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posted on October 17, 2000 09:52:49 PM new
I know this is a silly question but....My dog and I are eating popcorn and she chews every piece just like a human. She is only the second dog I've had that chew's like this(both Rotts). Every other dog just seems to inhale and swallow.
posted on October 17, 2000 09:58:23 PM new
Well, his name is choochoo...but I think I spelled it wrong....it should be CHEWCHEW. And yes..he chews. Charlie gupls and swallows, but not my choochy...er...chewchy

posted on October 17, 2000 09:59:17 PM new
We've got a shephard that inhales, a bull terrior that inhales and a little yorkie mix that takes about an hour to eat anything. She has to sniff it for about half that time just to decide whether it's worthy of her time or not - then she'll chew it for the other half hour. The other two will eat anything!

[i]not paranoid anywhere else but here.[i]
posted on October 17, 2000 10:02:09 PM new
Lucky chews... our arms! I keep telling myself she's just a pup but she's extremely hyper and loves to jump and bounce on us and chew on us.

posted on October 17, 2000 10:14:42 PM new
Ok..this is gonna be gross, but I gotta ask. Does anyones dog turn in circles, around and around and around...then sniffs, then around and around and around again...sniffs for good measure, then does a couple of more loops, THEN takes a dump? Mine does. Takes him FOREVER to do it....because of the circles and circles and circles he has to do first.

posted on October 17, 2000 10:18:40 PM new
Maui Our Abbey always does that - but, that's why she was so easy to housetrain. Our other house dog, Pheobe never gives any notice. She just races to the back door, squats and goes. I can't seem to get her to understand that she needs to open the door first.

I think I'm gonna need new carpeting before I get this one trained - at least she keeps it in one spot. Tips on housebreaking a stubborn pup would be welcome.

Not paranoid anywhere else but here.
posted on October 17, 2000 10:19:51 PM new
mybiddness are you sure your yorkie isn't a cat?

Boy that's another question? Why the heck are cat's such fussy eaters? Mine will only eat canned food if it's freshly opened. I can try and give her the rest of the can when she's up on the table begging for food. But, will she eat it? God forbid she should eat left overs. So now I get small cans. Still have to throw some away.

I use to feed the racoons the left overs (I know that's bad) but my neighbors cut down the big tree and the racoons had to move.

posted on October 17, 2000 10:22:32 PM new
chococake...my cat is the same way! So know what I do now? Yes, I use the smaller cans, but I nuke the leftovers, sprinkle just a DAB of salt on it, then he eats it like it was fresh, since the nuking made the flavor perk back up. Give that a try.

Oh goody...my dog isnt the only one, lol.

posted on October 17, 2000 10:25:39 PM new
To train your pup....put newspaper in front of the door where she goes poop. If she doesnt go on the paper, then pick it up and put it on the paper. Eventually, take the paper with the poop on it outside and put it in the designated poop spot. She will eventually think "OH! THATS where Im supposed to go!"

edited to add that my cat wont poop in his box if I dont empty it first of all previous "deposits". Talk about persnickety.

[ edited by mauimoods on Oct 17, 2000 10:29 PM ]
posted on October 17, 2000 10:29:05 PM new
Chococake LOL, yes, our cats are like that too. Everything has to be just so, so. You ought to see the comedian Gallagher do his bit about cats - "How can cats be connoissers - they lick their own butts?" Isn't that the truth! LOL

Not paranoid anywhere else but here.
posted on October 17, 2000 10:30:38 PM new
maui, my dog does that after she goes. Plus she runs all around the yard, into the house, back in the yard. It's like whoopie I just took a dump and I'm so happy.

