posted on September 7, 2004 10:46:11 PM new
Looks like there's still more Vet coming out to protest kerry's possible election.
I agree, he's going to wish he'd NEVER mentioned his 4 month service in VN.
Monday, Sept. 6, 2004 11:37 a.m. EDT
New Group of Viet Vets in Anti-Kerry Ad Push
After the stunning success of anti-John Kerry ads produced by the group Swift Boat Veterans for Truth, a separate group of Vietnam veterans is planning to open a new front - in a move that could leave the Democratic nominee sorry he ever mentioned Vietnam as a campaign issue.
Special Forces veteran Ted Sampley, co-founder with Mike Benge and Jerry Kiley of Vietnam Veterans Against John Kerry, tells Ad Week magazine that his group has launched a local spot buy targeting military family-rich areas in North Carolina.
The ads started last week on Fox affiliates in the area, covering key military installations at Camp LeJeune, Marine Corp Air Station Cherry Point and Seymour Johnson AFB.
Sampley tells Ad Week he's currently negotiating further media buys that will reach Fort Bragg and Pope AFB.
While VVAJK has been around for more than a year, the group's entry into the Kerry ad wars is brand new and could showcase as never before the deep resentment Vietnam veterans feel about Kerry's anti-war activities with the group Vietnam Veterans Against the War.
Sampley's first ad covers information that's been hushed up by the mainstream press:
Kerry's participation in a 1971 VVAW meeting in Kansas City where the assassination of several pro-war U.S. senators was plotted and voted on.
The Kerry campaign at first denied that the top Democrat was present, but was forced to retract the claim when the New York Sun unearthed FBI files that placed him at the meeting. Kerry claimed he voted no on the plot and then resigned from the group.
Sampley's 60-second spot blasts the White House hopeful for his leadership role in the VVAW, calling it "one of America's most radical, pro-Communist, anti-war groups" and accusing Kerry of having "marched in demonstrations carrying the flags of the America's enemies, the Vietcong and the North Vietnamese."
The spot also charges that Kerry "used the blood of U.S. servicemen, still fighting on the battlefields of Vietnam, for his own political advancement."
In a twist that's likely to confound critics, Sampley's group has rejected nonprofit status and is not operating as the kind of 527 group that both the Bush and Kerry campaigns have condemned. Instead, the veterans advocate says, his anti-Kerry ads are for-profit advertising for his newspaper, U.S. Veteran Dispatch.
kerry's just like clinton was....lie..lie..lie UNTIL someone has undenyable proof in hand....then admit it. How clearly his character is seen...and it's NOT pretty.
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"One thing is for sure: the extremists have faith in our weakness. And the weaker we are, the more they will come after us." --Tony Blair
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"The War on Terror will not be won until America is united. And as long as Democrats target the Bush administration -- not the terrorists -- as the enemy, we are in trouble." --Oliver North
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Those are only two reasons why we need to:
posted on September 8, 2004 06:39:26 PM new
Stolen Honor, funded and as far as anyone can tell consists of one person. Carleton Sherwood. A former "journalist" for the Moonie's newspapers, and good pal and *cough* business associate of Tom Ridge, among other interesting connections. Be sure and send him your 14.99, he's a for profit organization all the way.
Moveonforamerica, which is a 527 or whatever you call them, is led by GOP political consultant Stephen Marks. Hardly what you'd call a group of ubiased vets who just want the best for their country.
posted on September 8, 2004 06:59:55 PM new
Would you vote for him if as soon as he's elected he does away with your career you worked for? We won't need a military if Kerry is elected because he don't plan on protecting the country.
posted on September 8, 2004 07:01:31 PM new
First of all bear, you don't know squat about me or whether moveon is a favorite organization of mine. Why don't you try refuting my facts about your "vet groups" above? Why? because you can't.