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posted on March 25, 2001 10:09:03 AM new
This thread is a continuation of "Mars in Sagittarius!" here:

This is for an AWer who needs no introduction. You can claim your chart if you want to, I will not id you.

I am going to have a bit of a struggle writing about your chart.
I have been looking at these maps so many years that I see them in various ways. They are people of course, but so varied.
Some charts look like a train wreck, others like lying in a hammock on a summer day.
Some people spend their life chasing their own butt around like "Billy" of Gemini Hell fame. Others are twisted up like a pretzel and I wonder how they move around like that and in some cases they not only get around, but with such grace it's astounding. You got your people without a shred of humility up against people so humble they are nearly crippled. Some people barely move at all and others are never still, even when they sleep. Extroverts who are really introverts, people who are raw, others who are nearly too refined for this life we have.

Some people live their life with what they have in such an inspired way that it is purely awesome, and many, many charts are purely comical to me. Like XYZ but then ABC tossed in just to keep it interesting. If like Keebler cookies, elves put these things together, some of them have supreme sense of comedy.

So every now and then I see a chart like yours.

It is like there was a blank canvas and someone took one swipe of the brush and it was done. All the color and nuances and subtlety, the shading were there.
An accidental masterpiece?
No evidence of "well... just one more dollop..." No Band-Aids.
If I wanted to condense to a single word it would be "stout".

So if you see something like this hanging in a gallery it is a challenge to try to discern why it is working because by all rights it should not. It is hard to take apart because it does not appear to be "put together" and this is why I have had to sit on it awhile. I was wondering if something, would emerge - a focal point, somewhere I could "go" and stay, but no dice. I mean it sound like there ought to be a glob of paint and there is but it "works" so I am going to try to explain how the green blends into the blue and so forth, and hope it is understandable, and that I do it justice.
Good luck to me.

end of disclaimer

start of blather.

I have to tell this story because your chart reminds me so VERY much of this man I knew many years ago and it will help me get started, plus it is a good story.

I was 19 and I got a job in the old people's bar I say that because the owner had the 2nd liquor license ever issued in the city and told me that she never hired anyone under 50 years old.
"Too much damned trouble" she said.
She was a Virgo.
She hired me because she was desperate and because a friend of hers for 20 years asked her too.
He told her to give me a job and if she was unhappy with me after two weeks, he would pay my salary.
Day bar this is, and she said "okay".
I came in the place and she told me this bit about 50 years old which meant nothing to me because when you are 19 and as stupid as I was, 50 YO was beyond comprehension.

I went to work.
I was the bartender - small place, I worked alone. 7AM - 4PM

What a cast. Many of them were scruffy. The core customer was over 45, but there was a neighborhood hippie couple in their 20's that came in.. a couple of pool sharks, the head of the local school system, an engineer, a dozen hopeless alcoholics, a filthy rich retired guy who liked to slum.. you know. The usual

plus one more....


Brandy came in a couple times a week. He wore a cowboy hat, not all that unusual in Arizona, but it was how he wore it...
See, this guy has some serious energy about him. He did not talk much and never to me.

I was told (later) that there was a collective groan when the owner informed the group there that a 19 YO was coming to work. I would work there for about 3 years, win everybody over and clean the place out when I moved to a new bar and they all followed, but that was the future.

So when Brandy came in, he drank 2 Budweiser long necks and sometimes a shot of well.... Brandy.
He came in a couple times a week most weeks.

He was very sexy. Ohhhh man... was he sexy.
He was 25 years older than me, maybe more than that, but that was not the point.
This guy exuded this incredible vibe. He interacted with the core group, in a tip his hat kind of way and he occasionally spoke. Three, maybe five words and people would laugh. He never said anything that was not amusing, and they would try to make him say 3 or 5 more words, but no... he was done. That was enough talking for the day.
He was a MAN in the purest way. Not a lick of bravado. No need.
He always slipped out - no goodbye. Turn around and he was gone, a dollar bill laid neatly under his empty bottle.

Now meanwhile I am being a non-stop chatter. Having exploits and telling every detail, having a blast.
I was intimidated by Brandy to a huge degree though. It was like he stood in one place with a quiet kind of power and I was doing back flips to please and entertain. Not him - but the crowd.
I felt a little silly about myself when he was around. Like I should be cool like he was, but how?
I liked him though. It was impossible not to, and I noticed when he missed a week stopping in.

