posted on February 15, 2005 05:16:37 AM new
I missed it too. How was he?
Dick Cheney: "I have not suggested there's a connection between Iraq and 9/11..."
posted on February 15, 2005 06:18:22 AM new
Here is a link to the CNN TRANSCRIPT He waffles a little bit on some issues.
[ edited by Helenjw on Feb 15, 2005 06:25 AM ]
posted on February 15, 2005 02:31:00 PM new
thanks for the link helen. I was glad to get to read wihtout digging around that site. Kinda loses something in translation to the printed word (for me anyway) so I'll still try to catch the rerun.
ed to add: btw, where did he waffle?
One of the things I like about him and his thinking, is he is reasonable - not just a die hard liberal toeing the line.
[ edited by dblfugger9 on Feb 15, 2005 02:33 PM ]
posted on February 15, 2005 03:11:09 PM new
Helen, yeah.
One thing that did kind of annoy me though is his hang-up on the South. I mean, granted, there is still uneducated and ignorant people all over the country. The south has it's share, but I think some parts of the South are really very progressive. Tennessee, I think in particular, (tho I could not back that up with anything bonafided)... is progressive, I'd say, if you had to categorize states as such. Progressive maybe in a conservative way? ha-hah You'd say thats an oxy-moron, right? But what the hell does he know in that area anyway? He's from NJ, and probably has a house out in CA somewhere and I doubt he is out mingling in the public much. Its like because he read they had a civil war enactment somewhere, he's branded the whole south as still backwards.
But see, not seeing it, I dont even know if that was part of his comical schtick or he meant it.
posted on February 15, 2005 03:25:13 PM new
"One thing that did kind of annoy me though is his hang-up on the South. I mean, granted, they are still an uneducated and ignorant people" wont get an arguement in this corner.
How to say 'I love you' in 22 languages.....
I Love You
Te Amo
Je T'aime
lch Liebe Dich
Ai Shite Imasu
Ti Amo
Wo Ai Ni
Jag Alskar
North Carolina
South Carolina
West Virginia
& parts of Florida
Nice Ass, Get in the truck
[ edited by classicrock000 on Feb 15, 2005 03:28 PM ]
posted on February 15, 2005 04:04:23 PM new
Classic, you mentioned Binghampton, etc. Have you ever seen the rednecks up there? Or upstate PA? Its proliferated with these ZZ Top types and they will run you off the road if you dont know where youre going with that thare truck.
What about them? and that ain't no where near considered the south!!
posted on February 15, 2005 04:12:51 PM new"One thing that did kind of annoy me though is his hang-up on the South. I mean, granted, they are still an uneducated and ignorant people" wont get an argument in this corner.
I guess I will have to agree, since they all vote Republican!
posted on February 15, 2005 04:50:54 PM new
Some of you who still like to use sterotypes about those living in the South would very surprised.
And your statements remind me of what Rangel said about the clinton's.
Rangel Blasts Clinton as 'a Redneck'
Rep. Charlie Rangel is blasting ex-President Bill Clinton as "a redneck" after New York Sen. Hillary Clinton refused for the second year in a row to support his bill to help the mother of police shooting victim Amadou Diallo stay in the country.
"I don't have the slightest clue who Hillary really is," the dismayed Harlem Democrat tells New York Magazine this week. "All I see is a gal who knew she was as good as anyone else, and she saw this guy she could make something of, so she forfeited Illinois and went to Arkansas."
Rangel then added, "That's a hell of a move to make for a redneck, which is all he was." Asked if he really thought Clinton was a redneck Tuesday morning, Rangel told WWRL Radio's Steve Malzberg and Karen Hunter, "Of course he is. He's from Arkansas."
~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~ Four More Years....YES!!!
posted on February 15, 2005 05:13:21 PM new
I found this to be a typical democratic response....complain about how it is or isn't being dealt with by this administration....but when asked what they'd do... LOL....they have nothing to offer.
MAHER: No. I mean, we could, I guess. We could just nuke them. But, no.
KING: So what do we do about hostile nations that might have nuclear weapons? What do you do?
MAHER: I guess try to be nice to them. I mean, I don't know.
Then I'd place my bet that this is one issue helen believed he was 'waffling' on. Cause he wasn't holding the ultra-left party line.
KING: Should we worry?
