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posted on September 11, 2004 04:55:03 PM new
I hope ebay does not screw it up,right now it is cooking.

-sig file -------we eat to live,not live to eat.
Benjamin Franklin
posted on September 11, 2004 05:17:51 PM new
I assume you had a typo in the title???
perhaps you meant www.craigslist.com rather than www.craiglist.com? hee hee. Maggie

posted on September 11, 2004 05:37:42 PM new
OMG!!!!!! it's craigslist.org...as in Orgy?

http://pomonaswapmeet.com Click vendor info. click arial view. HUGE. I hang around the ONLY tree. Stop by for a Beer.
posted on September 11, 2004 07:05:14 PM new
sorry,it is craigs,not craig.
check it out!!
-sig file -------we eat to live,not live to eat.
Benjamin Franklin
posted on September 11, 2004 07:41:38 PM new
I saw this written on a bathroom wall a while back;

For a good time go this website-

[email protected]

posted on September 11, 2004 07:45:33 PM new
Ok, I wanna know how many of you actually clicked on my link above, come on now be honest.

posted on September 11, 2004 08:00:18 PM new
okay... I did.. but just to keep informed.

posted on September 12, 2004 06:21:58 AM new
Remember back in old days,you are lucky to meet a guy/gal and the two of you dated exclusively until engagement,marriage or breakup.Then you dated another guy/gal and so on and so forth until you settled with one for life.
Then comes bars,mixers,parties and tours etc where you get to meet more people and socialise more and then comes sex before marriage,live together ,trial sex,prenuptial agreement,marital contracts etc etc.
All these are meant to make the two know each other better and deal with marriage/relationship better,but then how come there are more breakups and divorces??
You cant say the two are sexually incompatible if they have sex before marriage??
You cant say two cant get along if they have lived together before marriage??
You cant say two dont understand each other if they know enough to carve up the assets and rights and draw up contracts before marriage??
So what is the problem??
Or should this really be considered a problem when marriage fails??
Or is this just normal phase of our life in the 20-21th century that we are supposed to move on as we grow out of one relationship,just like we graduate from grade school to high school to undergrad to grad school??
Comments please!
(please do not dwell solely on your experience with your ex(s))
-sig file -------we eat to live,not live to eat.
Benjamin Franklin
posted on September 12, 2004 07:48:49 AM new
Stop.. great topic on your last post.
You should C&P it into a new thread with a new title.. marriage..divorce.. something like that.. Maggie

posted on September 12, 2004 08:04:56 AM new
i post in this post because Craigslist is cool when it comes to meeting local guys/gals.
you dont need a pic and not that many players (not yet ).
So from craigs we move on to meeting singles and now what??
most of these meetings are really like going to a circus,you come home and you look forward to the next circus !
-sig file -------we eat to live,not live to eat.
Benjamin Franklin
posted on September 12, 2004 08:07:32 AM new
Or is it like subscribing to Netflix??
Once you watch the movie,you cant wait to return it and wait for the next thrill in the mail??
-sig file -------we eat to live,not live to eat.
Benjamin Franklin
posted on September 12, 2004 08:14:47 AM new
Oh.. I didn't realize that Stop. I thought it was strictly an auction site.. let me go and check it out again.. then I will get back on the subject.. after pulling up the porno site last night.. I got a little sidetracked.. LOL Maggie

posted on September 12, 2004 08:21:31 AM new
Have you tried it stop?

I think internet dating has lost some of the stigma that is once had, I personally have not tried it yet... but would be interested in hearing from those who have.


Re-Elect President Bush... the only true choice.
posted on September 12, 2004 09:00:26 AM new
Whew.. where to begin...

IMO.. Marriage was practical when the average lifespan was 45-50 years. Now we live to be 90+.. so what was once a union of maybe 25-30 years, is now more like 65-70..

I don't think people were meant to live together for 70+ years. I think you are correct when you say it is a normal phase to move on. I think that marriage is all well and good when you want to create a family..other than that.. and once the kids are independent and on their own... I don't see the necessity or any advantage in marriage.

I have never internet dated, but my older sister has and met her present husband on-line.. they have been married 3 years now, both in their late 50's, and seem to be very happy..

