posted on February 12, 2005 04:13:34 PM new
Halliburton has been in Iraq for some time now. Does anyone know what they're doing there? Are they on stand-by until the bombing ends?
Also, Iraq's oil is NEVER mentioned ever. Is oil being pumped? What's happening with their oil?
Are there any reconstruction pictures available yet?
posted on February 12, 2005 04:38:37 PM new
If I'm not mistaken, Halliburton is involved in lots more than oil over there. A friend of mine is a retired state highway patrolman. He was recently offered the opportunity to work in Iraq for a Halliburton subsidiary, training Iraqi policemen. 120K for a 10 month stint. He declined.
Dick Cheney: "I have not suggested there's a connection between Iraq and 9/11..."
posted on February 12, 2005 06:33:18 PM new
where's fenix. I think she said her dad worked not in Iraq but someplace over there. It's an opportunity for a person to go there make oddles of money and come back rich, that is if they come back. That is why chances are taken just in case they come back.
posted on February 12, 2005 09:03:25 PM new
Libra, 120K is a lot of money, but it isn't rich, not by a long shot.
Kraft, if I were a young guy with no obligations here, I'd probably do it. Now? I wouldn't go, not for any amount of money, because my place is here, and here is where I want to be, regardless of what I might earn someplace else. I have a ranch to run, and it won't get run right without me, at least not yet.
Dick Cheney: "I have not suggested there's a connection between Iraq and 9/11..."
posted on February 12, 2005 09:51:19 PM new
Libra - my father worked at a hospital in Saudi Arabia. He's now 70 something and legally blind. I don't think he's of much use to Iraq.
As far as the monetary opportunities... it's risk vs reward. I think if he was young and able he probably would go. When he went to Saudi Arabia he was nearly unemployable in the US because of his declining vision but invaluable to the Saudis since he'd spent his whole career in teaching hospitals. He was able to put away enough money during his time in Saudi to come home, buy a house and know that it was OK that he would not be able to work again. Considering what has happened to the savings of many of the boomers because of stock market crash, I would not be at all surprised that there are many that are taking advantage of elevated pay rates in Iraq in the same manner he did.
If someone offered me 12k a month, I would go. I think it would be an amazing experience.
~~~ • ~~~ • ~~~ • ~~~ • ~~~
If it's really "common" sense, why do so few people actually have it?
posted on February 12, 2005 10:02:04 PM new
During this Iraq war the first thing on the agenda was to secure the oil fields. The insurgents (aka-remaining Baathist party) have been routinely blowing-up the pipelines around the country to hinder the flow of oil.
posted on February 12, 2005 11:41:38 PM new
No profe but it will keep you going. Many usually stay longer than that. If the opportunity isn't here to make money then they take that risk.
Fenix. I didn't mean anything by it I just knew you said he did that. I am sorry to hear about your father. Hospital workers have didly squat for a retirement, unless they are unionized and many are not. Going there is one way to get ahead.
There are jobs like that in the US. Take Motorola for instance. When their cell phones were first new they hired employees to work 6 days a week 12 hours a day for about a year at approximately $12.00 an hour. Sometimes 7 days then they would lay them off. You called in sick you lost your job.
posted on February 13, 2005 05:48:20 AM new
I would in a heartbeat.
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posted on February 13, 2005 06:00:36 AM new
Fact Sheet
Halliburton's Iraq Contracts Now Worth over $10 Billion
The value of Halliburton's Iraq contracts has crossed the $10 billion threshold. Halliburton has now received $8.3 billion in Iraq work under its LOGCAP troop support contract and $2.5 billion under its no-bid Restore Iraqi Oil (RIO) contract, a total of $10.8 billion.
The mounting value of the contracts has been accompanied by a growing list of concerns about Halliburton's performance. Over the last year, government auditors have issued at least nine reports criticizing Halliburton's Iraq work, and there are multiple criminal investigations into overcharging and kickbacks involving Halliburton's contracts. Former Halliburton employees have testified before Congress about egregious instances of over billing. Despite these concerns, the Bush Administration continues to reject the recommendations of its auditors that 15% of Halliburton's LOGCAP reimbursements be withheld until the company can provide better substantiation for its charges.
Value of the Contracts
Halliburton has several major contracts in Iraq. The largest, called the Logistics Civil Augmentation Program (LOGCAP), is a cost-plus contract to provide support services to the troops. As of December 2, 2004, the value of Halliburton's Iraq task orders under LOGCAP was $8.26 billion. (1)
The second largest Halliburton contract is the cost-plus RIO contract to restore and operate Iraq's oil infrastructure, which Halliburton was awarded on a no-bid basis in March 2003. The value of the work Halliburton performed under this contract is $2.51 billion. (2)
The combined value of these two contracts is $10.77 billion. This is significantly more than any other contractor has been awarded in Iraq. For example, the maximum value of Bechtel's Iraq infrastructure contracts is $2.8 billion. Halliburton will reap profits of between $133 million and $424 million on its two contracts. (3)
The actual value of Halliburton's Iraq contracts is likely higher than $10.77 billion. In January 2004, Halliburton received a follow-on oil contract for southern Iraq worth up to $1.2 billion. The Administration has not disclosed the value of the work given to Halliburton under this contract.
