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posted on September 5, 2004 10:32:58 PM new
George W. Bush has accomplished a lot. Under his leadership, much of Iraq has been reduced to rubble. Many Iraqis have been killed, including innocent children. Almost a thousand of our young people, with their lives ahead of them, also have been killed. Billions of dollars are being spent on the war. With the largest loss of jobs in 75 years and the threat of terrorism seeming to increase, he's accomplished a lot."

posted on September 6, 2004 02:11:53 PM new
Good post & right on.

posted on September 6, 2004 02:46:01 PM new
let's not forget his Zero tolerance for American Jobs. The first president in 75 years to not create one net job.

No Child Left Behind = Unfunded Mandate. Schools are worse now than ever before, that is unless you live in a rich neighborhood.

Capture of Osama Bin Laden won't happen until it gets close to election time.

Taliban are now regrouping in Afghanistan and we have just a few thousand soldiers there. Keep in mind, this is where the terrorists were concentrated, including Osama Bin Laden.

Oil prices keep climbing. I just saw $2.09 for Regular Unleaded.

Over a million Americans since Georgie took office have lost and cannot afford to buy Health Insurance.

George's "partial birth abortion ban" has been overturned by Federal Judges.

George has alienated the United States from the world, as he continues his Christian Crusade to conquer and rule all.

posted on September 6, 2004 03:05:03 PM new
And throughout it all, God keeps whispering in his ear, cheering him on.

posted on September 6, 2004 03:09:41 PM new
For anyone seriously wanting to see *some* of what President Bush has done for America and American's....here's a link to enlighten you.


I've posted his accomplishments so many times .... there have been many. But his most important is how he's handled the war on terrorism....the aftermath of 9-11. How he's making school accountable for teaching our children...not just throwing more and more money into education...while passing failing students on. And he has given $58 billion dollars more to education.

He's brought this country back from a recession....and not one he caused. He did not cause the tech bubble and he is not the cause of it bursting. He did not sign NAFTA into law....clinton did. He does support free trade...and jobs going overseas are a very tiny part of our job loss. The main loss was in manufacturing jobs....and cheaper labor, in other countries, is not going away with kerry in office. Matter of fact his wife has many businesses overseas...taking advantage of those cheaper wages. kerry has NOT advocated getting rid of NAFTA nor anyother trade agreement we now have with other countries. His plan will cause MORE jobs to be lost and might just be the cause of MORE companies taking their businesses to other countries.

What does kerry say he's going to do about creating jobs? We really don't know...because he won't say. He says he's going to re-view the situation in his first 120 days in office.

For crying out loud....he's been a Senator for HOW many years and he doesn't know what he'd do? Come on.. If he doesn't know what he thinks should be done after 20 years of dealing with these issues in our Senate.....I don't think we can trust he'll ever be able to figure it out.

[ edited by Linda_K on Sep 6, 2004 03:12 PM ]
posted on September 6, 2004 03:20:28 PM new
Linda, I was hoping no one that truly supports President Bush would of even dignified this BS with a response...

You are right President Bush has done many great things for this country, it is nice how the left discounts our allies in Iraq.... must be nice for those soldiers that they don't count...


Re-Elect President Bush... the only true choice.
posted on September 6, 2004 03:25:39 PM new


During a prime time press conference on April 13, President Bush was asked to name a mistake that he has made since taking office and what he has learned from it. Bush, who was unable to answer the question, admitted "maybe I'm not as quick on my feet as I should be in coming up with [a mistake]." But weeks later, Bush still hasn't answered the question. In the interest of assisting the President with this surprisingly difficult task we've compiled this list of 100 mistakes he has made since taking office:...continued..with links to news reports.

posted on September 6, 2004 03:40:16 PM new
I know twelve....it's just hard to keep seeing these false statements posted knowing the 'facts' prove differently and it's not just a matter of holding a different opinion...the facts are verifiable.

posted on September 6, 2004 03:56:14 PM new

What a bunch of wimps you neocons are becoming...whining poor me all the time now. The mistakes that I listed are common knowledge and supported by facts.


posted on September 6, 2004 04:03:31 PM new
Linda, your statement And he has given $58 billion dollars more to education., is NOT supported by the link you left in the above post, so please don't tell me you've already cited your source. What you cited was google search results for the query "bush increases funding for". Add "education" to that string and see what you come up with. Below are just some of Bush's proposed cuts to education for the 2004 budget alone. The President's NCLB Act is a sad joke. Millions of kids are being left behind on a daily basis. Get out from behind your monitor and go visit some schools outside your cushy neighborhood. Ask questions, ask kids, ask teachers, ask school board members.