Kiheicat, aren't puppies great?! Mine is two now and has finally quit chewing everything in sight. Once my son had left the money from the flea market on the desk after counting it. He left and I was in the yard. I came in and there was money everywhere she was throwing it around and having a great time. I had to gather it up and call him to see how much there should be. It was all there. I laugh everytime I think about how funny it looked, but wasn't funny at the time.

posted on October 17, 2000 10:35:43 PM new
Dogs are funny, arent they? I have to SPELL everything, and then I have to change the wording because they learned the spell words. Charlie would go bonkers if we said "did you CHECK THE MAIL?" because that meant he got to go too...so now we say INSPECT THE POSTAL SERVICE. Also, now we cant say or spell GO TO THE BEACH. Now we say, WANDER TO THE OCEAN. "whats to EAT" became "I NEED SUSTENENCE".

posted on October 17, 2000 11:22:16 PM new
Gosh I'm so glad my animals aren't the only wierd ones. My chihuahua does the circling thing! I say, "Go pee-pee!" and she runs around to find the perfect spot.

Do any of your cats chew plastic? I have 2 cats and one just loves to chew (and swallow) plastic. Plastic grocery bags, bubble wrap, cellophane, etc. A few days ago he got hold of some plastic/nylon strapping I had. I saw I few inches hanging from his mouth. Nearly 2 feet came out of his mouth. The next day another 2 feet came out of him...at the opposite end! I called the vet and they said if I could pull it out easily to give it a try, I thought I was going to twist his intestines or something. Freaked me out!!
[ edited by MaLady on Oct 17, 2000 11:23 PM ]
posted on October 17, 2000 11:43:37 PM new
mybiddness..Your yorkie sounds like she's a lot more particular than mine. Cleo will eat anything but you have to break it up in small pieces for her or she will bark at you till you do. Her highness loves potatoe chips but you have to break it into quarters before she will eat it.She loves just about anything including salads but her all time favorite is watermelon. She went bananas one day and I couldn't figure out what she was barking at until I realized I was chewing watermelon flavor gum.
I have never had a dog that ate fruit and veggies before.
Yes I know we're not supposed to give her table food. But she is not aware she is not people so we give her tiny amounts or she crys.

posted on October 17, 2000 11:52:53 PM new
I thought I was the only one with 2, count 'em 2, neurotic plastic loving cats! I have 2 females that like plastic. One licks it, the other chews, but doesn't eat it. I wonder if it's a nutritional or addictive thing??

I have one cat that everytime my husband makes chili, the cat will practically climb the stove to get some! (He's too big to jump up.)

On the other hand, my dog only wanders around the yard looking for a "spot" when I want him to hurry because it's cold, raining, I'm leaving, etc.

maui, we have to spell in front of the dog too. But he too is learning to spell. I'll have to try your idea of new terms. He knows what b-i-s-c-u-i-t and t-r-e-a-t is. Maybe we should say flavorful snack??

~~MouseSlayer is not a cat =^..^= ~~
posted on October 18, 2000 01:46:57 AM new
Just wondering ... those of you with Yorkies, do yours insist on sleeping under the covers with you? My l'il buddy absolutely HAS to be covered up with the blanket ... and if he's not, he'll scratch at the covers until you hold the blanket up and let him under. And if you happen to be asleep, he'll wake you up! We let him sleep in between the top sheet and the blanket, not under the sheet where we are; he likes to cuddle up sleep whereever we're "bent" (knees, waist, etc.) and it gets a bit crowded! he he

And in the mornings when the sun is heating the room (we have skylights so it gets warm fast), Jack comes out from under the covers and sleeps upside down in between our two pillows. You wake up, turn your head, and there are four paws sticking up right beside you! Every once in awhile we catch him sleeping with his head ON one of the pillows and the rest of him under the blanket ... just like how we're laying!

(But no, he's not rotten or anything!!!)

He very rarely gets people food, but he loves french fries. And yep, he chews his food. My other dogs do, too (another Yorkie and two shih tzus). Maybe toy breeds tend to chew more because the kibbles are larger to them, relatively speaking?