Now, I was sure that he hated me.
Just sure of it.
He would come in and say nothing to me ever. Not a word. He would just slide his money into the well and get his beer. I had the idea that it was difficult for him, but that he had decided that he would tolerate me.
Kind of like this was his watering hole and if they put some dingbat chick behind the bar, non stop ridiculous stories, well then he would just ignore her.
I felt kind of bad about this, screwing up his bar and all, but OTOH hand I could not stop what I was doing, become more tolerable, because I was doing my exact magic and having a lot of fun, but boy oh boy, did I know he was there.

So he had an air of mystery about him, but he did not cultivate it. No set schedule and I had no idea what he did for a living.. I mean he never talked to me, so how would I? He looked pretty authentic cowboy, a little dusty and stuff but that did not seem likely. No ranch for miles around.
This added to his sex.
He wore no ring and but he may have been married, and the main thing about this guy is that he as never *trying*.
He did not stay off to the periphery in order to create an aura of mystery about himself. He stood right in the middle of the group. Lone cowboy, words at a premium, always funny, totally respected. Part of the group but part of no group.

Okay, so fast forward 6 months and I had won everyone over. This was a great time in my life and then Brandy spoke to me.

<insert drum roll>

"I like you Elsa. I can't figure out why. I think it is because you are a girl"

I almost fainted. I really did. My heart stopped for a second - I just could not believe he spoke to me, never mind his message.

But I had my answer..

"I like you too Brandy. I know why. It is because you are a man."

Now from this day forward he would come in, barely perceptible tip of his hat and say "Elsa" where is sounds like "ma'am" and slide his dollar for his beer.
That was it. No more talk ever again.
Not enough o's in coooool for this guy.

3 years later I quit this job and that is the end of my exposure to the enigmatic Brandy.

But this story does have an ending.

About 8 years later I was in a new town and speeding through the desert in a Frito-Lay truck.
This is the middle of nowhere.
I am talking "Tombstone, AZ" and they were kind of grading this path / shortcut I would take take through the desert, making it into more of a road.

So the shoulder is soft and what happens is I go sliding off the edge in this big truck and wind up sideways on two wheels, the whole truck tipped.
Crap! Now I am going to be late!
So the door to get out is also up against the dirt, I am pretty much trapped in a truck in a pile of soft dirt, at about a 45 degree angle.
As a matter of fact I am wholly screwed in the middle of nowhere, so what I do is make my way to the high side, the drivers side window.
I guess I plan climb out and start walking.
It is about 3 or 4 miles to a phone, and my boss is going to be pissed.

So I scale the slope of the truck floor and stick my head out the window and there is Brandy.
He is just standing there next to my truck.
He looks good too. Real good.
Few words, like always.

"So you decided to stop for lunch Elsa?"

He got his boys to get me out of my pickle in about 10 minutes.
They hooked a backhoe to the bumper of the truck and pulled. Cast Iron bumper this was and it ripped like paper. Seems I was supposed to put the truck in gear (R) and "drive" out while they pulled.
Well, so sorry, no one told me.
They righted my truck and I drove off.
He waved (once) in the rear view mirror, and never saw him again.

What does this have to do with you?
You are this cool a customer. The kind you run across every 10 or 20 years and you never forget.

I will be back.
You are a Double Scorpio with a Sag Moon.
[ edited by VeryModern on Mar 25, 2001 02:27 PM ]
posted on March 25, 2001 10:17:44 AM new
I know this person. This Brandy man. Yes, I do

edited to clarify...I know his twin. One of his many twins.
[ edited by Hepburn on Mar 25, 2001 10:18 AM ]
posted on March 25, 2001 12:26:45 PM new
Okay... so you are a double Scorpio and right there, that alone should cause you some trouble but I don't think it does. Anyone with a lot of Scorpio -and you qualify - has a job managing their own intensity. Some fare better than others.
If you are in a dark room brooding on the 13th floor of a 13th story building about your mortal enemy, plotting their demise, and you are a double Scorpio - well no one is going to be surprised.

In fact, this much Scorpio (Sun, rising, Mercury, plus Scorpio planet Pluto, elevated in the chart and trine your Moon) if you are NOT doing that, then the question is "why not?" and there are a few answers.

