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posted on September 9, 2004 08:53:30 PM new
As much as I enjoy guns, I can see no reason for this not to be renewed... last time I checked I didn't need an AK47 to go deer hunting...
posted on September 9, 2004 08:55:45 PM new
OMG, we agree on something!

The House and Senate are afraid to act on this because they don't want to face the NRA, especially in an election year.

Bigots are miserable people. Prevent Bigotry through Education.

Work to keep Church and State separate! http://www.au.org/site/PageServer

This long time republican is voting for John Kerry!
posted on September 9, 2004 09:01:48 PM new
Not me. I hope it does expire. No limits on guns. It won't keep the gangs/thugs from getting them anyway.

And this law is too 'broad brushed' for my liking and also includes some hunting rifles...like the one kerry was given as a gift to make it look like he supports these rifles...when he has voted opposing them. Another 'take both routes' [I'm for them - I'm against them] to convince both sides of the issue you support their stand.

posted on September 9, 2004 09:09:58 PM new

I agree with you. We need gang members in major cities having these guns. Afterall, they are citizens too. Who cares if they spray a bunch of kids playing in a schoolyard when they do a drive by shooting. Right on Linduh

Bigots are miserable people. Prevent Bigotry through Education.

Work to keep Church and State separate! http://www.au.org/site/PageServer

This long time republican is voting for John Kerry!
posted on September 9, 2004 09:12:50 PM new
If you like guns and are a responsible person, there should be no bans!

All guns are the same, one is no more dangerous than the next.
And no one is less dangerous than the other.

I've hunted,shot and collected all my life.

The guns on my wall are from years of collecting.
They mean the same to me as someone with a coin collection or a room full of Beenie Babies.
And guns any make or model are no more dangerous than coins or dolls.

Guns are machines, they can do nothing on their own.
They need someone to make them work like any other machine.

posted on September 9, 2004 09:12:56 PM new

[ edited by dadofstickboy on Sep 9, 2004 09:14 PM ]
posted on September 9, 2004 09:13:28 PM new
National Shooting Sports Foundation: Kerry Accepts Shotgun He Would Ban as 'Assault Weapon'

Yahoo News ^ | 9/7/04 | National Shooting Sports Foundation
Posted on 09/07/2004 5:37:37 PM PDT by wagglebee

RACINE, W.Va., Sept. 7 /PRNewswire/ -- The following is a press release regarding the Remington model 11-87 shotgun that Sen. John Kerry recently accepted:

At a Labor Day campaign rally yesterday, Sen. John Kerry accepted an ironic gift from a labor union representative. The gift, a Remington model 11-87 shotgun commonly used in hunting and recreational shooting enjoyed by millions of Americans, would be banned as an "assault weapon" under a bill that Kerry is co-sponsoring[/b].

"The semi-automatic shotgun that Kerry accepted is one that he'd like to ban under his bill known as 'The Assault Weapons Ban and Law Enforcement Protection Act of 2003(S. 1431).'

Kerry tells union workers that he's a hunter, but the truth is he would ban their shotguns," said Lawrence G. Keane, senior vice president and general counsel of the National Shooting Sports Foundation (NSSF).

Keane said several sportsmen's groups have pointed out that Kerry's effort to cast himself as an avid hunter do not square with his anti-gun votes as a U.S. senator.

In various photos Kerry appears unaware of proper firearms handling. The Hunting and Shooting Sports Heritage Fund is advertising in national sportsmen magazines and on the Web site, http://www.voteyoursport.com, to illustrate these points.

Kerry was given the shotgun by Cecil Roberts of the United Mine Workers of America. The union represents workers at a Remington factory in Ilion, New York. Last year the union urged Kerry to support a bill to end frivolous lawsuits against firearms makers (S. 659).

The suits threaten manufacturing jobs. However, Kerry voted against the bill.
Remington President Tommy Milner said, "Rest assured, Remington was neither aware of this presentation in advance nor in any way supportive of its intent to support Senator Kerry's candidacy.

In fact, the company remains amused by ongoing photos of Senator Kerry shooting without either ear or eye protection while discharging a firearm."