As far as potty habits, we have to keep a REAL close eye on him whenever we bring something new into the house. A box just delivered by UPS, new furniture, anything that doesn't belong as far as he's concerned. He, being the one male among the three girl doggies, wants to ... um ... "claim" every new thing! Yikes! Normally he does very well about going where he's supposed to, but new things in the house are soooo tempting, at least until he decides they belong here. I guess he wants to make sure no one makes any moves on "his" women!

The other dogs have their special antics too, of course. Taffie, our female Yorkie, does a great penguin impression. She sits up on her hind feet, as tall as she can get, trying to get a better view out the door or window. And she'll sit there in penguin mode until she's finished looking! Dustie, one of our shih tzus, is smarter than we are. We are constantly having to spell things, especially "go" because that means she gets to take a car ride. And Zorra, our other shih tzu, is the cuddler among the bunch. She's a natural-born lap dog.

(Yikes, I just realized how long this post has gotten! Sowwy! I get carried away when it comes to my doggie buddies. )

posted on October 18, 2000 03:47:46 AM new
Our oldest male cat Atticus is a "bag chewer". It's so gross, you sit the bag of stuff from Wal-Mart down, go to pick it up a few minutes later, and it's covered with kitty spit. He doesn't actually eat it, but we do try to keep them away from him so he can't.

Stormie, our grey tuxedo cat, likes to lick stuff that is nylon, like book bags and jackets. She eats like most dogs, inhaling and not chewing. Then she yaks it up on the carpet 5 minutes later.

Peanut, Stormie's sister, eats one piece of cat chow at a time. First she flips it out of the bowl on the floor, then gently picks it up and eats it. They are both porkers.
posted on October 18, 2000 11:36:11 AM new
chococake, yes we LOVE the puppy, butttttt...
The ppl we bought her from, at 7 weeks old, said she was half rottweiler and half golden retriever ... I'm convinced she is also part horse and part tazmanian devil, lol
At 6 months, she is already huge and thankfully PREFERS being outside. Even when we first brought her home, we left the back sliding glass door open so she could be where she felt more comfortable and she slept outside on the grass and spent most of her days out on the lanai. This is a good thing because now that she's huge and obnoxious we keep her outside most of the time. (I know Maui you said to keep her inside, ahem) But every morning, when the door opens, at which point I say "It's showtime!", she's like a bull in a China Shop... we have to clear the floor of Nintendo controls and magazines and socks, and she comes bounding in like she's been locked in a stockade for a month without human contact... knocks us all down in turn, tail a-thumpin', kitten scrambling for the highest point, with that arrooorooroo happy sound as she knocks over everything in sight, lol...and, of course, chews on our arms... sigh

[ edited by kiheicat on Oct 18, 2000 11:39 AM ]
posted on October 18, 2000 12:03:55 PM new
kiheicat, what a cutie. If she is part Rott she'll most likely have a stubborn streak. This is my fifth Rott and I just love them but the pure breds aren't for everyone. I had the four all at one time ranged in weight from 95 to 115 pounds. Rotts usually are inside dogs and these difinitely were. I had wall to wall dogs. What fun we had.

posted on October 18, 2000 01:57:34 PM new
thedewey: Cleo has to sleep on top of the covers between us.

When I'm playing with her and tell her to go "Hide" because I'm going to get her she hides by tucking her nose under the covers with the rest of her sticking out. Hasn't really grasped the "hide" concept yet.
If I bring home shopping bags and lay them on the couch she will wait until I leave the room and then nose through them looking for toys, her little tail starts going a mile a minute if she sees a beany baby.
Don't worry about gushing over your babies.
I only have one and I am terrible about it.
I remember Joan Rivers once saying how helpful her little Yorkies were when she was going through the grief stages after her husbands suicide.At the time I thought it was an odd thing to say but Cleo really helped me after my father died.That constant source of unconditional love and acceptance is something you can really count on when your feeling low. Plus thier so cute because they always have that puppy look they make you smile just to look at them.

