posted on February 7, 2005 05:24:49 AM new
Ok the game is over the best team won...
What was your favorite ad?
I like the Cedric ones the best... but the one where the guys are at the game and send a photo to their buddy was funny...
Pretty good overall...
posted on February 7, 2005 06:35:37 AM new
The ones with the apes..........Kiss my _ _ _
posted on February 7, 2005 08:33:41 AM new
I liked the follow-up to the Budweiser Donkey from last year and the Puffy/Diet Pepsi commercial.
Absolute worst were the Kinkos and ads.
~~~ • ~~~ • ~~~ • ~~~ • ~~~
If it's really "common" sense, why do so few people actually have it?
posted on February 7, 2005 01:48:26 PM new
Clearly the godaddy commercial was best. At least for my eyes anyway.
The diet pepsi commercials were good too.
Alive in 2005
posted on February 7, 2005 03:40:17 PM new
Missed them all. Next to New Year's Day, when everybody is home in bed wishing they didn't have to face another year, the best day to go fishing is Stupid Bowl Sunday...the boy and I had the river, and the trout, all to ourselves.
Dick Cheney: "I have not suggested there's a connection between Iraq and 9/11..."
posted on February 7, 2005 04:49:23 PM new
My favorites were for a mortgage company (I think).
The first one had a guy in a convenience store saying "You're being robbed" (on the phone) and getting maced by the proprietor.
The second showed a fellow fixing a romantic dinner, the cat spilled the tomato sauce, and the better half walked in to her man, holding her white cat covered with sauce in one hand and a knife in the other. (I actually spewed Pepsi on that one!)
And if I wanted a Mustang before, seeing that commercial over and over cured any urge I may have had to spend the money.
posted on February 7, 2005 05:49:15 PM new
Catch many trout profe51?
I like most of the ads, but that one from was just plain stupid.
posted on February 7, 2005 08:17:05 PM new
We caught quite a few, none worth writing home about, but a fine day none the less. Horsebacked up to the upper end of our creek where there are some natives that hide in the pools there...a happy stream, a nip of single barrel bourbon from the boot flask, a playful fish now and then...just shoot me!
Dick Cheney: "I have not suggested there's a connection between Iraq and 9/11..."
posted on February 8, 2005 12:14:42 PM new
I liked the Diet Pepsi one, where the guy walking down the street has all these women staring and following him, and THEN, the gay guy (I think he's on the show 'Queer Eye for the Straight Guy' ) had shades on, then lowered the shades, and was checking out the guy!
The mustang one I think was like a take from the movie Fargo.. that was good, and twig I wouldn't want one either now!
Profe, sounds wonderful what you did on the Big Super Bowl Sunday! Your lucky to be able to live where you do and do those things!
Dayum, there are a lot of people that believe Super Bowl Sunday is more important than Christmas!
posted on February 8, 2005 04:49:34 PM new
I kept waiting for one with "Bob" and his happy wife, smiling and waving. I love the innuendos. I think they push "Enzyte"?(male enhancement). Mark and I were fairly certain they'd have one....We were disappointed..
posted on February 8, 2005 06:07:45 PM new
"I kept waiting for one with "Bob" and his happy wife, smiling and waving. I love the innuendos. I think they push "Enzyte"?(male enhancement)."
I hate that add-these two idiots have got to be the most dorkiest people I have ever seen.I took one look at that woman and it would take alot more then a "male enchancement" to put my dick in a bag over her head.Not only that the adds misleading-the guy plays a round of golf like you've never seen...I gotta ask ya-HOW THE HELL IS WALKING AROUND THE GOLF COURSE FOR 18 HOLES WITH A HARD-ON GONNA IMPROVE MY GOLF GAME????
posted on February 9, 2005 09:11:36 AM new
18 holes, and you still have a boner? Mah man!
liberalism, the last bastion of elitism
posted on February 9, 2005 02:38:44 PM new
Replay ALL the superbowl ads:
A word to the wise ain't necessary, it's the stupid ones that need the advice."
- Bill Cosby