posted on February 18, 2005 12:18:36 AM new
Heard this from several sources, direct quotes from george the barbarian....
"""From the Washington Post:
Bush's fast-moving manner can make his listening skills appear suspect, Lahkani says. This point is bolstered during Bush's onstage "conversations."
In Omaha on Friday, a divorced single mother named Mary Mornin tells the president, "I have one child, Robbie, who is mentally challenged, and I have two daughters."
"Fantastic," the president exclaims, and he tells her she has "the hardest job in America, being a single mom."
Later, the 57-year old Mornin tells Bush that she works three jobs, which the president deems "uniquely American" and "fantastic." He asks her if she gets any sleep."
It's just fantastic that a single motherwith the added care of a child with special needs has to work three jobs to survive! What cold-hearted #*!@ is the pres!!
posted on February 18, 2005 05:35:49 AM new
cf, ya think this president MADE her have three children? Granted, there are some things the government could do to ease her burdens financially, but Her life is still her choice!!
ya ever hear the saying, make yer bed and then lay in it?
btw, if a couple - she weighing 360 pounds and he weighing a meager 155, travel 400 miles from NY to Washington DC at rate of 65 mph and they cross k street and go around to the left of the lincoln memorial, who is buried in grants tomb??
posted on February 18, 2005 07:05:59 AM new
You nailed it , bigpeepa, that's a Republican!
As evidenced by the post right before yours....nasty, hard hearted idiot.
posted on February 18, 2005 07:13:05 AM new
Having children is a bad choice ? Geez, dblfugged up you must think most of the world is stupid!
Sorry, doulbleystupid, you can't hide this bush nastiness!
But you neonazicons hang together.
posted on February 18, 2005 07:27:23 AM new
doulbley, huh?
crowfart, if you ever came close to living half the lofty ideals you esteem everybody else is lacking, I'm sure the country would be in tip-top shape by now.
posted on February 18, 2005 07:42:45 AM new
""""crowfart, if you ever came close to living half the lofty ideals you esteem everybody else is lacking, I'm sure the country would be in tip-top shape by now"""
dblydumb, you forgot to READ what you just's illogical idiocy...Oh, I forgot , you're a neonazicon.....can't think and can't write and can't address the issue of your barbarian president.
REALLY? How I live would affect the country ?Wow, I got the power......
posted on February 18, 2005 08:39:25 AM new
A little history on Mary Mornin. Divorced mother of three ADULT children. One of which is challenged. One thing that article left out was that all three children are adults. Now where is the husband in all this. Does he have any responsibility in that family? Probably not, let the government take control. (Remember that is you and I). This is the mindset of many people who think someone owes them a living and it is not going to be me. I will pick and choose who I give to and it will be to people that deserve it. Get that husband back into that family and give some support. That might sound callus to some here on this board but if we had to pay for everyone of the many families who can't get along there would be none left for our families. Why is she, if she is, still supporting two adult children. There is more to this story then what we are told and I hate it when only part of it printed. BTW the challenged adult is probably collecting SS disability.
posted on February 18, 2005 08:56:19 AM new
Of course , by miscomprehsion, whether deliberate or "otherwise", the neonazicons don't get the POINT.
The POINT is that czar bush thinks it's "fantastic" that a single mother has to work three jobs to survive.
First, NOBODY in the "world's greatest country" should have to work 3 jobs.
Second, I heard the actual tape of bush, in a jovial tone, say it was "fantastic" that she had a disabled child. Then after she said she had to work 3 jobs he said it again like that was the most wonderful thing in the world!
THIS is barbarism. Any parent who works ONE job knows how hard it is to raise children even with two parents....alone with 3 jobs???...that SHOULD bring at least a bit of sympathy to a strong, hardworking woman. But, no, the neonazicons, like libra, think it's "fantastic!".
The difference between Repugs and Democrats....Repugs think only of themselves....Democrats have human feelings and care about others..
posted on February 18, 2005 10:11:17 AM new
I don't think it is fantastic. Where is the husband or the father of the children. The article I read does not say how many men fathered those children so I assume he is the father of all three. You say nothing about him crowfarm. Does he have a responsibility? He sure does. He is first on the list to help. Not me.
posted on February 18, 2005 01:38:15 PM new
Dear, dear Lala, you say,
"I don't think it is fantastic. Where is the husband or the father of the children. The article I read does not say how many men fathered those children so I assume he is the father of all three. You say nothing about him crowfarm. Does he have a responsibility? He sure does. He is first on the list to help. Not me."
First, "I don't think it's fantastic."
That's the POINT, lala! BUSH thinks her situation is fantastic.
Of course NORMAL human beings don't think that situation is fantastic!
THAT is the POINT about what a sick bastard he IS!.
It is NOT about the father's responsibility.
It is NOT about Social Security.
It is NOT about this woman thinking we owe her a living.....SHE WORKS THREE JOBS and our nasty president thinks that is "fantastic!".....THAT is the POINT.
posted on February 18, 2005 04:11:02 PM new
I think it's fantastic that she has the energy to work 3 jobs, she sounds like a heck of a strong willed woman to me. She can bring home the bacon but can she fry it up in the pan.