Now the power is there. It is always there for you to use as you please.
Number one "out" you have

I do not mean so sat that you need an "out" to get away from Scorpio. I mean to say it is akin to a web and you manage not to get caught in your own which is a nifty trick. There are plenty of Scorpio out there caught up in their own power trap. They hang out alone gnawing on a body part - and I mean one of their own.
end of interlude

Number one "out" you have
....is spiritual and you have more than one way to go.
You have a 12th house sun and so can take the Pisces route and literally transcend your own ego. This is a highly valuable talent.
It means that when Scorpio blood boils if you choose you can take the "nothing matters in 100 years anyway" route OUT.
See, too Scorpio every scrap matters. Trespasses are not forgiven. Hate you from the grave and only coming back next life to hunt you down....
You may feel this way about some things and some people but my point is that it is at your option, where typically this much Scorpio does not get a choice like that.

Now you may use traditional religious model to achieve this ("Let go and let God" ) or have your own MO, and I don't expect you are going to tell me

Secondly .... your Sag Moon.
Now first thing about Sag Moon is it is the best judge of character in the zodiac. Better than Scorpio. Scorpio is very self protective where Sag expects to fare okay (especially Sag Moon) and so has a better perspective. Again, not taking away from Scorpio, we need Scorpio to heal. It is just that there is a price exacted for having Scorpio power and you appear to me to have the power but avoid the major brunt most times.
"Happy Scorpio" is a bit of a joke, but you pull this off.
Not just once, but on a regular basis. Now don't get me wrong. I don't mean, "happy/stupid/missing brain cells Scorpio". I mean Scorpio that feels pretty damn good a lot of times, and in the 2nd house - gives healthy self esteem so not much need to use energy to devastate others - prove your power.

The other thing is all your Taurus.
Lots of love. Love and Art and Beauty.
Anathema to Scorpio of course who thrives in gritty world, but here again the paint on the canvass falls just so.... and they manage to co-exist and can even feed each other.

See Scorpio and Taurus together in a chart will generally oppose (these signs oppose in the zodiac) and you get this incredible tenseness. A tense struggle between two fixed signs - the person is splayed out and often without any awareness.
Like I have written before, with the opposition you have two extremes and since they can not be lived at once, the person acts one and projects the other away from them.

Now in your case, this problems is dodged in large part.

In one case via the math - Taurus @ 18 degrees WIDE opposite Sun, rising @ 0 and 1 degree Scorpio - too far apart to bother each other that horribly much.

In the other case by putting Venus (ruler of Taurus / Love) in the 2nd house (Taurus/Love house) and in Sagittarius (BIG and HAPPY) This means you get the Taurus affect (amplified) without any conflict to Scorpio at all.
Not bad!
Also Sag Moon in the 2nd Taurus house and so translated - you are a person with full Scorpio power who can actually tolerate / manage to feel comfortable!

So about this Taurus ---

it really loves beautiful things. Very earthy and tactile. Jupiter is in Taurus (in the 7th house, more love and beauty) / Venus is in the 2nd so what you get is an incredible eye for what is beautiful.

Put 'em together...

Scorpio smells power a mile away and exudes it.
Taurus brings peace and love and beauty and art to the world and this guy is doing both and you just got to be impressed.

Okay, back to the Brandy story.. because I see these two people same way.
Now I don't know how Brandy managed but this is how AW-man does it.

The humor here comes from the Sag Moon. Always a joke, but what is more fascinating (to me) is the few words used, BUT used so well.

It works like this:

Scorpio ruler is Pluto, ancient ruler is Mars, so ruler of the chart Pluto is elevated in leo in the 10th so this guy is NOT shy / he likes to be seen, and seen as Scorpionic.
See, the 10th house is the public image and so this what you put out there... how you are seen.
Pluto (power) in Leo (See me), but what is the kicker here is Mars.
Mars is the best planet in your chart.
The raw male energy planet this is... Not power - just plain MALE
Mars is chart ruler.

Mars is in Capricorn, it's exalted placement and in the 3rd house.
The third house is communication, and by now everyone knows that Saturn / Capricorn restricts, and so no blather out of this guy ever.
But it is better than that....
A planet in the sign it rules (Mercury in Virgo, or Sun in Leo), or the house it rules (Pluto in the 8th, Mars in the 1st) is dynamite placement, but a planet in it's exalted sign is the out and out bomb.

Okay... so what happens here is all this Scorpio energy gets channeled through Mars which is exalted in Capricorn and the result is... well...
it is Saturn/Capricorn/controlled Scorpio POWER
and same Scorpio power is channeled through Pluto in Leo trine the Sag Moon and now you have

.... A man in control of his power who knows a joke....