Not to brag or anything.. but I have old boyfriends from High School who are still waiting for me to look their way.. LOL.. Shoot, When I turn 80 years old, I'll still have a list to choose from, if I so desire..hee hee.. Maggie

[ edited by maggiemuggins on Sep 12, 2004 09:05 AM ]
posted on September 12, 2004 09:42:18 AM new
i dont know where you live,not all cities are covered by Craigs.
But i have tried my city ,so far so good,some are just email communications,I think right now there are not that many players so you can pretty much use emails to do some screening for you.
Just because we live longer does not mean we should dump our marriage or our spouse.
In fact,the older we get,the more there is to hold on to that old spouse(given if the two like each other),there is just too much risk taking on new life partner at a later stage.
I think today mating/courting scene is like going to an open buffet,the eyes are bigger than the stomach,sample everything and what do you get-HEARTBURN!!
We do this in the name of finding TRUE COMPATIBILITY ,and what do we find,we end up ditching ,and back to the buffet table again!!
-sig file -------we eat to live,not live to eat.
Benjamin Franklin
[ edited by stopwhining on Sep 12, 2004 09:43 AM ]
[ edited by stopwhining on Sep 12, 2004 09:44 AM ]
posted on September 12, 2004 11:40:54 AM new
In the dating scene what is it that you are really after, what is the initial attraction. That's right it's sex. Are you really after a relationship, do you really expect to find a lifelong mate?? I won't say that it doesn't happen, as Maggie pointed out about her Sis but I think it's probably rare. I have never tried the internet dating because I have to see what I am buying into I guess.

As far as the subject of love goes and I don't confuse that with lust, 2 different things entirely. I hate being in love, sometimes it hurts. I've come close to marriage twice and would have just given in totally to it but things just didn't work out. At this point in my life I think most times that I don't really want a lifelong mate, all I want is the sex. I do have girlfriends that I don't have sexual relations with and I/we enjoy each others company and that's fine with me.

Whenever I am out on the hunt, so-to-speak, what I am seeking is sex and I go back to the buffet table as often as I can handle, sometimes I get lucky and sometimes I don't. I went out lastnight and got home at 3:00 AM and I am still a little groggy. But it was fun, I went to a couple of bars and talked to a few women but I just wasn't able to connect and so I finally ended up at a strip club where I spent the rest of my hunt money. LOL I am broke and I guess I will have to pay a visit to the ATM.

Sorry I almost derailed your thread with my link post above. BTW I like the way that you seem to always interject food or something food related into your posts, i.e. and back to the buffet table again!! LOL

Somehow I just knew that you'd be the only one to admit clicking the link, the others are just a bunch of prudes and can't admit it I think.

posted on September 12, 2004 11:56:55 AM new
first i must thank you for your contribution,and your insight in today"s man/woman relationship.
see,you were out last nite with lust in your heart and you find it at a late nite strip bar,good for you.
I will say like Ebay,there is no free lunch and cheap lunch is just that,fill your tummy and you will be hungry again.
so back to the buffet table and get yourself another helping soon!!
-sig file -------we eat to live,not live to eat.
Benjamin Franklin
posted on September 12, 2004 12:16:06 PM new
I see no reason to not admit what's on my mind.

posted on September 12, 2004 12:31:36 PM new
Last nite on Craigs,there is this guy looking for a female companion to go to a strip bar.
What he has found and would like to have the experience repeated is that he found dancers who perform lapdance are more receptive to female customers than male.
His theory is that most dancers are either lesbian or bi and prefer women customers and respond better towards women customers as they are more friendly and gentle in the way they handle the merchandise on hand,or rather on their lap.
Dont really know if a woman can sit on another woman and for how long??
-sig file -------Life is one big happy 'All You Can Eat' buffet .
posted on September 12, 2004 12:44:12 PM new
I took a woman that I was dating to a strip bar once. She was curious about it all and the strip bars here won't let a woman in the bar unless she is with a man. I found that she got along with the women really well and the dancers were all over us. So I beleive there is some truth that alot of dancers are bi. I have to admit that it was a real turn on. As far as handling the merchandise goes, they throw your ass out for that, I found out too many times, no touching allowed.

posted on September 12, 2004 12:58:44 PM new
ROFLMAO..Krafty.. and he wonders why he has to look in the classifieds for Asian women to date.. American/Canadian women won't go near him.. LOL.. And the ones he imports only stay with him until they learn the English language.. at which time they realize the guy is a nutbar...and run like heall.... hee hee..

