posted on March 21, 2001 12:17:59 PM new
"A lot of times in the rhetoric, people forget the facts. And the facts are that thousands of small businesses--Hispanically owned or otherwise--pay taxes at the highest marginal rate."--to the Hispanic Chamber of Commerce; Washington, D.C.; March 19, 2001
posted on March 21, 2001 12:21:37 PM new
I imagined letters dripping with sarcasm. However, that was a (very well done) torrential downpour of sarcasm. And me with no umbrella.
posted on March 21, 2001 02:50:21 PM new
Thankx, KRS, for that link! I was wondering why the U.S. Navy was upset over the three new Genral Dynamics submaries that congress is pushing on them (they don't want the submariens). It's like Scholl Lunches: the food supplier for the school lunches is the person who sits on the school board where regulating school lunches are performed. This is why we get school lunches that claim that tomato sauce is an acceptable vegetable for the kids.