Investigations and Audits
At the same time that the value of Halliburton's contracts is increasing, auditors are finding extensive problems with Halliburton's billings, and criminal investigations of Halliburton and its employees continue.
Auditors from the Defense Contract Audit Agency (DCAA), the Government Accountability Office (GAO), and the Coalition Provisional Authority Inspector General (CPA IG) have repeatedly and consistently criticized multiple aspects of Halliburton's activities in Iraq. In nine different reports, these government auditors have found widespread, systemic problems with almost every aspect of Halliburton's work in Iraq, from cost estimation and billing systems to cost control and subcontract management.
Key findings from these audits include the following:
In December 2003, a DCAA draft audit reported that Halliburton overcharged the Defense Department by $61 million to import gasoline into Iraq from Kuwait through September 30, 2003. (4)
On December 31, 2003, a DCAA "Flash Report" audit found "significant" and "systemic" deficiencies in the way Halliburton estimates and validates costs. According to the DCAA audit, Halliburton repeatedly violated the Federal Acquisition Regulation and submitted a $2.7 billion proposal that "did not contain current, accurate, and complete data regarding subcontract costs." (5)
On January 13, 2004, DCAA concluded that Halliburton's deficiencies "bring into question [Halliburton's] ability to consistently produce well-supported proposals that are acceptable as a basis for negotiation of fair and reasonable prices," and it urged the Corps of Engineers to "contact us to ascertain the status of [Halliburton's] estimating system prior to entering into future negotiations." (6)
In a May 13, 2004, audit, DCAA reported "several deficiencies" in Halliburton's billing system that resulted in billings to the government that "are not prepared in accordance with applicable laws and regulations and contract terms." DCAA also found "system deficiencies resulting in material invoicing misstatements that are not prevented, detected and/ or corrected in a timely manner." The report emphasized Halliburton's inadequate controls over subcontract billings. The auditors "identified inadequate or nonexistent policies and procedures for notifying the government of potential significant subcontract problems that impact delivery, quality, and price" and determined that Halliburton "does not monitor the ongoing physical progress of subcontracts or the related costs and billings." (7)
On June 25, 2004, the CPA IG found that, as a result of poor oversight, Halliburton charged U. S. taxpayers for unauthorized and unnecessary expenses at the Kuwait Hilton Hotel. According to the IG, the overcharges would have amounted to $3.6 million per year. (8)
A July 26, 2004, CPA IG audit report found that Halliburton "did not effectively manage government property" and that the company's property records "were not sufficiently accurate or available to properly account for CPA property items." The IG "projected that property valued at more than $18.6 million was not accurately accounted for or was missing
posted on February 13, 2005 06:04:41 AM new
The Bush-Halliburton-Iraq-Complex
The Washington Post is running a very important article by Ariana Eunjung Cha today detailing the massive Halliburton kick-back scheme known as the occupation of Iraq. US contractors are being paid nearly $2 billion out of Iraqi funds (primarily oil money) for the non-competitive contracts awarded to them by the CPA rather than a congressionally approved financing package. By using the Iraqi funds the Bush Administration, the CPA, and the contractors are able to eschew Congressional oversight that would have accompanied using US tax-payer money. The article does a very good job of exposing a number of shady contracting, funding, and accounting practices of the CPA.
Halliburton Co. and other U.S. contractors are being paid at least $1.9 billion from Iraqi funds under an arrangement set by the U.S.-led occupation authority, according to a review of documents and interviews with government agencies, companies and auditors.
Most of the money is for two controversial deals that originally had been financed with money approved by the U.S. Congress, but later shifted to Iraqi funds that were governed by fewer restrictions and less rigorous oversight...
posted on February 13, 2005 06:05:19 AM new
"Halliburton Company has told the Pentagon that two employees took kickbacks valued at up to $6 million in return for awarding a Kuwaiti-based company with lucrative work supplying U.S. troops in Iraq, [the 1/23/04] Wall Street Journal reported.
The disclosure is the first firm indication of corruption involving U.S.- funded projects in Iraq and raises new questions about Halliburton's dealings there. The company's work already is being scrutinized because of accusations that the U.S. government was overcharged for gasoline under another controversial contract."
posted on February 13, 2005 11:53:59 AM new
Unbelieveable Crowfarm. Why isn't stuff like this being reported on a daily basis? How can the President and VP keep allowing this to happen at the expense of the the Americans? Is that why you NEVER hear anything about Halliburton? Or OIL? War is the golden goose for these nimords and it's all done under the guise of freedom. How sick and low can a government go?
posted on February 13, 2005 12:19:19 PM newWar is the golden goose for these nimords and it's all done under the guise of freedom. How sick and low can a government go?
In my opinion this war was never about the Iraqi people. It was just another way for certain American businesses to profit from the misfortunes of others.
Absolute faith has been shown, consistently, to breed intolerance. And intolerance, history teaches us, again and again, begets violence.