OOPs..wrong thread.. hee hee..
[ edited by maggiemuggins on Sep 12, 2004 12:59 PM ]
posted on September 12, 2004 01:18:28 PM new
Hold up.. What!!??

I get the idea that you are interested in sex rather than a relationship.. fine .. but how is your lust satisfied by going to a strip club? Why not find a female who is looking for the same thing you are..?

I haven't dated in the past decade.. but if I ever felt the need to search for Mr.Right again.. it sure as hell wouldn't be in the local bar.. or on an Internet site..(you've all seen the cartoons!!)LOL..

It should be a business proposition.. go to a Matchmaker..Pay your money, lay it all out.. what you want and expect and won't settle for anything less.. let them find you exactly what you are looking for.. why waste your time chatting up and spending your money trying to find the right person.. Let them do the work, come up with a nice list for you to choose from and then give it a try.. Let them sort out all the duds...

posted on September 12, 2004 01:29:14 PM new
I guess I should have mentioned that I have gotten lucky more than a few times with the women at the strip clubs. Oh and no money exchanged hands in the process either, so you can just put that thought about prostitution out of your pretty little red head.

posted on September 12, 2004 01:38:20 PM new
Using a matchmaker or a dating service to me just seems a little too much like a business proposition. It takes all the fun out of the hunt. I prefer to look at it like it's a sport and I am a sporting man.

posted on September 12, 2004 01:44:06 PM new
Yellow.. I wouldn't judge you if you did pay for your pleasure.. I'm a firm believer, that nothing in this life comes free and if it comes cheap, well.. you get what you paid for.. HA
I do believe that it is crazy to go poking around in the dark, however.. Maggie
Is marriage not a form of Prostitution?
Oh.. and I forgot.. My momma always told me that I could fall "in love" with a rich man as easily as a poor man.. and that made sense to me.. LOL
[ edited by maggiemuggins on Sep 12, 2004 01:49 PM ]
posted on September 12, 2004 01:47:54 PM new
So what is the problem?

Imo, lack of taking the marriage vows of committment seriously. Lack of willingness to work through the 'bad' times that will happened in any long term marriage. Like your partner.

Maybe as it has become more acceptable to end a marriage when it sours...rather than try to work it out...is too easy to do. And so much more accepted by our society today.

In my mother's day you were considered a failure if you could not work out your problems. It was a sign of ones character to not take their vows seriously.

Having family and friends to encourage people to work problems out is certainly lacking in the present. There's not much support for continuing the marriage when the 'thinking' is pretty much 'you don't have to deal with that...get a divorce'.

Maybe required pre-marriage councelling would help...talking to young people about the realities and committment of marriage.

posted on September 12, 2004 01:57:14 PM new
One of the tools that a wise sporting man always carries with him for poking around in the dark is a raincoat, if you get my drift.

Yes I beleive that one could hold the view that marriage is a form of prostitution, however, since I have never actually been down that road I can only guess at it. On the other hand I believe that love plays a large role in a marriage and what is mine is hers and what is hers is mine, therefore negating any notion of it being a business transaction.

posted on September 12, 2004 02:00:15 PM new
I like your picture yellowstone...


Re-Elect President Bush... the only true choice.
posted on September 12, 2004 02:08:31 PM new
No.. you are just plain wrong.. Linda.
People have lived miserable lives because they have been pressured through guilt, families or religion to continue in a bad relationship.

Listen carefully now.. this life of ours is not a dress rehersal.., okay..,this is your one shot.. ,you can choose to live a life of misery or you can choose to cut your losses and try again, or not bother.

I don't think anyone is talking about having a spat here.. I'm talking about two people who can't stand to look at one another.. or when you do.. you picture them hanging from a noose.. Or how about the little gal with two black eyes and four teeth left in her mouth.. you going to have the gall to tell her to give it another try...again and take her vows seriously... not me...

Women especially have been held back with rules and guilt and nonsense, usually all man made.. I'd rather live this one and only life with as much happiness as I can possibly squeeze out of it.. what fun is dieing a Martyr?

posted on September 12, 2004 02:16:53 PM new
Yellow, you are young and still believe in everlasting love and mush and all that good stuff..
I am not going to be the one to try and burst your bubble.. I believe in all that stuff too..after the contract and pre-nuptial agreement is signed.. LOL

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