I will come back with transits.
VeryModern Space Junk
[ edited by VeryModern on Mar 25, 2001 12:29 PM ]
[ edited by VeryModern on Mar 25, 2001 03:46 PM ]
posted on March 25, 2001 02:54:25 PM new
I cant wait for this person to step forward. I think I know who it is

posted on March 25, 2001 03:10:16 PM new
I cant wait for this person to step forward. I think I know who it is

Well Hepburn, we'll see. I know he planned to but I may have embarrassed him.
He will do whatever he does for reasons he is not likely to share.
Besides few words, Mercury is in Scorpio, and they don't give up much.

I wrote a piece once about all the signs crossing this perilous forest..

How Virgo sent a map back with detailed instructions.. Libra would not go alone... Gemini talked on their cell each step of the way... etc.

Scorpio crossed - came out the other side and said "what forest?"

More coming.
VeryModern Space Junk
posted on March 25, 2001 07:56:36 PM new
Great story, and darn I would have liked to have met this Brandy too...
Are you sure you aren't going to start writing for the movies or tv.
Gooooood story...
posted on March 26, 2001 12:54:32 AM new
Did you offer him some Fritos for his services?

posted on March 26, 2001 05:37:34 AM new
justjoans Thank you!
kc I offered everybody Fritos for their services. Fair currency. Most people appreciate a few bags of Doritios.
VeryModern Space Junk
posted on March 26, 2001 06:26:05 AM new
VeryModern, I would love to grow up to be the self-confident, magical person you were at 19.

When you decide to give lessons, let me know.

not SilkMoth anywhere but here
posted on March 26, 2001 06:34:03 AM new

[ edited by Al on Mar 26, 2001 06:46 AM ]
posted on March 26, 2001 09:40:25 AM new
Okay, I am back on the mystery man. Four main things going on here, and they relate in pairs. That is the simple version and I will cover it.
If can find the words I will explain how they all come together to cover the creation and birth and death and after death cycle / rebirth which is why ultimately I think the painting works how it does.
Words like that don't grow on trees though, so I will have to see if I can get there.

On the Scorpio Taurus axis their is an enormous appetite. For what? Well, um..... certain desires.
Scorpio desires a powerful exchange. The want to have an impact and just as important be impacted. Scorpio domain is the rim of hell, the edge of existence - the parts of life that are concentrated. The orgasm.
Also taboo.
Where no man dare tread? That's Scorpio destination. Scorpio is looking for the razor edge.

Now Taurus desire nature is just as strong as Scorpio. They are counterparts - evenly matched.
Taurus is ultra ultra tactile and sensual and ISO PLEASURE.
Taurus is the earthiest of the earthy and crazy for skin. Taurus mission is to tactile pleasure.
These are the people who touch clothing in stores and don't even consider putting it on their body if not highly nice to the touch. No POLY!
First concern is pleasure for the earthly body. Sensual and sexual pleasure, eating, cloth against the skin, etc.
Taur is not without emotion, but the only emotion they prefer to feel is love, and they are deeply moved by what is beautiful. Taste is highly developed and tends to the exotic.

This is pair one. Now like I said when you have both Taur and Scor is a chart there is usually incredibly tense struggle. (Scor chasing pain and taur chasing pleasure) Tense because these are fixed signs and so just like it sounds... FIXED.
AW man cannot avoid this completely - there is marked um..... tendency to be preoccupied with desire thoughts, shown by Mercury in Scorp opp Jupiter in Taur - and if it were the only thing happening in the chart he would be as doomed as any other but the second pair is savior to this fate.

Sag and Pisces.
Both are concerned with things bigger than life. Both are spiritual - Sag, a philosopher with a set of (hopefully evolving) beliefs, Pisces with a direct hook to the infinite interconnectedness of all things.
Both transcend the Taur / Scor axis and so this "out" exists for AW man.
Sag Moon is a seeker.
"Emotionally" AW man is on a quest. Pardon this theft of another person's phrase, but.. in the 2nd house the quest is for truth (Sag) and beauty (Taurus/2nd house).
Sag is always going to the future and this is how FIXED Scor and Taur do not get caught / stuck.

Now the Pisces comes from the 12th house Sun and goes straight to transcendence - elevates right out of mundane reality. Brooding? Sick of it? Fine. Transcend.

