it!) I thought they came off like they are kids thrust into the spotlight - which they are. I dont know what people expected from them??
Thought Laura was very eloquent. - And Elizabeth Dole's Suit was gorgeous!! How old is she anyway? She looks terrific for her age! ]
-- End of commentary. lol. niters till another day at VTRT.
~~ Keep thy heart with all diligence for out of it are the issues(forces)of life..Proverbs 4:23~~
posted on August 31, 2004 11:27:59 PM new
To win the Democrats must sink, unfortunately, to the level of Republicans.
You know, spray a big lie all over the media and by the time some people find out the truth the "bumper sticker brained" American public believe the lie! The Republicans will do ANYTHING to win and the Democrats must follow suit or lose.
I will watch the last day of the convention to see bush put his foot in his mouth and to see what a darling suit he'll be wearing!