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posted on October 3, 2000 06:12:46 PM new
I don't know about you but this is the best time of the year for me. Even though we don't have many very hot days here in the summer I still hate them. We are having beautiful Indian Summer weather, warm days and cool nights. The daylight is shorter which I enjoy.

Fall is so calm and somehow more peaceful than any other season. I do miss the fall colors I had in Chicago. But, there are changes here in CA that I see, that give me a warm and cozy feeling also.

Halloween is just around the corner and I'll enjoy that with my two year old grandson. Starting getting fall wreaths and Halloween decorations out. I wish all of you could feel as wonderful as I do today.
posted on October 3, 2000 06:16:19 PM new
chococake, Im in California too

My favorite time is spring, although Fall is lovely too.

posted on October 3, 2000 06:29:04 PM new
chococake, I miss the Fall colors too... used to love rolling around in piles of leaves when I was a kid.
It is pretty much the same temperature 365 days a year here and I'm hardly complaining because it is never never cold but I remember fondly the gorgeous autumns.

posted on October 3, 2000 06:34:08 PM new
Maui yea I know you're a neighbor. Did you ever get back to that thread where I seemed to start a problem between you and someone else? I asked if you had ever taken the Amtrack Coast Starlight. (Don't go back if it hurts to read that thread).

Spring is nice in the beginning but it just doesn't have this calm feeling I get during the fall.

posted on October 3, 2000 06:36:21 PM new
Apple cider.
Weiner roasts...bonfires (not safe with present drought conditions )
Leaf-changing season...spectacular foliage.
Pumpkins and jack o' lanterns and children ringing the doorbell dressed as all manner of characters to ask plaintively, "Twick or tweet?"
Enjoy the festival of Fall.

posted on October 3, 2000 06:41:55 PM new
kiheicat, oh yea do you remember the fun of raking all the leaves in a big pile then jumping in and throwing them up in the air. Parents would get so mad because we would spred the leaves they just raked. LOL

How about going trick or treating and hearing those leaves cracking and crunching beneath your feet as you went from house to house? So much excitement and it could be really cold but you just didn't feel it.

posted on October 3, 2000 06:57:07 PM new
Head scratchin, here. What thread? Sorry...guess it didnt hurt too bad if I cant remember what it was, eh?

Starlight coach? I dont remember that one either. But no, never have taken a train ride, except when I was a kid. Would be fun to take one from here to Martinez (far as it goes I think).

posted on October 3, 2000 07:37:43 PM new
Reading these posts, I feel for those of you who no longer live in a climate where the leaves explode in a magnificent show of color, each a different shade of orange, red & yellow....Where they dance as they gently fall, covering the lawns, driveways, sidewalks & streets with a blanket of crunchy color, only to be gathered into piles for throwing & jumping.....So here's what I'm gonna do for ya!....You just let me know & I'll bag up a few thousand of these suckers (I got MORE than enough) and ship 'em right out to ya!....They're light, shipping will be cheap...as long as USPS will accept large black leaf bags! LOL

Fall is a very depressing time of year for me....It represents the end of our outdoor freedom....The end of "barefootin'" around....The end of day light hours that seem to stretch on forever....The beginning of the dark, cold dreary winter that we spend locked in the house, waiting not-so-patiently for the first signs of spring......But on the bright side, Halloween is a blast (I've got the best decorated Halloween house for miles around)....Thanksgiving is my favorite family holiday (this year with my sister-in-law's survival of ovarian cancer, we will all be especially thankful)....and the magic of the Christmas season fills my heart with pure joy!....So I suppose Fall's not that bad afterall...I guess it's January that really bums me out...

~ Rancher

posted on October 3, 2000 07:51:15 PM new
Hi Rancher! Yes, I see what you mean about fall. But I love winter too. Hearing the rain come down, cozy in a comforter and reading a good book; Lighted up houses for Christmas; The smell of turkey for Thanksgiving; walking into a warm house and good smelling kitchen with food cooking, after being outside in the cold. Only thing I dont have is snow. I would never live someplace where I couldnt enjoy all the seasons (snow is about 4 hours east of me). Never in a million years.

posted on October 3, 2000 07:58:35 PM new
Rancher, ROTFL! Thank you oh so much for your offer but I will have to decline.

Oh I sure don't miss the winters back there! I'm like Maui I love the rain. It's actually the only time I go for walks. My dog and I love to walk in the rain.