---------------------------------- Bush will fix Social Security just like he has fixed Osama Bin Laden and Iraq. Bush can't be trusted to run this country and you want to trust him with your retirement?
posted on February 13, 2005 12:47:52 PM new
I'll ask again.....
Why are the lefties so concerned about Halliburton but never appear to me to be at all concerned about the oil-for-food program that many countries were involved in with saddam. Those 'pay-offs' don't appear to bother the lefties here at all? Why would that be I wonder?
Halliburton is a company that has to account for it's earnings. And IF they are found guilty of any wrong doing, they will pay for and suffer the consequences.
I sure don't remember the lefties here getting upset with clinton used Halliburton, hired them with no-bid-contracts. Cheney worked for HB during the clinton administration....when clinton used their services.
But then he quits in 2000 [or before] and the lefties have a fit about it.
But let the UN run amuck..let the UN misappropriate funds....don't hear a thing out of the left.
~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~ Four More Years....YES!!!
posted on February 13, 2005 01:46:17 PM newI sure don't remember the lefties here getting upset with clinton used Halliburton, hired them with no-bid-contracts.
Show me where Clinton or Gore had personal ties to Halliburton? That's right neither did, but Cheney worked for Halliburton directly. It is just a little too suspicious Linda.
Absolute faith has been shown, consistently, to breed intolerance. And intolerance, history teaches us, again and again, begets violence.
---------------------------------- Bush will fix Social Security just like he has fixed Osama Bin Laden and Iraq. Bush can't be trusted to run this country and you want to trust him with your retirement?
posted on February 13, 2005 01:53:00 PM new
logansdad - So I take it you don't believe in the way our system works huh? Innocent UNTIL proven guilty? Unless you can prove that Cheney is actually quilty of's all slander from the left.
Or maybe this ties in with your support of saddam. You're rather have seen the money that Halliburton will/does make going to a foreign country rather than profiting a US company?
Do you EVER agree with anything this country does? EVER?
~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~ Four More Years....YES!!!
posted on February 13, 2005 04:11:21 PM new
Kraft says,"How sick and low can a government go?"
Well for "Four More Years" we'll get to see.
Then little miss neonazi linduh comes in all atwitter with... "Unless you can prove that Cheney is actually quilty of's all slander from the left.""
NOT slander, he has been proven guilty of having his slimey hands in the pot.
"Or maybe this ties in with your support of saddam. You're rather have seen the money that Halliburton will/does make going to a foreign country rather than profiting a US company?"
THIS is hilarious !!!Logan has NEVER given any indication he supports Saddam.
So linduh , in the Republican tradition, says it's better for an American company to rip off the American people AND SOLDIERS than a foreign patriotic of her!
One smiley face, two smiley face.........the countdown begins.....
posted on February 13, 2005 04:13:50 PM new
Kraft says,"How sick and low can a government go?"
Well for "Four More Years" we'll get to see.
Then little miss neonazi linduh comes in all atwitter with... "Unless you can prove that Cheney is actually quilty of's all slander from the left.""
NOT slander, he has been proven guilty of having his slimey hands in the pot.
"Or maybe this ties in with your support of saddam. You're rather have seen the money that Halliburton will/does make going to a foreign country rather than profiting a US company?"
THIS is hilarious !!!Logan has NEVER given any indication he supports Saddam.
So linduh , in the Republican tradition, says it's better for an American company to rip off the American people AND SOLDIERS than a foreign patriotic of her!
One smiley face, two smiley face.........the countdown begins.....
posted on February 13, 2005 05:19:06 PM new
A double post?
That's nothing...his/her usual habit is taking the same post and reposting it in every thread that's active - no matter the topic.
But the he/she complains about people who copy and paste all the time. Well..wait...that's not quite true. He/she ONLY complains when a 'rightie' does it.....NEVER when a leftie does it.
~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~ Four More Years....YES!!!
posted on February 13, 2005 06:57:53 PM new
Linda, you wanted an answer about Halliburton. That is the explanation. Make what you want of it. I don't care one way or the other. My response was a simple explanation to your question, but again you have twisted the response and ran it through your little neo-con brain to come up with such a off-the-wall response. If you want to be Geraldo Rivera and go on a hunt to prove something, then do your investigation. It will not change my feelings of Bush or this administration.
Absolute faith has been shown, consistently, to breed intolerance. And intolerance, history teaches us, again and again, begets violence.
---------------------------------- Bush will fix Social Security just like he has fixed Osama Bin Laden and Iraq. Bush can't be trusted to run this country and you want to trust him with your retirement?
posted on February 14, 2005 07:37:27 AM new
linDUH says,
"A double post?
That's nothing...his/her usual habit is taking the same post and reposting it in every thread that's active - no matter the topic.
But the he/she complains about people who copy and paste all the time. Well..wait...that's not quite true. He/she ONLY complains when a 'rightie' does it.....NEVER when a leftie does it. ""
Translated into "honesty" it's just linduh's way of saying "crowfarm, you're right, I can't argue that one."