2004 proposed cuts.
Cuts to No Child Left Behind: $680,870,115
Cuts to After-School Programs: $393,500,000
Cuts to School Services to Homeless Children: $4,642,500
Cuts in Funds for Safe Schools: $121,444,389
Cuts in Vocational and Adult Education: $304,840,500
Cuts in Parental Involvement Programs
for Low Income Families: $73,375,000

posted on September 6, 2004 04:06:01 PM new
If the President gave 58 BILLION DOLLARS to education, where in bloody hell did that kind of money come from? Where is it now? Why don't the schools have it???

What nonsense.
[ edited by profe51 on Sep 6, 2004 04:06 PM ]
posted on September 6, 2004 04:07:38 PM new
Just why would the right be whining. President Bush is up 11 points and we have a bright future to look forword to. Things are good!!

Don't worry be happy!!

posted on September 6, 2004 04:36:42 PM new
Oh, boo hoo, we Americans are so selfish and self-centered. Oh, boo hoo, we Americans have had such a terrible leader foisted on us. Oh, boo hoo, the majority of Americans are so selfish and bigoted they don't want to let fag couples have the unity of marriage. Oh, boo hoo, we Americans are trying to run the world. Oh, boo hoo, the rest of the world doesn't like us.

Give it a break, loooooooooosers.

Hebrews 13:8
posted on September 6, 2004 06:08:07 PM new
The FACT is that every American president since Hoover in 1928 has created an environment that enriched job growth. All eleven of them including all of the republicans and the democrats, EXCEPT George W. Bush! That is a fact! To me, that spells FAILURE AT IT'S BEST!

Bigots are miserable people. Prevent Bigotry through Education.

Work to keep Church and State separate! http://www.au.org/site/PageServer

This long time republican is voting for John Kerry!
posted on September 6, 2004 06:13:56 PM new
How can you Republicans forget......

John Kerry Walks on Water

posted on September 6, 2004 06:45:21 PM new
Let's not forget how terrorism has increased around the world under Bush's watch.

Let's have a BBQ, Texas style, ROAST BUSH

We the people, in order to form a more perfect Union....
.....one Nation indivisible, With Liberty and Justice for ALL.
posted on September 6, 2004 06:51:59 PM new
profe - The best place to verify the education numbers is on the US appropriation bills. I've seen a list before...but am not going to look for it. The Fed. gov sites are not easily navigated.

But here is one site that lists the sources they used to get their information. I'll post the link.

DNC Fiction

But the ad makes a patently false statement when it says Bush "cuts key education programs by 27%."

The DNC says that's a reference to Bush asking for Congress to appropriate less than the maximum amount of money Congress authorized for the No Child Left Behind Act, which imposes expensive new requirements on states. But alleged "underfunding" is not a cut from current spending levels. 

In fact, federal spending for education has soared under Bush, even if it hasn't gone up as much as the DNC would like.

***As shown in the chart below, funding for the Department of Education is up 58% in the first three years of Bush's term and is set to rise further under the budget he proposed in January. It's already gone up more under Bush than it did during all of Clinton's eight years, in fact****.

So where's the "cut?"

Source: Budget of US Government; Fiscal Year 2005, "Historical tables, Table 5.2-Budget Authority by Agency: 1976-2009"

Furthermore, Bush is seeking additional increases--not cuts--in "key education programs" next year. His budget calls for a 9.8% increase for programs for low-income children, to $15.2 billion, and a 5.9% increase in funding for special education, to $12.1 billion.


[ edited by Linda_K on Sep 6, 2004 06:55 PM ]
posted on September 6, 2004 07:13:13 PM new
Libra.. he does not walk on water.. but I heard he slips in Ketchup now and then! LOL

posted on September 6, 2004 07:14:29 PM new
correction - sorry - He's increased funding by 58% not 58 billion dollars. I apologize.

Rep. John A. Boehner, Ohio Republican and committee chairman, says Title I spending has increased $3.6 billion, or 42 percent, since January 2002.
    "We are pumping gas into a flooded engine," he said.

"The federal government has increased federal education spending so rapidly that many states haven't even been able to spend down the money we appropriated for them two years ago."

At the beginning of this year, according to a House committee report, states were "sitting on $5.75 billion in federal education funding, including nearly $2 billion in Title I aid from fiscal years 2000 through 2002."

Political fighting over the size of federal school-funding increases has drawn strong criticism from conservative education-policy analysts.

