posted on January 29, 2001 01:46:43 PM new
Hey there...I've been hearing rumors that AW is going to start charging fees to use their service. Anybody out there know where I can find more information on this?
BJB International
Got Jewelry?
posted on January 29, 2001 04:00:27 PM new
I don't know if they are, but 2 things we can do to keep cost down are: use the minimum amt of hard drive space, and click on the advertising banners. Clicking on the banners shows the ad people that they are getting a response by having htem here, and they will keep advertising here because they get hits.
posted on February 1, 2001 05:37:02 AM new
To: bjbint. I have not heard about the fees, BUT if they do, they will need to something about US sellers loseing money because of AuctionWatch being DOWN so often, like almost everyday _ Like they are NOW !! I cannot list items or anything!! I am loseing sales!! There is where they need to focus their attn.!!!!!!
posted on February 1, 2001 05:48:02 AM new
Yep, they were down yesterday AM too. I check my auctions and my emails every morning before eading out to work....I had my opening internet screen set to auctionwatch. If they ever do start charging fees, the service would have to improve drastically! I understand that things happen, but it wasn't 2 weeks ago that the system totally crashed!
I love auctionwatch, and I'm not trying ot slam them, all I'm saying is that this would not be acceptable if I were paying.