As for the snow you can have it. Yep only a few hours away but haven't gone in years.

posted on October 3, 2000 08:43:24 PM new
rancher YES! A bag of pretty fall leaves! How much $? lol
Wonder if you could get anything for that on eBay
The trade-off is that we have gorgeous explosive colorful tropical flowers everywhere every day of the year. I've lived in many parts of the country and having one beautiful season year-round is one of the reasons I'm here. And the Big Island gets snow on the top of the volcano in the winter so if I want to go play in snow I can hop over there if I want.. in fact we may do that this winter because my son wants to do some snowboarding.
So the only thing I'm missing is those autumn leaves...

posted on October 3, 2000 08:50:59 PM new
Seasons suck.

Give me sunny and warm every day of the year.

*mumbling and grumbling as I pull the edges of the afghan tighter around me*

posted on October 3, 2000 08:52:05 PM new
kiheicat but you have a rainy season too don't you? Snow? I never knew there was snow. Is it a lot of snow? What time of year?

posted on October 3, 2000 09:11:58 PM new
Shadowcat ROTF!
chococake yes technically we have a rainy season, although we've been in a drought for several years... the windward sides of all the islands get more rain. The snow in Hawaii is at the summit of Mauna Kea on the Big Island during the wintertime and they have snowboarding contests there too. Haven't been there yet but soon... I personally haven't seen snow at all in years.

posted on October 3, 2000 09:31:55 PM new
Here in San Diego County, we get a shift in the weather with cooler days and nights. And all the deciduous trees lose their leaves. Of course, they usually go from green to brown to gone in less than a week and that's not usually until December.

But the one nice thing about this area is that I am within a 2 hour drive to any climate I want. I can go up to the mountains for autumn colors and snow skiing. Some of the most wonderful apple areas are local to here. And when I've had enough cold, I can come back down the hill to my moderate weather.

I wouldn't spend another winter in Jersey for anything!! LOL

That's Flunky Gerbiltush to you!
posted on October 3, 2000 09:32:49 PM new
Rancher, gotta give ya a ^5. I too get kinda depressed come Fall, as it signals the (dreaded) onset of the winter doldrums. Frigid temperatures. Snow. Ice. Sleet. Shorter and grayer days. Yeck.

I was born and raised in the midwest, lived several years in the south (where they shut down everything if there's even a dusting of snow). When Spring rolls around, I feel like a snake shedding its skin, finally putting away all of those heavy, cumbersome winter togs necessary to keep the hawk from putting a chill in your bones.

While I enjoy a change of seasons, I can do without the winter months. Just give me Spring and Summer all year, lol!

posted on October 3, 2000 10:15:59 PM new
In central Texas we're just starting to get a little hint of fall weather. With summer temps of 108 so many days in a row - I'm anxious for a predicted cold front to come through this weekend. We're supposed to see the 70's by Saturday! I can't wait!

posted on October 3, 2000 10:20:28 PM new
njrazd, you will have to head to the central coast area this february. Tis when the monarch butterflies come...and you cant see the leaves of the Eucalyptus tress for all the butterflies! Do any of you watch nature shows? The ones where they show millions upon millions of butterflies in trees? Thats here! Its beautful. I cant count how many of them I have to pull off spider webs in my backyard, before they get wrapped up for said spiders supper.

posted on October 4, 2000 06:27:54 AM new
Fall? Here in SW Florida, we seem to be having sweaty, and sweatier. 60s? That's when I put on socks with my sandals and call it winter.

posted on October 4, 2000 09:06:43 AM new
maui...that sounds so beautiful!! We get some of the migration through here as they come up from Mexico. In fact, we were driving up to San Bernardino one time during their flight north and unfortunately splatted quite a few on the windshield! Sorry!

I will definitely look for that on TV though.

That's Flunky Gerbiltush to you!
posted on October 4, 2000 12:11:11 PM new
The trees have just begun to change color here in western Washington. Although it's not as spectacular as the show in the midwest, it's very pretty! The air feels nice in the mornings, chilly and crisp.

However, I have hard time getting out of bed in the mornings during the fall and winter because it's so warm in there and so cold outside the blankets! It's getting close to long underwear season.

posted on October 4, 2000 12:49:27 PM new
Maui...BTW...I will be going to Branson, Missouri this weekend. The weather report is showing temps to be low of 30 to high of 50 degrees. Guess I'll have to dig out my winter coat! hehe

That's Flunky Gerbiltush to you!
posted on October 4, 2000 02:11:06 PM new
Ahhhhhh! Fall . .