The National Shooting Sports Foundation is the trade association for the companies and businesses that make and sell firearms, ammunition and other products for the 40 million Americans who responsibly hunt and enjoy recreational shooting. Learn more at http://www.nssf.org

An article on the Drudge Report Web site, http://www.drudgereport.com/dncg.htm, points out the irony of Kerry accepting the shotgun gift given the legislation that he supported.

posted on September 9, 2004 09:20:03 PM new
From my first link - Vote Your Sport -

[b]Kerry Criticized for Betraying Union Workers
National Shooting Sports Foundation[/b] President Doug Painter is criticizing presidential candidate John Kerry for betraying union workers whose pleas for help he ignored earlier this year in a vote that would have protected union jobs.

Kerry was also taken to task for accepting as a gift a hunting gun that could be banned under Kerry-sponsored legislation. A strongly worded letter delivered to Capitol Hill emphasizes the Senator's hypocrisies.

On Labor Day, Kerry claimed to be a supporter of hunters in America as he received a semi-automatic shotgun from labor union leaders.

Well...that's typical....kerry says one thing then does another. And he's soooooo worried about jobs.

posted on September 9, 2004 09:20:54 PM new
last time I checked I didn't need an AK47 to go deer hunting...]

Me neither, twelve, but you'd be surprised how many do...they call themselves "sportsmen".

I guess this means I can get my pre-ban AR15 out of deep cover and swagger down the street with it...yee-haw!

pesky tags....
[ edited by profe51 on Sep 9, 2004 09:21 PM ]
posted on September 9, 2004 09:33:02 PM new

I guess this means I can get my pre-ban AR15 out of deep cover and swagger down the street with it

Let me ask you this:

If you are a lawful, responsible, person.


Why should you or I be subject to bans because of irresponsible,criminal, idiots?

posted on September 9, 2004 09:59:34 PM new
There has been no conclusive proof the "Assult Gun" ban has done anything to deter crime. One side effect of the ban has been to force manufactures of quality high capacity magazines out of business. When these businesses closed our military has been forced to use substandard aftermarket mags in their M-16's & M-4's & Beretta's. These aftermarket mags are prone to misfeeding & jamming when needed most.

Hey, hey
Ho, ho
Kerry - sign the 1-8-0

posted on September 10, 2004 06:04:11 AM new
I know it is not popular, and dadofstick boy I can see your point of view... however it was my understanding that those weapons already here were still allowed to be sold.

Linda,that is probably the reason it is going to expire, like everything else, the good intent gets melted away by zealots...

I know there are people out there who would ban all weapons and I am definately against that....


Re-Elect President Bush... the only true choice.
posted on September 10, 2004 06:07:13 AM new
last time I checked I didn't need an AK47 to go deer hunting...

That's right you don't need an AK47, just some WMD against those terrorist deer.

Does the expiration of the assult weapons ban make it OK to own WMD's now?

Let's have a BBQ, Texas style, ROAST BUSH

We the people, in order to form a more perfect Union....
.....one Nation indivisible, With Liberty and Justice for ALL.
posted on September 10, 2004 10:14:28 AM new
Expiration of Gun Ban Prompts Misleading TV Report and Ad
By Susan Jones
CNSNews.com Morning Editor
September 10, 2004

(CNSNews.com) - Gun control advocates and some media outlets are misleading the public into thinking that fully automatic weapons will hit the streets on Monday, when the so-called "assault weapons ban" expires, Second Amendment supporters say.

The Second Amendment Foundation is blasting ABC News for "distorting the facts" in a report that aired on Wednesday evening, Sept. 8.

The segment opened with footage of a 1997 North Hollywood bank robbery, in which the robbers fired fully automatic weapons. The report by ABC News Correspondent Bill Redeker suggested that such firearms would be legal when the assault weapons ban expires at midnight on Sept. 13.

The gun used in the bank robbery had been illegally modified, the Second Amendment Foundation said, "yet ABC News left the impression that such rifles will be available to the general public."

Not true

Second Amendment groups, including the National Rifle Association, note that the sale and possession of fully automatic weapons is, has been, and will remain strictly regulated by the federal government.

The 1994 "assault weapons ban" ("Clinton gun ban," as some call it) had nothing to do with fully automatic guns; it applied to semi-automatic weapons with certain "military-style" cosmetic features.