posted on October 18, 2000 03:32:21 PM new
Another Yorkie owner here. Molly - or "Pickleweasel" as like to call her, is a very dainty eater. She only likes certain things and she takes the food very gently and gingerly from me, and chews it carefully. She can make an entire meal out of a potato chip! She was a stray and she acts like someone wasn't very nice to her. If I try to give her a Milkbone and I'm holding something in my other hand, she won't come to me. She also "squeals" if I rattle my keys, or drop something near her. You'd think she was being tortured! She sleeps UNDER the bed most of the night, but then sleeps cuddled up as close to me as she can get, but above the covers. Also, when I pull up the covers, she jumps on my legs and "rides me" like crazy. Anyone else have this with their Yorkies? She's the sweetest little dog I've ever owned. I adore her.

My black Lab chews holes in our comforters, and then pulls the stuffing out. Riley is smart as a whip, and knows which buttons to push to get my attention!

posted on October 18, 2000 03:58:04 PM new
Our little dapple dachshund Dori a.k.a Piglet. Chews her food one piece at a time. She will pick it up out of the bowl, lift her head back and chew her food. If, I can figure out how to post a picture I will put one up of her.


posted on October 18, 2000 06:31:49 PM new
Most of the dogs here that have this chewing thing seem to be small breeds which would be understandable. But just think about my Rott she has a mouth the size of my two hands put together. She doesn't eat her food that way just stuff like the popcorn.

And guess what my little darling did today? She broke the bottom pane of my living room window. 2x6ft! She was going crazy barking at the mail man and went right though the glass but didn't go out the window. Thank God she didn't get cut. It was a different mail man so she didn't know him which is still no excuse for going crazy like that. So back to heavy discipline for that girl.

posted on October 18, 2000 07:05:05 PM new
My Border Collie used to love to ride in the car. Just like so many dogs, he knew the words "ride" and "car" -both spoken and spelled. About the time he became deaf we were using "roadtrip" to fool him. I used to tell him to "pee!" before I would let him in the car, but sometimes he would be so excited about the trip that he would fake peeing on the nearest tree and then run to the car. My husband and I would yell"fake pee" at him and he'd then go back and do the real thing. (Sigh. I miss that dog - he made it to the age of sixteen. He was the only dog I've had that would jump through hoops.)

I also have a plastic bag chewing cat. I don't think he swallows the plastic - just shreds the bag.

posted on October 18, 2000 07:06:21 PM new
chococake LOL Oh great, a stubborn streak; something to look forward to. Maybe she'll favor her mother the Golden Retriever.

I grew up with dachshunds... great dogs and very entertaining too.

posted on October 19, 2000 01:50:22 AM new
Macaroni, my weenie dog, is the strangest little thing. If she gets mad at you over something she goes on a hunger strike for days, and just when you think she will starve to death she recovers from it. She will only eat the most expensive dog food, when she does eat. Never seen an animal like her though. She will sit on you, and if you tell her to give you a hug, she lays her head over on you, she will do it everytime you ask her to. The kids call her the mad licker because she attacks you with her tongue, which would not be a bad thing, but she loves to eat kitty poop out of the litter box. My camera is broke or I would take a pic of her.

Does anyone in Oklahoma/Texas have a good home for a 3 legged Springer Spaniel? He likes to chase cars, chew on anything that is not nailed down and travels around the country for a week or so then comes home. He does pee while standing on his two front legs which is really quite a sight to see and provides much entertainment. Heather

posted on October 19, 2000 06:34:53 AM new
I have a Golden Retriever & a Yellow Lab...neither one actually USES their teeth!...All food is sucked right in fast than my Hoover!....

If you think a dog can't count, take out 2 goodies & give him only one!

~ Rancher
If my children were half as obedient as my dogs, I'd have it made!

posted on October 19, 2000 10:29:36 AM new
Hcross: I had a dog named Taz that used to eat out of the litter box but that wasn't the worse part. Seeing her try and pass this stuff was painful. Those clay granuales don't decompose in the body it's like passing sand. My husband thought it was funny. I always wanted to slip some in his cereal and see if it was still funny.

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