I loath the heat of Summer. Because of an odd metabolism, I am most happy when my house is about 58 degrees. (and yes, this does cause SOME conflict with the other, more cold natured gender)

Summer is torture for me - so, the first cool crisp breeze of Fall is a wake up call for me. I love the cool and the colors. Certainly my favorite season.

And for those of you that might get in the dumps about this time and through the winter - Consider light therapy as a possible help. My old Sec. was terrible when the daylength dropped and had problems throughout the winter. We changed the spectrum of the bulbs in the office and increased the intensity and it did really seem to help her. You might not have to hate the season.


posted on October 4, 2000 02:54:35 PM new
I love the fall. It is my favorite season too.
Funny thing though, it seems like anything major in my life happens in the fall.
Both marriages, one divorce , loved ones passing away and other traumas that I won't go in to detail on.
All the good and bad stuff seems to wait for the fall.
As I get older and more people pass out of my life I get kind of edgy when the fall gets here.

posted on October 4, 2000 04:32:28 PM new
I live in NW Ohio and they're predicting SNOW SHOWERS this weekend. I'm NOT ready for that yet! All the leaves are changing very quickly here. Almost daily you can see the difference in the colors. It's really moving way too quickly!

posted on October 4, 2000 05:51:41 PM new
Here's alittle gift for those missin' Fall.....The color show is just beginnin' here, but I did manage to find a couple....+....a small pile of leaves for you to imagine jumpin' in!...WHEEEEEEEEEEEE

Maui & chococake....Rain gives me the blues...We had a spell here back few months where it rained forever (ok, more like 2 weeks straight) thought I was gonna loose my mind!....Maui can we get a pic of the butterflies this year???...Will give me something to look forward to throught the winter....

Kiheicat...rancher YES! A bag of pretty fall leaves! How much $? FREE to a Good Home!!....Last year I sent out an "Instant Fall Kit" to one of my customers on the West Coast who was yearnin' for a leaf romp from the past...Even thought for about a second about sellin' the kits on eBay! I'd be happy to send ya one!!!

Shadowcat... Seasons suck. Give me sunny and warm every day of the year. YES, YES, YES!!!!

Baduizm When Spring rolls around, I feel like a snake shedding its skin, finally putting away all of those heavy, cumbersome winter togs necessary to keep the hawk from putting a chill in your bones I HEAR YA!!!!

Winter, Spring, Summer, Fall
AW folks are best of All!!!

~ Rancher
Who's off to the West Wing to see "Who got hit?"

posted on October 4, 2000 06:35:07 PM new
Rancher I'd love to see what a bag of leaves would get on eBay!

My little sister is moving from Texas to Colorado this week. She called this a.m. and said that it seems cold to her but everyone's walking around in shorts. I'm thinkin she might have a loooong winter ahead. The area she's moving into averages more than 50" of snow a year. Central Texas average - zip.

We've been neighbors so I'm gonna miss her but at least I'll have a nice place to vacation.

posted on October 4, 2000 07:36:45 PM new
Rancher thanks for the great pics. Really, why don't you put up and auction on eBay? It might be kind of fun I'd bid on them! You never know till you try.

Muriel oh no it's way too early for snow. You can't enjoy fall if winter comes so soon. Every year we hope to get a little snow. You should see the reaction. I've seen it here twice. Once when my kids were young. Went in and woke them. Didn't tell them why I was getting them up at 5:30 just dragged them out of bed and to the window. They flew out the door in their pj's and had a ball. By 6:00 the whole neighborhood was out.

posted on October 4, 2000 09:22:15 PM new
Oh rancher yes thank you for those gorgeous pictures!!!
You really should slap a 'bag of fall' on eBay just to see what happens...worse thing is you lose a quarter in listing fees, lol ... And in the meantime I'll check around and see if I would be allowed to get a bag...they're real sticklers over here for allowing non-domestic plants of any kind in Hawaii.
But at least I can look at the pictures

I'm taking the rest of the day off tho...been carting my mother the 'browse queen' all over today. I think she went in literally every shop on Front Street in Lahaina...see jeanyu's shopping thread, lol

[ edited by kiheicat on Oct 4, 2000 09:24 PM ]
posted on October 4, 2000 11:25:33 PM new
Ok, the concensus from the neighbors I polled is a unanimous "I don't know", lol... so if you're serious, rancher, email me at [email protected] ... and you don't have to send them for free; I'll pay you something if you want... and for sure the shipping. My boys are having a slumber party the night before Halloween and it would be a kick to have some leaves to roll around in!

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