The coolest part of this is that it works in reverse.
AW man cannot go tooo far tripping off into the infinitely spiritual because his Taurus stomach with growl, or his Scorpio lower urges rumble and so via the same desires that could potentially dog him - he is spared living in a spiritual FOG, and remains a real man which is appropriate on this earthly plain...

Another note --- Sag and Pisces are mutable ie "moving communicators" and so this also saves getting stuck.. as well as helping with the secretiveness... Sag tells it all on a mountain. Pisces gives it up emotionally...

Still did not get to the transits and so I will be back...
VeryModern Space Junk [ edited by VeryModern on Mar 26, 2001 09:50 AM ]
posted on March 26, 2001 09:42:26 AM new
Mimigigi has lost 13 pounds!
YAYYYYYYYY!!! the crowd cheers

Silk Moth, you are too kind. Everybody is magic. Every single person.

Al -
VeryModern Space Junk
posted on March 26, 2001 10:15:21 AM new
Okay - the number on thing on your plate at this moment is a love crisis. Does not seem to be enough at the moment - or what you have is not satisfying to you. The universe wants you to "get real" about love. If you have some, how are you going to make it stronger - suit you better, and if you don't - time to take steps to get some...

Out with fantasy, in with REAL. This is your job, and the same situation exists regarding money. Venus = love and money --- T from Saturns says "grow up!"

So... what prompts someone to get serious on this front? Most usually scarcity. Not enough money and so careful with what you have. That's the money part.

Love? Usually there is marked loneliness T Saturn to Venus --- this is the transit when everyone is in love but you. It sucks! It is also the pain that will force you to re configure and solve the problem.

Did not know this was a problem a year ago? Today it is in your face.
I have no idea if you are married or not but if YES - this is a time that you recommit. See - it is about the value of love.. what is it worth to you.
It is the "Will work for love" transit.
Most people don't like how they look. With Saturn it is usually because they feel (in the case of Venus) that they look old.

Will it get more acute?
Will it pass?
By June it is moving out and won't be back - but you want to do more than just "endure".
Align with the universe. Apply a serious effort on these fronts. Do this now for reward in 7 years. Do not do this now and see distinct lack of reward in 7 years. Same game, except living it *again* is worse than last. Make sense?

On the chance that you are not hooked up......
I see you have your Sag Moon wild horse thing going FREEEEDOM and also Scor rising which often times lives in a lone wolf way BUT --- 2nd house Venus and ESPECIALLY Jupiter in Taurus in the 7th promises a marvelous partner for you. Loving, generous and benevolent. See, it is your own good love coming back at you.

VeryModern Space Junk
posted on March 26, 2001 11:25:03 AM new

Hi Xxxxxx - there is a sexual phenomena thing between the two of you - your Mars is Pisces hits his Venus in same (also his Sun and Mercury) - Pisces I mean, and bottom line here is you hunt that tasty bit down with your Mars.

Your Jupiter in Pisces is also lit up by his Sun et all and so you genuinely like him.
In fact this much action with Jupiter and regardless of the outcome you will very likely remember with fondness.

People who contact our Jupiter --- we are generous with them. We extend ourselves. It is the opposite (ish) of hating someone on sight and a situation where no matter what they do we find fault.
In this case, your case with this guy, no matter what they do you say "oh what the heck ... it was fun... "
IOW nearly always a worthwhile interaction. I mean even if you are dumped on your head - given time you will look back and grin.

Now between the two of you - there would be conflict if you tried to live together. Your Moons are in tight conflict.
Early on this manifests in your ability to garner an emotional response from each other. But in a closer quarters - put two moon in conflict (in Cardinal signs no less) in the same home and both want to run it and so very hard to have two Generals living together..
This just for your interest..

Now on this guy - he is a gifted flirt.
He has a 5th house (fun sex / play / sex for recreation not procreation) packed with Pisces so very open - a hot ticket quite frankly... Venus is exalted in Pisces and loves the 5th house (Leo house) - just ask my hair. Also Libra rise, so he is prettttty as in people in the world like his look. Chart ruler (Venus) exalted in Pisces - this is a mega good situation.

But the real flirt part is Jupiter in Gemini in 9th.
Gemini is the flirts flirt (just ask Muriel) and Jupiter amplifies it all and the 9th house, Jupiter's house amplifies the amplified.
IOW - when this guy flirts - people listen!