By definition, semi-automatic weapons fire once each time the trigger is pulled -- one bullet per trigger pull -- while fully automatic firearms fire many bullets in rapid succession with just one trigger pull.

"ABC's research on this story was either incredibly poor or deliberately distorted," said SAF founder Alan Gottlieb. "It's the same distorted reporting we saw in 1994, prior to the ban, in which the press faked footage in an attempt to portray ammunition from these guns as explosively lethal."

The Second Amendment Foundation also complained that reporter Bill Redeker highlighted certain cosmetic features affected by the 1994 legislation. He said that folding stocks make "assault rifles" more "concealable" and the flash suppressor makes it harder to spot a shooter at night.

"These cosmetic features have nothing to do with how a particular firearm functions or how lethal it might be," Gottlieb said. "That is why the 1994 ban -- which only affected the appearance of these guns, not their operation -- was nonsense to begin with.

"ABC News sensationalized, and as a result fictionalized, what this ban did and what will result from the law's sunset," Gottlieb concluded. "That's not simply irresponsible reporting. It's journalistic fraud, and ABC News, Jennings and Redeker should apologize for it."

'600 rounds a minute'

In a related development, the liberal MoveOn.org 527 group said its political action committee would start airing a 30-second TV ad blaming President George W. Bush for the expiration of the "assault weapons ban."

According to a MoveOn.org press release, "Such weapons as the AK-47 military assault rifle will be eligible for sale and use in the U.S., able to fire about 600 rounds per minute with a range of 300 meters, once the ban on assault weapons passed by Congress and supported by four previous Presidents -- Ford, Carter, Reagan and Clinton, but not George W. Bush -- expires on Sept. 13."

To fire a semi-automatic weapon 600 times a minute, the shooter would have to pull the trigger every tenth of a second.

What about reloading? The Brady Campaign's own website say that assault weapons "were designed for rapid-fire, and many come equipped with large capacity magazines allowing 50 or more bullets to be fired without reloading." The Brady Campaign website also says someone shooting a semi-automatic weapon can "fire dozens of rounds without reloading" -- not hundreds of rounds, as the MoveOn ad claims.

The National Rifle Association's Institute for Legislative Action notes that foreign rifles such as the AK-47 and Uzi were banned from importation in 1989 under federal firearms importation law, and "when the Clinton ban expires, these guns will remain banned under these other laws." American-made, semi-auto versions of those guns may be available, however.

According to MoveOn PAC's new ad, "John Kerry, a sportsman and a hunter, would keep them (AK-47s) illegal" while "George Bush will let the assault weapon ban expire."

MoveOn PAC's gun control ad will air in the Pittsburgh, Cleveland and Washington, D.C., markets starting Friday -- a three-day ad buy totaling $100,000, the MoveOn PAC said in a press release..

The text of the assault weapon add is as follows:

(Video images of an an assault weapon supered over white background, with sound of assault weapons firing. Images of various assault weapons flash rapidly on the screen to match the sound effects audio.)

ANNOUNCER: This is an assault weapon. It can fire up to 300 rounds a minute. It's the weapon most feared by our police. In the hands of terrorists it could kill hundreds. That's why they're illegal. [The MoveOn PAC press release said 600 times a minute. The ad text says 300 times a minute]

(Video image of the weapon begins to shrink, and a red circle surrounds the weapons with a red line across the image to create the universal "no" symbol. Under the "no guns" image, the words "John Kerry supports the ban" appear.)

ANNOUNCER: John Kerry, a sportsman and a hunter, would keep them illegal.

(Video: The words and the "no" symbol dissolve and the weapon grows larger again.)

ANNOUNCER: But on September 13th, George Bush will let the Assault Weapon Ban expire.

(Video cuts to 'Misleader' photo of Bush. MoveOn PAC disclaimer language appears.)

ANNOUNCER: George Bush says he's making America safer. Who does he think he's kidding? MoveOn PAC is responsible for the content of this advertisement.



FYI{/b] Pres Bush did allow the ban to expire. Only because [b]congress did not renew the legislation and forward it to him to sign

So Pres Bush CANNOT be accused of letting the ban expire. He had stated if it reached his desk, he would sign it.

