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posted on February 4, 2001 11:06:53 PM new
Myself, I have to have racket, i.e. noisy fan, clanking heater. And, my feet MUST be out from under the covers. No likey having hot feet. I dip them in the sink, then stick them in front of the fan, during the summer when I go to bed. Sometimes, I stick them up in the window sill with the window open. If I buy a new fan (we have no air conditioning here on the central coast..dont need it...stays about 50 to 60 during winter, 60 to 80 in summer with ocean breeze all the time, but we DO need fans sometimes), I make sure I sling it around the room a few times so it will clank (same with heater)

Do you have weird sleeping habits?
posted on February 4, 2001 11:33:50 PM new
Pitch black with no cracks in blinds or drapes. I love staying in hotels with the big thick drapes. When the drapes are closed you can't tell if it is 1:00 am or 1:00 pm., this is ideal! No noise at all, including a ticking clock. Sometimes I can hear the guy living upstairs snoring. Ear plugs. I am an extremly light sleeper. All windows closed and locked even in the dead of summer. I live in an unairconditioned place and it is miserable when the temp is in the 90's.

All bedroom doors are closed and mine is locked. I was robbed a fews ago and am somewhat neurotic about my sleeping habits.

Blanket has to be covering my butt and feet. Never, ever hang a foot over the side of the bed because that is where the bad guys and monsters hide, everybody knows that.
[ edited by cmbtboots on Feb 4, 2001 11:35 PM ]
posted on February 4, 2001 11:44:23 PM new
I need the fan for the air - don't care about the noise. If I want noise, I turn the stereo on and set a cd on auto-repeat. Usually go to bed between 4 and 6 am and sleep 'til somewhere between 9 and 11. Take a half-hour nap after I get home from work, usually around 7 pm but it varies.

Have to have two pillows, but only use one, with my arm wrapped around it. The other one just sits there, but if it's not there I can't sleep.

Leave the computer on and sometimes the e-mail bell wakes me up. Get very cranky with the telemarketers who call before noon. Blankets are optional, depend on the temp.

posted on February 5, 2001 12:54:16 AM new
Bottom sheet only--never use top sheet, just blanket in winter, nothing in summer. Blanket can not be tucked in at bottom or sides. Although I prefer total darkness, I can sleep perfectly well with light coming into room. I'm a night owl, though--prefer to go to sleep around 2-2:30 am. When possible I will stay up all night & sleep during day, getting up in the late afternoon (this is usually on weekends as I unfortunately have to go to work during the week).

posted on February 5, 2001 01:01:13 AM new
Hot months: light sheet covering me - at least the behind part. Always have to have my feet sticking out the side, just like my dad. Overhead fan on all night. Windows wide open. Usually early hours of morning before I go to bed and up early. Can't sleep well with the heat.

Cold months: warm covers, but my feet must be left out the side (not covered), they somehow find there way under the covers if it gets too cold when I am asleep.

I always like the door open in winter, so I can see the flickering flames of the fire reflecting on the walls. It gives me comfort and makes me feel warmer. Silly hey.

posted on February 5, 2001 03:12:03 AM new
No top sheet (can't stand them!) - just a doona (sp?) in the warmer months and in winter my doona with a couple of quilts on top. Covers must cover at least the butt.

Only one pillow needed.

Door must be shut and the window and curtains fully closed.

Always have to have the fan on even in winter (for the noise).

No preference with position - can sleep on sides, stomach or back with equal comfort. Apparently I'm a restless sleeper - I've been told that I toss and turn a lot. I wouldn't know as I'm dead to the world
posted on February 5, 2001 03:56:11 AM new
Two pillows. Can't even take a nap on the sofa without an afghan. Totally dark, ceiling fan unless it's freezing.