Regarding his transits, I am sorry to say that he is going to be made to get serious when T Saturn hits all this Pisces mid year. It will not be horrible bad or anything, I just think he would be well advised to have all the fun he can next 2 months because it is going to be harder to find fun for a spell a piece down the road. Heavy cold front coming in. Tell him hunker down, do the right thing, this too shall pass and then back to biz as usual.
Also one more thing.... he is seriously prone to romantic fantasy.

You have Saturn in the 7th in Aquarius. 7th house = marriage / partner
You keep marrying (Saturn says get the paper) and then rebelling (Uranus/Aquarius says get FREE).

also btw.. T Neptune is conjunct your 7th house Saturn and so this is why nebulous situation. There will be flux all year (2 years) on the commitment front. You are, you are not, you are you are not... Like tide. In and out and no way to stop this.
Promises to be an interesting time, eh?

The trick is to trust. If it gets washed out to sea - wave bye bye, and have faith there is a marvelous reason. If it is lying at your feet on the beach 2003 - then that's the one.

Glad you are happy!
VeryModern Space Junk
posted on March 27, 2001 12:16:40 AM new

posted on March 27, 2001 05:17:20 AM new
regarding Frito promotions AL..

... and then their was this time I won a contest.. 10,000 salespeople. Random drawing but I knew I would win because I wrote a snappy letter and decorated the envelope with "PICK ME" all over it and stickers... I mean, how can I lose? (technique stolen from deadhead ticket lotteries)

The thing comes through the mail - you HAVE to open it, and then there is a funny letter and on top of that I am a GIRL! It was a shoe in.

Anyway, so I do win... trip to Boston, dinner with Tom Heinsohn. I did not know who he was, but my husband (the one that was 6'7" did, and for myself, I just wanted to win, because I could.

Anyway, so I tell everyone that I am going to win and they roll their eyes and months pass, but I do win and they call me to say so.

My answer?
"what took you so long?"

Then they tell me that I am flying 6 hours to Boston, eating dinner and flying home next day 6 hours. Oh yeah... and 3 hour drive to the airport!

I tell them "what idiot thought that up?" and "great! My husband will love this... going to eat dinner with a strange man and then come home tired!"

I told them to go back to whoever and do better, otherwise I will just wait until next year, win again and then take two trips so my husband can go.

Fast forward to the end and trip was for 2 and we staying 4 nights. My husband had family in Boston so they also (bro & sister law) were coming to dinner.
I said OKAY and "that's more like it!"

So we walk in this restaurant, he was with this gal "press agent" and I just knew that was code for "his lover" and shake hands and Tommy says "They said you were sixty!" and I said "No, they said I was sexy!"

Off on a good foot!

We hung out for about 4 hours and all had a blast. Rollicking fun. I was in fine form, they all had snot coming out of their nose. I had never met my bro in law but was talking about his mother, my ma in law and getting away with it. Good stories.

In the end he told me "Elsa, you gotta get off that truck". Invited me to come to Boston - go to work.

I went home and that is exactly what I did. Get off the truck. No Boston though.
Seems he was one of those guides you meet in life sometimes.

end of story.
VeryModern Space Junk
posted on March 27, 2001 06:15:21 AM new
Hello VM! I was just reading through this thread, and just busted out laughing when I got to the part - "Taurus is the earthiest of the earthy and crazy for skin. Taurus mission is to tactile pleasure. These are the people who touch clothing in stores and don't even consider putting it on their body if not highly nice to the touch. No POLY!"

*LOL* SO TRUE!!! (I'm a Taurus) The hubby complains every time we go shopping 'cause I HAVE to touch EVERYTHING. It drives him batty. (and DEFINITELY no POLY in my closet - Yuck! That stuff gives me the chills!)

posted on March 27, 2001 06:24:49 AM new
tigerlady - that reminds me another story.

I was dating a double Taur w/ Venus in Taur and we were strolling... outdoor mall.

So we come across these carved chairs.. from concrete this is - very ornate with lions

So I comment on them... say they are nice.
I have Venus in Leo/lion.

He visible shudders.
"Too cold. Can you imagine in the winter. I would never sit there. They are awful"

He was right.

I was kind of embarrassed by my lack of sophistication and taste...

VeryModern Space Junk
posted on March 27, 2001 06:39:25 AM new
and tigerlady, you have a Scorpio Moon (conjunct Neptune) in the 2nd house (Taurus house).