"Despite the huge infusion of federal cash and the near tripling of overall per-pupil funding since 1965, national academic performance has not improved," said Neal McCluskey of the libertarian Cato Institute.

"Math and reading scores have stagnated, graduation rates have flat-lined, and researchers have shown numerous billion-dollar federal programs to be failures," Mr. McCluskey wrote in a Cato report last month titled "A Lesson in Waste: Where Does All the Federal Education Money Go?"

A report you may want to read profe? And I'm sure everybody knows states can choose not to participate in the NCLB program if they don't wish to.



And, to me, when taxpayers are paying $501.3 BILLION dollars on education.....the teachers, teachers unions and all those involved in education who *oppose* being held accountable....I say too darn bad.

This program will point out which areas/districts are failing our students and give extra funding to reverse that trend. Extra money will be alotted for children who need additional help.

[ edited by Linda_K on Sep 6, 2004 07:22 PM ]
posted on September 6, 2004 08:48:42 PM new


posted on September 6, 2004 10:53:08 PM new

From Forbes.com
My goodness, look who came in last.

It's the kind of argument that will never be settled, like who was a better ballplayer, Willie Mays or Mickey Mantle. But we took a look at the numbers, and for the money, among presidents since World War II, Clinton scores highest.

Rank Presidents and prosperity

Rank President
1. Bill Clinton
2. Lyndon B. Johnson
3. John F. Kennedy
4. Ronald Reagan
5. Gerald R. Ford
6. Jimmy Carter
7. Harry S. Truman
8. Richard M. Nixon
9. Dwight D. Eisenhower
10. George H. W. Bush

Source: Forbes.com

Clinton's two terms in office (1993-2001) were marked by strong numbers for gross domestic product (GDP) and employment growth and especially for deficit reduction. His overall ranking puts him first among the ten postwar presidents — ahead of Lyndon B. Johnson, Kennedy and Reagan, who were tightly grouped behind the 42nd president and recent autobiographer.

To create our rankings we looked at six measures of economic performance — GDP growth, per capita income growth, employment gains, unemployment rate reduction, inflation reduction and federal deficit reduction — for each of the ten postwar presidencies. For each measure we looked at whether the situation improved or got worse, and we ranked the presidents from 1 to 10. We then averaged the ranks to come up with a final score.

posted on September 7, 2004 02:02:25 AM new
My goodness, look who came in last.

My goodness the President's FATHER. -

Does Bush #1's rating, according to Forbes, affect our current President in some way I'm not understanding? Or did you just dislike him too? Or are you thinking they were referring to our current President, by mistake?

Then there's this ranking of Presidents....

Federalist Society - The Wall Street Journal
Survey on Presidents



1) George Washington 4.92

2) Abraham Lincoln 4.87

3) Franklin Roosevelt 4.67


4) Thomas Jefferson 4.25

5) Theodore Roosevelt 4.22

6) Andrew Jackson 3.99

7) HarryTruman 3.95

8) Ronald Reagan 3.81

9) Dwight Eisenhower 3.71

10) James Polk 3.70

11) Woodrow Wilson 3.68


12) Grover Cleveland 3.36

13) John Adams 3.36

14) William McKinley 3.33

15) James Madison 3.29

16) James Monroe 3.27

17) Lyndon Johnson 3.21

18) John Kennedy 3.17


19) William Taft 3.00

20) John Quincy Adams 2.93

21) George [HW] Bush 2.92

22) Rutherford Hayes 2.79

23) Martin Van Buren 2.77

24) William Clinton 2.77

25) Calvin Coolidge 2.71

26) Chester Arthur 2.71


27) Benjamin Harrison 2.62

28) Gerald Ford 2.59

29) Herbert Hoover 2.53

30) Jimmy Carter 2.47

31) Zachary Taylor 2.40

32) Ulysses Grant 2.28

33) Richard Nixon 2.22

34) John Tyler 2.03

35) Millard Fillmore1.91


36) Andrew Johnson 1.65

37) Franklin Pierce 1.58

38) Warren Harding 1.58

39) James Buchanan1.33

The number listed above is the mean score of all the scholars' rating of each president. On this scale, five is the highest possible score.

William Henry Harrison was president for a mere 30 days and James Garfield served for only six months. Many of our scholars thought their early deaths in office made it too difficult to evaluate them, so they are not included in this survey.

Ranking Methodology By James Lindgren
How 78 scholars in history, political science, and law rated the men from Washington to Clinton.