Hey, hey
Ho, ho
Kerry - sign the 1-8-0

posted on September 10, 2004 10:46:14 AM new
I'm glad to see the ban expire. There's no reason why a law abiding citizen should not be able to own a semi-auto rifle. It looks like my NRA dues are finally getting some results.

posted on September 11, 2004 12:59:17 PM new
There is inherent stupidity in banning "assault " weapons. Or Blue weapons. Or Red weapons.

Since this is basically impossible, the only people "banned" from having these weapons are law abiding citizens. The crooks have them by the trailerload. The control has to shift to enforcing severe penalties in their USE.

The dumbest thing in the world is listening to some idiot advocate 50 new anti-gun laws after an incident makes the news. It must be hard to comprehend that if someone violated 42 laws already, he just might make it 92.

posted on September 11, 2004 01:16:10 PM new
Try moving to N.J.

We had these guns banned years before Clinton signed any bills.
If this ban that you are talking about here is lifted, We in Jersey won't be affected.
They are still banned here.

The Brady bill:
You complain about it.
Try moving to N.J.
There Brady bill would be a piece of cake.
A 7 day wait would be Heaven.
Here it usually takes 30/60 day to get approved.
And so much paper work you think about hiring a secretary.

posted on September 11, 2004 01:40:14 PM new
" Try moving to N.J.

We had these guns banned years before Clinton signed any bills.
If this ban that you are talking about here is lifted, We in Jersey won't be affected.
They are still banned here. "

Right. I live in NJ. I can go to Elizabeth, Newark and a dozen other places and buy an assault weapon in a minute. It might take a while if I want a specific model though.

posted on September 11, 2004 03:04:55 PM new

You are right.

Regulating law abiding citizens will never cut crime.
Because the criminals get what ever the want anytime they want it.
No one seems to realize this.

The only thing regulations will do is turn some lawful citizens, into criminals.

posted on September 11, 2004 07:19:25 PM new
I'm going on tuesday to get my AK47 at the gunstore with 30 round magazines and hopefully I can now get some high cap magazines for my P12.

It is true that I do not need an AK47 to go hunting but that is not what I intend it's use for. I intend to use it for target practice. The AK47 is by far superior to the AR15 or the M16 and if you have ever shot one you would know why. It's a beautiful firearm but not the best one that I have had the privelidge to operate.

According to the 2nd Ammendment you have the right to strap on a gun at any time that you wish and swagger, skip, run, walk or curtsy down the street all that you want.

posted on September 11, 2004 09:30:41 PM new
I'm well aware of the 2nd amendment yellowstone. Around here, firearms are tools, and used mainly to perform tasks, as is any other tool...shovel, hammer, fence pliers, corkscrew....

posted on September 11, 2004 10:53:30 PM new
All that aside, Twelve, you give these gun control weenies an inch and they'll take a mile. What are you thinking? Deer hunting? A real man uses a bow and arrow to hunt deer. Ask Ted Nugent. As far as I'm concerned deer hunting with a gun is going for a hike with a heavy awkward hunk of metal.

I desire weapons for defense of my freedom from enemies both foreign and domestic. Don't tread on me.


Hebrews 13:8
posted on September 11, 2004 11:48:48 PM new
Not that it's my place to say, BUT;
No Bans on Arms!
Especially in Washington.

Exodus 35:2

posted on September 12, 2004 01:24:29 AM new
Yellowstone, I have to disagree. The M16 or AR15 is much more accurate than the AK. Especially the M16-A2's with the heavy barrel. I've made shots out to 500 meters with an M16-A2 with iron sights. Don't try that with an AK!

But AK's are supposed to be more reliable. Drop it in mud and it supposedly will still fire without jamming. Don't even think about trying that with an M16.

posted on September 12, 2004 10:01:06 PM new
''Assault Weapon'' Ban Expires Without Accomplishing Anything
Written by Howard Llewellyn
Monday, September 13, 2004

With the ban on ''assault weapons'' due to expire Monday, columnist Selwyn Duke asks: What did it accomplish? His answer: Nothing of substance. Duke maintains that the ban was simply stealth politics designed to get the votes of those who are ignorant not only about our right to bear arms but how guns work.
Duke notes that the most devastating weapon, the shotgun, always was legal and the ban merely applied to guns that looked menacing, but in fact were little different than many hunting rifles. Not only that, but the ban on ''assault weapons'' did nothing to keep them out of the hands of criminals, much like the ban on certain drugs has not made them unavailable to those who wish to buy them. Portions of Duke's column are reprinted below. To read the entire article, click on the link we have provided.