Hubby on one side, weimaraner on the other, cat on my pillow, weinerdog at my feet-then all's right in my world.

posted on February 5, 2001 05:53:52 AM new
I love to fall asleep to the sound of rain on the roof. Most of the time all it really takes is sitting down in the recliner to watch a program I've waited months to see. Ten minutes into it and I'm gone

posted on February 5, 2001 06:32:31 AM new
Door closed tightly, mostly to keep out Atticus the cat, who thinks we should get up at 4 a.m. He still rattles the doorknob sometimes. We're very glad he doesn't have opposable thumbs.

Fan or air conditioner running, partly for noise for hubby. (his entire family needs white noise to sleep)

"Huggie Pillow" beside me, swedish pillow for head. Sheet, light blanket, and comforter in the winter. NO socks! Heated mattress pad turned all the way up for 15 minutes before getting into bed, then I turn my side off and hubby turns his side down.
posted on February 5, 2001 08:01:08 AM new
I sleep with a small fan going all night (white noise) and the room as dark as possible. Door closed to keep out furry intruders who would otherwise find the bed a nice hiking spot.

Two pillows, one underneath my head and another above my head. I sleep on my side. The second pillow must be feather-filled so I can mold it to my head and keep out sounds like hubby snoring.

Hubby is pickier than I am about sleeping conditions. I could sleep without the fan but he insists on it, and the total darkness is for him, too. Plus he won't go to bed unless I'm there with him. We used to get in awful fights about it but now we just go to bed at the same time, except on weekends when he stays up late.

Edited to add: I can't sleep while uncovered! Even when it's hot in the room I have to have a light blanket over me. In the winter/spring/fall I have a top sheet, two light blankets and a comforter on the bed.

[ edited by RainyBear on Feb 5, 2001 08:02 AM ]
posted on February 5, 2001 08:58:12 AM new
THANK YOU THANK YOU THANK YOU!!! I do one or more of the above, and thought it was just ME!! Great thread, great laugh.

posted on February 5, 2001 09:10:48 AM new
Like to sleep flat on my back with a featherbed on top of the mattress & a feather pillow. Feet must be covered--always need at least a top sheet. Prefer room to be a little on the chilly side as opposed to too warm. The darker the better! Hate anything touching me when I am sleeping--like one of the many pillows husband sleeps with or his errant elbow or knee.

I like to stay up late-it is the only time I can think without someone yammerin' in my ear if ya know what I mean! Have to get up early to take son #1 to school. If I don't have errands, I like to come home & go back to bed until son #2 wakes up. If the little guy takes a nap in the afternoon, so do I.

One of the worst things I recall about being pregnant (aside from the obvious!) is not being able to sleep flat on my back! I hate sleeping on my side in bed and that's the only way you can for about the last 4 months.
[ edited by debbielennon on Feb 5, 2001 09:13 AM ]
posted on February 5, 2001 10:23:11 AM new
Oh Maui - thanks for this thread - now I don't feel so weird.
Okay - here goes.
Must have noise, can't sleep in quiet room - after the TV or cd player goes off, my room is still humming with fan & humidifier (have to use it)
Totally dark room (I have forest green verticals in the bedroom)
Cool - air conditioning during warm months.
TV on with the timer set or cds playing (classical or new age)
3 pillows and light blanket and air mattress (our mattress has dual controls so Mr. Nobs can have his side to his liking). All cotton sheets are a must. Must have top sheet and light blanket (2 at times). One pillow is for under my legs (bad back). I MUST have one foot out from under the covers.
Fan is on opposite wall and on low
Cool mist humidifier is on high
Loose comfy cottom pajamas only.
When I am really in need of comfort I light a lavender scented candle.
Calcium & Magnesium capsule and sometimes melatonin or prescription med.
And I get very thirsty and dry during the night so I go to bed with a cup of Quietly Chamomile tea.
Now - here is where I am freaky weird ... I have to powder my neck before I go to bed. I hate the thought of a moist neck and I used to perspire just on my neck at night. So, now I powder my neck every night.