[about Social Security]
MAHER: .......[then] I must say, on the other side of the aisle, look, I don't think people probably have in their minds the actual facts about Social Security, which is every time you get a paycheck, your employer takes out 6.25 percent, and you lose 6.25 percent to Social Security. They put it in an account that gets 1.6 percent interest. There just has to be a way -- come on just on a common sense level. Your money can do better, especially over you're life time, over 50 years you can't get better than 1.6 percent interest? If my broker called me up and told me that's what my money was getting, I would fire him the next day.
Now, if he said, lets put it in some high risk stuff that gets 20 percent. But there's got to be something between 1.6 percent, which is way too safe. And also they're only suggesting that they take one- third of your contributions, so, you know, it's not the worst idea in the world.
And also the Democrats were touting this five years ago, just like the Democrats were all over the idea of spreading freedom in the world. Woodrow Wilson, make the world safe for democracy. John F. Kennedy, pay any price, bury a burden. Somehow when Bush takes over these Democratic issues, the Democrats have to remember, OK, don't work backwards from "I hate George Bush." So now we're against the things we were always for? You know, if he stole your issues, that's your fault for not backing your issues to begin with.
~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~ Four More Years....YES!!!
posted on February 15, 2005 09:44:25 PM new
Many of the people who disagree with the direction Bush has taken the country are not Democrats. I for instace am a registered green although I voted for Kerry.
But keep posting Linda. Sheep like you keep the rest of us fired up.
[ edited by davebraun on Feb 15, 2005 09:45 PM ]
posted on February 16, 2005 02:33:29 AM new...Some of you who still like to use stereotypes about those living in the South would very surprised....
Linda, I find many take the chiding in stride, and even indulge in a bit of humor about it themselves.
I have to say one thing about Southerners: they have this uncanny ability for the most charming storytelling, even when they're not trying. The other day I spoke with this girl (she was in quite the chatty mood and I happened to just be there) and she was telling me about her relationship with this guy she was supposed to marry. She told me she was with him five years, but it was indiscriminate, you know...just friends...before she found out he was no good. drinking ana druggin too much.
All I could think was, isnt that odd? I dont think I'd ever describe a relationship I had as 'indiscriminate' (sshh! classic - that one-nighter up in BINGHAMPTON - doesnt count!! )- as a way to mean we were just friends??? Then she went on to tell me how she dyed her hair this awful eggplant black color and without knowing she tried to dye it back, and all her hair was coming out in clumps and she was balding. She said her head looked like a Brussels sprouts garden with tiny broken hairs coming out and she wiggled her fingers on top of her head to demonstrate that. A surprised burst of laughter escaped me, and like a little kid I squealed 'do that again' and she obliged right away. She seemed throughly delighted to be of entertainment with her stories. But maybe she was just glad to have somebody to talk to.
btw, she is blonde now and my DH calls her the Britney Spears of the place! And he's practically got everybody else calling her that, too. (But as kraft would say, being compared to Britney Spears cant be a 'bad thing'. )
GM, classic! are up early as usual. You dont sleep much, do you?
posted on February 16, 2005 02:55:05 AM new
"(sshh! classic - that one-nighter up in BINGHAMPTON - doesnt count!! )-"
was I any good????????
Im usually up at 5am every morning.Since I have retired my wife thinks its a good idea that I bring her to the train station every morning-since I HAVE NOTHING BETTER TO DO.I forgot about that tatoo I put on my forehead that says "taxi".
posted on February 16, 2005 03:09:48 AM new
LOL Classic! I keep the weirdest schedule since my dh works am's and sometimes I get up with him (or he just wakes me up, talking about sh* that needs to get done while I am still asleep.) Isnt that the most annoying? In a deep sleep and somebody is talking to you saying hey when are we going to file those taxes or whatever?
But I like to get up early and get a head start on the day.
btw, you were fabs up in binghampton...I cant believe you dont remember???
[ edited by dblfugger9 on Feb 16, 2005 03:26 AM ]
posted on February 16, 2005 06:06:05 AM new "I have to say one thing about Southerners: they have this uncanny ability for the most charming storytelling, even when they're not trying."
Many of the world's greatest story tellers come from the south. -- just from Mississippi, for example....John Grisham, Tennessee Williams, Eudora Welty, Richard Wright, Shelby Foote, William Faulkner, Walker Percey, Tennessee Willams etc...