So... Taurus Sun in Scorpio house, Scorpio Moon in Taurus House

Scroll up about "appetites" lol!
Libra rising, so you're nice about 'em
VeryModern Space Junk
posted on March 27, 2001 06:43:39 AM new
I don't think it's a lack of sophistication or taste - it's just a DIFFERENT taste. Everyone is different and likes different things.

But chairs made out of CONCRETE?!? *LOL* (sorry, couldn't help myself)

posted on March 27, 2001 06:44:48 AM new
Yeah tigerlady - he an I didn't last long. I was just plain too gross for his sensibilities.
VeryModern Space Junk
posted on March 27, 2001 06:47:46 AM new
...but this was also the same guy who threw back a woman he had been with for 12 years. Refused to marry her.
Wanna know why?

He did not think she would "last".

Seems she had been in a car accident and so her body was in question. He did not think she would hold up - his lovemaking - over the long term...

You know, Taurus wants "built to last"
VeryModern Space Junk
posted on March 27, 2001 06:50:35 AM new
So does that mean I've got the whole Scorpio/Taurus thing going on too?

You know the hubby's a Scorpio - all I can say is "look out"! *LOL*

posted on March 27, 2001 06:52:12 AM new
He,he,he... that is ONE good thing about being married to a Scorpio... *LOL*

posted on March 27, 2001 06:53:09 AM new
Of course he's worse than I am!

posted on March 27, 2001 06:58:00 AM new
Yes that is what it means tigerlady, the scor/taur thing going on in spades, with a Libra veneer

Also, Jupiter in Libra in the first house so like a microphone you shout "Love and Beauty and Peace" but please....
you know the other side of life.

Emotionally (moon) drawn to Scorpio, and Taur goes for Scorpio anyway. The just get so damned enticed they cain't help themselves...
It is like they say "this is gonna hurt... BUT. and they go after Scorpio all mesmerized.
VeryModern Space Junk
posted on March 27, 2001 07:13:14 AM new
ROTFLMAO!!! Yep, that's about it! It's like oh CRAP, I just can't HELP myself! There's some fireworks, but it's worth it! WELL worth it - I am one SPOILED Taurus! *grin*

I THOUGHT a lot of what you were saying up there was making just a BIT too much sense to me...

posted on March 27, 2001 09:18:41 AM new
Okay on the chair Taurus....
He threw me back because of my lack of taste but pullllease....
Did I care?
Was his hair shiny? NO but he thought he was the biggest deal. A little overboard on the "in tact" self esteem.

I never slept with the guy because to heck with the 12 year audition thing.. but even worse...

Our last date we were in a Mexican restaurant.
I had no problem with the place... liked it in fact but he complained about the uncomfortable chairs. I was thinking I hang around this guy it's gonna be bring a pillow for his butt everywhere we go, and then he complained that the salsa had a wee bit too much LALALALA kind of spice.

When lunch came he was again offended by the black bean which was apparently not quite al dente and I am thinking "oh brother.. get me out of here".

Come to think of it, I think he had a Leo rising, and so what you have here is the Princess and the Pea...
VeryModern Space Junk
posted on March 27, 2001 09:46:49 AM new
Hi again Xxxxx! Yes your money is going to be okay, you are just afraid. You are always afraid about money, so this is normal and not because you NEED to be afraid.

Honey-pie lacks ambition to some extent because of all the Pisces. At least it seems that way to you. He has to cope with constantly changing interior landscape and a fair bit of malaise. He also has a heck of a time deciding things with all his Libra and so that is why he appears "stuck".

Now I am sorry to hear that he is in *same* small town - this is purely wrong. He needs variety to thrive, and would be much happier if he got going...
Hearing this, I think that the Saturn transit will force him to clutch it up ... He has a 10th house Saturn (that is good) in Leo and so he wants to be seen as successful. Transit will likely get him to start plodding along, taking steps to be successful.... I am sure he will be "prompted" to do this and it would be an error to ignore the universe.

Other thing... he should avoid drugs like the plague. If he is high, he could blink and have 20 years pass that he will never recover. IOW he has to fight tendency toward escapism.
VeryModern Space Junk [ edited by VeryModern on Mar 27, 2001 09:49 AM ]
posted on March 27, 2001 02:34:33 PM new
I want to publically thank Silk Moth, you are a class act.
So says my family.
Thank you.

VeryModern Space Junk
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