When I go on vacation, I always take my creature comforts like my fan and a portable cool mist humidifier.

posted on February 5, 2001 10:49:02 AM new
65 is much too hot! so, no heat, no LIGHT, a CD on with my ear-phones on..Just need to reach over and press the OFF button...and off I go to LaLaLand

Nothing on but a sheet, with feet out, head low, feet high (pillow under legs). Even if blanket is used, still have feet OUT.

True to my Gemini nature, need full 8 hours of sleep, or very cranky ...Full carafe of water by bedside.

2 to 3 "trips" per night, followed by checking out of the livingroom window...prolly to make sure my street is still there......Pet Ivan Kitty..crawl back in bed...Out like a brick..

Gosh Shosh!

About Me
posted on February 5, 2001 11:23:11 AM new
I sleep best when I'm all tucked in under a comforter, with only the top of my head peeking out so that way I am all nice and toasty warm. The darker the room the better.

posted on February 5, 2001 11:30:34 AM new
I hate to sleep alone!

Times when I have had to, I would read books, study in bed and leave a pile of them on the bed next to me for the weight like another person.

After a night like that I would go hunting for a man next day!
Don't get me wrong - I am pretty picky BUT there is either a man in my bed or I am on the prowl for one.
It is just so awful, unnatural and a waste to me to sleep alone.

posted on February 5, 2001 11:55:30 AM new
VeryModern, how funny, I'm just the opposite. Although I like having a man in my life, I'd prefer to have my own bed! I think it's harder to sleep with someone else there, and I sleep better alone. When hubby goes on business trips I sleep absolutely blissfully, then I have to readjust when he gets back, LOL.

posted on February 5, 2001 12:12:30 PM new
Nobs, if you ever get out california way, and stay the night with me, you will fit in just fine!

I forgot to add "and furthermores"...One pillow bunched up so neck is at angle. Light bedspread (cant stand the weight). Enya playing along with the rattling fan (Nobs, you GOTTA get her newest release..its awesome). Dark, with NO LIGHTS. PC clicks into sleep mode after 10 minutes, which is good, cause NO LIGHT at all. The more white noise the better. If its really windy outside from the Santa Ana's blowing, I listen to that whistling thru the window frame (I adjust it so it howls). If the wind is coming from the west, and I can hear the fog horn, I leave the fan off.
Sleep on side, legs tucked, hand under ear. Cant fall asleep any other way.

Nobs, I went thru "the change" in one week (surgery), so I know about powder. I bought 14 nightgowns...go to bed with one on, wake up sweaty wet and change into fresh one...then after a week, it mellowed out. Now, I sleep in huge ratty t-shirt and undies (cant stand nightgowns...they twist and wrap me up where I cant sprawl).

posted on February 5, 2001 01:53:13 PM new
Working 12 hour nights for so many years gave me the ability to sleep anywhere, anytime. I've even fallen asleep standing up, leaning on something.

posted on February 5, 2001 02:52:17 PM new
My daughter in law has the strangest quirk I've heard. She can't sleep on sheets with 'things' printed on them, they have to be plain. She swears she can feel the print.

We have our own 'Princess and the pea'!

posted on February 5, 2001 02:55:39 PM new
We work nights and sleep days, which suits me just fine as I've always been a night owl. The sky is just beginning to lighten at the time we go to bed. We're usually asleep by the time the birds start chirping.

I have to have my big baggy T-shirt on, absolutely NO socks, my yume' (sp?) pillow stacked up on top of another pillow (it's kind of like those buckwheat pillows, but the thingies inside it are plastic), and at a sheet all the way up to my neck. If it's cool, flannel sheets and a lightweight blanket are nice, but I don't like a bulky blanket. If I'm hot, I still cover up, but poke my feet out from under the covers.

I'm not a stomach-sleeper, so I curl up on either side (usually my left) or occasionally my back. My hair has got to be just "so", pushed back away from my head (it's long and gets tangled up easily). I don't care if hubby's touching me, just so long as he's not crowding me or snoring all over me. ( "Quit breathing my air!" )

As far as noise, I like to have the TV on, playing a movie that I've seen several times. That way I can close my eyes and just listen to it, and doze off. And if it's raining, nothing puts me to sleep faster than the sound of raindrops on the skylights.