* * * *

The propaganda starts with the very name attached to the weapons in question, because they're not true assault weapons. In reality, the term ''assault rifle'' was originated by Adolf Hitler. It was a name he gave to the MP 43, a light, fully-automatic weapon [machine-gun] that fired a relatively small round. As the story goes, Hitler was skeptical about the firearm, but after a test-firing was so enamored of the gun that he christened it the Sturmgewehr, or assault rifle.

A more recent military definition of an assault rifle described a weapon very similar to the German's invention. This definition stated that to qualify as an assault rifle a firearm must have a special-fire feature. This allows it to be fired in any of three ways: semi-automatic [one shot every time the trigger is pulled], fully-automatic [fires constantly for as long as the trigger is compressed], and in three shot bursts. Now, the government might have tried to redefine the term assault-rifle in much more recent times for the purposes of marshaling support for the banning of unfairly demonized guns, but the functionality of the weapons in question bears little resemblance to that of their namesakes.

What are the guns affected by the ban? They are simply semi-automatic weapons that either have a quintessentially martial appearance or a terminally bad reputation. However, they fire one round every time the trigger is pulled--just like any other semi-automatic gun. And bear in mind that semi-automatic technology is well over one-hundred years old and most weapons have been configured in this manner for a very long time now. What this means is that the banned guns' basic functionality is identical to that of most firearms, which, I want to emphasize, the ban never applied to.

Thinking that these faux assault-weapons are much different from other semi-automatics is a little like putting a Porsche body on a Ford Taurus chassis and thinking that you've created a faster car.


Hey, hey
Ho, ho
Kerry - sign the 1-8-0

posted on September 13, 2004 03:40:58 AM new

I have to agree with you on this one. Trust me, if I find that Dennis is in favor of allowing the ban to expire, he will have lost my vote for giving him another term in Congress. Who runs this country, the f-ing NRA? What a punch of pansy-arse cowards. No one, including our bumbling leader, wants to sign the bill because it's an election year. Allowing these weapons to be bought legally just to save your political position is a selfish and cowardly act.

Assault weapons serve no purpose. Exactly what does an ordinary citizen need one for, macho, macho men?


. . .if you still try to defend the infamies and horrors perpetrated by that Antichrist- I really believe he is Antichrist- I will have nothing more to do with you and you are no longer my friend.. . - War and Peace, Tolstoy
posted on September 13, 2004 08:03:34 AM new

In case you missed the point, it is an arbitrary law which has no impact on crime, has no effect on criminals and existed mainly so politicians could get their names in the paper.

posted on September 13, 2004 08:24:27 AM new
Actually cheryl after seeing kerry holding a semi-automatic shotgun and talking about assult weapons ban, it maybe good this expired... he doesn't even know what an assult weapon is...


Re-Elect President Bush... the only true choice.
posted on September 13, 2004 08:25:22 AM new
Liberals kill me. Mind your own f-ing business!!

These are not used in crimes. Do you think a criminal is going to not commit the crime if he can not find a gun??

How would you like me to take away your favorite pastime?

I spent 6 hours at the range on Saturday. I shot several different high power rifles. Most of them were far more powerful that the 3 assault rifles I shot. These guns are fun to shoot. They are also used in allot of competition as well

I enjoy shooting & do it most every weekend, saying there is no use for an assault rifle is like saying there is no use for a 400 horse power corvette or a housewife having a SUV. These guns have nothing to do with hunting but neither does the 2nd amendment!! Baseball bats are used in far more crimes, let's ban them.

Ted Kennedy's car has killed more people than all my guns ever will!!

[ edited by KIMLITTLE on Sep 13, 2004 08:38 AM ]
posted on September 13, 2004 08:41:13 AM new
"As much as I enjoy guns, I can see no reason for this not to be renewed... last time I checked I didn't need an AK47 to go deer hunting..."

Have you ever shot an assault rifle? You do know this is just the first step.
[ edited by KIMLITTLE on Sep 13, 2004 08:41 AM ]
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