[my note...President George W. Bush was on neither survey]

The criteria used in this survey is explained here:


http://www.opinionjournal.com/hail/essay.html?id=65000622 [ edited by Linda_K on Sep 7, 2004 02:47 AM ]
posted on September 7, 2004 04:01:58 AM new
...where in bloody hell

prof...now we know for sure you have been reading Lynne Truss's book! You're displaying a bit of British attitude over there in Arizona!! haha!!
~~ Keep thy heart with all diligence for out of it are the issues(forces)of life..Proverbs 4:23~~
posted on September 7, 2004 04:06:37 AM new
You think WE, as Democrats, have a bad opinion of Bush? Ha, you haven't read anything yet. Turns out the US is not the only country that watched the RNC:

From the UK:

Sep 7 2004

PRESIDENT George W Bush is proud to be a Texan. So no doubt he can recognise the smell that now fills the halls of the White House.

It's the same smell that wafts out of the mouths of every one of his spokesmen, from creepy Vice President Dick Cheney to film star buddy Arnie The Terminator.

And it's a smell that is emitted by Bush himself, every time he delivers his set piece on why he should be re-elected as president.

It's the stink of, well, I'm sorry, there's no other word for it... bullsh*t. Plain, old-fashioned verbal manure.

Continued here:


. . .if you still try to defend the infamies and horrors perpetrated by that Antichrist- I really believe he is Antichrist- I will have nothing more to do with you and you are no longer my friend.. . - War and Peace, Tolstoy
posted on September 7, 2004 04:20:40 AM new

Dumbya: Not on Guard Duty
[ edited by austbounty on Sep 7, 2004 04:22 AM ]
posted on September 7, 2004 05:34:27 AM new
Who's Lynne Truss ?

posted on September 7, 2004 07:10:01 AM new
Well Cheryl, it is good that someone with some brains is PM then isn't it...

Tony Blair is our friend... or do they wish to forget that? British Soldiers are in Iraq... their deaths mean nothing to the left...

Must be nice that our true friends are discounted by the left, but then their dream world doesn't exist, nor will it ever exist.


Re-Elect President Bush... the only true choice.
posted on September 7, 2004 07:27:45 AM new
Linda honey,

I just clicked on your link about Bush's accomplishments from the google page that you presented to us. The first one was from Talon News. Here is the first paragraph of it.

January 30, 2004

WASHINGTON (Talon News) -- Despite a ballooning deficit and objections from members of his own party, President Bush announced that he would increase funding for the National Endowment for the Arts. It was Laura Bush who confirmed on Thursday the $18 million boost in the federal contribution to art programs around the country.

Now, I ask, how many people here think that giving 18 million to the National Endowment for the Arts if more important than maybe feeding children, or helping the elderly buying prescription drugs to stay healthy?

Thanks for the link Linda.

Bigots are miserable people. Prevent Bigotry through Education.

Work to keep Church and State separate! http://www.au.org/site/PageServer

This long time republican is voting for John Kerry!

[ edited by yeager on Sep 7, 2004 07:30 AM ]
posted on September 7, 2004 08:03:07 AM new
Linda it does absolutely no good to post accomplishments for George W. as the "lefties" (as they call themselves) have tunnel vision and only see what they want to. They never look at the whole picture.

I would like to see a list of accomplishments of John Kerry besides his so called Vietnam record, which his first purple heart is in dispute. What are his accomplishments in the senate all 20 years of it. I want to hear his plans and HOW he is going to fund them.

Also John Edwards besides ripping off insurance companies so his clients and himself can become wealthy. There needs to be a malpractice reform and I am not talking about physicians mistakes that is another subject. It is the menial car accident that the driver and occupants gets millions. Lawyers advertise all the time and TV and yes they phone after they read about a accident in the paper. I was a recipient of a call like that.

I am so tired to hear that children don't get a good education and government has to step in to make sure our teachers teach, principles over see them and superintendents govern. The same education is there for everyone. It is how they choose to use is. Truancy is a big factor. So now the schools have to hire truancy officers to go from door to door and find out the reason the child doesn't go to school. When will parents take responsibility for their children. That is the major problem.

posted on September 7, 2004 08:20:57 AM new

Please don't call me a lefty. I am not one. I am a republican who happens to think that bush is A FAILURE as a president. He needs to be removed in November and replaced with Kerry. If you truly care about people, then you will do the best for them. I have NEVER voted for a democrat for president in the past, this will be my first time.

Bigots are miserable people. Prevent Bigotry through Education.

Work to keep Church and State separate! http://www.au.org/site/PageServer

This long time republican is voting for John Kerry!
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