And that brings me to the skylights ... it's not so bad in the winter, but during the summer, the sun's angle is just right that it shines right through the skylights and blasts right down on the bed. We keep meaning to cover at least one of the skylights up with cloth or something, but have never done it. I guess we're used to it.

Can't forget ... gotta have my Yorkie curled up somewhere on the bed. He usually snuggles up whereever we're "bent" (usually at my knees or my stomach when I'm on my side), but sometimes he sleeps right smack between hubby's legs. Hubby is not nearly as happy about this sleeping arrangement as the dog is.

(stray smiley)
[ edited by thedewey on Feb 5, 2001 02:57 PM ]
posted on February 5, 2001 07:44:15 PM new
Boy, I thought I was weird but I've got nothing on you guys <grin>

I have to have a sheet, blanket and comforter on top (even in the summer). In the winter I put more blankets on. I have to have a definite 'weight' on top. And I live in SC where the temperatures are moderate. Sheets have to be *white*. Everything has to be covered and nothing sticking over the side of the bed ('cause the monsters will get you). Sheets must be smooth (no wrinkles). Several pillows - the heavy firm goosefeather ones. Must have a firm mattress. When it's cold (not often enough), everything is covered with just my nose sticking out for fresh air. No TV, radio, etc. - as soundless as possible. Darkness is good but not mandatory.

Hmm, now that I've actually written this all down, I *do* fit right in here. <grin>

Oh yes, I sleep naked. Hate having clothes twist around me. If necessary, I can sleep in a big old t-shirt and undies.

posted on February 5, 2001 08:17:14 PM new
ok, time for me to quit lurking and post my quirky sleep habits

I am a fanatic about fresh smelling sheets..I like to change them OFTEN! I sleep in a big tee shirt & undies, don't like untangling a nightgown! I usually go to bed with my socks on, but they end up off my feet sometime during the night. I sleep on my left side...before having my son, I could ONLY sleep on the right side, but now, I can ONLY sleep on the left. I have to have 3 pillows, two for under my head, adjusted "just so" and a body pillow to help me from getting bad hip cramps. My cat sleeps on my hip (the goofball) and my son who is two usually ends up in my bed sometime after my hubby leaves for work early in the AM, which is ok by me, cause I don't mind sharin' my space with him, he's quite "snuggle-able" . It doesn't matter if it's light, dark, noisy or quiet...however I cannot stand it when my hubby snores, that drives me NUTS. I usually go to bed around 2 or 3 AM and get back up at 7 AM. Then I nap with my little one later in the afternoon, on the couch with my "blankie".
posted on February 5, 2001 08:33:11 PM new
Sleep when I'm tired, eat when I'm hungry...

It's a very simple life that I have...

Usually sleep with one of my stuffed friends...


posted on February 5, 2001 08:40:51 PM new
ptimko, if I were unattached, I would be in love with you right about now.

I do love a man with simple tastes.

not SilkMoth anywhere but here
posted on February 5, 2001 08:43:42 PM new

Did I mention that I can cook too?

posted on February 5, 2001 08:48:10 PM new
So how many feet of snow do you have right now? Should I plan on getting there by husky?

Oh, and can I bring anything for a picnic?

not SilkMoth anywhere but here
posted on February 5, 2001 08:58:20 PM new
We presently have somewhere around 10 feet of snow (I think the official total is around 350 cm since December 1st). We're expecting up to another 30 cm (1 foot) tomorrow as another storm is coming through. This will be on top of the 90-100cm (about 3 feet) of snow in the last 10 days...

I'm not sure if I'd recommend a dog sled, might be a little tricky crossing the ocean on your way to the island...

As for bringing anything for the picnic, I'm not really sure, we may have to wait a few months until we can find some grass to sit down on...

posted on February 5, 2001 11:12:42 PM new
This is so fun!

I am not anywhere near even remotely tired until around 3 or 4 am. I go to sleep when the sun is up or when it's about to come up. Most of my posts here are in the wee hours. Like now. I get dissapointed if I'm still up on the message board and everyone else at AW has gone to bed.

As cmbtboots so eloquently pointed out, ALL body parts must be under the covers, NO hanging feet outta the blankies, cos OF COURSE that is where the monsters and bad guys are. I have to be completely covered up to my neck. Even in summer. I turn on the A/C and get ALL THE WAY under the blankies.

Cats in bed with me: Sammy sleeps at my feet, and Moo sleeps behind my knees. When it gets closer to wake up time, Moo moves up and sleeps againt my chest and puts his head under my chin. We spoon together. Every now and then if he wanders off in the night and I wake up, I go get him and bring him back.

Has to be some light on somewhere in the other part of the apartment, just enough to see. Afraid of the dark? No - just have to be able to SEE and be prepared to fight back if anything tries to GET ME in the night!

I am the heaviest sleeper I know. (To a fault.) You really could have a parade through my room and I would never know. I once slept through the fire alarm and building evacuation in my old apartment. Good thing the fire was put out or I would be writing as a poltergiest right now. We had two small earthquakes here in NYC - one back in like 1985, and one about two weeks ago. I slept through them both. When I visit my Mom in New Jersey it's too quiet to sleep. I'm used to noise. I like noise. I don't consider crickets "noise". Noise is car horns and neighbors and the N train that runs right behind my building.

I am single but X's have told me I take up the whole bed and that I'm a blanket hog. I wouldn't know, so keep in mind this is all here say. They also gave up on ever trying to wake me in the morning. At first they thought this was cute... apparantly over time it got downright aggravating. I get up when I'm damn good and ready, like noon or so.

Am I allowed to mention I hate people that wanna do it in the morning? I don't even know my name yet, get away from me.

Hmmm maybe that explains why I'm single?

Rocker (edited for typos)
[ edited by nycrocker on Feb 5, 2001 11:14 PM ]
posted on February 6, 2001 05:04:11 AM new
What a great thread!

I have to laugh because for years I have been trying to explain to my husband that some people are just night owls. My husband is a go to bed between 9pm & 10pm and up at 5am everyday type person. He has been that way all his life and he thinks I am abnormal.

Now me I am a sleep when I get sleepy person. I stay up all night and have since I was a kid. I was a nightmare for my mother when I was going to school. But I managed to drag myself through school.

I sleep about 5 hours a day and that is all I really need. But I do have crash period that I do catch up on sleep. This happens about once a month. Sometimes I don't sleep and I drag my butt around all day. As soon as the sun goes down I am wide awake even if I have not slept for 24 hours. I usually go to bed at 5am and get up around 10am. It is almost 7am now so I will probably get about 3 hours today... drag butt until the sun goes down and be wired again all night.

I love to have the whole bed to myself... and I like it cold with lots of blankets (helps my sinuses to have it cold) I have an air cleaner running all the time and need the noise to block out the daytime background noise.

I must say that I need to show this thread to my husband as he is always telling me that something is wrong with me. After 7 years of marriage he is finally accepting my sleeping pattern. I have always worked 2nd or 3rd shift jobs and after we got married I worked a daytime job, just to keep the peace. It about killed me and I hated it. I am so glad that they sold half the product line 2 years ago and they had a huge lay-off. I changed my phone number just so they would never call me to come back. I got a letter in the mail to come back and burned it before the hubby found it. NEVER AGAIN will I work a daytime job... Hubby knows this and decided that he would rather have me at home than have me away from home at a job at night.

Well I better go... time to go to bed (yeah right!)

Edited to add; BTW... we have no children together and won't be having any... I am 13 years younger than hubby and his kids are 21 and 19 and live with their mother.
[ edited by brigette on Feb 6, 2001 05:10 AM ]
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